Israel’s Disobedience Is Remembered

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 1:1-46, Deuteronomy 2:1-23, Numbers 14:33-34

For a short season my husband and I were foster parents in Colorado. One of our agency requirements was to write and post a list of simple household rules. Then, when three sisters came to live with us, we started our season of life together by giving a tour of our house and reading over those rules.

These girls had just been uprooted from their family. Ours was a brand-new place with brand-new people and expectations, where everything from the food we served to the smell of the shampoo was unfamiliar. Describing with clarity what life would be like as a temporary family wasn’t a replacement for building a relationship—it was an essential part of establishing structure in a season of overwhelming transition. 

The book of Deuteronomy is in many ways Moses offering the Israelites similar structure. The law given in these pages is a covenant, or agreement, between Israel and God. It most closely follows the pattern of ancient Near Eastern marriage and adoption covenants, where two previously unconnected groups established themselves as a new family. 

Before he explained the laws and structure that would frame their new society, he began by reminding them of their history with God as a people. God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and brought the ancestors of the generation in Deuteronomy to the edge of the promised land. But they rebelled, refusing to enter the promised land. They let their fear and discouragement take precedent over trusting the Lord. 

Yet God remained faithful to the Exodus generation and their children as they wandered in the desert for forty years. And after forty years, this new generation was preparing to put down roots where they had never lived. It was a season of overwhelming transition, a second chance to live as an obedient people in response to a good God who never stopped sustaining His people. 

We’ll read many laws and specific instructions to the nation of Israel over the next few weeks. It can be tempting to read these rules from a twenty-first century perspective, raising an eyebrow at what can seem like barbaric or confining commands. But to a people without a criminal justice system or legal code, these instructions were a continuation of God’s provision. God had already chosen and protected His people, through Egypt and the exodus and in the wilderness. The covenant we’ll read about was an invitation into a new kind of life, a way for the Israelites to to demonstrate God’s goodness and love to the entire world as a nation.

As you read, don’t lose sight of the One who makes a family out of these wandering nomads. Remember that though it may look different than the societal structure we’ll read in Deuteronomy, we too are called in Christ to live lives of obedience (John 14:15). Remember that He calls us to follow Him, like the Israelites, not to earn a relationship or in place of knowing Him, but as a daily, all-encompassing response to the freedom and kindness He’s already shown us in calling us His own.

(160) Comments

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160 thoughts on "Israel’s Disobedience Is Remembered"

  1. Lea Anne Shetler says:

    That’s the verse they stood out to me as well

  2. Taylor S. M says:

    Today’s reading left me in this whirlwind of wanting to gain an understanding of how to not live in the way that I would want, but how God wants me to. As I was reading the different chapters, I got God’s understanding that my life doesn’t belong to me. In fact in the beginning God tells us exactly how He made us. Not how we made ourselves. I want to repent and say I am sorry for acting on my own accord in my life. My desire is to start a new journey of being still and trusting God and not myself. I think disobedience is a topic that we often overlook thinking it doesn’t hold much weight of offense. Sadly, it’s one of the things God’s marks as witchcraft. Rebellion. This isn’t a plan of action that will happen over night, but I do believe that by the confession of my faults and the desire to change that God, my Daddy will preform the heart change in me. If you are reading this I hope that you can also pray for me as well.

  3. Daphney Ramos says:

    This study of the book of has been a blessing to me.

  4. Melanie Cheatham says:

    New to this study and wow! I’m currently in the waiting for my transition for a new career. And my obedience is inconsistent. Looking forward to diving further into this study.

  5. Ivy Core says:

    Following Him as a response to His kindness and the freedom He offers…such a beautiful reminder today.

  6. Angela McFarland says:

    This study is right on time for me as I am going into a season of transition.

  7. Hannah Vogelsmeier says:

    I need to keep reminding myself that I do not know better than Him. Putting trust in myself instead of God? That’s absurd to even say.

  8. Vanessa says:

    This is my 2nd time starting this study, the first time was in august 2022. I’ve been stuck in a place of complacency and laziness. When I read ” You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey” God spoke so clearly.
    Even through their fear and disobedience God still remained faithful to the Israelites, just as He has with me.
    Thank You Lord for the mercy and grace!

  9. Kaleshia Gardner says:

    This hit me hard. I pray that I be more obedient to God & his word.

  10. Danielle Boggs says:

    I pray that I can grow in my ability to be obedient.

  11. Ashley Coplo says:

    Agreed Natasha, I felt the same way

  12. Mary Snyder says:

    We read this book last year. I’m surprised there doing it again. If you Scroll through the comments you’ll see some of them are old.

  13. Patsy Coghlan says:

    Where is the Study Book for this reading. I am a study box subscribers and do not have this book.

  14. ClaireB says:

    ERB…Apparently. This appears to be happening a lot. While they say they interject new content in looking over my previous study books it seems the same. I think I will pass. I will check in on comments to keep up with everyone but I am going to find something fresh to study.

  15. Natasha R says:

    I am encouraged to read how He kept his promises to the descendants of Esau and Lot. Our God keeps 100% of His promises!

  16. Natasha R says:

    Disobedience is a sign of a lack of trust in God. That’s what I got from the verses today and yikes, that hit me hard.

  17. Lizzie Klein says:

    “The Lord your God who goes before you will fight for you, just as you saw him do for you in Egypt.”

  18. Searching says:

    ERB ❤️ Deuteronomy (28 days) is one of SRT’s suggestions for (starting today) 4 Grace Weeks. Several of us are doing 2 14-day studies instead – starting today with Worthy of Praise, and second one is likely The Beatitudes. I bookmarked them on my device for easy finding each day. Search for She Reads Truth Worthy of Praise in whatever browser you use and it should take you right to it. If not, post back and I’ll try to add a link. Hope to see you there ❤️

  19. ERB says:

    I’m confused… as a community are we re-reading the Deuteronomy plan?

  20. lara-ann feldtman says:

    Incredible to see the heart of God in these verses; how He carried His people like His own son (1:31) & even when they rebelled against Him, He still provided for them & sustained them in the wilderness (2:7). Such a great reminder of Who God is. And a great challenge that loving God means being obedient to Him (Jn. 14:15). Really excited for this study!

  21. Stephanie Vail says:

    I just imagine the utter guilt and regret I’d feel to not trust immediately and then have the Promised Land taken away from me. But, isn’t that exactly what we do when we sin? God says “do this” and I say “Nah, thanks” and it’s only thanks to Jesus Christ that I can be forgiven and try again.

  22. Emily Cortopassi says:

    I chose this study randomly, without reading the description and honestly, if I had I probably wouldn’t have chosen it. I often find these passages “boring” but clearly I need to be remained of some very important aspects of my Faith. Excited for the future!

  23. Alyssa Martinez says:

    I am going through same season “walking in wilderness” and God just wants me to completely obey Him and I am.

  24. Gwen Dunn says:

    I am being called to obey as I walk from the wilderness ❤️

  25. Hannah Wise says:

    Praying I learn to live obediently to the One who knows more than me, who is ruler of all things, and loves me more than I can imagine.

  26. Diane Kwak says:

    “I believe; help my unbelief” is my prayer for myself as I read through Deuteronomy. As the Israelites were exhorted to, may I look to God’s faithfulness in my past and trust his faithfulness for my future, even when things are seemingly hopeless.

  27. Anja Best says:

    To be faithful. Deuteronomy is a a reminder for me in this season to not just trust God out of convenience but trust out of conviction because he has shown himself capable and faithful to me over and over again.

  28. Anja Best says:

    To be human is to be doubtful but to be immortal and more like God is

  29. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you for everything

  30. Shea Bailey says:

    Much needed reminder for this season of life I am in. ❤️

  31. Kristin Smith says:

    Wow so good!

  32. Caitlyn Brown says:


  33. Andrea V says:


  34. Marianna Kwan says:

    Father, lead me in the ways of obedience, knowing full well that your gentle prodding comes from a place of all-knowing and a place of love. Teach me to trust in your faithfulness- just as in the past you will do it again. I can rely on you, I can place my faith in you, I can give you everything and not be put to shame

  35. Kjh-Lajhni Sanford-McPherson says:

    So thankful for the living word of God. In my current season of life I am on the cusp of something new and different, the chance to take a step or retreat. It is easy for me to judge the Israelites for not listening to the clearly spoken word of God. Today I have the opportunity to listen to whet rGod is leading in my own life that I might not turn from him like the Israelites.

  36. Kjh-Lajhni Sanford-McPherson says:

    So thankful for the living word of God. In my current season of life I am on the cusp of something new and different, the chance to take a step or retreat.

  37. Tasha Adams says:


  38. Caitlyn Brown says:

    Though it’s easy to scoff at how the Israelites behaved in light of all God had done for them, I’m reminded again at how alike they and I are. God has shown Himself faithful again and again, yet I still struggle to trust Him in everything. Lord give me grace to trust you and bring to my mind your faithfulness again!

  39. Anne Murphy says:

    It amazes me at how true to His word and promises he truly is. We think that when bad things happen to us it is Gods punishment however the is a direct result of our disobedience. Walking out of the covering of our Father. His mercy is new every morning, but His expectations are the same.

  40. Taylor Cervenka says:


  41. Jessica Short says:


  42. Brandy Deruso says:

    Beautiful word lord you are gooc!

  43. Barbara Tilley says:


  44. Lawanda Hunt says:


  45. Victoria Hodge says:


  46. Becky Kortman says:


  47. Danielle Sturdevant says:


  48. Diana Lozon says:


  49. J M says:

    Tiffany thank you so much for highlighting these versus in the context of transitions. I may be forced to leave my teaching job. I’m not ready to retire and don’t know what’s going to happen.

  50. Tara Guthrie says:

    Am looking forward to diving into this study deeper and understanding more about Gods love for us through Deuteronomy.

  51. Casondra Radford says:


  52. norah . says:


  53. Mary Macdonald says:

    Love getting to see everyone’s thoughts as we go through this study

  54. Hanbyeol Jang says:


  55. Carlee Walencik says:

    This is my first bible study! Loving how this breaks down the message and makes it understandable. I have a hard time processing what I’m reading and I would get discouraged. It prevented me from taking my faith to a deeper level.

    This was so needed to hear that if I don’t obey and trust God’s will than there will be consequences. Because we were betrayed by the world, it’s embedded in us to question everything and not trust anyone. I need to work on having faith in him and knowing he will always have my best interest even if it doesn’t make sense to me at the time.

  56. Carlee Walencik says:

    This is my first bible study! Loving how this breaks down the message and makes it understandable. I have a hard time processing what I’m reading and I would get discouraged. It prevented me from taking my faith to a deeper level.

  57. Tiffany Headrick says:

    These 2 verses hit home. We are in a period of transition in our lives, but the lord is in complete control and leading us if we seek and obey his word. 30 The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes, – Deuteronomy 31 and in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.’ – Deuteronomy 1:30-31

  58. Brittany Dills says:


  59. Kristin Meyer says:

    My favorite verse in reading is, Deuteronomy 2:7. The Lord your God has blessed you in the work of your hands, He has watched over your journey through the wilderness, He has been with you & you have lacked nothing.

    WOW. As I am now transitioning from engagement & into marriage, I will be holding this verse close to my heart.
    The Lord’s constant faithfulness & renewal never seizes to amaze me.

  60. Kristin Meyer says:

    My favorite verse in reading is, Deuteronomy 2:7. The Lord your God has blessed you in the work of your hands, He has watched over your journey through the wilderness, He has been with you & you have lacked nothing.

    WOW. As I am now transitioning from engagement & into marriage, I will be holding this verse close to my heart.

  61. Kristin Meyer says:

    My favorite verse in reading is, Deuteronomy 2:7. The Lord your God has blessed you in the work of your hands, He has watched over your journey through the wilderness, He has been with you & you have lacked nothing.

  62. Jessica Haynes says:


  63. Lainey Bull says:


  64. Amanda Lowe says:


  65. Cassie Harville says:


  66. Sherree Hunsberger says:

    I really enjoyed the podcast. I was refreshed, renewed and excited to start.

  67. Erykah Groff says:


  68. Mary Ann Graves says:

    I too need to be renewed.

  69. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Praying for your friends.

  70. Saicha Crawford says:

    Hello Lori! You can do it anyway you would like but for me, I read the reading once, read the devotion in the app, read the reading again, answer the reflection questions, pray, and listen to that reading section’s podcast (some like to listen to the entire podcast on Monday). I hope that helps you ❤️.

  71. Jenn Taylor says:

    Am looking forward to jumping in to Deuteronomy with all of you! I often get frustrated with God’s people as I see the cyclical nature of obedience, disobedience, repentance, renewal. But it’s also a good reminder that although circumstances change, we still do the same things in our walk with the Lord today.

  72. Lori Kraynek says:

    Please pray that as I read this book study, I begin to understand how exactly this is to work. I’m so confused as to do we read the whole weeks lesson, then go to the Podcast, and then read additional things here..?? I’m sorry, I’m a step by step instruction kinda girl so I feel like this is just..confusing for me.

    1. Kristen St. Aubin says:

      I personally listened to the Monday podcast first. I then read the first day’s reading (which is the same in the book and here on the app!) Next I read the devotional “story” here on the app. Then I turned back to my book and answered the observe and reflect questions at the end of the first day.

      I’m jumping in a few days to the study! But knowing that the passages are the same in the book and on the app helped me feel less overwhelmed! I liked answering the questions in the book last just because I was able to read everything provided before answering.

  73. Briana Bennett says:

    I love the justice of God. Even though the disobedient would not see the promiseland…. their innocent children would not be punished. That was reassuring to me of Gods mercy and love.

  74. Alexandra Dent says:


  75. Kristi Pendleton says:

    He calls us to follow and lives our lives to glorify Him. It is all-encompassing response to the ultimate love and sacrifice by the giving of His Son for us.

  76. Leanna Earwood says:

    I’m doing the book study along with the app for the first time, and I love how the book set up the context! I never realized that these first few chapters of Deuteronomy are Moses recounting what has just happened over the last 40+ years so that this new generation can better understand why their ancestors didn’t get to enter into the Promised Land. It was great to read this passage with that context in mind.

  77. Makenzie Benish says:

    Our following Jesus is a daily, all-encompassing response to the freedom and kindness we have been gifted from Him.

  78. Oluseye Ashiru says:

    When God gives us boundaries, it’s for our protection. He constantly reminded the people about where they had been given and to stay within those boundaries because it’s in those boundaries that His provision will be made available to them ensuring they lack nothing. I am again reminded of God’s promised and how all things come together. So blessed by the study and all the amazing contributions of everyone here.

  79. Hannah says:

    Hi Ladies,
    I wanted to ask for prayer for a few of my dear friends, they have been hit very hard by covid over the last week and half. Cecilia, my friends grandmother is in the hospital and she is not doing very well, she has needed increased oxygen and is groggy and unable to communicate well. Please pray for healing, for the inflammation in her lungs to be reduced and for increased oxygen saturation. Danae is my other friend who needs prayer. She is Cecilia’s grand daughter-in-law and she is 38 weeks pregnant and sick as well. She is doing well at home but she is stressed and discouraged being so sick so late in her pregnancy. Please pray for healing for her so she can deliver at the birth center she is scheduled to deliver at, for her baby to stay healthy through all this, and for peace and encouragement to get through this difficult season.
    Thank you ladies!

  80. Deb Ireland says:

    I am in a season where I need renewed commitment and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Thankful that God is perfect and permanent and I can rely on Him and not my own strength.

  81. SarahJoy says:

    Mandy – thanks for that perspective. That helped me.

  82. Kimmy Tisdale says:

    Both my church and now this has really been reminding me constantly of how we need to raise our kids to know the Lord and how our kids need to know how we can to know Him as well. Important stuff

  83. Mary Dawn Slagle says:

    I often think how could the Israelites fail you so many times…. Then I look at my life

  84. Meghan N says:

    We actually just wrapped up a sermon series on Deuteronomy two weeks ago at my church. I’ll admit I often found it hard to follow. I am excited to get a different perspective on it since it is still so fresh in my mind from that series. I feel like God has led me to this study for a reason. Can’t wait to continue to dive in.

  85. Sara Moore says:

    Having grown up in church and being a Sunday school teacher now it never occurred to me that these were entirely different people than those who received the law the first time. Never thought that the ones who were present for the original commandments had passed away. I pray that God will reveal more to me during this study.

  86. Caitlyn R says:

    When trust is broken, we are culturally told that even a second chance is too much. Once trust is gone or broken, that’s it. The Israelites did not trust God – yet God continues to invite us back into His family. God was hurt and told the Israelites to wander – but He never took back His promise for a homeland, and ultimately His Promised One.

  87. Katie Polone says:

    I have been struggling with a overwhelming feeling of failure and being stuck. I don’t know where to go from where I currently am and don’t have the courage to make a move or feel like I am capable. I feel like this plan is perfect timing. My soul needs to be remind and refreshed. My heart aches and I need to surrender.

    God speak to me my purpose and help me know with certainty my next steps.

  88. Erica Ewy says:

    I’m reading along for the first time. It is comforting to know that there have been those long before me who have struggled with fully trusting the Lord. Even when the Israelites did not have pure faith, God did not fully abandon them. He gives us his word as guidance.

  89. Tara Workman says:

    Glad to be starting this study. Praying I don’t let distractions take me away from this beautiful study.

  90. ceegee says:

    VICTORIA E and all:

    CORRECTION to the TOBY MAC QUOTE: ‘I had ‘memorized’ it incorrectly!!!



    My apologies to Toby Mac and SRT!!!!

  91. Monica Ediger says:

    Hi! This is my first study with you all! So excited for join :) I’m a stay at home mom with 4 kiddos.. and have ADHD, so I’m going to be checking in daily to keep me accountable, otherwise I’ll be all over the place :)

  92. Ivy says:

    This is my first SRT study and I am excited to be joining this community :).
    One thing that stood out to me was that God COMMANDED and told them to take the land and they decided to scout it out… I wonder how many times our desire for a sneak peak in life and to have everything planned and to know what is on the other side fuels our fears and insecurity. I wonder if they never saw what those people looked like and how much they had if until God led them through it if it would have made a difference. This made me think about my desire to control and know every detail and move and how maybe it fuels my anxiety more than just plan taking the step/obedience.

  93. LindaK says:

    Prayers for you and your family Martha Hix. God will keep you and carry you through this time of grief.

  94. Sarah Rose says:

    I was always a few steps behind with the studies this past summer so I am so excited to be back with all of you! I already know this study is going to enrich my understanding and love for this book. I see myself in the Israelites as I was recently in a period of transition in my life, but I allowed myself to become “stuck.” I stopped going to church and didn’t want to put any roots down, as I thought I was going to be moving. Well now, I’m staying. And again I am transitioning but I am finally acting and going to church again, something I went without these past few years. It’s so sad- I believed I was protecting myself by not putting down any more roots, but it ended up hurting me. And today’s reading has shown me just how disobedient I was. As believers, we are to be at church. But I’m so thankful for God’s grace and understanding. And I’ve realized through it all, while I was waiting for this move that didn’t end up happening, God himself was waiting for me to engage again. He is so sweet and gentle with us, while also convicting us and getting our attention if we are open to hearing Him.

  95. K Swenson says:

    Martha- I’m joining many of the other sisters in praying for you and your family!

  96. Melissa Mcronney says:


  97. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    I’ve never studied Deuteronomy before, so I’m very excited for this new study! Some things that really stood out to me from today’s reading:

    1. God is so good! Time and time again, we fail at following to His commands and choose fear over faith. He is still so good and continues to love us, having patience when we clearly don’t deserve it.
    2. We can have full trust in God. Even when times get scary, we must remember that God goes before us and with us through trials. If it is His will, we have nothing to worry about.
    3. God’s plan is always better than any of our own. I’m very guilty of trying to plan everything in my life out and always wanting to be in control. I pray that God will help me give up the reigns to Him, and find comfort in Him being in control.

    Happy Monday, dear sisters! Praying this week is a blessing for all! xx

  98. Phoebe says:

    I’m reading along with the study book for the first time, and I must say it has helped me to dig deeper! I’m always a bit hesitant to write all over my Bible, but making pencil notes in the study book is much easier :)

    A couple of things that stood out to me today:
    – in Deuteronomy 2 Moses recounts going through land that God gave the descendants of Esau and Lot as their possession. Even though Lot chose not to go with Abraham and even though God chose to continue his covenant through Jacob instead of Esau, He still provided for these groups of people. They weren’t forgotten. I’ve never noticed this before but it’s super interesting to me! Does this point to the way that God calls all people to Himself, not just the Israelites?
    – God’s response to Israel’s disobedience reveals so much about His character. At first glance, especially in the verses in Numbers, I’m tempted to think that God is too harsh or that He’s over reacting. But when I consider it longer, God’s severe dealing with disobedience only points to His goodness and holiness and His love for His people. He wants what is best for them, and the best only comes when he follow and obey His way. Disobedience always leads to destruction because He alone is good. This also makes Him more trustworthy to me. Things are the way He says they are, and all of His actions support this reality. He is consistent!

  99. Dorothy says:

    Trust is something we must have to be able to carry on a relationship. It doesn’t matter who the relationship is with we must be able to trust them. Our trust in God and Christ should be the most important one of all.
    Have a blessed week sisters.

  100. free indeed says:

    I noticed Deut 2:7…”God has been with you, and you lacked nothing.” It struck me that TRULY lacking nothing, and being “happy” are not the same thing. Many times I feel unhappy with how things are in my life, but if I dig down to the root, I am lacking nothing. God has provided. It is the posture of my heart that has created my sense of lack, not my circumstances. Hellllooooo mindset shift!

    1. Melissa Bavaro says:

      Oh I love your words here. Digging deep to the roots really shifts perspective. I feel like I’m doing that in different seasons of my life.

    2. Karis Buford says:

      Love this!

  101. Tina says:

    MARTHA HIX, prayerful over you, yours and those coming to pay their respects today and the service of celebration of life…
    Sending love wrapped hugs filled to overflowing with prayers for peace of heart, mind and being..
    God is near to the broken hearted and those who call on Him in truth.. He is a God of mercy, kindness, grace.. He us near Sister, He is near..

    Will continue to hold you and yours and the wider family up in prayer..❤

  102. Lara Castillo says:

    Hey SRT – a friend shared this with me recently. I love how God works, in that my friend had no idea that the next study here would be Deuteronomy!
    Anyhow, I want to share in case any one else is interested in adding to our study here.

  103. Traci Gendron says:

    I believer their fear made them think that God hated them. He had provided for them and they still did not trust Him. Do I always trust Him? I would say I have a tendency to live in fear. I pray to learn to trust Him more. To follow His direction and not be afraid. To not grumble and complain. What also stood out to me was verse 1:6 “you have stayed at this mountain long enough. 7 Resume your journey. Am I stagnant in life? Do I listen and follow where God wants me to go?

  104. CeeGee says:

    MARTHA HIX!!! Sorry! I am adjusting to new glasses and struggling!

  105. CeeGee says:

    LEXI B. and VICTORIA E. – You both remain in my prayers and I recommend Nicki Kolkata newest study, FLOODED,The 5 Best Decisions to Make When Life Is Hard and Doubt Is Growing.

    MARTHA HIS – may God’s peace fill your hearts as you honor your husband in these services. May God pour just the right words into your children’s hearts as they speak. Hugs from the eastern time zone!

    TAYLOR, praying for strength against temptation.

    Continued prayers for all other requests. I saw a quote by Toby Mac a few days ago:

    I hope I got that right! :)

    1. Victoria E says:

      Thank you CeeGee! Great quote :)

  106. Bethany Dunlap says:

    I’m just coming off reading through Psalms this summer, so taking time to be reminded of Israel’s story and life is something I look forward to! I’m amazed at how much I’m like Israel cowering in fear and being held back by the very thing God tells us not to be: do not be afraid. What a reminder today to continue trusting and doing hard things even while I am feeling afraid.

  107. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Martha Hix I am praying for you and your family. ❤️

  108. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    How often do I act like the Israelites and think I know better?
    Dear Lord, please direct my paths. I trust you to show me the way and that you will not fail me. Praise Your name!

  109. Victoria E says:

    The story of the spies in Numbers 13 has been a life changing one for me. I first came across it a few months ago as I was recovering from the miscarriage of our first child. I was searching for God, trying to understand why He could let this happen, not sure that I could trust Him again, and looking at starting an IVF cycle with numbers that didn’t look so great. This story helped me to realize that no matter what I was facing, how many “giants” it appeared were between me and what God had promised me, that He is bigger than they are. I am still working on exercising that faith muscle every day of the pregnancy He has blessed us with, but every week if not most days I think about this story and pray for God to give me a “ different spirit” like that of Caleb. @Martha Hix I am praying for you and your family.

  110. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thank you so much for the beautiful comments and encouragement and love after the passing of my husband last Friday. Viewing will be Monday from 5 to 7 and the celebration of life service on Tuesday at 2. I would very much appreciate your prayers for my adult children who will speak at the service and for our family. We are all in shock and heartbroken. He was 71 years old. Thank you so much dear friends. I cherish each one of you and your thoughtfulness. ❤️ CST time

    1. Caroline North says:

      Praying for you. I lost my dad last summer. I pray God will comfort you during this time

    2. Melissa Bavaro says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss and am praying for you. ♥️

    3. Claire B says:

      Praying that the visitation was not overly stressful and that tomorrow will go as well as it can for you all. Prayers for peace. I cannot imagine your anguish.

  111. Sky Hilton says:

    I often wonder how many times my fear of doing something has made me be disobedient to the Lord. I see now that mistake. Fear is a LIAR! We can do all things through God who strengthens us. From now on, I shall go to God whenever I am afraid and let Him take that fear from me. Obedience to God is so important. I pray that God will take my rebel heart and make it his, now and forever.

    Have a great day y’all

  112. Maura says:

    Good Morning Sisters, I am a bit late this morning. Martha Hix, praying His love mighty and tangible over you all this day. When I read of the 40 years of wandering, I wonder all the things that were learned in this time? This generation heard all the stories of the enslavement in Egypt, did they understand the ways God was taking care of them, were they thankful, or were they just full of the complaints, were their hearts so hardened they couldn’t see. It seems so many times we as humans can only see or only turn our attention to that which is negative, instead of the One who meets us in the difficulties, rains down manna, brings water in the desert, heals the broken places, calms these storms and even takes the mocking, beatings, blasphemy of our sin upon Himself so that we can have grace and be made clean by His own blood. Appreciate all your words this morning Sisters, many of you pointing to remembering who our God is and in doing so that He is trustworthy (thank you Sharon Jersey Girl.) So thankful that this group of She’s daily helps me turn my eyes to Jesus. What a gift. Asking prayers for my friend Yvette, who has cancer, right now her intestines are blocked from absorbing fluid and her body is taking on large amounts. Please pray for healing for this sweet sister in Christ. And pray for her family as well, especially her daughter Jenna who has some deep struggles in her life. Such power in prayer to our Lord God who hears and answers not always what we ask, but always looking out for us in the very best way. Thank you all.

  113. Foster Mama says:

    KATE MORTHLAND, welcome!! We love Jesus and one another.. praying you will feel it!!

  114. Foster Mama says:

    Many years ago, I was introduced to Deuteronomy as Moses’s “love letter” to the Israelites, not only showing God’s love for them throughout but, his own…almost taking this new generation lovingly on his knee to say / urge “Please obey for your own good…go towards life & prosperity rather than death & adversity.”

    “The first indication that the nation was wavering in faith was their request that Moses appointed a committee to search out the land. Surely the people knew that God would not lead them where the grace and power of God could not keep them. Doing God’s will is the safest course because God never makes a mistake.”

  115. Kate Morthland says:

    This is a reminder to me to listen intently for GODs plan for me. Discern. This is my first lesson plan on She Reads. Excited to be here!

    1. Victoria E says:

      ❤️ welcome Kate!

  116. Nads says:

    MARTHA HIX- I’m not sure of your timezone but, I’ll be praying in mine ❤️

    MANDY CLARK – I keep meaning to listen to the podcasts but, don’t seem to. Thanks SO MUCH for highlighting that statement…it is incredibly comforting!

    I also didn’t remember that God put restrictions on certain lands for the sake of keeping His promises; I recently heard a sermon about the word we sometimes translate as “hate” in the Bible…not the same as today…i.e. that God “hated Esau” is not to be interpreted with our 21st century English.

    ERB – Thanks for ushering us into a book of Moses with the song about looking at our lives through Heaven’s eyes…it’s my 2nd favourite song from “The Prince of Egypt”…it typically makes me dance around, catching truly beautiful words here and there but, reading EACH phrases…I needed it!

    Praying for all my sisters being affected by this difficult weather (and for Haiti and Afghanistan).

  117. Karlie Ramos says:

    Excited to read this plan. Got myself out of bed early to get in the word, something I haven’t done in a while. My pastor spoke on the sacrifices of our heart yesterday and God is already speaking to me through Deuteronomy. Discipline is tied to love. He both disciplines us and sacrifices for us. There is deep purpose to being obedient to the Lord. Today for me that is cracking open my bible and spending time in the Word.

  118. Lexi B says:

    This stood out and convicted me today: They let their fear and discouragement take precedent over trusting the Lord.
    This is me.
    I am in a time of transistion and I am terrified of losing what has been secure; even tho I know the new thing will be better because it is what the Lord has for me. Praying that despite fear, I continue to trust the Lord and walk the road He has set for me, knowing He is walking with me the whole way.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Lexie B- again your words e go exactly what is going on in my life. I have been fighting to trust God and not let fear and discouragement overrule my faith in Him over the past few months and the story of the spies in Numbers 13 has been popping up left and right since then. I pray that we both are like Caleb, with a “different spirit” , not like the other 10 spies who failed to realize how much bigger God is than the giants in the promised land.

  119. GramsieSue . says:

    The first indication that the nation was wavering in faith was their request that Moses appointed a committee to search out the land. Surely the people knew that God would not lead them where the grace and power of God could not keep them. Doing God’s will is the safest course because God never makes a mistake.

    God was giving his people a second chance. Moses was reviewing the past to remind the new generation who they were and how they got where they were. Knowing their past, they could avoid repeating the sins of their fathers.

    Hugs to my sisters ❤️

    1. Cynthia Johnston says:

      God always tells us who we are, to Whom we belong, before He tells us what to do. Maybe remembering Whose I am will give me courage to do what is commanded. Be encouraged to do what is right even when you are alone in it. God be with us as we follow Christ together.

  120. Mari V says:

    Good morning SRT sisters. I’m so excited about this new study. Although this morning I’m extremely tired. Had a sleepless night.I’m going to have to re-read this devotion.

    1. Chris Swan says:

      I like to read the scripture and all of the SRT devotion and comments, then LISTEN on my bible app to the appointed scriptures! Really helps me “hear” the word of God.

  121. Kerry Rowley says:

    It’s good to be back in this group. While we read NT & OT I didn’t join in bc I read the devotions from my SRT Bible since no devotions were provided in those studies. I really missed that and was glad I had the SRT Bible where I could get those. Looking forward to reading a full book again with you all.

  122. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Thank you for God’s grace. Thank you for choosing us even though we are disobedient at times. The Old Testament shows us that we are not alone and God has patience with all of us, but he is a just God. He does discipline us for that disobedience, but he always loves us.

  123. Foster Mama says:

    Please know that we are praying through today’s viewing from 5:00 to 7:00 and the celebration of life service tomorrow at 2:00. ❤️ May each of you be wrapped in the love of your Father ❤️

  124. Marcel Mendoza says:

    Walking in the word of God requires I trust he is who he says he is.

  125. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Yet for all that, you did not believe the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 1:32) This verse and the ones preceding caused me to ask myself, “Where is it that I am not trusting God, or where in my past did I not trust Him?” Why should I for one minute be afraid of what lies ahead, knowing full well that my God goes before me and is with me wherever I go! (Deuteronomy 31:6). When I take my eyes off of Jesus, that’s when my fear and worry set in. As long as I look to Him I will have peace no matter where my journey takes me. “Father God, please help me to surrender all to Jesus, just like the hymn says, “all to Him I freely give”, And may I love and trust You living daily in Your presence. Amen.

    1. Tanisha Kieper says:

      Ooo this is a good application! To just keep our eyes on the Lord even when it’s hard!

  126. Mandy Clark says:

    In the podcast episode for this week the guest, Jen Wilkin, was talking about the part where God had laid out the boundaries for various other groups that had settled around the promised land (Esau’s descendants etc) and how that relates to us today. There are spiritual enemies of God heavy at work today. Are they just unbound and able to do whatever they want? The answer is no, God is ultimately in control of their influence and their reach, but their presence helps to shape and mild us and to REMEMBER HIM. “God uses these opposing forces yo shape us until such a time as he fully and finally makes them his footstool.” Thought that was such good perspective for the world we are currently living in and the evil that is very obviously at work. It seems unbound, but God is very much in control.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Mandy Clark thanks for sharing !

  127. Mandy Clark says:

    In the podcast episode today the guest Jen Wilkin was talking about the boundaries God

  128. Deanna says:

    In today’s reading, I was struck by the shifting sands of ownership – one people who lived in the land were displaced by another, who were displaced by another… and yet, the permanence of God never changes.

    I appreciate the gentle reminder to resist viewing Deuteronomy through a 21st-century lens.

  129. Melissa Snell says:

    My church is going through a series on Salvation and we started in Ephesians and 1 Peter 2:4-10, with God choosing us first and choosing Jesus as a redemption plan before the foundation on the earth. In Jesus, we are a chosen royal priesthood. He was the rejected stone in 1 Peter 2:4.

    It’s not too far off from God going before the Israelites and choosing to be faithful to them even through their disobedience.

    If we believe he has chosen us and done the work, being obedient feels more freeing! I love the last sentence of this devotional:

    “Remember that He calls us to follow Him, like the Israelites, not to earn a relationship or in place of knowing Him, but as a daily, all-encompassing response to the freedom and kindness He’s already shown us in calling us His own.”

    Thanks ladies!

  130. Olivia Medlin says:

    Loved this reminder that the Old Testament is just as prevalent and applicable today! Obedience is our response to God’s love and kindness. Thankful for His provision.

  131. Shuana Michele-Hackworth says:

    It was refreshing to be reminded of the provision of God and how he cared for and protected the Israelites. I am carrying with me through this reading that I must trust God instead of fear and that being obedient to God is something he expects of me.

    1. Susan Taraba says:

      I’m right there with you!

  132. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    So much rebellion in today’s world. No different than the Israelites. God help us. Amen

  133. Taylor says:

    God is good and so is His law for His people. His law protects us from the hurt and sting of sin. Even when Israel is faithless, God is still faithful. SO excited to begin this study with you all! Have a blessed Monday <3

  134. SarahJoy says:

    So enjoyed the summer reading plan. Last week we were on a family trip, so I felt like I missed so much here. Looking forward to a new start digging into Deuteronomy.

    For our family the new school year begins today. Last night I felt overwhelmed as life shifts dramatically with kids in school, I work more and a couple kids’ activities ramp up. (Oh, and my friend gets married in two weeks, so I’m helping with that.) Summer offered a lovely reprieve to a full schedule. Asking God to give me wisdom in how to handle this new season with grace and joy.

    Lastly, the study through the Bible highlighted God’s faithfulness to His people as His plan moved forward. He never stopped loving His people, never stopped the plan of redemption regardless of how they (we) mess up. So thankful for our God who has pursued us from the beginning. Excited to see what God has to teach us in this new study!

  135. Elaine Morgan says:

    I noticed that too Danica. I was surprised when it dawned on me that I had not noticed that before. God had been faithful to them too.

  136. Crystal Heft says:

    I wonder how often I behave just as the Israelites did and I don’t even realize it.

    1. Sarah Warstler says:

      I have thought that too.

    2. Karlie Ramos says:

      Oof, yes. Good thought provoking reflection.

  137. ERB says:

    What I saw in today’s scriptures was that God ALWAYS follows through on His promises!!! We may not immediately understand what His follow through looks like…but we can be assured that God ALWAYS fulfills what He says, even if that means we have to wait for it!! God wants His BEST for us and He is patient and willing to wait for that BEST to come forth!! I find this very comforting!!!

    The scripture that stood out to me today was Deuteronomy 2:7 “For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this immense wilderness. The Lord your God has been with you these past forty years, and you have lacked nothing.’”

    His FAITHFULNESS is never ending!!!! So thankful for the journey (as difficult and as wild as it is sometimes) because we get to see God FULFILL His promises along the way!!! Such an encouragement and such a great reminder!!! Keep our eyes fixed on Him, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that HE has us in the palm of His hands and is taking care of us!!! All we need to do is listen and obey!!!

  138. ERB says:

    MARTHA HIX, thank you so much for checking in with us during such an overwhelmingly difficult time.. our prayers are with you and your family dear sister. You mentioned not sleeping well… God we pray that you give your daughter rest. Comfort her Lord. Give her Your peace, Your understanding, Your wisdom and Your discernment. Carry Martha and her family through these days of grief and loss. Hug their hearts Lord. They need You so much.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  139. Danica Middlebrook says:

    The one thing I noticed was God was faithful to both Lot’s and Esau’s descendants preventing the Israelites from attacking either Seir (Esau’s inheritance) or Ar (Lot’s inheritance).

  140. Emma K. says:

    In this reading, my heart broke over the Israelites disobedience when they went and fought even though God told them He was not with them. I had never read that before, and I can certainly relate. Excited for to continue to dig into Deuteronomy!

  141. Kelly says:

    ARINA-well said❤
    What I would add is that most of this generation of Israelites did not know anything about a life of slavery. They only knew a life of wondering and eating the manna and quail that God provided everyday. A life where God’s presence was a pillar of fire and a cloud. There experience of God was very different then that the generation of former slaves who had been liberated. Moses needed to retell the story of God’s mercy and faithfulness so that this generation could have faith and courage to move forward into the land.

  142. Blessed Beth says:

    We as humans all need balance in our lives, in everything we do. God created us this way. As Eccesiastes says ‘there is a time’, for everything. If only we would think about this more often and go to the Word to seek direction.
    I love these words of Jessica Lamb “Remember that He calls us to follow Him, like the Israelites, not to earn a relationship or in place of knowing Him, but as a daily, all-encompassing response to the freedom and kindness He’s already shown us in calling us His own.”

  143. Searching says:

    MARTHA HIX – Sister, praying for you and your family. You are loved!

    As I read this scripture for today, I couldn’t help but think about Israel being given a clean slate to start over by obeying the Lord. And how many times they messed that up throughout history, promising to obey and then totally not keeping that promise, being forgiven and starting over again. And how accepting Christ as my Savior gave me a clean slate, my promise to obey, me not keeping that promise, repenting and receiving forgiveness yet again. Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace, praying you will guide me through today’s blessings and challenges.

  144. Arina says:

    Reading about God’s provision in these first chapters of Deuteronomy is amazing. God went before them to guide them. He fought for them. God carried them all the way through the wilderness as a man carries his son (v.31). And how did Israel respond? They wanted to go their own way, disobeying God’s commands. They even thought God hated them (v.27), while He kept showing them love. Even when they tried to fix their disobedience by again not doing what God had told them to do, God did not gave up on them. While He was silent to their prayers or their tears for a while, He again showed His mercy. He kept loving them, caring for them, providing for their needs. Nothing, not even our worst sin, can stop Him from loving us. Because He does not love us because of who we are or what we do. The reason for His love is only found in Himself.