Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau

Open Your Bible

Genesis 31:1-55, Genesis 32:1-32, Genesis 33:1-20, Hosea 12:3-4

​​I love this story. I think it’s because somehow I missed it growing up, and when I read it as an adult, it moved me to tears. I remember hearing the part of Jacob’s story from the end of Genesis 32, where he wrestled with God, but I’d never really heard his story from chapter 33—and this story has a happy ending.

We don’t actually get to say that very often about many stories in the Bible and certainly not of the stories found in Genesis. In fact, every story about Jacob leading up to this one is not very fun to read. Following Jacob’s narrative, we see that he chose to collude with his mother in order to steal the birthright from his older brother, Esau. He went on to be deceived into marrying a woman he didn’t love. And he was exploited by his father-in-law, Laban, forced into years of servitude.

In Genesis 31, Jacob began to journey back to his home where he would meet his estranged brother, Esau. In stealing Esau’s birthright, Jacob wronged his brother terribly. And then, he brought his wives, children, and livestock on a journey to meet Esau again. He packed up a massive gift offering, trying to win Esau’s affections (or tolerance) with whatever he could give.

Here’s the stunningly beautiful, perfect portrait of God’s free grace to us: Esau ran to Jacob, embraced him, and said “I have enough, my brother….Keep what you have” (Genesis 33:9). Esau’s reaction moves me to tears and makes me want to shout out in celebration—all at the same time—because this story is a picture of what God offers me. Their reconciliation is just a foretaste of our own reconciliation with our God: a redeemed relationship that we cannot buy, we cannot earn, and we cannot lose. I have wronged God. Apart from Christ, I was estranged from Him. Everything that Jacob did to Esau, I have done ten times over to everyone I know.

I can imagine myself before Him. I’m trembling as I hold out my “good deeds” as an offering to Him, a way to make our relationship right, and He responds by telling me He not only has enough—He is enough.

God provided redemption through Jesus for His children, and His work on the cross is enough to cover every sin. Jesus secured the redemption of those who believe in Him. And the Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption, when we will live with God forever. Thanks be to God!

(79) Comments

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79 thoughts on "Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau"

  1. Karen Breaux says:


  2. Wanda Woehlert says:


  3. Paula Mourin says:


  4. Kimberly Z says:

    Love this story! Praying for you all today.

  5. Caroline Bridges says:

    I can’t imagine living with a dislocated hip for the rest of your life because they couldn’t do surgery to fix it. (Just speculation)

  6. Caroline Bridges says:

    I feel that majority of the Bible was kept a secret growing up. I didn’t start exploring until 2020 and now I’m here in 2025 because god called me here.

    1. Teresa Donley says:


  7. Kendra D says:

    “Everything that Jacob did to Esau, I have done ten times over to everyone I know.”

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I want to live like Jacob, in a place of gratitude for everything God has given me.

  9. Mari V says:

    I have always loved this story of Jacob and Esau of reconciliation. Anything is possible! But you also have to have two “willing” parties which in this case there was. I also believe it sets the stage for us that any relationship is repairable as long as one is willing. And even when not, we should genuinely forgive and move on. Or of course when its a safety issue as mine. I’m here commenting late, as most of you may know, I’ve been very sick with a bad cold that has been so brutal!! I’m scheduled to go back to work tomorrow. Prayers are appreciated as I’m much better, but not 100 percent. BUT last night did sleep almost 11 hours! Happy Tuesday sweet She’s!

  10. Teresa Donley says:

    I just came back to reading SRT today, and it is exactly what I needed to hear. Todays reading spoke directly to my heart. God always speaks exactly when I need to hear. And He speaks through all of you, too. All of your thoughts and comments were like balm to my soul as I read them. Thank you for being here, and being you.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Good to see you here! Miss you.

    2. searching says:

      Soooo good to see you Teresa!! ❤

    3. Michelle P says:

      ❤️❤️❤️ welcome back!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Teresa, I am so happy to see your name again on this page! Welcome back, sister! ❤

    5. Tina says:

      Well, Hello again! I was so happy to see your name. You have been missed. Hope life is treating you kindly..❤

  11. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Coming late to the study today!…Oh how I love reconciliation stories – my favorite is the one between Joseph and his brothers. Funny how it’s the same family, just many years down the road.

    Through this story of Esau forgiving Jacob, it is once again a reminder of God’s great love for us and the forgiveness that He extends to each one of us.
    Jesus is enough. Praise God!

    Jesus has secured our redemption on the cross of Calvary. I am sealed until the day of redemption – hallelujah! No one and NOTHING can take away my salvation! All glory to God!

    Blessings to each and every one of you! ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

  12. Donna Wolcott says:

    Hi sisters, just an aside, I have a cottage at a Christian campground in CT, called Bethel. There is a sign as you leave camp that says “Mizpah”. This camp has been there since the 1870’s.

    1. Cee Gee says:


    2. searching says:


  13. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Our scripture reading from Genesis ends today ends in C: 31: “ 16 So Esau turned around and started back to Seir that same day. 17 Jacob, on the other hand, traveled on to Succoth. There he built himself a house and made shelters for his livestock.”
    That “Jacob, on the other hand”… bugs me! Even after Esau reconciles, that cleverly duplicitous, ever suspiciously conniving Jacob, slips away! I start screaming,”Why Lord?!” Why is the Promise & Your protection insured to this one treacherous character!? But, I have to back off & calm down. God is the Author of this story. If I admit, there’s a pattern of Jacob in my past & present too, but neither has God abandoned me to wrongdoing. How many ways & times has He held me harmless too. Forgiven & Fiercely loved. While I made big blunders & lived lies. God knows His children fail. Often. But He redeems & never removes the Covenant. I was & remain perfectly imperfect, infinitely worthy in His sight.
    On Jacob’s shoulders & in God’s arms we live.
    Glory to His Name.

    1. searching says:

  14. Kristy says:

    As many times as I have read this story today it hit me so differently.
    Esau and Jacob are not the same men. Over 20 years they have grown in their walk with the Lord. They have clearly grown in the way they love and serve others. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to make progress. He is concerned with who we are becoming! Thankful for the progress in my life and thankful that I am not known by my mistakes when it comes to God. Esau and Jacob are not the same men that they were 20 years ago and praise be to God I am not who I was 20 years ago. Thank you Jesus that you never give up on us, you never hold our past against us. Thank you that you gave us your word written to real people, in a real place, through the inspiration of a real God. The same God who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. As we continue in genesis we will see that Jacob and Esau will continue to be a work in progress but God will keep working on them as he will continue working on me until I meet him face to face. We never arrive and we never outgrow the need to listen to His voice and obey. Listen and obey are my two words of focus this year. Have a great Tuesday Shes!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Great point! Christy shared Philippians 1:6 also and both comments have the same – EXACT – time stamp! Christy and Kristy – not the same, right?! Smiling! ❤

    2. Christy says:

      So beautifully said! Amen! (I’m also smiling seeing Cee Gee point out that both (Ch)(K)ristys shared Philippians 1:6 at the same time stamp this morning – love that the Holy Spirit prompted us both to that verse.) ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ ☺
        Thanks for clarifying that, Christy. I had to look at each one several times to make sure I wasn’t misreading something! Lol Amen to what you said! ❤

        1. Kristy says:

          God is so cool! I love that you noticed that Cee Gee. That was a post and go day and it was cool to look back and read Christys comment as well:)

  15. Traci Gendron says:

    The more I study the Bible, the more I see the parallels between the Old and New testaments. Quite fascinating.

  16. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love how this shows God working behind the scenes! He was working on Esau and Jacob during that 20 years! God is constantlyat so

  17. Cee Gee says:

    Like Tina, I was reminded of the prodigal son as I read about the brothers’ reunion. What a beautiful and powerful illustration of how our homegoing reconciliation will look!
    Melanie wrote:
    “Jesus secured the redemption of those who believe in Him. And the Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption, when we will live with God forever. Thanks be to God!”
    Thank you, Melanie, for this beautiful devotional!
    CHRISTY, I didn’t find your comment about your interview, but I, too, am thankful it went well and continue to pray for #4! More confidence, leace, and assurance! ❤
    This was an unexpected meaty nugget from Wiersbe NKJV Study Bible:
    “Genesis 32:9-12
    Jacob’s prayer is one of the great prayers recorded in Scripture, and yet it was prayed by a man whose faith was very weak. He was like the father of the demonized child who cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Every statement in this prayer indicates that Jacob had a profound knowledge of God’s ways and God’s character, and yet he was praying in desperation and not in confidence.

    Jacob reminded the Lord of the promises He had made to him at Bethel (Gen. 28:13–15), especially that He would do him good and multiply his descendants. God told Jacob that He would be with him and bring him back to Bethel, and that He would accomplish His purposes in and through him. If God allowed Esau and his men to kill Jacob and his family, none of those promises would be fulfilled.

    While we don’t want to imitate Jacob’s fear, unbelief, scheming, and his proneness to jump to conclusions, we would do well to pray the way he prayed. He claimed God’s promises, remembered God’s goodness, and rested completely on God’s character and covenant. No matter what circumstances we may face or what fears may grip our hearts, we can trust God to be faithful to His character and His Word. “I will trust and not be afraid” (Is. 12:2).”
    LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, LINDA IN NC, GRAMIESUE, MARGARET W, and our other caregiving sisters- you are always on my heart. May God bless you each with the strength for each day and patience in the repetition and especially in the unexpected! Love you, sisters! ❤
    Love, hugs, and prayers to all! ❤

    1. Christy says:

      Wow, what a great nugget of wisdom! Thanks for sharing, Cee Gee!
      Thank you for your continued prayers! The interview went well, apart from a minor technical hiccup at the beginning, but God still was provident, and we had such a great conversation. Today was such a good reminder to completely surrender (once again) this process to God. There’s no need to wrestle over every detail, for I am not the one in control. I had to remind myself yesterday that if I think a Zoom camera connection has the power to thwart God’s plans, then I am deducing Him to something so small. He who started a good work in me will bring it to completion in His perfect timing and way according to His will, and I can rest in that. I can be pretty forgetful and sometimes begin to think that for God to work in my life or in a situation, everything has to be perfect, go to plan, work smoothly, etc. But God shows time and time again in scripture that He does miraculous work in the most broken situations. Praise God; He is good and faithful!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Philippians 1:6 is such a great verse!
        I love that you are sharing what you are learning through this process! You hit the nail on the head! Keep sharing and we will keep praying! ❤

        1. Christy says:

          Thank you! That is so kind of you. I just heard back (much sooner than I thought I would), and the fourth interview will be tomorrow. Praise God!

          1. Cee Gee says:

            Noted!!! Praying! ❤ ☺

          2. searching says:


  18. Kimi Snavely says:

    Amen, saved by grace

  19. Blessed Mama of 6 says:

    Genesis 32:
    I find it interesting that ever since his birth he had been wrestling with people, then he wrestled with God. As I was writing this out a thought came to mind. Maybe, I could be wrong, but maybe a lesson through the wrestling was one of “Look, I have already given you all these children and I told you that your descendants would be as numerous as dust. I’ve also already given you all of these livestock, and have promised you the land I promised to your father’s. Why do you keep wrestling with me and trying to fight your way to what I’ve already given to you?”
    Jacob wrestled/fought for his father’s blessing, he fought for his life, he fought for his wedding, then had to fight again for the one woman he loved, he fought for his own herd, he fought for leaving, he was preparing to fight against his brother again, then he wrestled against God. Am I wrestling against God? Is there something He has already given to me that I feel like I’m wrestling Him for?
    I can’t currently think of anything, but I know that in the past I’ve wrestled with him over our finances. I also wrestled with him over the amount of children we were to have (I thought I was good with 4). Thinking back to college, I wrestled with him about my relationships with men.
    Genesis 33:
    Another question that probably has no answer because it’s not important in the light of eternity, why did Jacob take the longer way to meet up again with his brother at Seir? Maybe it was an easier road to travel. Maybe even though Esau showed kindness and approval of Jacob, maybe Jacob still feared that Esau would turn back and fight against him.

    1. Kira H. says:

      I appreciate you pointing out the ways in which Jacob wrestled with God throughout his story – I hadn’t thought about it in that way before, but I find it helpful to think about Jacob wrestling through all of those moments. And to think, he never needed to wrestle at all! Everything he was after, God had already promised him. As you mentioned, a good reminder to consider what we are wrestling for that God has already provided or promised.

    2. Christy says:

      Such a good reflection! Thank you for sharing!

    3. Traci Gendron says:

      Such good thoughts!

    4. Allison Bentley says:

      I was curious as to why Jacob didn’t meet up in Seir too and found something worth noting. Shechem is on the way to Bethel. If you look back to Chapter 31 Jacob tell his wives and refers to God as the God of Bethel- this is where God told him to go all along. Back to the place where Jacob rested his head on the rock and anointed it in Genesis 28 and first believed so to speak. Also I found out Shechem was “the easiest” location and this disobedience leads to the defiling of Dinah— gosh just love digging deeper !!!

    5. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello BMo6!
      This IS THE question! Thank you for raising!
      “Am I wrestling against God? Is there something He has already given to me that I feel like I’m wrestling Him for?”

    6. searching says:

      love this line of thinking and questioning – thanks!

  20. Adrienne says:

    Oh wow, Melanie Rainer, I am so much like Jacob. Thank you for pointing that out.
    Yes, God is enough.

  21. Wendy B says:

    It is only as I have gotten older(in both years and maturity of faith) that I recognize, realize and understand the parallels and foreshadowing in scripture that depict what Jesus has done for us. I’m my younger years I just could not see the connection but right from the very beginning, God’s great plan of redemption and grace was there. We’re not even out of Genesis yet and we have seen this multiple times. Jesus is enough, He wants a relationship with us and He made a way, despite the human fallenness of our nature.

    “Here’s the stunningly beautiful, perfect portrait of God’s free grace to us: Esau ran to Jacob, embraced him, and said “I have enough, my brother….Keep what you have” (Genesis 33:9)”

    Thank you Lord, that your good plan is always pointing us to you. Thank you that your arms are always wide open, that your forgiveness awaits.✝️

  22. Jane K says:

    I have never understood what was happening with Jacob and the angel and why they wrestled. Anyone have any insight into what this was about? Thank you in advance.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I was confused to and looked up some insights. I liked this paragraph- wrestling with God changed Jacob’s identity. He was no longer to be known as one who received his blessing by deception. This time he received God’s blessing by prevailing with God by faith. This struggle turned out to be a profoundly gracious gift of restoration that God gave Jacob, not unlike the gift Jesus gave Peter by letting Peter affirm his love for Jesus as many times as he had denied it (John 21:15–17). Jacob’s tenacious faith pleased God and he rewarded Jacob’s request (Hebrews 11:6). When God calls us to wrestle with him, there’s always more going on than we first understand and God always uses it to transform us for good.

      1. Christy says:

        Thanks for sharing that insight, Rhonda J!

      2. Mercy says:

        ❤️ so good Rhonda

      3. Jane K says:

        Thank you, Rhonda, was was helpful!

  23. Danielle B says:

    Sadly likely a story heard before, but only in the different lens and age, yes Melanie a beautiful story of restoration. How wonderful Our God foreshadowing the ultimate restoration story. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice for our salvation!

  24. Aimee D-R says:


  25. Crystal Pitzer says:


  26. Laura says:


    “I can imagine myself before Him. I’m trembling as I hold out my “good deeds” as an offering to Him, a way to make our relationship right, and He responds by telling me He not only has enough—He is enough.”

    How many times do I think my “good deeds” are what God is wanting from me? But He has enough. And He IS enough (and I am NOT). A good reminder this morning to keep God at the center and not myself.

    1. Wendy B says:


    2. Barb D says:

      Love that insight, Laura.

  27. Searching says:

    Another example of God working behind the scenes even when we can’t see it – laying the groundwork for Jacob’s reconciliation with Esau, provision for Jacob’s prosperity, the sisters moving past the jealousy (at least for this) and being on the same page in seeing their father for who he was (although they had already known the manipulation of themselves and Jacob – and likely had seen his true colors throughout their lives). We also see examples of not trusting God – Rachel’s theft and deceit about the theft, Jacob’s fear of Esau and all the sending of groups of gifts etc ahead of him. Much more in these chapters but it’s more than I can attempt to dissect in just one morning.

    KELLY (NEO) continuing to pray for mama & baby as she finds her way to a better and sustainable situation, praying it happens quickly. God bless y’all for providing a stopgap measure in the meantime. And I hear ya on sharing space after all those years – not easy.

    MERCY – love you, sister ❤️ Glad the new hire is doing well
    CHRISTY – praying for interview #4!
    CEE GEE – thankful that situation has lost its urgency and praying for the follow up. ❤️

    1. Christy says:

      Thank you for sharing your notes, jotting them down in my journal. I so appreciate the continued prayers! ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Great takeaways as always, Searching! ❤ Thankful for your prayer list each day, too, and for your faithful prayers! ❤

    3. Mercy says:


  28. Kelly (NEO) says:

    The “Fear of Isaac”
    The only place this title is used for God. Jacob is not yet calling God his God. After the wrestling match and name change, he calls God his God.
    This is true for all of us, no? We have to surrender to God before He becomes our God.
    CHRISTY – happy to hear the interview went well.
    Praying for your requests, Shes. Have a doubly blessed Tuesday.

    1. Christy says:


  29. Mary Ann Graves says:

    He is enough. Amen

  30. Teresa Eddy says:

    Thank you, almighty God, for forgiveness and sending Jesus to earth for our salvation.

  31. Tina says:

    Aside from reminding me of the story of the prodigal son, I am reminded of a time when Julee, my daughter fell out with me for 2 weeks!
    Julee, got cross at me because I let her brothers (girl)friend sleep in her room without asking her! She lived independently from us, but her room at home was still hers, as she would often come home and stay a couple of nights a week.
    She told me I should have asked her first because it was HER room. I explained that she had her flat, so I thought it would be alright and that she would mind if the young lady borrowed it for the night. I had no right, she told me and stormed off!!
    We had a thing where every morning we would speak.. Briefly, but still, check in with each other, and every night, we would say goodnight, even though we may have seen each other during the day. I miss those days.. To be honest I still follow that ritual, as I have a picture of her facing my bed, she is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last I see before I turn my lights out..
    Two weeks, of my phoning each morning to a grunt, and at night to a grunt.. Then one Thursday morning I get a call from her to say her gas bill has arrived and she hasn’t got the funds!!! I’m smiling now as I did then..YES! I missed my girl!
    A silly story, but a sweet memory for me..
    BUT GOD..
    In the story of Jacob and Esau, He prepares us for forgiveness, and like Elsa (frozen) sings ‘let it go’! For these brothers, one has been through rubbish, since the deception and the other, the wronged one, though he may have to take some blame, seems to have had things work out for him..
    Though this story is not often told, yet, there is a precious foundation of forgiveness, reconciliation and brotherly love.
    My other thought was that Jacob, being the line from which our Saviour, Jesus comes from, still had his troubles, BIG time, some of his own doing and some against him..
    BUT GOD..
    He still kept His promise to keep him safe , preparing him for the day of meeting with his brother..
    It seems that Esaus heart had been worked on over the twenty years of Jacobs troubles.. Funny, isn’t it? Esau, who should have been angry still, at losing his birthright to his brother, had a softened heart, to forgive his brother! Even throwing his arms around Jacob, the brother with whom there had always, always been tension..
    It is no secret what God can do!
    God, continues to bless even in the mess and mess ups.. we may wrestle with stuff..
    BUT GOD, in the wrestling still blesses..
    Happy Tuesday my loves. Sending much love and hugs this wet wet wet winters day !
    Stay dry and safe..❤

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Love your thoughts on Esau!
      Thanks for another Julee story

    2. Searching says:

      Great points on Esau, Tina – thank you for that and the share about Julee ❤️

    3. Tara B says:

      Thank you for your words, Tina! ❤️

    4. Christy says:

      Tina, thank you for sharing your Julee story and insights on Esau ❤️

    5. Barb D says:

      Beautiful, Tina! ❤️

    6. Traci Gendron says:

      I have Tanner’s picture by my bedside as well. XO

      1. MARTHA HIX says:


    7. MARTHA HIX says:

      Thank you sharing about Julee! ❤️
      Appreciate your insights as well.

    8. Mercy says:

      ❤️ so good Tina.

    9. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you Tina! ❤️