Israel’s Restoration

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 20:32-49, Ezekiel 21:1-32, 1 Peter 3:18-21

In high school, I learned how to do back handsprings. I was on an intensely dedicated competition cheer team that practiced hours and hours nearly every day. My dad would often joke, “I sure hope your coaches get serious about this whole cheerleading thing.” My number one goal in life, at the time, was to demonstrate my awesomeness in front of the football team. 

I wanted to be admired. I wanted the linebacker to be in love with me. I wanted my cheer coaches to be proud of me. I exhausted myself—determined to be the best and most strategic in my efforts to let everyone know I was the best. 

A lot of toe touches, a lot of hairspray, and a lot of years and tears went into my efforts of being the bubbly, cheering god of my own little universe. 

The problem was, I was never impressive enough. And even when I felt I was, there were never enough people watching. And if there were enough people watching, they weren’t watching well enough. If they were watching well enough, they weren’t responding loudly enough. It was never enough.

Today’s reading is such a beautiful chunk of Scripture about our one, true God. Our actually and legitimately worthy of praise God. Our Creator is the only being who genuinely has the right to demonstrate His goodness and perfection in the sight of all. We tend to strive to secure a worthiness that always feels false. But He is worthy. 

I loved reading what God says to the house of Judah in today’s passage. “Go and serve your idols….But afterward you will surely listen to me…” (Ezekiel 20:39). And then, He tells the people, “I will demonstrate my holiness through you in the sight of the nations” (v.41). I may not have known it back in high school when I was doing my best God impression, but His Spirit was patiently and compassionately pursuing me, the way He did with the people of Judah thousands of years ago. He was loving me, in my exhaustion, toward the realization that He alone could satisfy.

In Ezekiel 20:42, God says, “…When I lead you into the land of Israel, the land I swore to give your ancestors, you will know that I am the LORD….” 

Even though He was speaking to the exiled people, we see His character here, and we see how He deals with us and our own idolatry. We often spend time chasing our own desires and we end up empty. But God keeps His promises, despite our wanderings and failures. He leads us to the promised land, because He is a promise keeper! For those of us who accept the finished work of His Son, that “promised land” can be found anywhere on the map of this so-obviously-broken world. 

Years after the prophet Ezekiel had come and gone, Jesus left heaven and came to this world, “suffer[ing] for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring [us] to God…” (1Peter 3:18–21).

We, too, have failed at being holy. We, like them, turned from worshiping Him to worshiping other things—ridiculous things like cheerleading and careers and compliments. But, God, in His mercy, has made a way for us to be restored. During this Lenten season we are reminded that He makes spiritually dead people abundantly alive through the extravagant and sacrificial love of His only Son, the only One worthy of praise. 

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62 thoughts on "Israel’s Restoration"

  1. Morgan Latham says:

    I’ve had enough of this world. I’m tired of it’s ways. I’m ready for God’s restoration to wash over me and the world.

  2. Mari V says:

    ONCE again I needed this reminder. At my ripe old age and stubbornness, I needed this reminder to stop chasing after compliments. Mainly, leadership. On this side of heaven, most likely I will never be a leader at my workplace. Younger ones are being raised up above me, and as much as it pains me I’m accepting it. My son recently said to me that it was OK that I’m not a leader at my workplace because I am a leader for him and his sister. My♥️. I love my son and daughter so much! The day I take my last breath, my only hope is they remember that I Loved Jesus and them (my children)!

  3. Anne Carlson says:

    @ANGIE Prayers for a steady recovery and strength going up for you and your hubby! And especially for the lady you met.

  4. Kathy A says:

    @Victoria E Congratulations!!! So excited to hear you and baby Elijah are well!!! Welcome to the world sweet boy. Father God, be with this young family, protect them, give them strength, rest, wisdom and peace as they begin to navigate their new roles as mom and dad. We give you praise and glory for this little life.

  5. Foster Mama says:

    Hellllloooo Everyone :D

    Thank you to all those who have kept me in thoughts and prayers {e.g. @ KELLY(NEO) ❤️– it meant the world, Sister}

    I have been sooo behind on readings and took my own Mama on a much-needed trip…I have scrolled through a few comments here and there but, kept you all in my thoughts.

    Admittedly, as we’ve travelled ❤️VICTORIA E’s pregnancy journey together, feeling “we” ;) were due soon, I found myself doing quick little check ins…

    WELCOME ❤️ ELIJAH!! Most precious gift that you are, may our sweet Lord, with His perfect timing, have His soft & mighty hands upon you (and your parents) always to guide you in this life. May you have the courage & conviction to stand (like your namesake) even when it feels no one else around you is for God! And in those moments in your journey (which will undoubtedly come) where you have profound fear (as he did when Jezebel reared her head), may you run into the arms of the One who formed you in your mama’s womb. Great advice ❤️ HEIDI. I echo all of ❤️ ANGIE’s and our Sisters’ prayers for you. Blessings. Blessings.Blessings.

    Praising You, Jesus that You desire for us to repent and come to You, even if it is with our last breath…Lord, teach us to turn away from evil and to have Your mind.

  6. Angie says:

    I have not done a very good job of responding to the scriptures with everything. While Ezekiel is difficult to read sometimes, can you imagine how hard it was to be the prophet to live it? And yet, he did. Obediently.
    And the prophecy itself, what an example of God’s tremendous love, to be unwilling to leave His children in their sin. As painful, and frightening, as the wrath of God is (intensely so) how amazing is the love that is it’s foundation. How absolutely beyond wonderful-words to do Him justice, is our God.
    My heart breaks when I read about Israel’s turning away and worshiping idols. My heart breaks when God, in His mercy-filled grace reminds me of the idols that try to sneak into my own life. Or what about times of disobedience or delayed obedience. While it is my heart’s desire to always obey right away, to be ready with, “Yes God, now what do You desire?” I know that I fail at times.
    But one day…we will be with Him face to face. One day there will be no more evil to try to trip us up or steal those we love. One day we will worship together as the family of God, in His presence, in His kingdom, for eternity. One day, all because of Jesus and His purchase of our salvation. All because of the love of our God and indwelling Holy Spirit. Looking forward to that day, prayerfully thankful for the opportunity to serve with every breath He gives in this one. Amen and thank you God.

  7. Clarisse Martin says:

    Congrats on the new babe ❤️

  8. Angie says:

    Victoria E. – God, our Father, King of the Universe, and Creator of all things, THANK YOU! Thank you for the precious life of baby Elijah. Thank you for Your plan for his days. Thank you for his mommy and daddy and the many moments along the way You have planned for them. Thank you for each and every precious finger, toe, and organ in his body. Thank you for those sweet and perfect lips created to take in the nutrients You have provided. Give Victoria the guidance she and her husband need every moment. Help them to rest peacefully and completely when they are able. May little Elijah have those resting times as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord God, I repeat 3 times as You so often do in Your Word. We praise You alone, Creator and Lord for the life of Elijah and his parents.

    Sarah Nunneley – Lord God, please be with Sarah’s dad and mom as they determine the next steps in figuring out why he passed out. I pray that it would be a simple fix and that You would direct them to doctor’s guided by You in wisdom and discernment of his condition. I pray for healing of his head injury and peace for her mom through this all.

    Melanie – I lift your pastor and his family up to the Lord. God, these people, this little family, they are your servants. I pray for your hand to be upon the pastor in ICU. I pray that if it is according to your will and plan that this man could respond to treatments even today and begin the healing process. I pray, Lord Jesus, that his wife and children would find peace in recounting your faithfulness through the years and that in this situation as well they would be able to rest in You. Provide for them Savior and Lord.

    Dorothy – You are a part of every step of Your children’s lives Lord. I pray for Finley and her parents at this time. I pray for the health of this little girl and the spiritual faith in you to grow and become her own. I pray for her parents to trust and follow after You fully Lord God and for them to have peace beyond understanding in this situation. I pray too for Dorothy as you provide for the financial needs she has – I don’t know if that will come through someone else to care for or another way but, we trust You and thank you in advance Lord.

    Heidi – Lord God may your touch be upon Heidi. Help her with not feeling well today. I also lift her niece and friend before You. I pray first for the salvation for these two people. I pray for your healing hand to be upon them spiritually, physically, mentally, ad emotionally. It can be hard to watch those we love be taken to the place where they turn to You. Our hearts ache for those we love who make choices against You and your will for their lives. I pray for the circumstances to be such that her niece and friend turn to You as Lord of their lives. That is the only place of true and complete healing. Help them Lord God and we praise You for sending the Righteous One – Jesus Christ our Lord, for everyone of us-the unrighteous, for our hope, our redemption, is in Jesus alone.

    Sarah D – God send your angels of protection around Sarah and those she travels with. Guide her to open hearts and minds to hear and respond to Your call. Give her hands of service and guide her feet on your paths. May this be a time of growing even closer to You and making memories of faith on this journey of life that You give us.

    Martha Hix – Lord I lift Martha’s brother and SIL before you. I lift their son as well. I pray salvation for him and guidance for all involved when he is released. Change his heart oh God. Give him a heart of flesh. Chip away the stone. And please Lord, help his parents to be strong and have ears to hear and eyes to see and know what You would have them do and not do. Lord we all need that every day. Thank you for indwelling us. Help us to listen, actually hear, and apply/obey. I also pray for Martha in her grief – hold her close Lord God.

    Ash H. – A little 5 year old boy Lord God, Milo. Leukemia. It is frightening. Guide his parents and his little sister. She is young and will not understand much of this. He is young also. Give him the child-like faith needed in every moment. Direct the doctors. Provide for this family. We ask this in Jesus precious and holy name.

    Brooke P. – Praying for your precious pregnancy also.

    In all these requests Lord, (and any I’ve presently missed), we ask for Your power, for Your glory, as we praise You, our God and King. Amen.