imitators of God

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 5:1-21

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 5:1-21

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love…” (v. 1,2)Imitating God seems simple enough when it is likened to a child imitating a parent. Think living together, eating meals together, being disciplined and taught to walk, talk and behave. Children watch their parents all day long and, effortlessly – for better or worse – grow up becoming more and more like the ones who gave them life.So, imitating God begins with knowing Him, living together, being disciplined, and taught to walk, talk and behave by Him.Scripture tells us that Christ came as a light to a dark world. And here, Paul reminds us to “walk as children of light” – be imitators of Christ. He gives us a list of things from which we should abstain, and encourages us to “discern what is pleasing to the Lord”.

Just like a child that wants to please his parent, our obedience to His instruction, and our repeated thanksgiving, come from a place of love and gratitude to our Father. We want to please Him!

How are you walking as a child of light?

Are you living under God’s roof, knowing him, being disciplined, taught to walk and talk and behave by Him? If not, how are you spending your time?  Read verses 15 and 16 and ask God for discernment in this area.

(24) Comments

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24 thoughts on "imitators of God"

  1. Kim says:

    Today’s entry hit home. I am a teacher spent most of my 15 years with older kids and now sub teach with kids of all ages. Biggest difference is younger generally want to please, imitate the adults. They are studying us and want to be like us. Older kids want to be more independent and I loved that about them as they were becoming thinkers and do-ers and I could see and find comfort in much of their leadership for the future. HOWEVER that’s a big however because of today’s reading. Somewhere along the way I’ve become that independent thinking individual do-er and less of the little kid who studies and imitates her Awesome role-model of a dad, Father God. Really good visual lesson for me today.

  2. PJ_Sigma22 says:

    I’ve said it once before that things in life are like a cup. What you fill your cup up with is what you will eventually be drinking. To be an imitator of God we will have to fill our cups with God and drink that. If we fill our cup with the love, patience, understanding etc than that’s what we will be full of. Some people see the wrath of God or the judgement and that is what they are full of. The bible is left to personal interpretation and everyone understands differently. I don’t see how it could be misunderstood after the many times it’s says to ‘love one another as Christ has loved us.’ But I believe and I will do as God called. Yes I have my short comings but I also believe that in God the things that are aupposed to change, He will change. Thank you Lord for saving my soul #Amen

  3. Deborah says:

    I like most of you that have posted am not perfect. I am so thankful that God is a forgiving God. If this were not so, I would be a lost soul being devoured by the evil in this world. But Praise God that He lives and is a forgiving God. I’m just a normal person that at an extremely weak time allowed evil to enter my life. Praise God He set me free.He loves me unconditionally and is with me all the time.

    1. Karyn says:

      Yes Deborah ! I totally feel the same way. I am currently in transition in my personal life and trying to change my way of thinking and being. I was on vacation from work and felt so refreshed and reflective getting closer to God and his word. As soon as I return to work the devil too was work. Everything that could go work went wrong. The unprofessional individuals I worked with were in full attack. Instead of turning the other cheek , I became angry, frustrated , anything associated with anger was me.
      Thankfully I reflected and prayed and the next day was a bit better.
      I'm so grateful that God like you stated is a forgiving God. And I know HE has my back always.

  4. Kris says:

    I’m in a time of transition right now also, seeking a new job and building a business. Praying for make good use of the time the Lord has given me and to have a mindset which is focused on His will not mine.I love Ephesians!It’s my favorite book of the bible.

  5. Sue says:

    Me too, Kathy! Let your light shine (verse 9).

  6. Kathy says:

    This one is perfect timing for me. Reminding me of things I have already learned the hard way. I JUST LOVE THE WAY GOD WORKS!!!

  7. Perry says:

    God has truly broken me down and brought me face to the ground back to him. He is now in the process of molding me and shedding from me the bitterness that I have from the past along with the fear and shame that I have from it. It’s not easy but I am trying to take it one moment at a time. Today’s verses speak to me bc they remind me of the things that I haven’t been doing.

  8. Emily says:

    All the comments this morning have been so, so encouraging!! Since I leave for work pretty early in the morning, I didn't have my quiet time until I got home. However, it was so easy to get busy with others things and neglect my time time with Him.
    This week I have been intentional about having my quiet time in the morning, right after I get to work. It's amazing the difference that makes in your day!! It shouldn't surpirse me though, spending time with Jesus always makes things better.
    These verses really hit the mark for me, as I struggle to "redeem the time". God's Word is powerful!!