Israel’s Rebellion

Open Your Bible

​​Ezekiel 20:1-31, Hebrews 3:7-12

I don’t know about you, but I’m not fond of being reminded of my shortcomings, especially throughout a forty day period like Lent. No doubt the elders sitting at Ezekiel’s feet squirmed as he launched into a history lecture that pretty much skewered Judah at every turn. Malfeasances, dull hearts, disobedience—it was all there. This dressing down in Ezekiel 20 follows chapter after chapter of accusation and judgment. Enough already! How about some encouraging tidbits?

Nevertheless, the Lord had every reason to say “enough already” to Judah, and He has every reason to say it to us. He blesses us; we turn around and complain. He rescues us from our stunning missteps; we forget those merciful deliverances. Idols, idols, idols—they are lodged insidiously in our wayward hearts.

It ought not surprise us that Israel was in trouble yet again. God’s memory first reached back to Egypt. As He brought them out of that living prison and gave them rest from the constant brutal grind, He did require them to get rid of all the trappings of the surrounding culture. Drop the idols of Egypt, the vile images that seized their attention and demanded allegiance. Imagine that; they were to be counter-cultural to the point where people living around them knew whose they were! They had trouble with that. So do we. We’d like to stay under the radar, be like everyone else, and maintain an acceptable cultural presence—whatever that means. 

In the wilderness, the Lord gave Israel precious gifts—instructions designed for their flourishing; food and water to stay alive, guidance and protection, and that wonderful provision of Sabbath rest. The last was a holy sign that they were the Lord’s people. How perverse that they rejected the joy of the Sabbath that was intended to be restorative! Both generations, however, faltered seriously in the wilderness, succumbing to the tyranny of bondage to their own desires.

They forgot—we forget—that this is about the radiant pure glory and majesty of God’s Name. Once we get that—even if only fleetingly—we will guard our every choice of word and action, encouraging each other daily, and seeking to bring glory to the name that is above all other names. 

(78) Comments

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78 thoughts on "Israel’s Rebellion"

  1. Sarabeth Segars says:

    I am usually a quiet observer to this community, but I love everyone’s responses and comments. Victoria E: I’m super excited about your delivery today! I pray all goes well, and you enjoy the little bundle of joy. :)

  2. DeAnn Woods says:

    All of you are in my prayer. I feel like I glean as much reading the comments as I do the daily reading. Blessings to you all.

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I was talking to my husband about “enough already” when people complain. But it came out of arrogance at the fact that I did not complain and had so much on my plate. I was 27 when I received Tanner’s diagnosis. There are only 2,000 cases in the entire world. His dad chose to drink, I chose to leave him. Ouch..I was self employed. If I didn’t work I didn’t get paid. I’ve had so many say to me what a “strong woman” I am. BUT I know that only comes from God. How could I complain or whine about my situation. I didn’t ask “why me” because that meant why not you instead of me. I couldn’t do that. God used my situation to change me. To soften me…sometimes I’m still harsh. I don’t have patience with complainers. That’s bad and I know it. I want to yell “get it together!” But I realize I was that complainer before I had my son. That hardship is what it took to change me. I’m far from perfect. God has so much more work to do in me. My husband is always saying “that’s my wife.” I say it like it is. I need to pray for God to guard my mouth and all my choices of action. To speak His words. I don’t want to forget those Merciful Deliverances. To ask what idols are in my way and pulling me from my relationship with my Lord. Help my to remember that this IS about the radiant pure glory and majesty of God’s name.

  4. Jordan Turner says:

    Chris S: Yes, about the comment on abortion! I never thought of it this way and love how you pointed this how here. I have always been pro-life. Especially during the season of my husband and I waiting and praying for our baby. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Victoria E says:

    I am so blessed to have you all praying for me. We are getting ready to go to the hospital now thank you to everyone who has prayed through our entire journey! I wish I had time to individually thank you all, but I have to go! God is good. Angie praying for your husband.

  6. Brooke P says:

    Chris S. I completely agree, abortion is the sacrifice of children created by God on the altar of self and self worship. Abhorrent and detestable. Our nation has been taking pride and “shouting” the murder of the most vulnerable as some sort of sick badge of independence and “women’s rights”. Praying for all those entrapped in the lies of abortion! There is a way out, CHOOSE LIFE!❤️ the Lord has given you a GREAT gift for a new direction in your life, there is HOPE! Lord help us. Guide us. Have mercy on us & show everyone your goodness in this wilderness worse than Sodom.

  7. MARTHA HIX says:

    I am so thankful for each of you. Last night I was sharing with my brother and sister-in-law about SRT, the study, message, and the comments. They have an adult son who is in prison on drug related offenses and soon to be released. Like so many, it is complex and they realize they were caring and loving but also codependents. I was sharing stories from here in the comments sections and the wonderful community praying for each other. I shared about how recently @searching and @heidi and others had included me in those they were praying for and what a comfort it was to feel seen by God during a time when I am hurting from grief and what a difference it makes. My brother and SIL were like Wow! I told them about the He Reads Truth also. It is a surprise to see your name included and the thoughtfulness. Thank you Holy Spirit for these promptings that illicit such gratitude.
    They have alot going on with my SIL having early onset alzheimer’s. She’s 67. Please pray for my brother and SIL as they prepare for the release of their son and for my nephew and to give them wisdom and discernment about what their relationship will look like.
    I would also appreciate your prayers as I drive tomorrow in Texas. I am going to babysit my grandkids while my daughter and husband are out of town! Thank you for your kindness and faithfulness. ❤️

  8. Cindy Hanna says:

    So excited for Victoria E. and baby boy E. on this long awaited birth day arrival. Praying for the many needs mentioned today. Like HEIDI, the podcast comments of Dr. Bryan Loritts on practicing a “rhythm of fasting “ caught my attention.