I Will Make You Glorious

Open Your Bible

John 11:17-27, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Romans 8:12-17, Daniel 12:2-3

The kingdom promise of a glorious resurrection can be a confusing one. It is hard to imagine a world where believers are raised in glory and power—their natural, earthly bodies having been transformed (1Corinthians 15:40, 42–44). The promise of glory stands in contrast to just about everything that we experience on a day-to-day basis here on earth.

The natural bodies that will be transformed in the final resurrection are the same bodies that endure all sorts of affliction here on earth. Similar to God’s promise to make everything new, His promise to make us glorious is the reimagination of biological life itself—a body without pain or hardship (Revelation 21). Inherent in this promise is an acknowledgement of the physical struggles we often experience on earth and a reminder that the pain and fatigue we experience will not last forever. The bodies of believers in this life battle sickness, heartache, and brokenness; in the new heaven and new earth, those things will be no more. Our bodies will “bear the image of the man of heaven” (1Corinthians 15:49), Jesus Christ. We will shine “like the stars” (Daniel 12:3), taking on a measure of beauty beyond what is possible in this age.

Living with this promise in view is an example of what it looks like to experience the already-not-yet nature of God’s kingdom. We have already been given the glory of having the Spirit of God reside within us (Ephesians 1:14), but have not yet experienced the glory of the new bodies we will one day inherit. That day may seem far off, but because of Christ, it is also a guarantee.

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62 thoughts on "I Will Make You Glorious"

  1. Pam Williams says:

    Angie, praying for your dear husband and for you to get and stay healthy

  2. Pam Williams says:

    Thank you Churchmouse. I frankly despise that John Lennon song, but love the truth of ” I can only imagine”.

  3. Mari V says:

    I am so thankful for that guarantee of all of us one day being united with Christ. Pain will not last forever. Our struggles and heartaches will be no more. I long for that day. I believe it because it is HIS promise for you and I.

  4. DOROTHY says:

    Heidi, I love what you said about loss and honoring people and allowing the sting of loss. I so agree. I have lost a son at a young age — 18 years old — and a niece who was like a daughter to me also at a young age — almost 35 years old — tragically. I turned to God and Christ each time and mourned with them at my side. I was able to make it through both because of that but I know that they mourned with me.
    Nancy Singleton you are so right and sometimes that is the best thing to do.

  5. DOROTHY says:

    Paula Kline, just keep reading your Bible and these devotionals and the comments. Also pick up and read some of the books recommended. Just don’t give up. It takes time. You won’t learn everything you need to know in one or two years. My father told me once you can never stop learning about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Now you don’t have to agree with what everyone says but be open and listen. Two of my favorite Christian authors are Joyce Meyers and Beth Moore because they have both struggled in their lives and with their faith. Hope this helps.

  6. DOROTHY says:

    As I read many of these verses it just reaffirmed my beliefs that I will be meeting my niece, my son, my parents and many other of my loved ones in Heaven when I die. The verses from 1 Corinthians are the ones that struck me the most, I guess because I don’t remember hearing them before but WOW they pack a punch about death and your soul. The last paragraph of the devotion just hit home with me. This is a devotion I needed because something about the last several days, I have been down and missing my niece and my son. I may be printing this devotion off so I can be referring back to it to help me through the coming weeks as I prepare to move. God seems to know when we need something. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

  7. Mel says:

    Praying and declaring healing for your husband, Angie. ❤️
    May God’s protection and strength be upon you and your husband and all the home treatment is going well.
    Thank you to all sisters for sharing today.

  8. Terri says:

    Prayer for Angie’s husband. Heavenly Father thank you for completely healing him. I thank you that the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is in him. Let him be healed quickly with no residual effects. Lord let your peace, comfort and strength be upon them. Somehow Lord I even dare to ask that the joy of the Lord be their strength. A happy heart does well like a medicine.