Invited into Rest

Open Your Bible

Luke 14:1-24, John 6:35, Ezekiel 20:10-20

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

In His teaching and ministry, Jesus reminded people about the heart of the Sabbath. More than a rule or a law, it was always intended to be a regular reminder of His true rest.

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68 thoughts on "Invited into Rest"

  1. Skye Gray says:

    Our culture does not encourage rest, it encourages the opposite. Reading these passages gives a whole new importance and need to rest.

  2. Jeanna Vance says:

    My King, I give you my life.

  3. Susan Marie Hill says:

    It’s not just give up the good to go for the great; it’s that the good is nothing compared with the ultimate great.
    Lord, may I not create alternate realities filled with anxiety, stress, and worry when your hand is so clearly on our lives and path.

  4. Lea Berberi says:

    Last week one of our pastors said that not every time you will open the Bible you will feel something. God is still working in that time and shaping you even though you don’t feel it.

  5. Della Sanderford says:

    It is sometimes hard to see Him if our eyes are on our problems. Read His word and rest in the fact that being in the word will heal your heart and give you renewed strength. God is good!

  6. Kenzie Harms says:

    Let me always take that much needed rest.

  7. Gabrielle Vanderwolf says:

    Worship music, bible journaling and just talking to God about it, it helps so much. God understands me better than anyone else and it’s a great honor that He me and helps me through it.

  8. jessica ladelfa says:

    I admit that at times I struggle to let the earthly things on Sabbath but when I do it is so restful and freeing. I also am thankful that the lord has helped me in realizing rest and being with him can be done in so many ways for spending time alone in scripture, to talking a walk outside, or baking up something and talking to him. Rest with him can come in so many ways.

  9. Makayla Joseph says:

    Oo love what you said about rest not being a burden. Clearly God and Jesus didn’t see rest as a burden and something that is necessary regularly not taken just because exhaustion hit. I want to be more intentional about rest and reserving the sabbath to be with God rather than allow feelings to suggest that rest is a weakness.

  10. Hannah Antkoviak says:

    In both of those, the men had good things (rest) offered to them but they didn’t take it. Gods grace ad peace are open to us all freely but we have to be willing to let go of earthly things and take them.

  11. Marlyne says:

    I thank you for reminding me that in Christ we shall never be hungry or thirst again. That scripture spoke wonders to me because I realized that I find myself not being consistent with putting God first and finding rest in the Lord. I’ve carried the weight for so long that it’s hard to surrender it all to the Lord. I’ve surrendered burdens only to pick them back up just because of a sudden change in the situation that didn’t change for the better; which was my thought at the time. Everything happens for a reason and God you know it all. I will keep the Sabbath holy in remembrance of you and your promise to us your children. I will rest in you. Thank you for the devotional

  12. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you

  13. Kayla says:

    Mental health struggles are the worst! But I love the way you worded it! To rest in the Lord is to “just be okay with where I’m at and pickup the struggle on another day!”

  14. Terri Baldwin says:

    35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. – John 6:35

  15. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love how throughout the Bible God is continually reminding us that He gives us rest. He is continually show us His redemptive plan for our lives.

  16. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  17. Mercy says:

    It’s a sunny afternoon here for us and I walked to pick up my kiddo from school. I usually drove but a walk would do me wonders. I need to shed some pounds of the baby weight lol. The sun was lovely, and it’s precious especially during long dark winter months here up north.

    @Searching: what you wrote made me think. Several times my own family members also rejected my “Offering Jesus” to them in subtle ways, and blunt ways, and I felt incredibly hurt. Sometimes I took it as they rejected me, but they rejected the Lord in me. It sort of reminds me when the Israelites rejected the prophet Samuel and he cried to God being so hurt, and God said, they didn’t reject you but they rejected Me (1 Samuel 8:7). “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). It does take us a long long while to realize we are poor. The knowledge of our own poverty will bring us to the Kingdom. Poverty, not possessions. Some are full of possessions yet, the poorest people on earth. May you find comfort that you did the right thing <3
    @Sarah D: praying for you. Hope you will feel better.
    @Kim Z: praying for a lovely vacay and safe travel ahead. Enjoy your time sister ;)
    @Gramsiesue: loved the discreet difference you pointed out. Legalism by Sabbath is awful. The Pharisees truly can twist and pervert scriptures to burden.
    @Mari: praying for your daughter's rest, and your readiness/strength for marathon. You go girl!!

    Be blessed dear sisters. May the Sabbath rest refresh your soul. Have a lovely weekend.

  18. Rhonda J. says:

    Prayers Kimberly Z, Have fun and be safe! I am sure you are such an inspiration to all those around you, especially with the situation with your dad! What a testimony! Are you on IG, would love to see pics of your trip!

  19. Adrianne says:

    Yes! True Rest. I struggle with the concept on the daily, but True Rest. To lay down the burden that we carry wether it’s work or not. I also need to see this concept in needing rest from my struggling mental health. I struggle with my mental health and I need to start being okay with True Rest from this burden. It sounds incredibly healthy to me and and I think it’s worthy of laying down a part of me that I struggle with for a short while. To just be okay with where I’m at and pick up the struggle on another day so I don’t burn out.

  20. Annie says:

    The excuses of those at the wedding feast convict me. There will always be things to do or distractions away from Sabbath and my relationship with God.
    However, Jesus is the Bread of Life and Jesus is all I (we) need.

    Even today I struggled with distractions spending time with God, but I know He is what my soul truly needs. True rest is found in Him alone.

    Thank You Jesus for Your steadfast kindness and pursuit of me (and all of us).

  21. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that taking a sabbath can set us apart from the rest of the culture surrounding us. This was a way of sanctifying the Jewish people and is today. I know I need this test to fully walk the way God has intended me to walk.

  22. Jasmine Hall says:

    I so agree 100%.

  23. Claire B says:


  24. Kimberly Z says:

    @SEARCHING I too get sad at the thought of people rejecting Jesus. After my dads accident last year and the loss of our dear family friend the other week I truly cannot fathom not having faith. A dear friend of mine doesn’t believe in God and while I never want to push her into thinking she’s wrong I just try to gently give her tidbits here and there. She recently told me of a story about how her neighbor started crying to her wishing that she would let Jesus into her life because she knows it would be beneficial. She said to me “Isn’t that so strange? It made me so uncomfortable!” And I just responded well it’s because you’re such an example of a Christ like person. I find comfort in the fact that God still shows himself in people who don’t yet believe.

  25. Kimberly Z says:

    Good morning ladies! Currently getting ready to leave for London today! I am so excited for hopefully a fun and refreshing vacation. Ive never been before so I am excited. I love that our ideas of the sabbath are all different and that’s okay! My sabbath might look a little different than others. @TAYLOR I agree we definitely have a lack of trust when we don’t obey the sabbath. Trusting God can be a challenge in itself! @MOLLY ROHRER I too struggle to try and get everything done ahead of time so I can enjoy the sabbath but sometimes I wonder if that’s really what God is looking for because it tends to stress me out more haha. @SARAH D. Praying for the lady today who wasn’t very nice to you on the phone. I work with cancer patients and often get the brunt of the patient and their families pain. Just know that it probably wasn’t you and more something she is going through. I have a manager who is very difficult for me to work with and often makes me cry and I’ve tried to turn my feelings on just praying for her instead.

  26. Kaitlin Crum says:

    I relate to those people who made excuses not to come to the feast. I feel like I make excuses a lot for why I’m not reading God’s word more or why I’m not getting more involved in the church, etc. it’s so hard to truly rest when this society has taught us not to.

  27. Sarah Staples says:

    I try to find rhythm’s of rest. 15-30mins daily; one day every other month; and an overnight 2 days once a year. This helps me find rest and bandwidth for the life before me.

  28. Danielle Patrick says:

    16 because they rejected my rules and did not walk in my statutes, and profaned my Sabbaths; for their heart went after their idols. – Ezekiel 20:16
    This verse reminds me of how the chase of other idols can disrespect the intention of Sabbath. I think of these other idols are worldly distractions, worldly accomplishments. It is meant to bask in The idea of opening our eyes to Gods will, having compassion for ourselves And our own evolution.

  29. Danielle Patrick says:

    16 because they rejected my rules and did not walk in my statutes, and profaned my Sabbaths; for their heart went after their idols. – Ezekiel 20:16

  30. Donna Wolcott says:

    Tomorrow I will Sabbath in a city park with people who are homeless and some who’s language I don’t speak. One thing I know, we will feel the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of Our Savior. May you all find rest this weekend in Our Lord and give thanks.

  31. Molly Rohrer says:

    Looking forward to Sabbath rest this weekend. Learning to let myself look forward to it instead of preparing for it by making sure I get “enough” done to actually enjoy it. I have “the Sabbath reminds us MY work is never one, but God’s is,” written on the window over my kitchen sink. Having a big family means there are almost always dishes in the sink. I will never have “enough” done to rest, but I have permission from my Creator to set it aside regularly to sit in His gift of rest.

  32. Mitzi White says:

    Your comment is good. Pause to and remember it is God who consecrates us. Him only! Thank you for sharing.

  33. Kris says:

    I see Ezekiel as a warning; what can happen to us if we don’t observe the Sabbath. I do believe that a Sabbath can look different in each of our lives, but it’s very clear that we need to be sure to not defile the Sabbath rest. In this passage they Israelites were not able to go into the Promised Land because of their rebellion against the Sabbath (and other things). I know for me, I want to be able to live in the Promised Land, so therefore I will receive the Sabbath rest for me. I think the Sabbath rest is more of an attitude of reliance on God for my provision, rather than thinking I need to keep striving to take care of myself. Also, in our culture we are applauded for being busy. How much of our busy-ness is us trying to keep up with what culture says we are supposed to do? Where in the Word does it say God will applaud us for being busy? He calls us to stop striving and rely in Him for all that we need.
    I love that God is my provider, so I can stop being so busy trying to supply all my needs, and just let Him do it. Therefore I can enter into His rest and be content with what He has given me to do.

  34. Mari says:

    Happy FRIDAY!! My favorite day of the week! Speaking of rest, one of the main reasons why I love Friday is because I do get to REST. I believe that God also wants us to rest not only spiritually, but also physically and emotionally. By the end of the week I’m so drained (from work)that I look forward to GRACE DAY and not feel rushed. Even though Saturdays are filled with running,(literally physically running I’m training for a half marathon) and running errands, grocery shopping, I still get to enjoy some REST in the Lord. I look forward to hanging out with my beautiful daughter at a coffee shop over conversation. It’s rest for the both of us. PLEASE pray for physical and mental rest for my daughter, she was up very late finishing up a major assignment.

  35. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Rest in God and He will give us reflection and speak to us.

  36. Jennifer says:

    Although I have read the verse about the Sabbath serving as a sign between us and God several times before, I never stopped to truly soak in the meaning. God says that His Sabbath serves as a sign that we would know it is Him who consecrates us. Only when we honor a Sabbath rest will we pause long enough to remember and revel in the true knowledge that it is Him who consecrates us and not everything else. If I do not rest, I do not give my heart, mind and soul the chance to sit in God’s reminder that it is Him who makes me holy and not my striving. What a beautiful gift I miss out on when I do not stop and rest in Him.

  37. Stephanie Bishop says:

    Maybe it’s on my mind since I saw The Chosen finale, but the banquet parable and parable of the sower are intertwining in my mind and life right now. Both give examples of the many excuses we make when the gospel (and offers of rest/sabbath) are given to us.

    I want to share a praise – a friend of mine who has been fostering a little girl for 2 years is now on the pathway to adopting her! There are lots of mixed feelings as parental rights of the birth parents were terminated yesterday – sadness for that whole situation. But so thankful for my friend and her husband who have been hoping for this day to officially make their daughter part of their family.

  38. GramsieSue says:

    So many of the Pharisees had elevated the Sabbath day above the Creator of that day.
    Legalism. I want to root my Sabbath rest in intimacy with God rather than adherence to a set of regulations.
    Prayers and hugs for all ❤️
    Have a blessed weekend

  39. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone! Would love your prayers. Started the morning at work with a call that made me cry. The mom just said some hurtful things and wasn’t understanding what I was saying, and she said I wasn’t making sense to her and she hung up on me. I haven’t cried in awhile so I think it’s all just coming out haha, but it is just a rough way to start the day. I have learned a lot about not taking things personally with this job, but it’s hard sometimes. I am doing well in my job and just need to keep moving forward and stay positive.

  40. Michelle Patire says:

    Searching– I feel the pain of your words. It is so hard to extend someone the love of Jesus and have them close their heart to you. Or sometimes, it hurts when you do very grand gestures to make it plain to them that Jesus loves them (as well as yourself loving them). May the Lord bring you peace and continue to extend grace to others, despite the rejection. You are faithful to be in our community and I am grateful you show up here. “Your labor is not in vain” Searching <3 :) God bless your heart and effort.

  41. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Thank you, ladies, for all your insights and thoughts! They’re so helpful to read! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  42. Erica Chiarelli says:

    His true rest is meant for us to know Him and rely on Him. To stay surrendered to Him! To know His peace and know Him as Prince of Peace.

  43. Elizabeth McGee says:

    The banquet parable makes me think of the C.S. Lewis quote, “We are half-hearted creatures fooling around with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, Like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he can’t imagine what is meant by a holiday by the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” God is offering us His perfect peace at every moment, but we’d rather distract ourselves with stuff, and work, and other people. I want to stay at the banquet!

  44. Rebecca W says:

    Yes, Sabbath is a gift! And one we often refuse to open. I’m lucky enough to be leaving for a vacation next week and it’s crazy that getting ready to “relax” on a vacation becomes so stressful getting ready! And isn’t that just like us a in our everyday striving. We think we have so much we need to do that we wear ourselves out before Sabbath even comes. Rest needs to be a daily posture of taking time to at least remember Jesus, even if we can’t stop to rest.
    But then remembering to open that beautiful gift of rest on the Sabbath.
    Prayers for all, and enjoy your weekend! ❤️

  45. Alycia Brickman says:

    Do not think of ourselves as better than someone or higher… everyone deserves a rest. I will not reject my Fathers commands of a sabbath!

  46. bekah simpson says:

    I love this reminder-that when I overwork and strive for more, it is a scarcity mindset. Instead of resting and observing all the amazing things I truly have. Thank you for this!

  47. SharBear says:

    Jesus is the heart of the sabbath. He is our rest!

  48. Kathleen Englebert says:

    I almost feel as though if I’m not doing something I’ve deemed productive, that it is time wasted. I’m learning how God gives us rest bc we can’t do all the other things well if we don’t take sabbath. A time to reflect on all the Lord has done in our week. If we ask him, he will often show us where he has been quietly working, and it is amazing to realize.

  49. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The Sabbath is meant for our good and God’s glory. When we fail to heed it, we forfeit the blessings of God.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day here in NJ – high today in the 50’s! Have a blessed weekend!

  50. Libby K says:

    Completely agree with you farrer. I struggle with the Sabbath as a required “rule” and my natural tendency is to fight against the “rule”. But when I look at it as a gift, my perspective completely changes. Thank you for sharing.

  51. Lauren Ruhe says:

    I love this. Amen to that!

  52. Jenny Somers says:

    Me too.

  53. Taylor says:

    When I do not practice Sabbath, I am living out of a scarcity mindset, fear, and lack of trust that what the Lord has provided is not enough, not good enough, etc. Practicing Sabbath allows us to live in an abundance mindset that God has provided for our every need, that He is enough, that I am enough as I am without having to strive for more, more, more.

    This came from the podcast I listened to from my young adult group. Definitely convicting for me! Today I was challenged to reflect on the idols in my life that are preventing me from fully leaning into the rest that God wants us to enjoy.

    I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! <3 Lifting up the prayer requests

  54. Allison says:

    What a reminder to order our lives properly. If we put God and his priorities first – following his commands- everything else falls into place. If we begin our week rested from having properly Sabbathed everything else may not go smoothly but our mindset around those things will be much better. I find my stress level is greatly reduced when I have accepted His invitation to rest and draw closer to Him. Have a beautiful day sisters!

  55. Searching says:

    The parable of the great supper (or large banquet, depending on which translation) hit me hard this morning. Aside from the hospitality aspect, it is about those that reject the invitation to come to Christ. The rejection of God and Jesus Christ by the children of Israel happened over and over as we’ve read many times. People today reject Jesus over and over, either elevating themselves as if in control or believing some other lie. I have dear friends that have rejected everything I’ve tried to share about Jesus – one told me that they had come to the conclusion that they didn’t need “any of that”. Heartbreaking. I work to show them Jesus by the way I live, and pray.

    FARRER PEELER – yes, we do allow our busy lifestyle to make rest feel like a burden. As a friend of mine would say, That ain’t right!

    RITA W – praying for Tammy

    Praying for the people in Turkey and Syria, as DONNA WOLCOTT reminded us. And let’s also remember to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers.

  56. Erica Wilson says:

    Those “good things” became idols that prevented them from entering the banquet prepared for them. God says it so clearly in exodus 20:16- “their hearts went after their idols.” :( how often do I prevent myself from feasting on Jesus and the rest He has prepared for my heart because I am putting other “good” things over the BEST thing?! Help me, Jesus, to willingly submit to your boundaries- they are life!!!

  57. Erica Wilson says:

    The people who rejected the banquet invitation had “good” excuses, but those “good”

  58. Paula Mullinax says:

    I sometimes forget how special Shabbat is. Today’s scripture made me ask the question, do I fully enjoy the Shabbat? Do I take full advantage of this rest? It is a weekly celebration to rest and enjoy God and his creation. To come closer and reminisce on all his goodness! What if we mindfully lived from Shabbat to Shabbat? What if we ordered everything around that? How much richer would our life be?

  59. Paula Mullinax says:

    I sometimes th

  60. Maria Muessen says:

    In today’s reading, the man throwing a banquet resonated with me.. he invited everyone and anyone. We are called to be hospitable to even the least of these- even if it’s uncomfortable, dirty, or unreasonable to those around us.

  61. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord plant this reminder deep into my heart. I want to rest in You always. In Jesus name, Amen

  62. Megan says:

    I can really relate to the banquet parable. I can let the stuff of life crowd out or distract me from God’s invitation of ____________ (rest, peace, connection, joy etc).

  63. Kristen Brady says:

    In one of my Bible notes it said that God gave Sabbath to His people as a gift. When I view it through that lens it changes my perspective for sure.

  64. Erica Christian says:

    Lord, help me to see Sabbath as a gift from you. True rest for a weary soul.

  65. Kelly (NEO) says:

    It often stikes me that here are millions of formerly enslaved people who likely never received days of rest from Egyptians being given a day to be refreshed and worship and they did not take it. EVERYTHING was provided for them (mana and quail for food, clothing and shoes that did not wear out) they toiled for nothing while in the wilderness and yet they STILL could not rest on the seventh day.

    Praying for your requests. ❤

  66. farrer peeler says:

    This week it has really resonated with me that the Sabbath is not a rule, and was never intended to be a burden. We allow our busy lifestyle to make rest feel like a burden or something else to do, when the most important thing we can do is rest at his feet.

  67. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Thank you Lord for your rest.