“It Is Finished”

Open Your Bible

Psalm 22:27-31, Luke 23:44-49, Mark 15:33-39, John 19:28-30

Text: Psalm 22:27-31, Luke 23:44-49, Mark 15:33-39, John 19:28-30

I wish I could greet each one of you with a quiet hug on this day of mourning. It is perhaps the most bittersweet day of the year, but somehow, in the darkness, the “sweetness” is harder to find.

Have you read through today’s passages yet? If you haven’t, I’d love if you’d do that first. Today we’ll sit in three gospel accounts of Christ’s crucifixion. Allow your heart to enter the text and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet distractions as you give ear to this sacred narrative.

.   .    .

Do you feel the weight of what you just read? It’s hard to read without deep sighs and even tears, isn’t it? The reality of a real man—my God—enduring what He did. It makes me painfully uncomfortable. Yet, as I read these words, I’ve never felt so deeply loved.

Christ’s final words came with His dying breath—”It is finished.” And it was.

He bore the wrath of the one, true, holy God against sin—wrath that was due to literally anyone and everyone but Him. And it was finally over. His death completed the work of salvation for His people. It was truly finished then, and it still is.

It is finished. Complete.

And hear this today—really hear it: Because it is finished, there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to Jesus’ work on the Cross to bring us any closer to salvation.  

Let’s worship the One who was wounded for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. As we observe this holy day of sacrifice for salvation, let’s remember the chastisement that brought peace for you and me, and receive the healing that comes to us from the stripes He bore.

“So then, as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone, so also through one righteous act there is life-giving justification, for everyone. For just as through one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.”
Romans 5:18,19, HCSB

It is finished, friends.
Thanks be to God.



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98 thoughts on "“It Is Finished”"

  1. Kasey Tuggle says:

    It is finished! Everything needed for our salvation was accomplished then! Praise Jesus! Thank you Jesus!

  2. Sheree johnson says:

    We Believe in God the Father
    We Believe in Jesus Christ
    We Believe in the the Holy Spirit
    That's given us new life
    We Believe in the crucifixion
    We Believe He conquered death
    We Believe in the resurrection
    And that He's coming back again
    We Believe

    This amazing song has been in my head all week! Thank you Newsboys for the song, thank you SRT for the vehicle to react so many & above ALL…thank you sweet Lord for you sacrifice & Jesus for your suffering. We dont have to repay you, WE BELIEVE!

  3. Antimony says:

    I’ve dreaded reading this day for days. Actually put it off because I was so ill at ease. To think of God suffering such pain, derision, scorn, and rejection innocently. He did nothing wrong. The sin He died for was not His own. It’s just not right! Why would He do such a thing? Why should He not just let all of us fend for ourselves? How can He love people who have rejected Him so thoroughly? Who take delight in going astray? And then I read, “It is finished”. 3 simple words that are loaded with so much meaning. He died. So that the world could live.

  4. Allison says:

    I have been meditating and studying the reference made to hyssop in the passage in John from today’s reading. I love how it pulls together God’s redemptive act from the first Passover to Jesus our Passover.
    I wrote about it this week, and it is too long to post all of it here. I’ll post a link in case you are interested. http://www.flockandfeast.com/blog/2015/3/29/cleanse-me-with-hyssop

  5. bykaraanne says:

    Something different spoke to me as I read this scripture again. I am blessed beyond belief that Jesus died for me on the cross, but I saw a verse and it reminded me so starkly of human nature.

    When the people saw what had happened, they went home beating their chests.

    Why is it that we always have to SEE God's love for us manifested in something — Jesus, or an answered prayer, or a miracle — before we believe that God is truly God? That He is capable and willing and loves us? Why do we only then regret when we see the truth?

    Jesus, I want to see you as you are, every single day. I want to not have to beat my chest, but thank you for my belief and faith. I want to be strengthened and wise and know that You are God, every single day of my life.

    Thank you for dying for me. <3

  6. Erin says:

    There is so much power in Jesus’ last words: “It is finished”.

  7. Maria C says:

    As I went through my day, the significance of today has been in my mind all day. A few times this past week I was on the verge of tears as I looked into the future of what was to come in Scripture. It wasn’t always like this. I grew up in a Christian home but was a rebel but 7 years ago I saw the light and while the road has been bumpy, and not always easy– I am thankful and never take for granted what God has done but especially the significance of today. IT IS FINISHED”. Those words closed the circle of the events in the Garden of Eden. Even though I had an amazing time today, the heaviness of this day was on my mind. What this day means, and the gift that was giving to us. GRACE and REDEMPTION. In my heart there is heaviness that this was necessary but there’s also joy that God loves us SO MUCH! Amazing Grace indeed!

  8. Connie says:

    Judges 6:23. Peace. Do not be afraid. You will not die.

  9. Loida says:


  10. Anna says:

    “It’s hard to read without deep sighs and even tears, isn’t it? ”
    As I read this, I felt frustrated–almost judged–(which is so silly) for not feeling what I think I should be feeling today, or all this Lent. I want to feel the weight of my sin. I want to feel the depth of His love and the magnitude of His sacrifice. But my heart will not respond to any of my attempts at getting it with the program. I’ve grown up knowing the gospel story and have been walking with Him for almost 7 years…and I feel absolutely deadened to all of it. Is anyone experiencing this?

    1. Shara says:

      It’s ok, Anna! Today I have chosen to simply focus on what speaks most profoundly to me about the story I have known for years. Have I cried? Nope. But I have remembered Him and pondered and been intentional in my thoughts. And I know He sees me. He sees you too and knows your longing and loves you for who you are where you are. i pray you also experience His love and peace today in the way you need it most!!

      1. Anna says:

        Thank you, Shara. This so encourages me.

    2. Emily says:

      There are days I am not moved by a devotional or bible reading—and as frustrating as it is, it usually points me to my overwhelming need for my savior. I can’t make my emotions turn on each time, but I know deep down how much I love him, and am grateful for Him, and how His sacrifice was enough. It was enough to cover my emotionless days (when everyone else is crying and moved by God’s word) and enough to cover my very best days, when I feel so connected to a Bible reading, and wrapped up tightly in His embrace.

      1. Anna says:

        Emily, you’re so right. Thank you for this.

    3. Maria C says:

      Anna, I have been walking with Him the same time and at times I have felt the same way. One of the ways I would focus on the Word was looking at one word that really jumped at me in the verses. And just think about it and ask God to really lead my spirit through the day with this word in mind. Then I would go back and read the Word later in the day.

      1. BarbaraH says:

        Sorry, pressed the thumbs down icon by mistake, meant to press the thumbs up!

      2. Anna says:

        Good idea, Maria. Thank you so much.

    4. Rae Lynn says:

      Anna, I know just what you mean. I don’t feel the heaviness or tears either. I never have but I have love and a deep gratitude for all Jesus has done for me. Sometimes I feel guilty or like I don’t feel enough but it’s how I am in my normal life. I’m not a super emotional or sentimental person so I think it’s just how I am. I hope you get this and know that you’re not alone.

      1. Anna says:

        It’s good to know I’m not alone. Thank you for reaching out, Rae Lynn. I like what you said about some of us just not being emotional people. That really resonates.

    5. Katie says:

      I heard this metaphor once, and I can’t tell you how encouraging it has been in times when I don’t feel that deep emotional connection like you have explained. Our relationship with God is like a train. The engine is FACT (God’s Word), the next car is FAITH (our trust in God’s Word) And the caboose is FEELING (our emotions). We follow, trust and love God because of facts and what we know is true. Not because we have an emotional experience. Our emotions are unpredictable. God’s Word isn’t.

      1. Anna says:

        Thank you, Katie- I love that metaphor. So true.

    6. ~ B ~ says:

      No judgement here Anna! No tears or deep sighs as you read doesn't make you any *less*. Whether or not you cry doesn't change that you are deeply loved, exactly as those who do. God loves the non-crier, just as much as the crier, the one filled with emotion as much as the one who isn't expressive and the one can't speak, as much as the one who can. There was a period before my Mom's passing that she suffered dementia and an inability to express a solid thought. I struggled a tad with the idea that I didn't know what she needed, couldn't even answer a question and wasn't even remotely helpful, but God really comforted me that HE knew exactly what she needed, what she felt, her heart and that He would be able to provide everything. That He wouldn't miss connecting with her just because she couldn't connect with the world. It's the same for all of us. He finds a way to connect, to bring us around to Him in very intimate ways. The very fact that you want to feel the weight of sin, the depth of His love and the magnitude of His sacrifice is imperative in understanding that you will. God will meet you precisely where you need Him to and it may not be over a devotional, but it's a great place to start. And one thing I know to be true, is that it doesn't matter how long we walk with the Lord, we are always learning, always growing and ever changing. I will be prayerful over your heart here Anna. That God reveal Himself emotionally to you and that you begin to feel the connection you desire and that He does as well. That as you move through each day, God reveal bits of His love for you personally and that you see and feel with great clarity it all. ~ B

      1. Anna says:

        Dear B,
        I can’t tell you how this helped me. Thank you for your words and your prayers.

  11. Sandy says:

    Oh how he loves us!
    Thank you SRT o this amazing journey you have led us through during Lent.
    Today I attended my very first Good Friday service at one the most beautiful Methodist churches on West End Avenue, which I had never been to before. As the scriptures were read, I was able to reflect back to same scriptures I read here over the past week. So much darkness but so much love. I am so thankful for SRT and this community. I have never experienced Lent, Passover, Good Friday or Easter the way I have this year. So thankful he loves me and all of us so much!

  12. Sarah Martin says:

    Friends, oh it makes my heart smile to come together as a sweet community to read the Word together and to observe this Good Friday with such a sober tone, but looking forward to Sunday!! I was thinking about today's Scripture that mentioned the women who observed Jesus' death and mourned together in community. Oh but we don't have to mourn together!! We have HOPE. Thanks be to God! We can be the women that live a life of praise, with bold faith, and servant love! Together. I just can't get that out of my mind. Thank you to the SRT team for guiding us through Lent with tough, heart piercing words filled with TRUTH and HOPE. Hugs to you all!!

  13. Cindy T. says:

    How beautiful, that even as Jesus was breathing His last, the centurion had faith to believe and recognize Him for who He was. The sun stopped shining! The earthquake, veil tearing in two…wow, can you imagine being there? The creation responded to the death of its Creator.

    On Good Friday I love to read my favorite poem by the Victorian poet Christina Rosetti (1830-1894) titled: "It is Finished". I highly recommend it and hope it blesses you too, as It always helps me to remember that Jesus died for each of us personally — how amazing to be a part of those "people yet unborn" quoted in Psalm 22.
    Blessings to all on this holy day.

  14. Erin says:

    I've felt the heaviness of today coming for at least a week– not a negative weight, but a reverent one I've often felt when re-reading, or re-imagining this day 2000+ years ago. My Jesus, who knows my heart so well, who walks with me daily (even when I am a bear) gave himself up to this. The only help, and the reason I don't find myself under dark clouds, is remembering that– who he is, and that he was strong enough to overcome it. It's a strange blend of worship and solemnity that comes over me when I imagine it all. The only words I could think when reading the above references today, though, were "how could anyone overlook, or not feel the reality of what happened that day!?". The curtain was freaking torn, ripped right down the middle! Prophecy came to fruition that day multiple times, and yet (both then and now) there is still unbelief. THAT is what pains me most about this day. Yet, he honors the doubts of Thomas days later, with grace and love.

    What a ridiculously awesome God we serve. :)

    1. Anna G says:

      Amen! (:

  15. Jennifer R. says:

    I grew up on the east coast, and I vividly remember as a little girl it being rainy and miserable every Good Friday. I remember thinking that God must still be weeping for what happened to His son, Jesus, in order for us to be saved. Even though it was necessary and written long before it happened, I'm sure, as a Father, God is weeping.

    Now, as an adult living in Colorado (the land of perpetual sunshine), I can't help but marvel at the fact that after having weather in the 70's & 80's for the last week the temperatures dropped 40+ degress and we've had rain/snow for Holy Thursday & Good Friday. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's again. Now maybe I'm looking too much into the weather forecast but the little girl inside me still believes that God is mourning for His one and only Son as only a true parent would. <3

    1. Beverly says:

      Jennifer, I’m on the east coast and today it is that spirit dampening kind of rainy day. I understand and agree about weather and seasons in relation to our feelings and moods. I think its beautiful how the seasons can correlate with our life changes and emotions. I believe that He is a mighty and thoughtful God in even the small, seemingly insignificant ways, like weather. :)

  16. Mrs. Daniels says:

    I am rejoicing today as well! He lives! The grave is empty. I pause today to reflect on the weight of my sin that brought the Son of God to such a choice. And the love and sacrifice inherent in His every action. I mourn that I am a sinner and repent of my unbelief and praise Him that this work of salvation in me is His from first to last. Amen.

  17. Ashlee says:

    I’m rejoicing today! Unlike the disciples we know it didn’t end with His death.. He was resurrected and sits at the right hand of God! Forever in glory! And I’m so thankful that while I didn’t deserve it, while I could never have paid it, Jesus did it for me and for us all! Sisters it’s truly Good Friday! It’s not a day of mourning because He’s not dead! He’s alive! We should mourn the sin that brought Him there but thank God He’s no longer there. He stands victorious as the Lion of Judah and in Him we are too! Thank you Lord Jesus for taking the stripes and chastisement we deserved.. Thank you that by Your wounds we are healed! Thank you that we have hope, and a future because of this ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for showing us what LOVE really is! Thank you that today we can rejoice knowing you are in heaven with your Father and soon we can join you there in victory over sin and death! Hallelujah! Glory and praise to the Lamb!

    1. Steph says:

      Awesome!!! What anticipation filled hope we have in Jesus!!!

  18. JferLynne says:

    I have always felt the irony in "Good Friday" and before I even read day 45, I was thinking about how, maybe, one day when we get to Heaven maybe Peter and some other disciples and I will have a discussion on how they didn't see it as "Good Friday" but how we got to see with open eyes that this is a "bittersweet" day to quote Raechel. It makes me think of the last stanza of "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"

    See from His head, His hands, His feet,
    Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
    Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
    Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

    May all of our hearts know the sorrow and love flow mingled down. May my heart reflect on the the love and what it cost Jesus so that I may never have to know that separation from God. What great love from our great and perfect Savior!

  19. Stefania says:

    Truly it is a bittersweet day. I feel like I am one of his apostles, lost and in the dark, like there’s no hope anymore. Thanks be to God that it’s not where it ends. When he said “It is finished”, it was only the beginning of His perfect plan for ALL of us. May we draw near to the Cross and never forget the blood that was so preciously shed for us.
    “O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.” Amen.

  20. Valanne says:

    I find myself praising God that His Son was in CONTROL–

    He said IT IS FINISHED.

    NOT the mockers
    NOT the soldiers
    NOT the scribes or chief priest
    NOT Pilate
    NOT Herod

    NO! They were NOT in control of Christ death. THEY caused it, and may they never be excused for it, but Jesus will forever be our example on how to die, giving all the glory to the Father–no matter the cost.

    It was and is Jesus Christ that gave up His life and died for me.
    He IS my Savoir!


    1. Emily Clum says:

      we caused it…

      1. Valanne says:

        Perfect addition Emily! I can't believe that didn't come out in the heat of the moment.

  21. Gail says:

    The veil was torn from top to bottom! Jesus did it all for us. He has given us access to him no matter where we are I can come to Him just as I am. He endured the cross for a sinner like me. Everyday I live my life to glorify Him.

  22. denvertrujillo says:

    I find it amazing that after he willingly drank he cup of sin and death,which was rightfully ours to drink, he went to the cross and said, "I thirst." How many times do we as humans come up empty and thirsty from all the sin and distractions we try to fill ourselves with. He endured the cross understanding all we would do and every struggle we'd face and out of his great love still provided our great hope and salvation. Thank you Jesus for your tremendous and precious salvation! This devotion is ringing in my heart and mind today, and I'm so thankful for the message this morning. It is Good Friday indeed.

  23. Jessica says:

    My favorite quote from the Story Book Bible (parentheticals are my own), "But it wasn't nails that kept him there (on the cross), it was love".
    Abba, Father, thank you so much for your wonderful sacrifice. For your sovereignty and provision from the very beginning, that would come to fruition through Jesus, that we would have a way to always be with you.

    1. Sarah Martin says:

      That's such a good word. Thank you!

    2. ~ B ~ says:

      I absolutely love that quote……. Thanks for sharing it! ~ B

  24. Julie says:

    It's wonderful to think of what Jesus did for us. It brings saddness to all our hearts, but it also brings a joy. He loved us so much that he gave up EVERYTHING for us, even his own life. Thank you so much Jesus for your lovely sacrifice!

  25. Crystal says:

    How grateful I am that my God, my Father, found me worthy. Your love heals me, restores me. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me and valuing me. I love you my God!

  26. Tara Condon says:

    My journal entry this morning:

    Today is Good Friday. I feel separated from Jesus’ agony right now. I want to enter into His pain and sacrifice, and instead, I’m thinking of my To Do List, the plans for our Easter celebration–eggs, bunnies, pastel colors. Trying to make sure my house doesn’t smell like dog pee when my guests arrive. Is the menu complete? Is the food boring? Who’s coming? Will the kids like their Easter baskets? What will my family wear to church?

    And meanwhile, Jesus hangs on the cross. A painful distraction to my Easter plans. Something sad in the background that I just can’t shake. A general sense of annoyance settles in, reminding me that Easter baskets don’t fulfill. Only Jesus does.

    Thank You, Jesus, for being the Lamb of God, my Lamb, without blemish, without sin. Perfect. Taking my sin off of me and replacing it with a robe of righteousness. May I also wear a garment of praise to honor You. May my life be a prayer of thanksgiving to You, my Savior. In Your Holy Name, Amen.

    1. VictoriousOne says:

      Well said!

  27. Laura says:

    Beautiful love. So grateful to find a modern community following Lenten calendar! I've been very encouraged in a very dry spiritual and physically painful season of life. Thank you for your work to share here.

  28. Kelly_Smith says:

    I am not prone to call you to my little blogging world, but my comment grew too large and I decided to move it here: http://mrsdisciple.com/?p=877.

    There are times that everything we know to be true fails us. Those who stood near the cross that fateful Friday experienced this. The sun's light failed. When the sun doesn't work, what do you do?

    1. Tara Condon says:

      I enjoyed your thoughtful and hope-filled post. Amen that the Son will rise again!

    2. Juliet says:

      Loved your blog post Kelly Smith! So thankful the veil was torn in two and we can now experience God’s presence every hour of everyday. There was beauty in the darkness that day

    3. Beverly says:

      Thanks for sharing your hope-filled post, Kelly! Because of Him we can enter the presence of God and when all fails (as it tends to at times) He does not and will not. Grateful for Christ’s sacrifice and the assured hope of a surrendered heart.

  29. Beth Warner says:

    Thank you Father for sacrificing your only son for me. Thank you Thank you.

  30. Megan Shoe says:

    “May I never lose the wonder, oh the wonder of your mercy.”

  31. Bethany says:

    Then three days later…

  32. Mariah says:

    "Amazing love! How can it be that Thou my God shouldst die for me!" The hymn writer put it beautifully. This is love. Sacrifice for those whom he loved, us. When I read through today's passage, tears came to my eyes. When I read that Jesus was "crushed" that he was "wounded" and I think of the pain that he went through to glorify God and to bring US to himself, those who rejected him, I can't help but cry. Cry out to the Father who gives us life! This was a horrific yet beautiful sacrifice. That God loved us more than we can imagine.
    Thank you so much, SRT and Raechel. You all are a blessing

  33. It’s so hard for me to believe it is finished. When I am stressed and scared about present work and future jobs I try to do it all on my own and beat myself up when I can’t measure up. That’s not how our Savior wants us to live. He intended for us to dwell in His finishing work.

    1. Beverly says:

      Yes! To dwell in His finishing work. Love this thought, Anna!

    2. ~ B ~ says:

      Prayerful over your stresses Anna. You are precisely right, we are to dwell in His finishing work, truly praying that this resides in you and you begin to feel peace where work concerns are. ~ B

  34. Amanda says:

    Wrapped in the promise of what You have done Jesus, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Fearfully and wonderfully made becace of that truth of not adding to what Christ had already done. To be able to feel the weight of this and be moved by it is such a privilege. I never understood the deep and true meaning of this season growing up in church. But after becoming born again about two years ago, 22 year old me can’t believe the privilege and this right here is the reminder of amazing grace, relentless mercy and everlasting love

    1. Maderia says:

      Amen! Indeed it is!

  35. Stacy says:

    It Is Finished.Oh thank you Jesus, we praise you and thank you for taking our place on the cross. Help us to love others the way you love us. Feeling sad today but thankful knowing I am forgiven and Christ will come on Sunday and reign with God our Father forever!

  36. Courtney says:

    Let us remember to live as Christ,
    “Good deeds are not the ground of our acceptance with God, but they are the evidence of our acceptance with God.” -Alistair Begg


  37. Hannah says:

    I pray our convictions always lead us to look to Jesus and worship our God who is perfect and mighty and forgiving. Let our hearts be transformed by the Easter story and grow in deepest gratitude for what Jesus did for us. Amen!

  38. Sarah Rising says:

    Thank you Jesus for dying for me, for saving my soul! There is nothing I can do to add to my salvation. I will praise you for the rest of my life.

  39. ~ B ~ says:

    Oh Good Friday! I have always had a heavy, but grateful heart on Good Friday. I always think to his disciples, the excrutiating pain they felt. We have the benefit today of knowing He rose again, they endured three days in the complete dark. I can't imagine. And those that crucified Him. What must the air have felt like around them. I was not raised Catholic, but one thing I appreciated was the stations of the cross. So every Good Friday, I kind of personally do my own protestant, in my head version of it (although, in our way, we've already done that these past days through SRT). I am a visual person, so I want to walk the Via Dolorosa with my Savior, each step thanking Him for His great work. And then this today, "Because it is finished, there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to Jesus’ work on the Cross to bring us any closer to salvation." YES! It is complete.

    I was just having a conversation with someone who was taught that love and affection was performance based. It could be taken away and should be based on behavior. You can imagine the weight this would bear on a little person and the repercussions in adulthood. It should have been taught, instead, that genuine love looks like THIS! It is a forgiving, pain bearing, adoring type of love. Yes, earthly love is fallible. There are relationships that end as a result of someone's bad choices, there must be accountability, sure. But we need to position our kiddos and our hearts in front of the cross to first understand love. We need to really find ways to bring home, that THIS is an ultimate love and that although we didn't deserve it, God lavished His Grace filled and Merciful love upon us. He poured out His blood *for* us. This needs to be our entire focus so that we may better understand how to properly love others and ourselves. It starts here, all love should start here! So incredibly thankful for this day; for the weighty-ness of it, for salvation and redemption, for His sacrifice. Prayerful that others would know this truth today and those who do not know this "It is finished" type of love, come boldly to the cross today! ~ B

    1. Thank you for reiterating the finality of His sacrifice. This is ultimate love that cannot be changed.

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        Amen Anna – "ultimate love that cannot be changed." ~ B

    2. Angela says:

      Lovely thoughts, this morning. I am working on my parenting this Lent, and the love of the cross is a perfect place to fall down and begin.
      I am Catholic and will be at the stations of the cross today. It is a powerful way to commemorate the last hours of Jesus. Praying today for all my SRT sisters. Please pray for me.

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        I agree, such a powerful way to commemorate Jesus' last hours. Prayerful over you too Angela! ~ B

    3. Cindy T. says:

      Beautifully written, B. I enjoyed reading your reflections. :)

      1. ~ B ~ says:

        Thank you Cindy! Hope you enjoy your Holy Weekend! ~ B

  40. Beckey says:

    We can imagine the pain of the physical torture. We can imagine the pain of being mocked, scorned, and rejected. What we can never truly fathom is the crushing weight of all the sin that ever was, is,or would be in the world. And the sweet release as that weight was lifted, knowing that the sacrifice was complete. The sin was washed away with the flow of blood. Once and for all.

    “It is finished”

    http://reallyreallyrealhousewives.blogspot.com http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenbsbusywork

    1. Jen L says:

      Beautiful truth Beckey.

    2. Kelly_Smith says:

      Beckey, you said it so well. Hollywood has produced the graphic images that help us experience the pain and rejection. But there is no way to simulate or imagine "the crushing wight of all the sin that ever was." Thank you, Jesus, for enduring the pain. But even more for taking the weight of my sin. I cannot repay You, only worship You and proclaim the Good News of all You have done.

    3. Once and for all. Thank you Beckey. It is completely and utterly finished.

  41. Candacejo says:

    I believe this is the first time I saw this part of the passage today in Luke, "And having said this he breathed his last. Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, the praised God, saying, “Certainly this man was innocent!” And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts."

    The crowd that saw what had just taken place…returned home beating their breasts. Can you imagine! I cannot fathom what they were feeling after witnessing such pain and majesty all rolled into one and suddenly coming to the realization, like the centurion, that this was truly the Son of God. The guilt, the weight of it all, I can see them falling on their knees and beating their chests in desperation, "What in the world have we done?!"

    But it wasn't what THEY had done, it was, and still is, all about Jesus. HE gave His life, they didn't take it. HE bore the pain, the suffering and the agony so we wouldn't have to. And when the veil was torn in two? No longer did we have to go through someone else to reach the throne of Grace, to reach Jesus, God in the flesh. We now had full passage right into His presence! This overwhelms me every time.

    Raechel, this quote should be all over the internet today: Because it is finished, there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to Jesus’ work on the Cross to bring us any closer to salvation. I will rest in that today, take comfort in it and give God praise for the work of Jesus.

    Today is a Good Friday. Blessings SRT sisters and those that bring these lessons to us every day. Thank you! ♥

    1. stinav96 says:

      The same part of this passage stood out to me, as well, today! How desperate and guilty and hopeless the crowd and centurion must have felt! For them, as far as they knew, there was no possibility to make things right. This also reminds me of the day of Pentecost, when the disciples preached in the different languages and thousands came to believe and trust Jesus. I'm imagining that many in the crowd to which they preached ("The Christ that YOU crucified!") were also numbered in the crowd at the crucifixion. Even this dark Good Friday, God was preparing their hearts to trust the Christ. That is amazing! Have a great day!

    2. ~ B ~ says:

      Exactly N! I always think to those folk! I run through it and just wonder. I know the pain I feel when I realize my part in Christ's death, can't begin to imagine their feeling in this. ~ B

    3. debbates says:

      You said so eloquently exactly what I was thinking and feeling. I had never noticed that part before today either. My heart breaks for each one of them. I was in tears reading it. Thank you Jesus that you died for them too.

      Be blessed Candacejo and all you SRT sisters on this Good Friday.

  42. Kendall_S says:

    from Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?

    …Thus might I hide my blushing face while his dear cross appears;
    dissolve my heart in thankfulness and melt mine eyes to tears.

    At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away;
    it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day.

    But drops of tears can ne'er repay the debt of love I owe;
    Here, Lord, I give my self away; 'tis all that I can do.

    At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away;
    it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day.

    1. Candacejo says:

      Love!! Drops of grief can never repay the debt!! But all He asks is we give our lives back to Him….blessings. ♥

    2. Ruth says:


  43. Lisa Brooks says:

    It is finished! Thank you Jesus for your true love and sacrifice! When I read this passage I wonder if there were others along the way like the centurion that were converted – how many lives were changed that may have not been recorded. Let’s live our lives outloud ladies!

    1. tina says:

      I'm in Lisa…Blessings..XXX

  44. tina says:

    I have no words….but through tears, an aching heart, and Love truly understood… I say Thank you…Thank you..Thank you..xxx

    Rachael,,sending you a hug, wrapped in love…

    Thanking God for you all right now, for the journey we walk together, for the love we share…but most importantly, the God who brought us together to Read His Truth…
    It is finished..

    We are free..

    Salvation is ours, because He gave Himself for us…

    It is finished…praise God….it is finished…

    Amen….Praise God…Thank you Jesus…xxx

    1. ~ B ~ says:

      Salvation is ours…..It is finished…praised God! Amen T! ~ B

    2. Gayle says:


    3. Beverly says:

      Praise God, indeed. Salvation is ours! And I’m also grateful for this community. Hugs to you, Tina!

  45. Sarah Lahoda says:

    “The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” What glorious truth! And, yet, the weight of what He bore to bring me peace with God is solemn and staggering. Today I feel the tension of sorrow and joy hanging heavy in the air. If I didn’t know the outcome, how would I feel today? If I were one of Jesus’ followers in that day when faith had not yet become sight how would I feel? I think my mind will drift there often today; however, I’m so grateful to know both the purpose and outcome of his suffering as we commemorate his death today. Hallelujah, What a Savior!!

    1. Cathy says:


  46. Claire says:

    I read the passages and felt almost detached some how. then this “Because it is finished, there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to Jesus’ work on the Cross to bring us any closer to salvation. ” This is the easter message I needed to read today. I can’t add to my salvation, I can’t change what has passed. But I can worship and praise and give thanks to God for the cross and for salvation once more despite being so undeserving.

    1. Elizabeth Rogers says:

      Claire! I felt the same EXACT way! Thanks for sharing so I didn't feel like the odd one out. Praise our God that he didn't need us, he WANTS us!