I Will Give You a Future and a Hope

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 29:1-29, Psalm 33:11, Ephesians 1:4-5, Colossians 1:27, 2 Peter 1:3-11

Too good to be true. The promise of Jeremiah 29:11 can feel just too good to be true. Often spoken over another person as an encouragement to combat a disappointment or setback, the words can ring hollow when understood in their original context. That’s because God wasn’t talking about career success, dating relationships, or winning the JV soccer game. And He wasn’t addressing anyone and everyone. He was talking specifically to the people of Judah in exile. The “plans” God had involved restoring them as a nation and bringing them back from Babylon into the promised land. So unless you happen to be a sixth-century-BC Jew stuck in Mesopotamia for the duration, keep on moving—there’s nothing to see here.

In one sense, this is true. It won’t do to simply pick up a promise meant for someone else and take hold of it for ourselves or someone we love. But God has grafted all believers into His family tree of God (Ephesians 1:4–5; see also Romans 11:17). So the “future” God promised to His people in the Old Testament is now ours in Christ if we know Him, and the “hope” is bigger and better than anything we can imagine, because it is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), of eternal life in the presence of the King (2Peter 1:4; Revelation 21:3), and of all things being made new (Revelation 21:5).

When faced with life’s challenges, the promise we have in Jeremiah is not that everything will work out the way we want, but instead that Christ will bring good from even the darkest moments this world can dish out. And in that, there is something lasting to hold onto.

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105 thoughts on "I Will Give You a Future and a Hope"

  1. Kathleen King says:

    I am sitting here chewing on this. My husband works in football and while he is not a coach we have grown close with several coaches families and have watched them get plucked from city to city due to success and also lack of success… nevertheless I think often they probably feel like exiles sometimes.. but I read this and think that when we are moved into a place/situation that is tough/uncomfortable … but it’s where we’ve been moved.. sometimes completely out of our control like the exiles in jeremiahs letter.. we are to plant ourselves there and pray for and consider the well being of wherever we are (whatever situation we find ourselves in) and then we trust His plans are good for us right where we are. We’ll grow (plant gardens, love those around us) and seek Him until He tells us it’s time to move again. For anyone who struggles with change – this chapter brings comfort that when we are in Christ we are right where we are suppose to be.

  2. Taylor says:

    Lisa, thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story. I was in an almost 2 year long relationship with a man who wasn’t a Christian. It wasn’t until we started talking about marriage that I realized I needed to walk away because of the Lord’s calling. We only broke up in the beginning of December so I’m also still processing all the feelings and emotions as you are. I’m so proud you took a leap of faith and I hope God grants you peace that surpasses all understanding. A good friend of mine recommended the book called The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas which I just started a few days ago. Already it has been so helpful to me in seeking a “sole” mate – one who will seek first the Kingdom of God WITH me rather than a “soul” mate – one with whom I feel really strong feelings for but might not share the same faith/mission as me. I would encourage you to read it during this hard season. You are not alone!

  3. Alexis Todd says:

    This devotional has moved me over a hump I have been stuck on for a while. We use bible verses and God’s promises for our own encouragement daily, but I always would say to myself that God wasn’t talking to ME when He made these promises. Surely I’m just a result of ongoing world population. Understanding now that God’s promises are extended to us who believe in His risen son makes me feel more secure that I have an intended path before me. It makes the trials of life a bit more bearable.

    1. Margaret Terry says:

      I agree soo much! I have struggled in the same way and this verse was what I clung to when my husband left me, as I grew in faith I came to understand the meaning of it as it was first spoken and struggled with that. What she said today helped transform my thinking, but as all scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching I also realize that this verse reveals so much about Gods character and know he loves each of us as deeply as He did to those He is speaking to in this verse means to me he has the same perspective for me.

  4. Melissa Mcronney says:


  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Lisa, I would like to encourage you to keep seeking God’s will. It is between you and God to know if you made the right decision, but it seems God has already spoken to you about it. You are right in saying that you have nothing in common. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, we are told to “not be yoked together with unbelievers”, light and darkness have no fellowship with each other. If your fiancée is not a believer, until he does believe – he is walking in darkness. Making the right choice doesn’t always feel good but it is good just the same. Jesus chose to go to the cross, He knew it was right and what He had to do, but I can pretty much be sure – it didn’t feel good. We choose to follow God and obey Him not because of how it makes us feel, but because we know its right. Be in the Word, be in prayer, seek His will – He will guide you, help you, strengthen you. Seek out a mature believer to become a prayer partner with, share your concern, your doubts, your concerns – see how God answers. God loves you – all our hope is in Him! I will be praying for you!❤️

    1. Lisa Hermansson says:


  6. Courtney says:

    Andrea, I am praying for you and your son. “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. ” (Numbers 6:24-26)

  7. Lisa Hermansson says:

    One month ago I ended my relationship with my then fiancée, because I felt that god was calling me to something else, like a whisper in my heart. My fiancée does not believe in Christ like I do so we could never share that part, and I realized that God is such a big part of my life and I want to be with someone that also shares that. Anyway one month passed, during which I moved out, left the city moved back in with my parents, studying, got a new job and everything happened so fast. Now I sit here a month later and now it’s like my heart has found a little rest and let out all the emotions from the break up. I feel confused, scared, scared that I have chosen God and that relationship but where will it lead? Have I done a mistake? Was it the wrong decision? Should I have stayed with me fiancée? So many questions so many tears and emotions right now.
    That’s why it felt so good to read this and to follow these couple of days of Gods promise. I love God, I love reading and studying his word. Ben though we should not always take things out of context, I still find hope in the verse from Jeremiah – I know the plans I have for you.

    Thank your Lord.

    1. Jane K says:

      Lisa, thank you for sharing your heart with us. Many, many years ago I was in the same situation you find yourself in today. I loved a man that was not a believer and made the decision to break it off. So painful, I never should have given my heart to him to begin with, but I did. During our break up, he became a Christian, and we have been married for 36 years. I don’t know what God’s plans are for you, but you can trust Him to give you what and who is right for you. Never settle for less than God’s best for you. I wouldn’t want to do life married to the wrong person, unequally yoked. I’ll be praying for healing, wisdom, and peace for you Lisa! May God bless you richly for your faithfulness!

      1. Lisa Hermansson says:


    2. Jennifer YoungFitzsimmons says:

      Praying for you Lisa

      1. Timmy McNamee says:

        Strong and courageous woman, that’s an inspiration for all women.. You did the right thing. All is well.

  8. Laura Smail says:

    Why are these devotionals getting shorter?