Jesus Calls Us to Repentance and Faith

Open Your Bible

Psalm 51:1-19, Joel 2:12-13, Mark 1:14-15, Romans 5:1-2, Romans 10:9-10

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. 
Repent and believe the good news!” 
—Mark 1:15

Repent and believe.

Of all the important words used to tell the gospel story, these are the two I’ve struggled to truly understand. Here in Mark 1, Jesus is calling us to repent and believe, but too many times I’ve interpreted His words as “grovel and behave.” Or really, Get your junk together, Kara, and then go out and do the work God has called you to. 

Sometimes it’s easier for me to fall in line with the idea of God’s justice than it is to trust and receive His love for me. To trust Him, I have to be vulnerable, my heart and mind laid bare before Him. And yet to even begin to understand God’s gift of salvation, I have to understand my need for it, my need for Him. 

In all of Scripture, David’s words in Psalm 51 have to be some of the most vulnerable, self-aware, and unguarded. Many of us know this part of David’s story and the impetus of this psalm—how he lusted after Bathsheba, bedded her and committed adultery with her, and then had her husband Uriah, his friend and confidante, murdered (2Samuel 11–12). David left behind an enormous amount of suffering in the wake of his desire, and this psalm proves his awareness of his sin. But in the midst of all that relational wreckage, he confesses to the Lord: “Against you—you alone—I have sinned and done this evil in your sight” (Psalm 51:4).

David is grieving his sin before his Maker. He knows he is utterly lost and in need of God’s forgiveness when he prays, “God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (v.10). The earthly king is asking God to restore what’s been lost: the joy and peace that can only be found in right relationship with God (vv.10–12). 

Our sin grieves God, and it should grieve us, too. For those who do not trust Jesus for salvation, sin separates them from an eternity with God. For those who do trust in Him, their salvation is secure, but sin can still prevent them from experiencing an abundant, vibrant relationship with God now, on this side of heaven.

Like David, we all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory and perfection. But this is the good news: we’re not called to live perfect lives. Jesus already did that for us! His righteousness is ours if we believe and trust in Him (Romans 3:23,10:9–10). We are called to continuous repentance, to keep turning away from our sin and the false promises of this world, and to turn back to God with all our heart (Joel 2:12). 

If you’re anything like me, there have been times when you’ve struggled to believe you’re truly forgiven and radically loved (Zephaniah 3:17). You’ve heard the righteous rebuke in Jesus’s call to repent, but perhaps not the loving invitation to turn back to Him, and to continue coming back—not because your salvation isn’t secure, but because He knows our rebellious hearts keep us from knowing and enjoying His presence today. 

The time has come! Jesus—Immanuel, “God is with us”—has come near. Repent and return to Him. And then keep turning back to Him. Believe the good news is true, and that it’s true for you.

(59) Comments

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59 thoughts on "Jesus Calls Us to Repentance and Faith"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    I bare my heart intentions and hidden actions to you Jesus. Here is my whole life. Thank you for forgiving and receiving me. I repent and believe again. Amen.

  2. Anjenae Torregano says:

    Lord restore my inner joy and never allow me to let anyone else steal that from me .

  3. Marcey KIEBERT says:

    I loved that in the bible it says the heart is justified when it believes but the mouth must confess to be saved…that’s our call to action, to daily walk with God and profess it over our lives and others. I am thankful for the gospel and the truth that I choose daily

  4. Alayna P. says:

    I needed this today! ❤️

  5. chan byron says:

    Needed this!

  6. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you

  7. Gretchen Odonnell says:

    Such good gospel truth today!!!

  8. Jennifer Lumley says:


  9. Jessica says:

    So much resonates… especially this:

    You’ve heard the righteous rebuke in Jesus’s call to repent, but perhaps not the loving invitation to turn back to Him, and to continue coming back

  10. Jennifer Lumley says:

    Loved this one so much.

  11. Katherine Santulli says:


  12. belle ingersoll says:

    it is through our sinfulness that we need a faithful savior to rescue us && save us from our own sinfulness. thank you for this beautiful reminder! ✞

  13. belle ingersoll says:


  14. Amber Candis says:


  15. lilly roach says:


  16. Zeni Hinds says:


  17. Amber Trimble says:


  18. Laurie Crary says:

    Churchmouse, thank you for the reminder that God waits for us to return to him with open arms. Unending love, amazing grace.

  19. Fox girl says:


  20. Melissa Mcronney says:


  21. Christel Fleming says:


  22. Marilyn Jones says:

    With God he is a forgiving God. All you have to do is ask for forgiveness and believe He raised Jesus from the dead. God loves us unconditionally. He will forgive us no matter what.

  23. Stormi Messmer says:

    ❤️ Amen

  24. Claire B says:


  25. Kelli Carlson says:

    Rhonda I love that scene in The Chosen! Such a good series! It has really moved me to watch those stories in action. It really makes it real and I too have been moved to tears watching that show.

  26. Kelli Carlson says:

    “Continuous repentance” – This is what I thought of when I reflected on the verses for today. I love this verse: 12 Restore the joy of your salvation to me,
    and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit. – Psalms 51:12 – “sustain me by giving me a willing spirit” – Lord, give me a willing spirit and sustain me. May I repent each morning and draw near to you.

  27. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Thank you for the beautiful words Churchmouse.

  28. Cristina Higgins says:

    Shaena Elizabeth, I have a yellow post-it with red ink and the next two weeks noted to pray for you by name. You are loved and will have an open joyful heart by the time two weeks is up, I’m sure! In His Love I pray!!

  29. Terri Baldwin says:

    Faith Triumphs! We have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We also obtained access through him by Faith into this grace in which we stand , and we boast in the hope of the glory of God. What an amazing gift Our Savior Jesus Christ has given us.

  30. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we don’t have to be perfect, all we have to do is to repent when we sin and continue to turn back to God. I feel like that is a realistic action that I can do. ❤️

  31. Lehua K says:

    Such a beautiful devotional today. I relate to the “grovel and behave” that Kara is referring to. It kept me in self-condemnation, shame, and guilt for years. Never feeling good enough. But God… His Holy Spirit has led me to a place where my heart can confess to Him and grieve my sin with Him, and then He helps me to let it go and move forward with Him. For the longest time, I did the first part but not the second. I’d beat myself up emotionally, wanting to “get it right,” not realizing that I cannot overcome sin in my own strength. Thanks be to God for His grace and for His strength working in me daily.

    RHONDA J: Yes, I remember that scene! So beautiful and moving to see Mary coming forward so boldly to hug Jesus after what she did. I can relate. Thank you for the reminder of that scene.

    CHURCHMOUSE: I appreciate your words on the prodigal son, how the father’s love and longing to be reunited is more than the son’s embarrassment and shame. Thank you for painting a clearer picture on the Father’s deep love for us.

    MOLLY R: Thank you for sharing how you like to wear many hats.. That’s me, too. It’s a great reminder for me to give those hats to God and to do my part – repent and believe. Amen!

  32. Rhonda J. says:

    Have any of you seen The Chosen, in the second season where Mary fell back into her sin after following the Lord (literally), and she was so afraid, ashamed, and embarrassed to go back to Him And in the scene, she goes into the tent, and falls into His arms?! It is so moving I cry every time I watch it! Many of us fall back into a particular sin that is a struggle for us to release and give up even as enthusiastic Jesus followers. Then we ask how and why we fall so short, and feel so defeated. But God…. He is the Father, with so much love and joy to welcome us back. It’s so unfathomable this redeeming love for His children! It may take some time, but we CAN be sanctified and overcome! We just have to give it to the Holy Spirit to be more LARGE in our lives. Yes, we will always fall short and need our Saviour and continual repentance, but we will be revealing more fruits of the Spirit all the time in our growth!! So I hope this will encourage someone that feels they are failing. You Are Not. Give it to God, ask for forgiveness and growth, sisters and brothers in Christ for guidance and love, and refinement will come.

    Be blessed dear She’s!

  33. Amanda Lee says:

    Decided to start this plan midway, just to connect and be reminded of God’s words and truth in community. The verses from Joel resonated with me the most today. And reading others’ thoughts about continuous repentance and humility is encouraging – it’s everyday, not one and done (like I sometimes believe :))

  34. Mary Snyder says:

    They also show up in your email if you choose. Not sure why it’s not in the book.

  35. Dorothy says:

    “Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you.” Psalm 51:15 This verse made me think, “what can I do, how can I spread the Good News, where am I ‘dropping the ball’ on spreading God’s Word about Christ and the Holy Spirit?” I will be contemplating this for the rest of the day. I’ll also be “mulling over” a good deal of today’s devotional. So much to think about, I hope my simple brain can sort it all out.
    Sisters please pray for me, I’m finding out this new schedule, which I started this week, might not get me enough hours for my health benefits b/c the other two children I was hoping to care for maybe gone on some of the days. But I’m going to contact the main office and see if I get some of my hours out of their other office they have here in our area — it would be working with adults but that’s okay — I would still be able to keep my benefits.
    Be blessed and put your worries in God’s hands (yes I’m doing that).

  36. Lindsey says:

    Taylor– Thank you for sharing! I always relate to your posts because I feel like we are in similar seasons of life. Praying with you and for you!

  37. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I always have such a hard time with David’s sin, wondering how he could commit such a heinous act being one who had such a close relationship with God. He was a man after God’s own heart, and he committed adultery and murder. And yet, I’m so glad that God included David’s story in scripture. It reaffirms that we are all human – made of flesh. None of us are perfect or sinless, but as believers – we are forgiven, cleansed by the precious blood of Christ. So thankful for 1 John 1:9 -if we confess, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all our sin – hallelujah!

    @Kim – praying for you…Read and memorize 1 John 1:9 and be encouraged!
    @Shaena Elizabeth – praying for your walk to become closer and closer to God.
    @Taylor – continuing to pray for you, that God will take away your anxiety and your loneliness. My heart is touched by your deep yearning for someone to share your life and love for God with. Praying that in God’s perfect timing, He will bring along just the right person and that He will give you patience as you wait.

    A blessed Tuesday to all my she’s!

  38. Mickie Turrentine says:

    Love ❤️

  39. Churchmouse says:

    Just as the father of the prodigal son stood on his front porch and scanned the horizon for his son’s return, so too our Father God is ever ready to welcome us back upon our return. The joy of the father far exceeds the sorrow and embarrassment of the son. So too with us. The Lord rejoices when we seek renewed fellowship with Him after times of wandering our own way. I can’t imagine any of us repeatedly berating ourselves at His feet when He’s standing right there with His arms wide open. I can’t imagine any of us not falling into His embrace. Despite our failures, He loves us. Always has and always will. Repent and believe.

  40. Victoria White says:

    I struggle with a black and white view of the world and of myself and the declaration that Gods love is never ending and unfailing in spite of my sin is so comforting. I’m always struggling with if I didn’t act right or I made a mistake that I have to turn away and hide in shame from God. I’ve spent too many seasons in my life disconnected from Him because of my inability to see His love for me despite my sins! Praise Jesus for the reminder of love and forgiveness with acknowledgment and repentance! I’m so grateful!

  41. Abigail Chang says:

    I related so much to this! Thank you Taylor for sharing it ❤️❤️

  42. Hannah Cooper says:

    I love these devotionals so much, does anyone know how come they are only on the app and not in the physical books??

  43. Kenya Rafferty says:

    A good reminder this morning that even though I first found God in my most humble state, just how he wanted me, I just continue to approach him in repentance in my moments of humility. This grows my faith and increased my gratitude and desire to share in the times when things are good – still keeping me humble and remembering I am not the one who got me here.

  44. Heidi says:

    So nuts… I woke up to jump in the study today after some time away. It’s been a whirlwind of busy these last 3 weeks and I have not stayed consistent with my Bible time and it’s definitely had impact on my heart and overall countenance. Before I even opened the study today I felt on my heart to pray the verses:
    God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me/Restore the joy of your salvation to me, and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit…
    Can you even??!! When I saw those scriptures pop up first thing- AFTER He had prompted them in my spirit… what a refreshment that was. Grateful to be back in His word not consistently and intentionally.

  45. Molly R says:

    I love how the podcast put it: I can neither save myself, or condemn myself. My only part in the salvation story is to REPENT and BELIEVE – the rest is done by Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and King! I like to wear all the hats, try to achieve my salvation over and over, condemn myself when I mess up, congratulate myself on all my “good works.” In trying to do it all myself I am only fooling myself. REPENT and BELIEVE, and leave the rest of it in Jesus’ scarred perfect hands.

  46. Kristin Cole says:

    Repent, return….AND KEEP returning.
    Praise the Lord that he is a patient God that allows us to “KEEP returning” ❤️❤️

  47. Kristin Cole says:

    Repent, return….AND KEEP returning.

  48. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Rend thy heart (Joel 2:13). Lord God, I bring my heart to Calvary. I remember the cries of Jesus there. No matter what afflictions I experience, let not my heart be hardened. Let the Holy Spirit have its deep and soul moving work in me. Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps 51:10). Let Your grace and compassion flow through me into this day. Your loyal love gives me strength and I turn to You for all that I need. Amen.

  49. Taylor says:

    Today (and every day) is a good day to turn back to the Lord with all your heart. He is waiting with open arms! I wrote down the quote from today’s devo “To trust Him, I have to be vulnerable. My heart and mind laid bare before Him.” To think of the condition and contents of my heart and mind can be a scary place sometimes. I’ve been struggling with anxiety and feelings of loneliness the last few days. Laying those feelings before Him and praying for a clean heart and steadfast Spirit to trust His will, His timing, His perfect plan for me! I hope everyone has a blessed day <3

  50. Kristen says:

    Praying for you, Kim! May you know that He forgives and may you have peace and joy because you are free and know there is no condemnation now!

    Next, when I read Joel 2:12-13, I thought about people that we pray, in God’s mercy, will be drawn to Him and truly repent and be saved , and then as Scripture says: Even now—
    this is the Lord’s declaration—
    turn to me with all your heart,
    with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
    13 Tear your hearts,
    not just your clothes,
    and return to the Lord your God.
    For He is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger, abounding in faithful love,
    and he relents from sending disaster.

    I know I must repent too! Sin isn’t something to take lightly. God, please forgive me for all that I do that is against You and Your ways. Please create a clean heart in me too,Lord! Your Word says: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
    24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. I know that there are wicked ways in me. Please change me. Help me to live a life that pleases You and help me to be more like Your Son and lead others to You and not away! Thank You that You forgive and Your mercies are new every morning. Amen!

  51. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    What a convicting devotional! As I read todays scripture passages from my SRT Bible I felt a nudge to read the extras: 893 show me my sin, 1499 first thing first repent and believe and a few others. I believe in God but I often feel a distance from Him that I cannot seem to get past….it was suggested in one of these extras to pray every day for 2 weeks for God to reveal my sin to me and to ask a trusted friend to do the same for me. Please pray for me these next two weeks that God would reveal my sin to me so that I can repent and become closer to Him. Have a great Tuesday Shes!

  52. Kim Pearson says:


  53. Kelley Fuller says:

    What a beautiful gift you received. Thank you for sharing!

  54. Sadie B says:

    Truly forgiven and Radically Loved. Again I keep being reminded that God is also Gentle. When we come to him asking for forgiveness His touch is gentle, forgiving. He wipes our sins away like the tide washes away a sandcastle. Thank you Lord.

  55. Searching says:

    It is many times (always) easy to see and identify others that need to repent.
    Lord, help me to see that it is also (& always) ME that needs to repent. Is there a day or hour that goes by that something doesn’t distract me from You and lead to a sinful thought?

    The verses of the day today on the online Bible website I use are 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17:
    For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

    I was in tears from the beginning of those verses thinking about His love, patience, grace and mercy with us and this mess we humans have created on earth, and the last phrase “we shall always be with the Lord” reminded me that He is always with us NOW.

    FOSTER MAMA – so good to see you! You have been missed ❤️

  56. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh it is so so easy for me to forgive others, no questions asked. But to forgive myself it is so so hard. Thank goodness for His grace and love.

  57. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I cannot clean my own heart. Only the Lord can do that. But I need to want a clean heart. I know I have a repentant attitude when that is what I seek. To just ask for forgiveness without wanting a clean heart is going through the motions.

  58. Arina says:

    Last week I was in Tanzania. I thought I was there to help, to give, but I received so much back. God used this time to teach me. The question that kept coming back was: do you really believe that I love you unconditionally? On Tuesday I was running through a small village, when I was stopped by a group of 4 girls. They wore their beautiful green and white school uniform. I thought they wanted to just give me a high five or shake my hand like so many of the other children. Instead they gathered around me and all wanted to hug me. They didn’t even know me, they could have chosen someone else. It was such a special moment. These 4 girls showed me God’s love. Unconditional, complete love despite all my sins and shortcomings. Love that will never leave me. Bwana asifiwe, praise the Lord!

  59. Kim Thomas says:

    Amen! I think I really struggle with forgiving myself. I interject that to think think that there is no way God will forgive me for all I’ve done… but he will when I repent and come to him… I need to believe