I Will Set You Free from Sin

Open Your Bible

John 8:34-36, Romans 6:1-23, Romans 8:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Psalms 103:12, Revelation 21:22-27

We’ve all tasted the sweet relief that comes with a bit of freedom. But there is a world of difference between the temporary freedom of summer vacation and the eternal freedom we have in the kingdom of God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus proclaims that “if the Son sets you free, you really will be free” (John 8:36). Those listening to Him were undoubtedly confused. In offering freedom, Jesus was implying they were somehow slaves, but they weren’t enslaved to anyone, not legally or physically anyway. How can you be set free if you aren’t in chains?

Apart from Christ, we are bound to our sin. This was true of the people in Jesus’s day, and it’s true of us now. Scripture is saturated with references to what life apart from Christ looks like. We were once slaves to sin (John 8:34) and ruled by death (Romans 6:9). Sin reigned in our bodies (Romans 6:12), and we stood condemned (Romans 8:2). But Jesus went to battle for us against the powers of darkness and came out victorious. His promise of freedom is a timeless one meant for anyone who comes to Christ. It doesn’t elapse or depend on our own merit. If the Son frees you, then you are free.

Our invitation into God’s family is an invitation into an abundant life that is no longer bent low under the weight of sin. It’s an invitation into an eternal way of being, one where our sin is uprooted and cast as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). It is an invitation to freedom.

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47 thoughts on "I Will Set You Free from Sin"

  1. Lizzie says:

    Thank you that you hold me fast. Luke 10:19-20 it is your power that saved me, and I trust in you. Please guide me and confirm to me your truth every moment, you are so good! I love you, Abba Father! 1 Peter 1:3-9, please give me a stronger faith and please help me rest in you through the highs and lows of life. Hebrews 11:1, Ephesians 6. You are perfect, Jesus became sin for me and rose again and my name is written in the book of life, so I am free indeed, a child of the living, faithful God! Lord, please take my heart and let it be consecrated to thee, take my moments and my days and let them flow with ceaseless praise.
    I love you, thank you for your great love!

  2. Jamie says:

    My hope is that more people grasp such an AWESOME revelation! But it is a heart choice. Jesus has opened the door to your jail cell. You are the only one who can choose to walk through it and be free from your sin that Jesus took upon Himself. One of my favorite lines in the entire Bible is “it is finished.” IT IS FINISHED. It is done. You are FREE.

  3. Angela Sutherland says:

    The enemy was on me this morning, heaping shame about choices long past (and long forgiven!) I was struggling to open my Bible, feeling unworthy. So I prayed and then dug into today’s scriptures, and the sweet assurance of Psalm 103:12 washed over me and reminded me of God’s ability to let go of my mistakes, and the invitation for me to let go too. I’m no longer a slave to sin…I’m beginning to understand that that means more than just the present act of sin, but it includes the weight and shame of past sin as well. I’m free because the Son has set me free! And I can walk into this day with way more confidence than I started out with!

    1. Daughterofa King says:

      I have experienced quite a mind battle this last year and I’m working through the residue of that now. “6For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” From my studies this verse is where I cling. It’s daily practice to set my mind on the spirit. For me it’s a discipline of starting my day with Him. My mind will run away if I let it and For months now I’ve been in training to discipline my thought life one thought at a time. To take captive one thought at a time. Remembering old is the hardest part…. afraid of thoughts resurfacing … but I just keep on chasing Jesus.. every day.. reminding myself of truths and praying with thanksgiving for what I need. I hope this is encouraging. A great book I finished recently is “get out of your head” by Jennie Allen. It’s awesome!

    2. Kit Papandrew says:

      Yes to all of this! I struggle all the time with really understanding what it means for me to be free in Jesus and shaking the weight of past sin. Praying for you, Angela, that you’ll continue to feel HS presence to knock away those thoughts of old sin. Love to you. ❤️

    3. Jen Brewer says:

      Also following Jennie Allen’s podcast and have Get Out of Your Head on Audible that I’m listening to as well. ❤️❤️❤️Such an important discipline to take our thoughts captive to Jesus! With you ladies in this battle.

  4. Brittany says:

    Yes I had the same thoughts this morning…. what if I am really not God’s but meditating on the Scriptures makes those lies flee.

  5. Churchmouse says:

    I’m getting a bit restless, itching to be set free from the restraints imposed in the attempt to control this virus. I pray daily for the discovery of effective medicines and an even more effective vaccine. I know these discoveries may be a long time coming, yet I look forward to that day. I look even more eagerly to being set free permanently from this earthly life. Jesus took my sins, removed them at the cross and conquered death itself when He rose from the grave. Because He lives, I have new life, a freer life right here right now. Because I believe in Him and what He did, I have the vaccine to prevent death – salvation through Jesus. He promises an eternal life more free and more grand than I can imagine. That day is coming. The vaccine against death already exists. I hold it in my heart. What do I have to fear? I am not chained to this life. I have ultimate freedom.

    1. Christina Fowlkes says:

      Great parallel!

  6. Tricia C says:

    Glory to His name! I am free indeed! All because of Jesus! Hallelujah!

  7. Blessed Beth says:

    OH how I love this reminder Ps. 103:12, ‘As far as the east us from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us.’Satan so often tries to make me feel inadequate, less than I should, but we are so blessed as our God knows how we feel and patiently awaits and guides us back. He provide scripture and the Holy Spirit to assist we. He knew what we would need before we were born. Thank you Jesus for being so patient and loving with us.

  8. K says:

    I was caught up in my automatic thoughts. The enemy tells me that’s it. You aren’t God’s But, after I read this, I thought that’s not true. I’m free.! What a beautiful verse: To who the Son sets free is free indeed!