During Advent, we sing songs like “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night” with jubilant and peaceful tones, the season ushering in “good tidings” to those of “good cheer.” But there’s real sadness all around us, maybe inside us too. Yet in the Christian faith, we are given permission to hold joy and suffering together and still rejoice. As we read through today’s scriptures, John 16:33 helps us walk through the hard things while also celebrating and anticipating our deliverance in Jesus.
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.
You will have suffering in this world.
Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
—John 16:33
Many Christians think that once they accept Jesus all their troubles will disappear. Yet Jesus is very clear that suffering is a part of the human experience. Maybe you feel like Paul, and you see your “thorn” as a way for God to humble you (2Corinthians 12:7). Or maybe your suffering has no explanation other than living in a fallen world. The same God who used Israel’s suffering to reveal His great power gives purpose to even our most senseless hardship to reveal His power (v.9).
After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Moses praised God, singing, “The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation” (Exodus 15:2). How soon afterward did the Israelites find their circumstances too hard and begin to grumble against God? Pretty soon. We, too, quickly forget the power God has to deliver us. Unlike the Israelites’ response to hardship, we can continue to trust God because “The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people” (Psalm 68:35).
Courage as a Christian may not look like someone having it all together. True courage is taking our weaknesses to God and allowing Him to be our strength (2Corinthians 12:10).
The God who defeated Egypt is the same God who defeated our great enemy. In sin, we were enslaved. But Jesus took the ultimate suffering, was raised on the third day, and the “forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed in his name to all the nations” (Luke 24:47).
Jesus has victory over all suffering. Trials are hard, but He knows what we need and provides enough for us to find hope each day as we wade through the difficult waters of life. Our strength and comfort are found in knowing the same God who delivered Israel is the same God who delivers us—He has done it, and He will do it again.

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78 thoughts on "Israel’s Strength and Consolation Day 13"
Lord you are good!
I love you Jesus I worship and adore you just want to tell you Lord I love you more than anything I lift my hands in total adoration unto you you reign on the throne cause you are God and God alone because of you my cloudy days are gone and I can sing to you this song I just want to say that I love you more than anything! Lord let me continue to love through it all as you have so graciously loved me in spite of you have extended your amazing grace and mercy! Lord I thank you for the love of Jesus and your love for us to let him make the ultimate sacrifice Lord you are good and your mercy endureth forever! He loves us oh how he loved us that he rescued us from sin so we may be free in Christ and those who are set free are free indeed! Love! Love! I love you! Bless you Jesus!
2 Corinthians 2:10 really stood out to me today. So many times I’ve struggled with feeling less than, because I didn’t feel like I had the right words to say in situations. From this verse I saw that when I don’t know what to do or say in situations, this doesn’t make me less than. This opens the door for God’s spirit to be my strength rather than trying to operate in my own strength and knowledge.
Yes, @Churchmouse- when in the midst of suffering instead of “why me” open your Bible and say, “Thy will be done.” Easier said than done! Come Lord Jesus!
Favorite verse – my power is made perfect in weakness. Navigating this season – knowing I can only face each day because of God’s strength because I am human and weak and weary from sleepless nights.
So gosh
Praying with you for Jesus to stay with them and walk with them until they take his hand
I ask for prayer for my husband. I pray that his desire to be present in the church grows. Light in him a new fire.
Praying for your family, Lauren!
Thank you for having the strength to share your testimony with others. This has definitely given me some perspective. I cannot fully relate to the extent of the situation you’ve gone through, but I can relate in other ways. I am diagnosed with bipolar II. My husband and I are having tension in our household due to my impulsive spending habits. I also tend to ruminate on things over and over again. Lord heal us both from our minds and allow us to keep the Father in mind.
Sisters, I ask for prayers. My husband and I do not come from believing backgrounds. All together because of divorces in our families, we have 7 parents, 7 siblings, and a few grandparents who are very active in our lives and still, after 4 years of my husband and I actively living our our faith in front of them and now having two sons we are raising to know Jesus, have seen zero movement in all of our family. We’ve taken so many steps it’s too much to count… talks, letters, invitations, bearing fruits of the Spirit genuinely (of course we’re not perfect), purchasing them Bibles, PRAYING…… no movement that we can see. TODAY, God absolutely wrecked me. He broke my heart. I feel such a holy pressure to stop taking pretty approaches about showing Jesus to them and start showing them my desperation and the seriousness of the matter. Today my mom came over and I got to share my genuine love and desperation for her to just give Christ a chance. I felt movement there. This probably all sounds crazy but I feel the Lord moving and almost like he is pouring out His broken heart on me so as to move me to action in a more bold way. The timing seems good as people are typically more open to give something a try around this time of year. All this to say… please pray with me. I am desperate for these people we love to know the love and freedom that comes from a relationship with Jesus.
Sisters, I ask for all your prayers. My husband and I do not come from
This is such a beautiful study, thank you Lord, I can feel you working through me❤️
Kristen, thank you for sharing this perspective. What a powerful reminder that focusing on the honorable, the lovely, the pure, the just, the commendable, also means taking our focus off of the hurtful and the ugly. Praying for you today.
I offer my suffering to You, God. This is my offering.
First time mama here, w/ COVID. Trying to keep my thoughts on Him and trust Him. I love what you shared @Kristen it really resonated with me. I tend to ruminate on negative thoughts and they make the situation worse. Trying to turn to scripture
Jesus IS our strength and consolation! I am so grateful that I can rely on Him and not mankind…
Amen ❤️
I heard a message on Philippians 4:8-9. The pastor said that this should be our litmus test for every thought. I heard this message after my husband’s affair. I was obsessively thinking about it, and this led to more tears and problems. First, he said to ask is it true? Yes, it was true that this happened, but is honorable, lovely, or commendable? No! So I shouldn’t be dwelling and replaying things I found out in my mind. I’m not saying to ignore it or not to seek Christian counseling. My counselor was a man from Africa. He told a tale that he knew from his country about a woman carrying around a dead body asking for help. After a while, the body was decaying and smelling. The villagers asked her why she kept doing this. She needed to stop. He said that I am doing the same thing! I needed to let go of those thoughts. I couldn’t change what had happened and it wasn’t helping me to heal or move on!
Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true,ab whatever is honorable,ac whatever is just, whatever is pure,ae whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. 9 Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
God, please help us with our thought life. May we read Your Word and our minds be renewed by Your Spirit, power and mercy! Please heal our minds and let our thoughts, actions, and words be pleasing to You! Amen.
Trials is hard. Life is hard. God has overcome
Love this
It’s so comforting to know that God is the same today as he was then!
Amen Churchmouse!
Churchmouse, this is so beautifully said. Thank you!
I noticed the theme of suffering as well! I was thinking about it the other day and wondering the same thing as you.
Dear Churchmouse – I said the same when Tanner was diagnosed. “Why not me?” It felt wrong and selfish to ask “why me” as if I was saying why not my friend. I would not wish that on anyone. BUT GOD…He pulled me through. I’m so so thankful.
Thank You Miss Hurley! Today’s devotional was what I needed to hear this morning. “Trials are hard, but He knows what we need and provides enough for us to find hope each day as we wade through the difficult waters of life. Our strength and comfort are found in knowing the same God who delivered Israel is the same God who delivers us—He has done it, and He will do it again”. I don’t need to deny or disguise the heart aches. That’s duplicitous & exhausting. What I can do is face the day remembering who delights in me & delivers me. And share that with someone else. And Thank You SRT Team! How magnificent the paired scripture readings! Many of my “faithful favorites” included. Those taken to memory, underscored & posted in journals. Those that help my walk through hard things. That set my path towards the softer, sweeter things. As Apostle Paul exhorts the Philippians…”if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy – dwell on these things”. (Philippians 4:8). Turn your thoughts in that direction. Something beautiful hides behind the broken. His grace. His glory. His gift. Lauren Daigle has a song: “Look Up Child”. Not just December.
I’m so thankful that I can find strength in my Jesus. I don’t need to conjure it up on my own. I also love worshipping and following a God who has overcome the world.
Churchmouse…yes. Thank you. My sister is hurting. She is an assistant in a special needs classroom in middle school. Some of these children are violent. She’s been beat up, the classroom destroyed & yesterday 2 of the boys lost it. Today she’s “in a bad mood.” I told her I would be praying for her. Several of you made comments that are so perfect. She believes, but she she doesn’t walk with Jesus, lean on Him, rely on Him. I hope y’all don’t mind if I share some of your comments along with the scriptures. Thank you.
Hugs & love to all.
CHURCHMOUSE, thank you for sharing. I remember when I was diagnosed with cancer, I started to say why me and then I also said why not me? Why would I be so special?
God can do amazing things with our circumstances. There are so many people who I have had the honor of interacting with, and sharing Jesus with because of osteosarcoma. I wouldn’t change that for anything.
Blessings to each of you sisters on this Friday. I am praying for each of you and asking that you have peace and strength during this holiday season and in the year to come.
Kenya, your words speak volumes to my situation right now: as long as I am doing my best to walk in Gods truth, then I can let go of so much. My suffering isn’t on me and neither is the responsibility of making it better. But honestly, this sounds too good to be true. And I think that’s the hardest part – letting go and letting God.
Michelle P- I too am in a waiting period. I am waiting on different things (moving to a better place, business growth, finances)- but totally relate to the weary feeling and not being filled up emotionally. Praying for you during your waiting and know you’re not alone.
No, we are called to share in the suffering of our Savior. But every suffering we experience, he has experienced before us. Our sufferings make us more into the image of Christ. Bless you, dear sister. ❤️
@Michelle Patrie_ I hear you, I feel you. God does, too. Praying for you right now to feel the tangible comfort of the Holy Spirit. That He will fill you with Peace and trust so you can REST in Him and the plans He has for you – to prosper you and bless you beyond all expectations.
The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise Him… Exodus 15:2 — Love this verse – God is my strength, my song, my salvation…praise His holy name!
Father give me the strength to ALWAYS praise you, even in the storms of life!
@Michelle Patire – praying for you this very moment. I know it’s hard in the waiting, but God will walk you through it, He loves you and He knows every detail. May you find comfort in Him today.
@Rhonda J. – praying for your safe travels, that God would relieve your pain and that you will have a wonderful time with your family!
A blessed Friday to all my SRT sisters!
33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Sorrow intermingled with joy describes life since my son died. The Greek for take heart is tharseo and was Andy’s word. Take heart, be of good courage, be of good cheer. Tharseo!
Well, these verses challenge me to find my strength in God and not myself. Can you all pray for me? I don’t know where else to go.
I don’t have a major prayer request, but I’ve been struggling so much emotionally, lately.
I’m in a season of waiting and it has been weary to my spirit. I find it hard to feel “filled up” emotionally. Maybe I’m not supposed to be full right now? At this point maybe God is just saying let it go and trust Him, in this season. I so desire intimate friendships but lately I’ve been having such a hard time finding people who will “go there” with me. I am a person who asks deep questions and always desires to get to the heart of people. Face to face. Heart to heart. Most people I have been encountering lately don’t have time or don’t want that from me. I literally cried yesterday about it because I’m just over superficial “hellos” from even other Christians!
I just want quality friendships so badly. It doesn’t help that I’m a single girl now 30 years old, but I know for sure I am in God’s will for my life.
Eventually, I know the Lord wants me to move out of my parents and journey on. So in my head, I’m just assuming maybe the friends I will be closest with aren’t here. So I wait. I wait on God for the time I will move, a new job, a new town, love, friendships…
Trying so hard to encourage my heart and be faithful in today… because tomorrow isn’t promised.
For when I am weak then I am strong. Truth! Sometimes in the hardest trials we our the strongest through God alone. What a wonderful reminder He has for us!
We are living in dark days but with God we have joy to strength us ! He gives us what we need daily!
He has done it, and He will do it again! Happy Friday sweet sisters! Another heart-felt devotion! Thank you Baily! I needed to hear that I (we) are given permission to hold joy and suffering together and still rejoice! Loved this! And I especially needed to hear about not having at together because BOY do I mess up!!! And I dislike myself so much when I do! BUT GOD…..I was reminded today that true courage is taking my weaknesses to HIM and allowing HIM to my strength! Beautiful devotion this morning! So thankful our God speaks to us through these beautiful well-written devotions and that these lovely ladies are using the God-given gifts to minister to us.
Labor- I feel the exact same way. What I’m most afraid of is if I will use the tools I’m learning now when the time comes. Will I really walk the walk?? Praying today that I focus on taking my fears to God and leaving them with Him!!
Bailey’s paragraph, “Courage as a Christian may not look like someone having it all together. True courage is taking our weaknesses to God and allowing Him to be our strength (2Corinthians 12:10).” really resonated with me today. It seems like the last three or four months this has been a lot truer than ever before. I have to remember to keep reach out to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and allowing Them to be my strength. Ever since my older son’s death Philippians 4:13 has been my go to verse. The Christmas after George died my brother and sister-in-law gave me a bracelet with that verse on it and that’s when I made it my verse. Yes this is a hard time for all of you sisters who have lost a loved one but remember God is with you ALWAYS AND HE IS YOUR STRENGTH, RELY ON HIM.
Be blessed and always rely on the Trinity.
Does anyone else just sigh when an Eeyore walks into the room? Eeyores bring a dark cloud, a defeatist attitude and a victim mentality. “Life is unfair. Others have it so much better. It’s just my luck. It shouldn’t be this way. It’s always been like this and it’s not going to get any better. Why me?”
Why not me? What about me is so special that I should be spared any discomfort in this life? God did not put me here for Him to do my bidding. He is more concerned about holiness than happiness. I can wallow in my hardships or I can draw on His power to persevere. I can bemoan my lot in life or I can be grateful for what I have. Suffering is part of my human experience. But it is not my only experience. My reaction to suffering reveals alot about my faith, my trust, my hope. I do not minimize suffering but neither do I magnify it. I don’t live in denial. Neither do I draw false conclusions. I hold tightly to joy at least as much as I grapple with suffering. Joy is a decision to look up, to rest in the Truth of the Word. I cast aside Eeyore. I shrug my shoulders, say “Oh bother!” and open my Bible. It gives me the only right perspective. “Why me?” becomes “Thy will be done.”
I think there’s relief in knowing we will suffer. That it’s set up that way. That allows us to give ourselves more grace. But it also gives us greater permission to lean into God because He is the only true one that can give us true peace in the suffering. So, as long as I am doing my best to walk in Gods truth, then I can let go of so much. My suffering isn’t on me and neither is the responsibility of making it better. But honestly, this sounds too good to be true. And I think that’s the hardest part – letting go and letting God.
Yes!!! Right there with you!! Inhale: Jesus
I absolutely love todays scriptures! There is no doubt that in this world we will have trouble. After all, it is written! But God’s grace is sufficient for me and sufficient for you and that truly is the best news. Blessings to all of you, I am so lucky to be a part of this community.
Boy, do I need to remember to keep the joy in the suffering right now in this period of tremendous back pain! My small group prayed with/for me yesterday as it was obvious that I was hurting as I was leading (another great blessing this year!) class! I try not to complain but we know that is not so easy! But I chose JOY! (the song on the radio!) We DO have a choice- to lay it at the feet of Jesus, maybe lean in for a hug, and continue on! Although I do believe you should share, in the right situation, so you can receive prayer and hugs from others! That is a gift from God!
I hope you choose JOY today, it is such a blessing. That was my word at the beginning of 2022, and it revealed itself in many situations! (Mainly a hurricane in our area leaving many neighbors feeling devastated.) But we were able to see how God works amidst our suffering!)
Have a great wkd She’s! Flying out to Atlanta tonight to see my son and sister and her family!! So excited! Prayers please for tolerating the flight through pain. :) Love you all!
Thank you Emily for that reminder. The daily grind I where I other need him the most, be where grace is sometimes not as visible.
I have felt the same way for quite some time! It is so encouraging to see these trials through a different lens ! God is truly working all things together for our good!
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.
You will have suffering in this world.
Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John
Jesus has conquered this world! Nothing in it can change that fact that we are this!!!!! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Father, I am a sinner saved by Grace because You loved me first and then You continue to hold on to me no matter what happens in my life! I love you! Thank you for loving me! Merry Christmas! Amen
I have been feeling the same lanie!!
I am wondering if I am the only one here that every study this year has been screaming out at me there will be suffering but be strong and courageous? I specifically remember sometime this summer being scared to death because I felt like God was preparing me for suffering and something bad was coming. I think it’s probably something that is sticking out at me each study because it is something I need to work on, to stop worrying about the future. And today as I read this, I didn’t have that dread I usually do, I felt like maybe sometimes we’re the underdog in the story, because the comeback story is so much more beautiful than the obvious winner. But just wondering am I the only one who has been seeing this theme of suffering all year? Or is this just the Bible and I’ve never noticed it before lol?
He gives me peace because He has conquered the world. I have His grace which is sufficient for everything. I have His power and it’s a living power readily available all the time. He strengthens me. I don’t have to depend on myself for strength. He has given me His armor to put on. His peace guards my heart and mind. He has taught me contentment; I just need to pay attention.
His power living in me is the only reason I am able to do the things He calls me to do.
Have a blessed weekend. Pray for the teachers. I’ve got three more days after today with my students. I know we can do this!!! Jesus, give us strength, patience, and a sense of humor.
“Then He opened their minds to understand the scriptures”.Luke 24:45 I feel as each year passes He truly does keep opening my mind to understand more and more. And how wonderful is that!?! That we may have a clearer understanding of His love, our struggles, and our ability to rest in Him because of what He has done for us! He truly is our strength and consolation. ❤️ Have a fabulous Friday and prayers for all.
Christ sends the Holy Spirit who opens our minds to understand the Scriptures. The Scriptures give us peace as we read and study them and think about what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy. His peace guards our hearts and minds. Although we have suffering in this world, we can be courageous because Jesus has overcome the world. We can also take pleasure (!) in weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for the sake of Christ because His grace, strength and power is displayed in our weakness. We are strengthened in Christ when we put on His armor—when we stand on His truth, live according to His righteousness, are ready to share His gospel, cling to the faith He has given us, remember the salvation He has provided us, use His Word, and pray. We can pray to Him any tie about anything. Thanksgiving for what He has done for us and contentment with what He has given us also gives us strength. Also, the care and concern that our fellow Christians show us gives us strength. All of these things show us that God is near to us, and as we cling to that truth, we are strengthened.
“Yet in the Christian faith, we are given permission to hold joy and suffering together and still rejoice.” As many have already commented joy and suffering can both be rejoiced over, what a wonderful concept. Joy is our choice in our suffering. It’s not the easy choice but it is our choice. John 16:33 always gives me encouragement in those sufferings. Thank the Lord, He has overcome the world and this is our temporary residence.
May all the She’s feel the joy in their sufferings today.
Yes! Jesus has victory over all suffering! He is my strength and my song! What consolation!!
This whole study has been great but today I took pause to reflect on Ephesians 6:10 and his vast strength. To really reflect on that in a time that things feel uncertain right now at work and even financially and yet I find myself walking in a renewed sense of peace. I find myself really leaning into rest, relying on his peace and the fact that his strength is vast! Joy mixed with sorrow and peace in the midst of all circumstances as I direct the eyes of my heart towards my God, my King and my Savior.
Amen! Don’t miss it – these little tasks/the real grind of life are the moments I needed Him the most.
We are given permission to hold joy & suffering together and still rejoice. ❤️
So many good verses in today’s devotional, I wish I had enough room in my little journal to copy them all down. So thankful that Jesus has the final victory. He empathizes with our weakness and suffering. He sees. He knows. He loves and gives grace and mercy anyway. I loved the quote “True courage is taking our weaknesses to God and allowing Him to be our strength.” May it be so in my life Lord.
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! Lifting up the prayer requests <3
Today’s Scriptures, especially the selections in 2 Corinthians, Ephesians and Philippians – I need to work on memorizing much of these and that is not one of my strengths. I know my attitude and outlook would be much improved by focusing on these words. In this joyous time of year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and anticipate a fresh start in the new calendar year, there is always for me the remembering of those I miss dearly along with the challenges of everyday life.
MARY UNDERWOOD – I have been where you are, praying for peace as you sit with your MIL.
TARA WILSON – praying for your friend
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – loved your post yesterday
KATHERINE MORGAN – praying for safe travels and relief from anxiety
DOROTHY – praying for you, Carol & Jake
Just in case anyone else needs this- sometimes it’s not the big moments that He asks us to trust Him in “whatever the circumstances.” Sometimes it’s that daily grind- the Christmas programs and the homework and basketball practice and the getting dinner on the table and the laundry and the dishes and the company coming this weekend and the everyday living that we do. He is in that, too!
Joy and suffering together. Because Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. There is power and strength in the name of Jesus. When I am weak, when I am weary, when I am suffering….Jesus. Today I make His name my breath prayer. Jesus
33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Jesus’ promise in John 16:33 “helps us walk through the hard things while also celebrating and anticipating our deliverance in [Him].”
Lord Jesus, You are faithful to Your promises. Forgive my lack of trust and increase my faith.
Hold joy and suffering together.
I am so glad that Jesus has victory over all suffering. In the trials that we face in this broken world we need to turn it all over to Jesus cause he still has victory of suffering
The Lord is my strength. He gives power and strength to His people. Empowers us, clothes us with power. We can be strengthened by the Lord and His vast strength, wearing His armor. We can have peace in Him because He has conquered the world. His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. We need them so hat the power of Christ can work through us. It’s because of His power that I can fight against sin and do good even when I’m afraid. It’s only because of His power that my faith is still alive at all