Invest in Life

Open Your Bible

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10, Psalm 94:17-19, Colossians 3:21-25

One day after work, I stopped by a retail store on the way home. Everyone and their mother was in line waiting for this one poor girl to ring them up at the register. I couldn’t help but notice she looked upset—haggard, irritated, all the unhappy adjectives. My first reaction was to wish she had a better spirit of customer service, but then something softened, and I was convicted to strike up a conversation once it was my turn. The short story was this: No, she wasn’t having a good day, because her best friend had just died, and she was the one who had discovered the body. To intensify her grief, she couldn’t find someone to cover her shift that coming Saturday and had to miss the funeral.

As you can imagine, few words felt appropriate in this situation. Doing nothing felt cold, but offering words of false comfort felt colder. How would Jesus respond?

Long story short, the Spirit prompted me to do something tangible for this girl—not to persuade her that everything would be okay or that knowing God would suddenly lessen the pain, but because the moments when I’ve felt most loved were moments when another human being did something unexpected to show God’s kindness to me. So, I returned to the store with a chocolate cupcake and a card that said this: “I’m so sorry you lost your best friend. Nobody should ever have to go through that. God sees you and grieves with you.”

The world encourages us to spend our days like money, trading them in for pleasure and recreation. But, friends, God urges us to invest our lives in the kingdom. He promises that we will reap a harvest one day (Galatians 6:9). We can’t guarantee that one conversation or random act of kindness will be the one to change someone’s life, but we can trust that God does not waste one moment of our lives. Ecclesiastes 11:6 says it this way: “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening do not let your hand rest.”

Even while operating out of a focus on life under the sun, the writer of Ecclesiastes lifts his head for a moment to comment on what life looks like in the kingdom. He acknowledges there is a God, one who has the power to make what we sow flourish, as well as bring judgment on our actions.

We never know God’s timing or how He might multiply the work of our hands. So, we sink our teeth into each day. Investing, planting, watering, we pray for the flourishing of God’s movement in the world. But even when we don’t see the fruit, God is still trustworthy with the results.

“Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord
and not for people, knowing that you will receive the reward
of an inheritance from the Lord” (Colossians 3:23–24).

Instead of spending all our days like money, let’s look for ways to invest in life. Giving someone a cupcake to remind them that their grief isn’t insignificant feels so small—almost silly. But as I watched the girl behind the register run around the counter with a big smile and arms spread open, it felt like Jesus was up to something.

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44 thoughts on "Invest in Life"

  1. Lindsay C. says:

    Diana I loved your comment and wrote it in my journal, “the expectation isn’t infinite, for we are finite creatures.” So often I want to implement a new habit but end up thinking too grand and give up altogether. I can expand, grow, and keep moving forward one small step at a time. Serving my family with gladness and rejoicing in each new day is a good first step.

  2. Mari V says:

    Bailey, that was so beautiful!

  3. Sarah D. says:

    I have to remember that when planting seeds, they need time to grow. I helped plant seeds in our garden we started this week, and I know it will take time to grow. It needs to be watered, pruned, protected from hungry animals :) and maybe even reseeded. It makes me think of sharing the gospel with people. I have really been convicted of this latel, remembering when I was in Hawaii last summer for an internship. I could have shared the gospel so many times, but I didnt, and that’s a huge regret for me. I’m praying that when we can see other groups of people again, that I will not be afraid to share. Also praying that the seeds I’m planting with my sister will grow…It seems like the soil of her heart is really hard. She and her husband are very scientific, wanting to know the facts from studies… I desperately want to see results quickly, but I know I have to trust God to do the inside work in her and her husband’s hearts. Praying that the Holy Spirit would speak through me to them, soften their hearts, and grow his truth in their lives, so that they could come into a real relationship with Jesus and have the assurance of heaven.

  4. Pam K says:

    Hi; I don’t post a lot but today I have to write a small tribute to my Father in Law. He will probably be with the Lord today or tomorrow and has struggled with dementia for several years. It’s been a tough journey as many of you know.
    But, he gave his life to serving the Lord, as a pastor, husband , dad and grandpa. I learned so much from his example of being ready to serve each day. When people called, he went. I watched him serve his neighbors, bringing some to the Lord. He placed himself in the community and cared for people in such a beautiful way.
    Those in his churches, in which he worked until aged 75, loved him so much. I keep thinking about his legacy and it’s beyond what we know. We are sad to say goodbye yet are resting in the truth that he will be with the Lord. I couldn’t be more thankful for this man and his witness to me over the years. He understood what we looked at today.

    1. Candida Armendariz says:

      Pam, thank you for sharing a glimpse of this man’s life. May your family be surrounded by comfort as this faithful servant returns home. I thank God that we have assurance of heaven. It makes losing people a little more tolerable.

  5. Diana Fleenor says:

    I love reading all your responses again today. The focus of the devotion on looking for opportunities to show the love of Jesus to others is such a good exhortation. Another thing that stood out to me in today’s reading is the notation to “Give a portion to seven, or even to eight…” Because I tend to get overwhelmed by all the needs around me, and desire to give to all, yet have not the human resources to do as such, I found this given number(s) of significance personally. I’m reminded that the expectation isn’t infinite, for we are finite creatures.

    In my aim to “work heartily,” my illness with ME/CFS requires me to pace in a special way in order to do work, whether physical or cognitively. I have not always accepted this need and often push passed my limits. But, what this overdoing does is push my body into what’s called post-exertional neuroimmune exhaustion (PENE), or a “crash” in layman’s terms. It’s my desire to work wisely and to do everything for the Lord, not as a people-pleaser. Would you all pray for me in this? I lift up to the Lord anyone else who struggles in a similar way. I’m so grateful to know that where we are finite, our Lord is not!

    1. AnneLyn P says:

      Praying for you, Diana Fleenor. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you, Nicole. We never know what people may be going through, especially strangers and acquaintances. Sometimes even friends, family, and loved ones won’t say anything either.

    Angie, thank you. Sometimes I get a nudge in my heart, like God puts someone random in my mind to reach out to. It’s often someone I haven’t talked to in awhile. I’ve learned to act on them instead of just dismissing it as random and something weird my brain does. Sometimes I won’t just reach out generally, but I’ll remember a specific fond memory or just something I am grateful for that pertains to them, and I will share that as well to brighten their day and see how they’re doing. In these days of social distancing and quarantine, I have found any bit of connection helps, for both parties. I’m not sure if that’s the type of thing you’re looking for but I hope it helps.

    Ceegee, thank you. I’m glad your son is adjusting well. Continuing to pray he will do well in the transition back to work.

    Terri, thank you. Yes, we need to see others as God’s children. Great reminder! Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you Blessed Beth for your prayer!

    Churchmouse, thank you as always for your perspective. “let us look not AT others but IN to others” – yes, I need to do this more and to learn how to get out of my comfort zone, and ask people how they’re doing… and truly be ready for whatever answer they give. How often have I asked someone how they’re doing and expected a short answer like “I’m fine” so we can go about our day? Lord, please help me to catch myself and to improve in this area. Instead of going through formalities of short “hello, how are you” conversations, help me to be more open and ready for deeper conversations and opportunities to add more value to people, to listen and to share Your love and good news with them.

    It’s great to remember that we don’t always feel well or have great days either, and that we would want others to have grace for us in those times, even if they don’t know what’s going on. Having that empathy also makes it easier when it’s flipped around.

  7. Elisha Anne says:

    Especially blessed by the last verse, how we are to live before the Fathers face and not mans, to do what’s pleasing to Him. From Him alone we will receive a reward and may we fear Him alone. ♥️

  8. Angie says:

    Cynthia, I’m praying for your daughter’s cyst removal and wondered how she is doing?

    Elise, I pray and am thankful for your devotion to the Lord and your trust in Him as you graduate from college and look to the future.

    Donna Bell, your son and his family remain in my prayers during this time they are in Egypt and during Stef’s pregnancy.

    Mari, I thank God for your declaration of His care for you in all circumstances, providing exactly what you need.

    Maura, I wrote down to pray for you and your daughter…but I didn’t write details, so you received a broad spectrum of prayer this morning.

    Lehua and others who are presently working either again or this whole time, may the Almighty cover you with His feathers, may He be your shield every moment of every day.

    Mikki, I am praying for God’s guidance in your life as you prepare for a cross country move and wedding in October.

    Leann, Courtney, Taylor, and Kirstyn…I’ve lifted you before the Father as well, specifically.

    These are those prayed for this morning…but a list of about 140 of your names remains on my prayer wall. As God guides, humbly, thankfully, I lift you before Him. Thank you for this opportunity ladies.