In Praise of a Virtuous Woman

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 31:10-31

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

Proverbs 31 is the most comprehensive description of a godly woman in Scripture. It is also an acrostic poem where each line begins with the next letter in the Hebrew alphabet. These qualities do not belong solely to women. This chapter gives us an ideal personification of virtue—a person “who fears the LORD” (Proverbs 31:30).

Reflection Questions:

This picture of a virtuous woman comes to us from an ancient context. What are some present-day comparisons you could make between the woman in this passage and a godly woman today? 

What does this picture of a virtuous woman reveal about what it means to be a virtuous person—man or woman? 

Who are godly women in your life? What have you learned from them about wisdom?

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71 thoughts on "In Praise of a Virtuous Woman"

  1. Tina says:

    SONGBIRD, absolutely not! Those women without money are no less a Proverb 31 woman!

    If you have ever watched mums in the playground, the mother with the hand me down carriage, coos, cuddles, loves, fiercely protects, just the same as the mother with the Rolls Royce of carriages.
    The background of a Proverbs 31 woman is not the money aspect of it, but that she CARES, she loves, she wants the best for all she meets, knows and loves, SHE CARES DEEPLY!!! So she will rise early, she will shop, she will invest her time( not always about money) to make sure her family is taken care of.. if that means making their garments, so be it, if that means an allotment, so they have veggies, so be it. She is resourceful..
    A Proverb 31 woman, is a Godly woman, who shows her love and care for her family, in the ways of God..❤

  2. Bee Feltner says:

    I’ve been a stay at home mom for years, and honestly, I think the “Married with Children” stereotype is hilarious; but, I also think there’s a lot of “virtuous woman” in a mom that stays home. I’m not perfect at all, but I do try to ease the burden of my husband, as he is the breadwinner. I definitely, “do not eat the bread if idleness” and I do try to rise before everyone in the house so I can get the day going. I homeschool our children, keep the house clean, run the errands & most of the normal day-today household affairs. I can’t say I always do it without complaining, of course, there are days I wish family was closer so we could have one of those “built in babysitters” haha! But I do try my best everyday. My own mother & I don’t have the best relationship, but my grandma and my MIL would be examples of godly women for me. They handled their households in ways that would make a captain envious. So, I try to take advice when I get it & I can’t always say I’m clothed in the finest linens. But, maybe I can work on that area of me as well. Ha!

  3. Mari V says:

    Sydney…..I meant to respond to you earlier in the day during one of my breaks. I got interrupted and never came back to SRT. Thank you so much for your encouragement! It meant a lot to me. My children are older. A freshman high school girl and a sophomore in college son. Thank you for praying.

  4. Eryn Murray says:


  5. L V says:

    Wouldn’t mind owning a winery myself honestly

  6. Leigh Foxx says:

    The picture that comes to mind in reading today’s scripture and listening to the podcast is not just a person who abides in Christ and does all these amazing things, but that it is done with love and joy. I somehow see this woman in her busyness and yet she keeps going to because she delights in our God and that delight trickles down in her relationship with other. We love because He first loved us. All of the posts today that I have read have been insightful and so appreciated.

  7. Susan Marcin says:

    My husband’s grandmother, whom I never met, is an example of a godly woman to me. I have inherited her journals full of poems and faith-filled writings that she has written her children and many other close loved ones. I treasure every word and pray someday that her words will permeate my own children’s hearts and be shared with a future generation, a generation yet to be born.

  8. Susan Marcin says:

    My husband’s grandmother, whom I never met, is a godly woman in my life. I have learned so much from her about wisdom through her journals (which by God’s grace I have inherited). This is just one example of the many poems she wrote to her own children. I relish these inherited words while I write songs from them on my ukulele. I pray one day her words will sing out of my own children’s mouth into the hearts of a future generation.

    No Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
    Written January 1, 1991 by Leona R. Prevette

    Lord, there is no terror in my heart
    As I see last year with its hurts depart.
    With joy and anticipation with Thee,
    No fear, For lo Thou art with me ever so near!
    Higher thoughts, Higher hopes, higher faith
    With my Savior so nigh,
    It is Thy aim for me on mountaintops high!
    There is nothing too hard for Thee
    So, I’ll not fear but reach for spiritual heights,
    In this challenging New Year!

    Psalm 61:2, “Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”