meditation: Isaiah 53:5

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 53:5

Text: Isaiah 53:5

Ok, Sisters. Here’s where we get to the nitty gritty of meditation. Buckle up.

We are reading just one verse today. ONE. Uno. Anyone else getting squirmy already, or just me?

The beauty and the balm, the ugly and the “ouch” of sitting in just one verse of scripture is exactly that — there’s nowhere to run. It’s just us and the truth. No distractions. No runaway truck ramps for a quick escape route to the next chapter or verse.

What a verse to give our hearts and attention to today. Let’s meditate on this line from Isaiah about the sacrifice of our Lord. Use the prompts below if you’d like, or not. Just focus your mind and heart on Isaiah 53:5 with us today.

For reflection:

What emotion rises within you when you think of a person taking a physical punishment for some else’s wrongdoing? Let that emotion lead you into awe and praise of the Lord.

Think on the juxtaposition of the words “chastisement” and “peace.” Give thanks for the peace that is ours in Christ Jesus.

Allow the awful imagery of Christ’s crucifixion and the glorious promises of salvation move you into a time of preparing your heart for Holy Week. Lay the whole of you before God in a prayer of repentance and thanks.


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65 thoughts on "meditation: Isaiah 53:5"

  1. Molly says:

    I was very struck by the line "Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace." It is humbling and incredible that Jesus would be pierced for my transgressions and crushed for my iniquities. He took my chastisement so that I could have peace, and yet I so rarely dwell in that peace.

  2. AnnaLee says:

    This is a really long post… just many, many thoughts, writing them out helps make it real in me… sorry for the novel.

    This reminds me of a quote I hold very dear:
    "I have come into this world to see this:
    the sword drop from men’s hands even at the height
    of their arc of anger
    because we have finally realized there is just one flesh to wound
    and it is His – the Christ’s,
    our Beloved’s." –Hafiz, Poet

    Needless to say, I'm crying. A few years ago, my high school youth group did something extremely moving for Holy Week's Wednesday. As the band played, they carried a huge wooden cross out. They asked us students to write down the things we've been struggling with, our sins, our conflicts with each other, our harsh opinions towards others, the things we prided ourselves in outside of Christ and his sacrifice, the identity we had given ourselves apart from Him… and to nail them, one by one, to the cross. To see it all as finished, forgiven, done away with. The feeling in that room was one of complete mourning, crying, rejoicing– we had all truly realized the horror and death of our sin. We had all truly realized who we were wounding. We had all truly realized what our pride and claiming ungodly identity had done to the Creator of this universe, to the person of Christ. We understood the gravity of it all.

    But we had all also truly realized who had taken it all away for good, who had decided to be wounded so that we could find true healing. Who loved us so much that he saw us in the womb– not even fully formed, some of us with no name yet, no senses, no will yet– knew all that we would do to brutally crush and slash him, mock and chastise him, push him aside and yell at him, completely abuse him in every way, and lovingly said, "Yes. You see her? I LOVE her. I would die for her– I will die for her." He's died for every sin I've committed, for every hurt I've inflicted, every sinful failure I have in life… everything I am doing, and everything I will do. He died so that ALL OF THAT could be finished. HEALED.

    Now that I think of it (and do not get me wrong, I'm not meaning to create a heretical theology here at all), Christ truly went to that place of hell on Earth, that complete anguish, both physically and emotionally… all for us. He decided to undergo that pain, that death, so that we would never have to.

    Lord, forgive me for not submitting myself to you in everything.
    Forgive me for chasing after sin that leads to death when you so lovingly died for me.
    Forgive me for seeking validation and approval from men when you already decided that I was worth dying for to have.
    Forgive me for seeking boys' approval, when you already did the ultimate wooing, performed the ultimate act of love for me.
    Forgive me for compromising what you've told me to fit into that mob of scoffers better.
    Forgive me for beating myself up over sin when you let yourself be wounded so that I would never have to be.
    Forgive me for not believing your promises and words– for not letting myself be that truly HEALED person, when you did all of this so that I would be truly healed.
    Forgive me for not being fully content with the love you've given me– a love, that in reality, is THE LOVE, the ONLY LOVE worth ever having.
    Lord, I pray you'd make this more and more real in me, always: You want to be together. My sin no longer separates me from you, all in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Emmanuel, The Messiah. Your sacrifice does not reflect any "worthiness" I claim– for my good works are nothing but bloody rags, defiled even in their "purity"– but happened despite it.
    Praise you, Lord Jesus. Let me live with and in this truth more and more.

    1. tina says:

      AMEN AnnaLee…AMEN. So wonderfully said and prayed…..I will join you in your pray as I too need to ask forgiveness for all I've taken for granted, all I've abused, all I've walked away from…the list is endless….bless you friend…
      Think I might use your cross idea with my small group next week….Thank you. X x x

      1. AnnaLee says:

        Beautiful, Tina. If you do, keep me updated! It certainly did an amazing work in my life… I pray the Lord would be close to you and bless you!

  3. z-girl says:

    A perfect person dying for underserving imperfect people…I pray that the Lord continues to give me the understanding to know what he really did for me on Cavalry

  4. Geri says:

    I feel so very blessed to have found this community of women who remind me of Christ's sacrifice daily.

    Could use some prayers for a friend's brother with Leukemia. I just got news that he isn't able to hold his blood transfusions anymore. Please pray for a miracle or at least comfort for her family!

    1. tina says:

      Praying… Geri….God bless you with the right words of peace, His word and love….x

  5. Valanne says:

    Life is full of cost . . . and this is the GREATEST cost of them ALL!

    But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and with his wounds we are healed.

    And this cost was paid by one man, the triune God. Yes this second person in the trinity–Jesus Christ our Lord paid the debt.

    He was:
    Wounded–injury to body, skin, tissue or organ broken by some external force such as blow
    Afflicted–cause distress; to cause severe physical or mental distress (pain)
    Crushed–1) subdued or brought low in condition or status; a broken man, his broken spirit 2) emotionally devastated, extremely upset saddened or depressed
    Chastisement–1) suffering loss, or hardship imposed in response to a crime or offense 2) severe criticism or rebuke or strong reprimand
    Stripes–a blow from a whip, lash, cane or belt * PUNISHMENT

    My (our) part in the above:
    I (you) did the transgressions — sin; wrong-doing; violation of law
    I (you) put my inequities on Him — gross injustice or wickedness; sin; evil

    Yet how did Jesus Christ respond?
    He brought me (you) peace — to be complete; whole; to live well; right relationship
    He healed me (you) — to free from evil; cleanse; purify; to heal the soul; reconcile from former amity

    This verse, as ugly and horrific as it is — is our very life. If we can see that WE did this hideous crime — If we can confess that WE are the evil one that inflicted Jesus Christ — If WE will only repent of this crime — Jesus Christ the highly exalted one is ready to heal us through His death.

    I'm sorry that my name is written on the bill that Christ picked up. May I always PRAISE God for this amnesty through His Son.

  6. In keeping with the theme of music, this song was running through my mind this morning – Citizen Way, "How Sweet The Sound" –

    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
    I hear You singing over me
    I once was lost but now I'm found
    And it's a beautiful…

    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
    It covers every part of me
    My soul is silent, I am found
    And it's a beautiful sound

    1 Peter 2:24 – "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed."

    Amen, Hallelujah, Thank you Lord. How ridiculously we don't deserve this grace, and yet how freely He gives it…even when it cost Him His life.

  7. Andie says:

    My immediate response to this verse was a deep conviction. This tiny verse tells me my exact identity: the wrath of God satisfied in the brutal suffering of a Savior… all so that I may live in peace. Peace with God. Peace with man. Peace with myself.
    But am I living out this? In reality, my daily walk looks more like this: Fearful of God, anxious of man, insecure about myself.
    Am I walking in the belief that I am who God says I am?
    I am gently propelled toward this goal.

    1. journeyingwithhim says:

      As am I. Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Jodi says:

    It breaks my heart to think that someone else had to pay for my sins. But because He died, we can live. Could there be any sweeter words to hear to remind us of what is coming on that third day…

    Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me.
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind but now I see.

    1. tina says:

      amazing Grace, and such amazing love…..what a God we serve Jodi….Blessings…x