Too good to be true. The promise of Jeremiah 29:11 can feel just too good to be true. Often spoken over another person as an encouragement to combat a disappointment or setback, the words can ring hollow when understood in their original context. That’s because God wasn’t talking about career success, dating relationships, or winning the JV soccer game. And He wasn’t addressing anyone and everyone. He was talking specifically to the people of Judah in exile. The “plans” God had involved restoring them as a nation and bringing them back from Babylon into the promised land. So unless you happen to be a sixth-century-BC Jew stuck in Mesopotamia for the duration, keep on moving—there’s nothing to see here.
In one sense, this is true. It won’t do to simply pick up a promise meant for someone else and take hold of it for ourselves or someone we love. But God has grafted all believers into His family tree of God (Ephesians 1:4–5; see also Romans 11:17). So the “future” God promised to His people in the Old Testament is now ours in Christ if we know Him, and the “hope” is bigger and better than anything we can imagine, because it is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), of eternal life in the presence of the King (2Peter 1:4; Revelation 21:3), and of all things being made new (Revelation 21:5).
When faced with life’s challenges, the promise we have in Jeremiah is not that everything will work out the way we want, but instead that Christ will bring good from even the darkest moments this world can dish out. And in that, there is something lasting to hold onto.
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105 thoughts on "I Will Give You a Future and a Hope"
Amen ❤️
Such an eye opening thing to read these verses in context instead of using them in our own, selfish, context!!
Thank God that He can bring good from even the darkest moments this world can dish out to us!
For such a long time in my life, I’ve done everything I could to be proactive. When I sense trouble ahead, I try to prepare. It’s such a toxic circle I put myself through. I try to do damage control even before there is damage to be had. How relieving it is to know that even when damage does come my way, Jesus has it under control. He has amazing plans for me and even in the darkest of moments, he promises light. To trust in him is the ultimate damage control I can ever do. I’m so blessed!
This one really touched my heart. That last paragraph especially drove home the point that we are not alone, that God is with us and able to bring good from the worst situations. All thanks be to Him.
I really love the fact that SRT uses many Scriptures to accompany their devotions. They use OT and NT verses!
Hope. Hope in darkness. Hope in uncertainty. Hope forever. Hope in eternity. Thank you Jesus, thank you.
It is so true to seek the truth in its entirety, especially in this time of uncertainty. God promises to reveal wisdom and understanding as seen with Daniel Thank you Lord for never giving up on us.
Good wisdom! In the hardest times we can see the characters of God and that He has a plan.
Christ will bring good even in the darkest moments. I really needed to hear that.
Love this! These are hard times, but knowing that I can trust God with the future and for protection is just amazing! Thank you Jesus that our future and hope is in you!
I really liked this reading. I have always read Jeremiah 29:11 and many times not looking into the context of the whole scripture. This is why it’s so important to look at scripture as a whole and study it out. I can’t believe it took me this long to read this scripture in its entirety but I’m glad I did. I feel like this verse is looked at completely wrong in the society we live in today and I’m glad to be surrounded with a group of people who seek out the whole word of God. Not just parts of it.
My favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11
In the middle of an unannounced emergency I found myself on an examination/surgical table going through a heart catheterization.
Still in my 50s the heart specialist commented afterwards how he heard me recite and pray Psalm 23. No fear. Trust. The following day I had a 5 bypass. Coming home with oxygen and a walker, I listened to praise music, lifting scared arms fingers extended. “And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever…”
Ten years later He has given purpose, because He lives.
Hope. A future. Thank you Jesus.
This was a great debunking moment! This verse was meant for the context it was spoken in and the people it was spoken to. but it remains through Christ for us today. It’s only through Christ we can receive what God promises to his people.
I needed this so badly today. I’m feeling so down and purposeless right now – I needed the reminder of my hope in Jesus, that my hope is not in this world but in the world to come.
Yes! I thought it was silly for me to pray to trust more in God, but doing so has really helped me overall with my lack of purpose in this chapter of life. Learning to let go of achievements of this world and focusing on my relationship with Christ and fellowship.
I have always questioned the meaning of Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you so much for this thoughtful and biblical explanation.
To keep the faith in my hard times brings hope that the end result leads me to Heaven and everything coming out for the best.
God’s faithfulness is so sure, isn’t it? Even in the midst of the hard, He is blessing us by enabling us to keep the faith and growing His character in us. I see Him doing that for Sonja. ❤️
Wow!! I kind of liked how honest this was. Our promise is in Christ, not that everything will work out and that even in the darkest times God can still use that. It changed my perspective on how I view that passage for sure.
In the depths of darkness Christ is there not to keep the darkness away but go through the darkness with us. A comforting promise when we feel despair. He is our Hope!
This was so informative about the qualities of faith that God has given me to walk out being effective and fruitful. God revealed to me that this was the year to be fruitful but practicing these qualities. There is no way I can fall when his promise is faithful and everlasting.
I am sitting here chewing on this. My husband works in football and while he is not a coach we have grown close with several coaches families and have watched them get plucked from city to city due to success and also lack of success… nevertheless I think often they probably feel like exiles sometimes.. but I read this and think that when we are moved into a place/situation that is tough/uncomfortable … but it’s where we’ve been moved.. sometimes completely out of our control like the exiles in jeremiahs letter.. we are to plant ourselves there and pray for and consider the well being of wherever we are (whatever situation we find ourselves in) and then we trust His plans are good for us right where we are. We’ll grow (plant gardens, love those around us) and seek Him until He tells us it’s time to move again. For anyone who struggles with change – this chapter brings comfort that when we are in Christ we are right where we are suppose to be.
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story. I was in an almost 2 year long relationship with a man who wasn’t a Christian. It wasn’t until we started talking about marriage that I realized I needed to walk away because of the Lord’s calling. We only broke up in the beginning of December so I’m also still processing all the feelings and emotions as you are. I’m so proud you took a leap of faith and I hope God grants you peace that surpasses all understanding. A good friend of mine recommended the book called The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas which I just started a few days ago. Already it has been so helpful to me in seeking a “sole” mate – one who will seek first the Kingdom of God WITH me rather than a “soul” mate – one with whom I feel really strong feelings for but might not share the same faith/mission as me. I would encourage you to read it during this hard season. You are not alone!
This devotional has moved me over a hump I have been stuck on for a while. We use bible verses and God’s promises for our own encouragement daily, but I always would say to myself that God wasn’t talking to ME when He made these promises. Surely I’m just a result of ongoing world population. Understanding now that God’s promises are extended to us who believe in His risen son makes me feel more secure that I have an intended path before me. It makes the trials of life a bit more bearable.
I agree soo much! I have struggled in the same way and this verse was what I clung to when my husband left me, as I grew in faith I came to understand the meaning of it as it was first spoken and struggled with that. What she said today helped transform my thinking, but as all scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching I also realize that this verse reveals so much about Gods character and know he loves each of us as deeply as He did to those He is speaking to in this verse means to me he has the same perspective for me.
Lisa, I would like to encourage you to keep seeking God’s will. It is between you and God to know if you made the right decision, but it seems God has already spoken to you about it. You are right in saying that you have nothing in common. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, we are told to “not be yoked together with unbelievers”, light and darkness have no fellowship with each other. If your fiancée is not a believer, until he does believe – he is walking in darkness. Making the right choice doesn’t always feel good but it is good just the same. Jesus chose to go to the cross, He knew it was right and what He had to do, but I can pretty much be sure – it didn’t feel good. We choose to follow God and obey Him not because of how it makes us feel, but because we know its right. Be in the Word, be in prayer, seek His will – He will guide you, help you, strengthen you. Seek out a mature believer to become a prayer partner with, share your concern, your doubts, your concerns – see how God answers. God loves you – all our hope is in Him! I will be praying for you!❤️
Andrea, I am praying for you and your son. “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. ” (Numbers 6:24-26)
One month ago I ended my relationship with my then fiancée, because I felt that god was calling me to something else, like a whisper in my heart. My fiancée does not believe in Christ like I do so we could never share that part, and I realized that God is such a big part of my life and I want to be with someone that also shares that. Anyway one month passed, during which I moved out, left the city moved back in with my parents, studying, got a new job and everything happened so fast. Now I sit here a month later and now it’s like my heart has found a little rest and let out all the emotions from the break up. I feel confused, scared, scared that I have chosen God and that relationship but where will it lead? Have I done a mistake? Was it the wrong decision? Should I have stayed with me fiancée? So many questions so many tears and emotions right now.
That’s why it felt so good to read this and to follow these couple of days of Gods promise. I love God, I love reading and studying his word. Ben though we should not always take things out of context, I still find hope in the verse from Jeremiah – I know the plans I have for you.
Thank your Lord.
Lisa, thank you for sharing your heart with us. Many, many years ago I was in the same situation you find yourself in today. I loved a man that was not a believer and made the decision to break it off. So painful, I never should have given my heart to him to begin with, but I did. During our break up, he became a Christian, and we have been married for 36 years. I don’t know what God’s plans are for you, but you can trust Him to give you what and who is right for you. Never settle for less than God’s best for you. I wouldn’t want to do life married to the wrong person, unequally yoked. I’ll be praying for healing, wisdom, and peace for you Lisa! May God bless you richly for your faithfulness!
Praying for you Lisa
Strong and courageous woman, that’s an inspiration for all women.. You did the right thing. All is well.
Why are these devotionals getting shorter?
Thank you God for my hope and my future! So grateful.!
Love this ❤️
I’m so glad I have a future and hope on Christ, especially when our future on this planet is uncertain right now.
As I read this very familiar passage, I kept thinking about how God is both concerned with the Israelites’ temporal needs as well as the future hope that is coming in Christ. In the midst of this pandemic, it’s comforting to know that I can come to the Lord and ask Him for both my immediate needs and to have an eternal perspective on His coming kingdom. I also like how God says, “Build houses and live in them. Plant gardens and eat their produce…Pursue the city I have deported you too.” It just reminds me that we have a purpose here. The harvest is plentiful and there is kingdom work to be done. Come, Lord Jesus! Come and make all things new!
I like your perspective on this! Thanks for sharing
I start this morning with so much gratitude for life and the chance to give hope to others even when all seems dark. And I am so blessed by you ladies, to be able to read all of your comments and reflections!
“When faced with life’s challenges, the promise we have in Jeremiah is not that everything will work out the way we want, but instead that Christ will bring good from even the darkest moments this world can dish out. And in that, there is something lasting to hold onto.”
Yes! Hallelujah, thank God that He has a plan for us that is so much better than our own. It may not always seem that way, but He sees the whole picture while we only see what’s around us and in front of us. I sometimes have trouble letting go, surrendering and whole-heartedly trusting Him but I know that when I continue reading His Word diligently, seeking Him with my whole heart, I can rest in His promises and truth. What a comfort!
Amen well needed reminder. Thank you for this devotional every day please tell Andrea praying for her and baby.
Bessie H., I like how you stated “I am reminded I need to also be in this world, but not of it. Life is a gift from God to be treasured and used for His glory.” I hope you don’t mind if I pass that on.
Becky Kuiper praying for those around you and the essential workers is something you can do. I don’t know the age of your children but have them either make cards or a video for the elderly in area nursing homes, assisted livings, and rehab centers.
Erricka Hager, Staphanie C., and Diana Fleenor, Amen and Amen
Natalie McMahon, I hope you don’t separated from Christ because Christ and God are with you whereever you are even if you are separated from your church.
Mari V., I fully agree and am so proud of you for leaving.
Andrea Joksch, I’m praying for you and know that many times the defects heal themselves in the womb. Those that don’t in this day and age most can be dealt with by minimally evasive surgery.
I’m clinging to God’s promises right now, in a season that seems dark. I am 24 weeks pregnant with my son, and he was diagnosed with a serious heart defect. I don’t know how to continue rejoicing in his promises for good when I feel so lost and full of doubt. Some days I have the faith to pray for a miracle and for full healing, and other days I just feel empty and have no idea if he will answer my prayers. I try to remind myself that even if he doesn’t, there is still good to come. God’s promises are still true.
I will be praying for the health of you and your son! ❤️
Prayers for you both ❤️
Oh Andrea, I’m so sorry to hear this painful diagnosis. I will be praying with you for healing and strength. God can be trusted to bring good from even our darkest days. So hard sometimes to grasp His goodness when our world seems to be falling apart. Praying for you both.
Praying for you & your precious son, Andrea! God is with you!
I love that this study continues to point us to Christ in His glory and His Kingdom’s purpose. It’s so easy to take God’s promises and simply apply them to our lives or situation–when in reality, it has been and always will be all about Jesus.
You are spot on.
Thank you SRT writers for noting about keeping scripture in the proper context and with the rest of the scriptures it is meant to be with. One of my father’s pet peeves was when people would take one or two scriptures out of context and twist them to fit there situation. This also bothers me, I guess because my dad taught me about not doing it.
Happy May Day my sisters in Christ. From yesterday, those of you who are new and use a laptop there is no way to reply directly under your sister’s comment. Taylor eternity to me is infinite life and life with no end. I don’t worry about because by the time I will have reached eternal life I will be in Heaven with God and Christ. I hope this helps.
Ephesians 1:4-5 says how God already knew what He had planned for us before we had been alive, before we were born, before we were in existence. Wow, that is so hard to fathom because I have a hard time, some days, figuring out what I’m going to have to eat and what I’m going to wear. Then In Colossians the hope I receive from Christ’s glory, WOW. The qualities described in 2 Peter 1:5-9 have me realizing how I need to step up at times. In the devotional they say “So the “future” God promised to His people in the Old Testament is now ours in Christ if we know Him, and the “hope” is bigger and better than anything we can imagine, because it is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), of eternal life in the presence of the King (2Peter 1:4; Revelation 21:3), and of all things being made new (Revelation 21:5).” which is what I needed to hear today. The promises and hope of today’s devotion has help me and lifted my spirits. The last several days I have been down and thinking of my niece. Father help me through these trying times, I know You are by my side even when no one else can be. Remind me of all the wonderful and beautiful things and times my niece did and we had together. Amen.
Thank you Bessie H for your comments about our wonderful promise of our life to come, and that we have been given this life on earth to enjoy, to work, build, to plant, have families, care for one another, etc. All this brings joy in this life. I have been digging in the dirt in my yard planting a few vegetables and flowers mostly in pots. It certainly wont be food enough to feed my family and I probably spend more on the plants, seeds, fertilizer, and potting soil than I will reap in food, but I so enjoy doing this and I laugh out loud now that I can say it is not just my hobby that gives me joy, it is also biblical!
Taylor, I just wanted to alert you that I wrote a response to your question about eternity on yesterday’s devotion. I hope and pray for the Lord to bless you in it!
Today’s passages highlight God’s instructions, warnings and promises. How easy it is for any of us to focus on one without connecting this part of God’s word with the others. Or as the devotion indicates, to take a promise, instruction, or warning out of contest. Some have more of a tendency to be comforted by the promises of God, but neglect to consider the instructions and warnings. Others may be more prone to hear the warnings God declares, yet do not receive the comfort from the merciful promises God grants. And the same kind of thing can be said of how we could focus upon instruction without the joy and power of salvation through the free gift of grace which comes through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Since I have been one to be focused on one part of God’s word at times, I turn to pray for help to conceptualize in my mind and adore in my heart the whole counsel of God’s Word. As I aim to be diligent in growing in the qualities of Christ listed in 2 Peter 1:5-7, may I do so by the divine nature given to me through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ. How I pray this for all you, SRT sisters!
Diana so wonderfully said. Thank you for the clarity on picking and choosing parts of scripture. I need to see the whole picture.
Beautifully said. God is a God of balance.
Hi ladies. I’m a little confused on what they are trying to say with Jeremiah 29:11. I understand that the promise was for the exiles in Babylon but I’m not sure what they mean by it doesn’t apply to us. What am I missing? Thank you❤️
Hi! My understanding is many people use this verse out of context and in a way that takes away the original purpose. So if we are using this promise to say that God is going to work out everything in the way WE want or envision, we are using it incorrectly. Instead, it is a promise that can point us to our hope and future in Christ.
Also, I think in a broader sense we can use this verse to understand the Character of God and while this particular promise was directly to the exiles, His character of love, and care for US is the same. Knowing a loving father is sovereign over all we go through is the promise for us.
Something GOOD is going to come out of this! This is something I have expressed to my kids. And still experiencing today.
It is been rough road filled with hard times. But I’ve put my trust in Jesus knowing He will use this for His greater good and purpose. And Yes, this is what I’m holding onto.
 I will say this, the past almost 3 years after removing myself from and abusive home I am living a more peaceful life. I’m still living the remanence but I know it will be used for good.
I have kept this with me for years. When we face struggles, we often wonder, Why? Years from now, though, we may realize that it was those struggles that taught us something we could not have otherwise learned – that there was a purpose in our pain.
2 Corinthians 1:5 We share in the many sufferings of Christ. In the same way, that comfort comes to us through Christ.
May you story of leaving an abusive situation give courage to another suffering the same.
I really appreciate the care to explain the context of Jeremiah 29:11, and to include the context of it being a promise made in exile. A long exile. We also have a long exile as we are separated from Christ now but our “hope” and “future” lies with Him. It can feel like an exile right now in a more immediate sense with so much uncertainty, but His promises stand in the midst of the turmoil of this world as well.
“Christ will bring good from even the darkest moments this world can dish out.” Hang on to this during these times(and always). There’s no story He can’t redeem!
I am loving how this study is being done with great care of explaining the promises in context and with other scripture. If you haven’t listened to the podcast, I would highly suggest it.
The readings of the last two days have contained the phrase “The Lord of Armies”. That always jumps out of me and reminds me of His power, strength and sovereignty. He is fighting for His redeemed. It is a good reminder for whatever battles we are in that we belong to Him and He is Mighty.
I agree. Loving the context here!
I hank you Bessie H, for those words
How often Jeremiah 29:11-14 has caused quibbling instead of comfort. Deep breath. Yes, make note of the context and its specific prophecy to the Jewish exiles in their day. We do well to remember that all prophecies point to Jesus and find their ultimate fulfillment in Him. From Jeremiah 29:1-29 we are reminded of several things very applicable to us in our day:
Be content where you are and pray for the well-being of that place. Discern truth from falsehoods. Call to the Lord. Search for Him. He’s great at restoration. Life won’t always be easy, especially for His people when they don’t listen to Him. So listen to Him. Repent. He has a plan (Jesus) and we have a future and a hope (heaven).
This is both a ‘then and now’ prophecy. Let us glean its Truth and take comfort.
Ephesians 1 is a good refresher on Gods love for me. He’s gone before me and chosen me and has nothing but good things in store for me because he loves me more than I could ever understand. He is for me and has always been
I believe Jeremiah 29:11 does apply to all believers in that, God’s overall plan is for the restoration of the Jews and the redemption of humanity as a whole. That’s the plan he had for human kind, and because we are adopted heirs, we partake in this promise. It also speaks to God’s character, and God doesn’t change, so it’s appropriate to believe that God has plans to prosper us individually. He works all things for the good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose
And if you think of it as believers we are in somewhat of an exile bc we are in this world not if this world and are exiled from the promise land
Thank you for this reminder to put this verse into context. We misuse it so many times. I see it especially with graduating seniors. (I teach high school.) We tell them that God has a plan and it will be wonderful and great. a\And that’s true, God does have a plan but so many times we can be smack dab in the middle of where God wants us to be and it doesn’t look anything like what we expected. It’s hard and it’s ugly and it’s just not any fun. When that happens I have found myself turning again and again to Job 23:8-14.
“Behold, I go forward, but he is not there,
and backward, but I do not perceive him;
on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him;
he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him.
But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.
My foot has held fast to his steps;
I have kept his way and have not turned aside.
I have not departed from the commandment of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.
But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back?
What he desires, that he does.
For he will complete what he appoints for me,
and many such things are in his mind.”
God sees us and is with us no matter what. My future and my hope are not up to me. They are secure in Christ. Life may not look the way I want it to, but I am secure.
Thank you Kathy for sharing these verses from Job. They have given me strength to keep my eyes on God no matter what I am facing.
Thank you for sharing that!!!
Three times I reread Ephesians 1:4-5 (NLT), and then I copied it in my journal, read it again, posted it on my FB page (which I do so very seldom…posting) and then read it again. I love…love that “Even before he made the world, God loved US and chose US in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes”! I have soooo many “faults” yet He doesn’t see them. STILL, ” God decided in advance to adopt US into his own family by bringing US to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.” WE are all adopted into HIS glorious family, and it gives HIM great pleasure do have us there. I do NOT feel worthy, I DO feel so very blessed. NO COVID-19 can take that from US!
Happy Friday, Sisters in Christ and have a Blessed Weekend.
God’s eternal plan for us, Ephesians 1:4,5
Thank you for emphasizing the promise God made to His chosen people in Jeremiah and not specifically to His church. So much is taken out of context that the church is missing out on the specific promises God made to it. Making a difference between the prophetic and the mystery.
Like you said, keep on moving and grasp the revelation of the mystery God revealed to the Apostle Paul for the church.
What really stood out to me today was the part about “seek the welfare of your city”. Even though the people were in exile and not where they wanted to be, God still wanted them to work and pray for the good of their adopted home. Think about what an amazing testimony their lives could be. As a Christ-follower, we should be the best neighbors, the ones everyone wants to hire and live next to and work for, because of how well we love our neighbor (ie: everyone). Sometimes I have a tendency to say “bah! This world is crap!” and want to hide in my own little cocoon. But that’s not what God has called us to do.
You are spot on!!!
Revelation 21:3, He knows the plan Jer 29:11. And even in the trials, like in Ezekiel’s life, He is present, Jer 29:13-14. He says He won’t leave Hebrews 13:6, and He will give us good, He gives us of Himself. Matthew 7:11. Psalm 25:5,12,14,21. Psalm 31:14-15. Phil 2:12-13. Romans 8:26-27. So rejoice. That doesn’t mean put on a fake smile. Choose to worship Him and surrender. He knows what is best, and He loves you, so you can rest in the very best. He has given us everything we need, and we who know Him are filled with His presence. He understands, we often don’t, Ephesians 1:7-8, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.” He loves you.
Thank you! It always bugs me when this verse is taken out of context. I am thankful for His promises of hope and glory – and provision according to His plans – plans for restoration in Christ!
I circled every “I will…” in the readings. God is constantly moving and working. I am encouraged that His plans always prevail. HE moved Israel into exile. He rises up nations and tears them down. Psalm 33:11 “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” Amen.
Same here! I’m starting to do the same and taking note of all of God’s promises.
This quarantine is NOT an exile, of course, but I have been struggling with figuring out how I add value now that the world has changed. I have been feeling ineffective and unfruitful in the ways I used to in my career, parenting, and friendships. The Jeremiah passage talks about finding some peace in the exile, planting gardens, praying for the city… and then the verse from Peter says, “if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I need to work on those qualities of virtue, brotherly affection, self-control, love, and the rest…and I shouldn’t feel unfruitful or ineffective if those qualities are increasing in me.
I love this! I’ve heard this kind of message before about Jeremiah 29:11, and now it bothers me to hear people apply the promise directly to their own future, because the promise is so much bigger. It’s about the future God’s people have through Christ and the glory of His kingdom! Praise Him!
The promises are for all of his children. Amen. Love that
While still humming the tune that Tina mentioned yesterday of this world not being our home, I read the message that Jeremiah sent to the exiled in Babylon. It struck me how interesting that they were there for 70 years, our approximate life span (more or less!). We are not called to spend this life just yearning for the next. We are to be busy making a life here as well. Have families, work, care for each other, plant gardens! Yes, there is the wonderful promise of our life to come, but we shouldn’t miss this one. Lately I’ve been thinking more about my heavenly home and I am reminded that I need to also be in this world, but not of it. Life is a gift from God to be treasured and used for His glory. This gives me great joy and hope today!
Yes! This is a great way to incorporate God’s promise to us- to love the city we are in, to have and love family, to pray for the cities.
Bessie thank you for your words today.
What a wonderful fact that we, as believers are grafted into God’s family. Grafted totally become as one, are unable to survive apart.
This is such a comfort , we all go through stages when we are young wondering where we fit in, but when we open our hearts and out stretch out arms God fills them both. Hallelujah ❤️
Thank you for this! Growing up in church I would hear Jeremiah 29:11 all the time that it began to lose its meaning. Viewing it in context and through the lens of knowing we are grafted into God’s family has revitalised it for me.
Thank you for putting Jeremiah 11:29 in the proper perspective!!!