Jacob’s Departure

Open Your Bible

Genesis 27:1-46, Genesis 28:1-22, Psalm 121:5-8

Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:1-46, Genesis 28:1-22, Psalm 121:5-8

Most of our journeys have been affected by dishonest choices whether we were wronged or did the wrongdoing. I have stories of my own when I tried to achieve something that wasn’t meant for me. Like when I was in college, I took a ministry job I wasn’t ready for. When the acceptance came for the position, I was less excited and more anxious than ever.

I had so much self-doubt (“I am way too young to be in this role. Everyone probably thinks I can’t do it.”), fear (“What if I make huge mistakes and embarrass myself?”), and loneliness (“My friends don’t understand what I’m feeling, and I feel very alone.”). 

I felt like a fraud who somehow tricked the directors into hiring me. Now with much perspective, none of those lies were true. But my feelings of unpreparedness were legitimate. When I think of Jacob’s story, I wonder if he felt coerced into a role he wasn’t fully ready to take on. I bet he wrestled with self-doubt and fear after deceiving his father and taking the blessing from his brother. He eventually ran from the consequences of his actions. 

Yet God found Jacob on the run and still gave him a blessing he didn’t deserve.

“Look, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
—Genesis 28:15 

God’s presence also was my personal blessing during that difficult ministry season—He was with me through every mini-breakdown. It wasn’t the experience I hoped for, but God still rewarded the experience with His nearness.

We will continue to find ourselves forcing our own paths outside of God’s plan for us. We make the ultimate act of deception when we decide we can live our lives without God’s help and authority. Still, God’s promise to restore His relationship with us through Jesus’s death and resurrection is an undeserving reward God gives freely. He finds us running from Him and brings us back to his comfort and care. 

Ultimately, God knew Jacob would struggle and not make an honest choice, but it didn’t put Jacob outside of God’s good story for him. Jacob may have still struggled but He struggled with God alongside Him, protecting His path. Jacob saw a grace in all the bad choices he made with God watching over him.

There’s nothing you can do to separate you from God’s love. So even in your worst moments, God is still there. I hope we can look for His love in our difficult seasons and believe like Jacob: “Surely the LORD is in this place….What an awesome place this is!” (vv.16–17). 

Written by Bailey Hurley

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106 thoughts on "Jacob’s Departure"

  1. Wanda Woehlert says:

    I love the fact that nothing can separate me from God!

  2. Michele Nickerson-Swanson says:

    I don’t know why it is saying that I already said this regarding this reading, but :

    I really needed to hear this today! I guess God‘s timing is perfect!!

  3. Michele Nickerson-Swanson says:

    I really needed to hear this today! I guess God‘s timing is perfect!!

  4. Diana Yelverton says:


  5. Karen Breaux says:

    Amen ✝️❤

  6. Paula Mourin says:


  7. Lisa Lear says:

    Reading about Jacob’s deception, a thought occurred:
    Isaac heard Jacob’s voice but he felt like Esau.
    In our personal lives, we often are moved to action by what we feel (emotions). Is this telling us that we need to trust the voice of God, and not how we feel? That hearing His voice is truth, not our emotions?

    I know following my emotions have led me down some precarious paths, and how different would it have been if I’d stopped, asked for guidance and LISTENED to God?

    1. Darla H says:

      Excellent thought! I will be thinking on this. Thank you so much for sharing.

    2. Kelly D. says:

      Love this insight and agree! As sheep grow to know the shepherd’s voice, we too grow to know the Lord’s voice. We have the Holy Spirit to give us discernment to see through deceit so we can identify the truth and follow the Lord as he speaks to us.

  8. Mari V says:

    Good afternoon,(almost evening) sweeties! Happy Friday! I finally was able to have log onto SRT as I was/am under the weather and stayed home from work. Thank you Rhonda J for checking on me. Yesterday I came home early from work, and felt worse and even this morning I felt awful. After several naps and going outside in front of my house to take some steps and get some sunshine, I’m feeling a little better. Ok back to the devotion. I’m sure most of us have read through this several times, and very time I still think about how mean/deceitful of Rebekah and Jacob, BUT we all know as we’ve been reading this was meant to come to pass and Jacob would still be used and BLESSED by God. I love how Bailey talks about her own experience. I love when people are open and transparent as I feel I can do the same here and no judgement. As matter of fact quite the opposite. Its love and understanding I receive. AND of course even more from my Jesus. I loved how Bailey ended our devotion (took a pic and sent it to both my kids), reminding us NOTHING can separate us from God’s love. Even in our worst moments. My prayer is for the SHE out there who will read this devotional and take heart and know that you are dearly loved by our Jesus!

  9. Molly B says:

    Hi ladies, I would love to prayer for my Husband finding a job. For me to continually keep my faith and trust that he will see us through.

    1. Christy says:

      Molly B, I am praying for God’s providence in your husband’s job search and for God to strengthen your faith and provide you with His perfect peace during this season. ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Molly B, praying all will work out as it should. Keep trusting. Keep the Hope and for sure Keep the Faith.
      BUT GOD..
      Hugs dear sister covered in prayers..❤️

  10. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God still wants us even when we are at our worst. I pray that I would always see his presence, even when I make mistakes. I want to know and believe that God is with me in every moment.

  11. Lucille Prosser says:

    After reading today’s story, thinking how Jacob and Rebekah deceived Isaac and God was still with them I went back to the previous day. God knew this was going to happen because in Gen. 25:23 the Lord told Rebekah two nations are in your womb and goes on to say the older will serve the younger. Has anyone read a different version that might make this verse more clear or help me understand it better?

  12. Catherine McVey says:

    Wonderful comments this morning as always. Happy Friday! Have a blessed weekend everyone ❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Happy Saturday as I am reading a day later. Hope all is well with you Catherine..
      Much love and prayers continued..❤️

  13. Nicole Powell says:

    This part of Jacob story i love because even though he lied and deceived God still look out for him but in the long run Jacob got back exactly what he does to his brother

    1. Grammie D says:

      Yes! Jacob and Rebekah paid a big price of consequences for their sins. Rebekah never saw this favored son again and Jacob was deceived continually and was fearful of his brother. How different would their lives have been if they had trusted God to bring about His revealed will in His way/timing rather than “helping God?”
      Where am I getting ahead of God rather than being still and knowing He is God. ?

  14. Nicole Burke says:

    I’m working on trying to comment more here, one of my goals for 2025! I always enjoy reading your insights. I feel like my “mom brain” needs your comments as I struggle to always have time to get a full thought written out. Some day I know there will be more time. I’m thankful to be studying with you girls. It’s one of the highlights of my day to come on here and learn and grow in my faith. I feel like there is a lot of value in learning from a wide-variety of ages and life circumstances. Have a blessed day ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Agreed! ❤ looking forward to your shares! ❤

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes, so true Nicole, much to glean from each other. It’s good to “see” you! ❤️

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, so true! This is truly a blessed space to learn and grow, and get different insights and wisdom!! Good to see your name again! (heart!)

    4. Tina says:

      Ahh, Nicole, I pray your desire comes to pass and that we get to see more of ‘you’ here..
      Much love covered joint prayers with you..❤️

  15. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “There’s nothing you can do to separate you from God’s love. So even in your worst moments, God is still there.” Praise God, nothing can ever separate me from His love. Nothing. Ever. Not even when I mess up or when I decide to try my own path instead of His. He doesn’t let us go for long before He comes running after us.

    No matter how much we mess up it does not put us outside of God’s good story for us! It is nothing I do, but His grace. His amazing, abundant grace. Thank you Jesus for running after me – more times than I can count, always bringing safely back to where I belong…and for the reminder in Genesis 28:15 – you go with me and watch over me wherever I go. Thank you. So blessed to have Jesus looking out for me!

    I am reminded today of the song Goodness of God – That His mercies never fail, He has been faithful all of my life, and His goodness is running after me.

    Happy Friday She’s – anyone doing the “happy dance”? Haha
    Have a blessed weekend! ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, praise God for his everlasting goodness!! Great song…one of my all time favs!

    2. Tina says:

      Indeed, His goodness is running after us! What a humbling truth!
      Sending you much love across the pond Sharon..as I keep you and Jack in my prayers. ❤️❤️

  16. Barb D says:

    Reading today’s passages, I couldn’t help but think of Proverbs 19:21, “Many plans are in a man’s mind, But it is the LORD’S purpose for him that will stand (be carried out).” (AMP)

    God knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. Even our deceitfulness and sin cannot thwart His good plans. What a blessing!

  17. Mia Faith says:

    How often have I wanted to run … from mistakes, from pain and sorrow, from hurts caused by others, etc. The “flee” response can be so strong. YET, God is the lifter of our heads and He holds us close in every storm. I know I can wait it out in His arms. No need to run.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen…prayers for you Mia. ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Wait it out in His arms… I love that.
      Mia, you live in my heart! Continued prayers covered in love!❤️

  18. Tanya says:

    One my favorite quotes from Bible commentator Warren Wiersbe is” “Faith is living without scheming.”

    Also I love part in Genesis 28:10-18 where Jacob met God at Bethel.
    One the names of God is HaMakom it literally means, “The Place”. God is present in every geographical location.God is the place of the universe. Jesus clearly stated that is “kingdom was not of this world.
    “God is the place of the world but the world is not his place. Jesus is that connection between heaven and earth.
    Omnipresent is the word, I was searching for.
    In Jewish tradition we say to someone,”May the Omnipresent comfort you among those who mourn in Zion.” Literally may you find comfort in The Place.

  19. Rhonda J. says:

    This is one of those stories that leaves me scratching my head–Why is God seemingly blessing Jacob after his deception and scheming?! Jacob is awful…listening to his mother to deceive and lie, going to extremes to put animal hair on his hands and neck. Then lying right to his father…was he shaking or confident? Was he regretful? Then- was he fearful of his brother? Surely he was when his mother says to flee he is going to kill you!? Crazy. What a mixed up family! It seems this could be another made for t.v. biblical story! Then- he is alone and has a dream, and God says I am with you and you just watch, I’m going to bless you tremendously! WHAT?? Why is he being blessed after all of this? Doesn’t God strike people when not trusting in Him in other places? Aren’t we blessed when we follow after God’s own heart and walk in his precepts, not go against him? Well—then I think of myself and read the devotional. Whew. Yes, I have been a Jacob. My whole family and everyone I know has been this messed up family. Doing everything in crazy fashion. Doing our best to get ahead, make our way, finding riches and things of the world. Making horrible decisions. But God! He is there. Still loving us. Wow. Ready to bless us. Come home, child, come home.

    Isn’t that beautiful. I am so thankful after all my horrible choices….that I could still turn to Him and be blessed tremendously. My choices have consequences. Small and big, every day. When I Surrender to God, I am assured in his blessings. I want His way, not my own way. The song Have “Thine Own Way” comes to mind. May it be so, amen!

  20. Traci Gendron says:

    I was saying my prayers before starting todays study. Interestingly I was thanking God for always staying by my side even when I was living in a way that didn’t honor Him. Then I read our study and the devotion and was thinking wow! “Jacob may have still struggled but He struggled with God alongside Him, protecting His path.” Bingo..God was always looking out for me. I picture God looking in grief at my actions. How I must have hurt His heart.
    As a mother how can you do the things that Rebekah did to her two boys? I can’t imagine doing that. And the lessons you are teaching them. Just awful. BUT GOD (Tina) stays by Jacob’s side. Restoring His relationship with him. What a wonderful God we have.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I shared a testimony (not planned) at jail ministry yesterday because we were singing a song I picked for our lesson on “Choices.” The song was “Life Song” by Casting Crowns which says “let my Life Song sing to you.” Let me live my life in a way that honors You, Lord!
      Years ago, I had just made another choice from bad choice from bad choice…(they snowball often, you know, where you are trying to clean up your mistakes) and that song came on- and it hit my solid in the face and the gut and I broke down and cried and knew I was not honoring God with my life. Far, far from it. In the light in front of other people I was, but I was also leading a different life, covered in the dark, at the same time. I am so grateful and beyond thankful that God didn’t throw me away. He forgives a repenting heart! Which is interesting that we didn’t really hear Jacob being remorseful?! Or broken..

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen. She clearly chose Jacob. They are twins and probably look very much alike. And she separated them by her scheming.

    3. Tina says:

      Traci, doesn’t it warm your heart that God is forever present, walking alongside us in our ‘mess ups’
      I sure am thankful, I don’t know where I’d be without Him alongside me in my stupidity!!!
      Always close, dear Traci, hope life is being kind to you..
      Much love,

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Jumping off SEARCHING’s point, “Then Jacob made a vow: ‘If God will be with me and watch over me during this journey I’m making, if he provides me with food to eat and clothing to wear, and if I return safely to my father’s family, then the Lord will be my God. This stone that I have set up as a marker will be God’s house, and I will give to you a tenth of all that you give me’.”
    Here we see the first baby steps of Jacob’s faith journey. Now out from under the protection (and faith?) of his father, he needed to build his own relationship with God.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, that’s good. I was just pondering if he was repenting of his actions, this explains it better.

    2. Dana Manning says:

      Kelly I really like this point. So many times I think it’s easy to forget that even the pillars of our faith started their own walk with God somewhere. And many times, they just started with baby steps.

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello Shes
      What concerns & confuses me is how Jacob, in his so called vow, gets to put so many conditions on faith. My CAPS for emphasis.
      ‘IF God will be with me and watch over me during this journey I’m making, IF he provides me with food to eat and clothing to wear, and IF I return safely to my father’s family, then the Lord will be my God.’
      With his grandfather Abraham faith came first.
      Well. Whatever. It all works out in the end. And as said, if it doesn’t, it’s not the end.

      1. Sandy Flynn says:

        I feel the same way – he was basically bargaining with God – IF you do all this for me I will claim you as my God.

    4. Tina says:

      I love this thought, Kelly!
      We all need our own journey with God!

  22. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Wow, despite Jacob’s sneakiness and deception, God still promises to be with Him and bring him back to the promised land. God’s plans don’t change even when we mess us! Nothing can separate us from God’s love for us! What an amazing promise and our God is the best promise keeper!

    1. Lori Lackey says:

      I wonder why He even puts up with us.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        hahah. truth.

  23. Mia Armstead says:


  24. Cee Gee says:

    Christ’s post brought something to mind. Many years ago a neighbor gave me an OLD dresser. She said it was from her dad’s family and it had been sitting in a barn for years. I gladly accepted it since our boys needed a dresser. It was ugly abd a dingy dark brown No beauty to behold. I applied a thick layer of stripper and waited for it to do its magic.
    I made a pass with ny scraping took and BEHOLD – the most beautiful oak grain shown through!!! Ni ine had known what beauty lay beneath that nondescript muddiness Picture us before God. As TUNA would say, BUT God!
    Psalm 121:5- I often use it on birthday cards!
    Love, hugs, and prayers!

    1. Mercy says:

      I love this so much. I love watching dresser makeover tutorials on YT, because of the transformation at the end.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Ack…so many typos! I was rushing to get ready for an appt. but wanted to get my comment in.
      So sorry CHRISTY and TINA!! The other words and punctuation errors, yikes! I apologize again!

    3. Christy says:

      I love that story and analogy, Cee Gee! I had the same experience with an old brown dresser. I found it on Facebook Marketplace for a great deal I couldn’t pass up, haha. My family thought I was crazy when I brought it home, but with a layer of stripper and some sanding, it was completely unrecognizable.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ thanks for sharing that, Christy!

  25. Laura says:

    As I read these stories in Genesis, it’s like watching a soap opera. So many lies and deceit. So much family drama. These people were really a mess! But God STILL blessed them. He STILL remained faithful and completed His plan, His purpose for them. Amazing!

    This gives me a lot of hope for my own family members, who have turned from their faith and are doing their own thing right now. I am comforted in knowing that God is with them, even with their doubts and bad choices. He has not left them. And I will continue to pray that they will see that and turn from their ways and run to Him.

    1. Rebecca W says:

      Same, and amen!

    2. Carol J Mylin says:

      ♥️ Yes,Laura… joining with you… Giving thanks for all of the prodigals, thanking God for His tender love of each one of them! May they sense His pursuit of them, and fall at His feet in Worship!

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, such a great reminder Laura!

    4. CMS says:

      Thanks for that reminder. God is still with them. My heart is burdened by a young lady in my life that seems to be throwing aside everything and running from God. She says God is knocking, but then trying to silence it by experiencing everything the world has to offer. I can only pray that God will speak to her and that she will desire to follow him again. But with a ‘fixer’ mentality it’s hard to stand and watch these bad choices unfold…

    5. Allison Bentley says:

      Soap opera for sure- I heard some one say “Genesis 1-3 show the goodness of God and the rest of the Bible is humanity being human messing it all up chasing after God like he wasn’t there all along”

    6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes, I too am joining in the prayer for all our prodigals – Lord, bring them home!

    7. Tina says:

      BUT GOD..
      Hug coming your way, Laura..❤️

  26. Christy says:

    I wanted to share a snippet from today’s HRT devotional that stood out to me “God had a plan for his life. Along the side of that road, Jacob encountered God. The loner discovered that he wasn’t really alone. Instead, the Lord promised to stick with him each step of the way—no matter how many twists and turns he faced (Genesis 28:15).
    Among His other amazing abilities, God has the power to look beyond who we are and what we’re doing in the moment. He sees past our hot mess to the people we’ll become. From His perspective, Jacob’s departure—or escape—was just the next step on a path that would change his life and fulfill the Lord’s covenant with Abraham’s family. It would take years for Jacob to completely understand, but God’s providence and His sovereign work behind the scenes would make all the difference.”
    Enjoy the journey. Sometimes, we have to silence the thoughts and focus on Him and what we have in Him. Thanks to Jesus, God can build something beautiful right within me.
    It makes me think about the Zillow analogy shared last April: It’s as God looked through all of Zillow and found my listing – a total mess – and said I’ll take that house thank you very much. But God is a master renovator. He refuses to leave my heart the way he found it. The master architect of the universe knows what walls to tear down. He paints the walls of my soul with His peace, compassion, tenderness, and kindness.
    When we embrace that we can live in response to the spirit’s leading rather than our own impulses, God is always with us no matter where we are on our journey and He promises to stay by our side on this earth until He brings us home. ❤️
    Philippians 1:6 I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Another great word, Christy! ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      (heart) good reflection.

    3. gramsiesue says:

      Wonderful words! Thanks for sharing!

    4. Kristy says:

      I needed this! Thank you!

    5. Tina says:

      This is so good Christy, thank you❤️

  27. Maria B says:

    While not the main theme today, today’s scripture and this study has really made me think. I’ve always felt a little uneasy about how Jacob stole Esau’s blessing—it feels unfair and sneaky. But after reading how everything played out, the story feels different when you remember that Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew. It’s clear he didn’t really value what he had in that moment, and I don’t think he realized how closely the birthright and the blessing were connected. His impulsive decisions, just like ours can, had lasting consequences. It’s a good reminder to think carefully about the choices we make.

    1. Christy says:

      A really great thought to ponder. Thank you for sharing, Maria B. ❤️

    2. Sheryl says:

      Great reminder for us, our choices have lasting consequences.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes. I kept thinking this is unfair as I was reading, but had forgotten this part already! We just had a class on Choices at jail ministry, and how they matter and can have devastating consequences. It is my favorite lesson plan.
        Thanks for sharing this and reminding us Maria!

    3. Traci Gendron says:

      Thank you for this thought! I was thinking how awful Rebekah was acting. But I see it a bit differently now.

    4. Tina says:

      What a great reminder to us, Maria, about the things we do and say and the choices we make.. not always the best or God’s plan for us!

  28. Cara P says:

    Thank you Lord that you always have a plan that includes me and you. Amen.

  29. Danielle B says:

    During the season I have been in God has made it clear He is always there. I may need to look or not ignore His presence But God is always present. There’s such comfort knowing nothing can separate me from God’s love. Lord may I continue to seek your love, especially if I feel unlovable.

    1. Tina says:

      Prayerful your season soon changes soon and that you begin to feel the love of God, always there for you to grasp.
      Sending love, hugs and prayers for today to be a better day for you. ❤️

  30. Crystal Pitzer says:


  31. Searching says:

    Oh my! These 2 chapters are full of lies, deceit, playing the victim, favoritism, murderous threats and all kinds of wrongdoings -0 the deceit of Rebekah, her drawing Jacob into it (even saying Let your curse be on me when he spoke of the faults in her plan), Jacob saying “I shall seem to be a deceiver” (yep, you are), Isaac questioning Jacob’s voice and blessing him despite his doubts, Esau placing the blame for the birthright trade on Jacob, Esau’s multiple wives …
    All unnecessary, as God’s plan would happen regardless of their shenanigans.
    This theme ran through yesterday’s comments and I especially liked what CHRISTY said – “The more I try to take the director’s seat of my life, the more complicated my day becomes. The complication I feel is from within me because God knows precisely what He is doing.”

    Another thing that caught my attention was Jacob putting “conditions” on his trust and faith in God, an if/then statement for us math nerds – if God does thus and such, “then the Lord shall be my God.”
    Don’t raise your hands, but how many of us have ever done this?! God, if you would do X, then I will ‘fill in the blank’ (go to church every Sunday, stop a harmful habit, start tithing, be more kind …).
    LORD, once again we pray for wisdom in seeking and following Your guidance, for walking in Your will as we again acknowledge that Your perfect plan will be carried out. Help our faith and trust in You to stay strong.
    I’ve loved the stories this week of God’s plan playing out in so many lives.
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL- thank you for reminding us we’re all God’s favorites, and of the song Good, good Father.
    CEE GEE – I’ll look up Be Still that you mentioned, thanks. Title made me think of Peace, Be Still by Hope Darst
    LYNNE FROM AL – we are so blessed by you, sister! An awesome prayer warrior in the midst of all you are doing for your dear Jack. And such true words, “caregiving is tough no matter who you’re caring for” – the physical, emotional, financial, mental and social costs are immeasurable and exhausting. We love you and continue to pray. ❤️

    2 songs that came to mind after reading the verses of Jacob’s dream – Surely The Presence of the Lord and We Are Standing On Holy Ground

    KELLY (NEO) praying for the young mama, job and housing
    MERCY praying, sister
    MARI V praying for good health

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Preach, sister, amen!!! ❤❤❤
      All great songs you listed! Interesting that I saw Surely… on my YouTube page yesterday from when I pulled it up a few weeks ago! I love Peace, Be Still, and Standing, too!

    2. Sheryl says:

      So good, your comments are both “face the truth” and yet encouraging! They help me apply this to my life with better understanding, thank you!

    3. Christy says:

      So well said! Amen! ❤️❤️

    4. Foster Mama says:

      So well put, SEARCHING ♥️

    5. Traci Gendron says:

      Searching I also noticed the “if’s”.

    6. gramsiesue says:


    7. Mercy says:

      Thank you sister and amen to your reflection. Joining you in prayers.❤️

    8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Ahh, so much to think about Searching!

    9. Tina says:

      LORD, once again we pray for wisdom in seeking and following Your guidance, for walking in Your will as we again acknowledge that Your perfect plan will be carried out. Help our faith and trust in You to stay strong.
      Thank you Searching covered in much love and thanks for you..❤️❤️

    10. Searching says:

      Thank you, sisters, for your kind words. May we continue to seek His will together ❤️

  32. Jess says:

    Thank you Jesus that even when I’ve made choices that have taken me to places I’m not meant to be, you’re still there and because of that, I can still say “what an awesome place this is”

    1. Searching says:


  33. Aimee D-R says:

    Father thank You that You are always with me. Thank You Holy Spirit for being my guide and comforter and friend. Please let me hear Your voice as You guide my steps.

    1. Searching says:


  34. Teresa Eddy says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for not leaving me when I was on the wrong path.

    1. Searching says:


    2. Tina says:


  35. Jamie Lewis says:

    Praise Jesus!