Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 33:11

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

The counsel of the LORD stands forever,
the plans of his heart from generation to generation.
—Psalm 33:11

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46 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Angelica Baldwin says:

    When I sit and think about that God has a plan already mapped out for me, he knows what it looks 2days,2weeks,2months,years from now. A blessed future and hope that continues generation to generation. Then today GRACE. Where would I be without His grace? Bebe and Cece Winans have a great song called Grace, the words are right on point. Take a listen.
    Be blessed yall, Grace and Peace

  2. Lolly Regan says:


  3. Jourdan Foran says:

    Same! Thank you for your encouraging words, Lorraine and Maddie. He is making all things new, the doubts and fears can be overwhelmed by His love and devotion to us. His love never fails.

  4. Maddie Chevalier says:

    A breakup with my boyfriend took me this long to realize in my heart there was something in me that needed to not be “fixed”, just recreated into something the Lord could use me for, and chip away at anything he deemed unnecessary. I still long for the physical “I love you”s, but this reminded me His love NEVER runs out.

    1. Lorraine Piccirillo says:

      Thanks for sharing Maddie! recently went through a breakup as well and God is really doing something in this season even if I don’t see the outcome right now. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  5. Emily Plues says:


  6. Harri Hughes says:

    Sometimes I grieve what the world may look like for my children, but reading this tonight renews my hope. He is so faithful.

  7. Anna Brazer says:

    Mostly I love having the Hope of The Lord Jesus Christ by my side daily. I carry that encouragement with my whole being.

  8. Jessica Williamston says:

    As much as I want to see my plans manifest my hope must stay in the Lord. His plans are not my plans. Am I willing to let go of my will to allow his divine plan to reshape my focus, thoughts and my heart? I needed more context so I went to John Piper because he always explains in a way that my heart understands. He comments that We may plan, but God’s plans hold sway. We may amass resources and strength, but the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him. He decides what plans and resources succeed. God is the central issue in corporate planning. The counsel of the lord stands Forever.

    1. Traci Bognuda says:

      Thank you for the added insight.

  9. Elisha Anne says:

    His purpose will stand, He knows just what we need and when. Praise the Lord for His goodness! His care over every detail! He is so faithful!

  10. Erricka Hager says:

    Such a great week of scriptures. I look forward to next week.

  11. Kristin V says:

  12. Sara Chapman says:


  13. Melissa Mcronney says:


  14. Jenna says:

    It’s good to be reminded that the way things are now (the sin, the sickness, the suffering) are not the way things will always be. God is still seated on His throne. His plans for redemption and restoration are still unfolding. Our promise of new life and hope in Christ are secure.

    1. Sara Chapman says:

      Thank you for these words. It is exactly what I needed . “His plans for redemption and restoration are still unfolding.” I’m going through a very tough time in my family and marriage, and I’m holding out in faith that God will restore my family. Some days I struggle to believe things can be restored, and today is one of those days. But God is still on the throne❤️

      1. Timmy McNamee says:

        Thank you.

      2. Madi Merchant says:

        Praying for you Sara ❤️

  15. Tina says:

    Dorothy, my heart hurts because your heart hurts…

    On my journey I have learned to trust God, I have learned to lean, to the point of falling if necessary, I have learnt to be real, and in my learning, I give it all to Him, who holds us in our sorrow, in our pain, in our confusion, but also holds those we love that have gone ahead, until we meet them again in eternity..
    We will not know the answers this side of heaven..

    But God…

    Dorothy, He is good… the plans of His heart are the same from generation to generation… He is near…
    Sending you love wrapped hugs and prayers from across the pond…❤

  16. Ashley White says:


  17. DOROTHY says:

    Some of God’s plans I want to yell at Him about and question. I want to understand now and not wait for His time to understand. God is in charge and I know that but sometimes it is sooo hard to comprehend and grasp the reason for what He has done in my life. First, I lost my oldest son at the age of 18 and now my niece, who was more like a daughter, three days before her 35th birthday. God why?

  18. Liz A says:

    Amen. Lord may your work continue in this crazy time. Soften people’s hearts. Open their eyes to see and experience your Grace & love

  19. K D says:

    God’s counsel is forever. What a rich truth that is.

  20. Amy Quam says:

    Love Psalm 33. Definitely one to come back to time and time again! Verses 20-22 (MSG) stood out to me today:

    We’re depending on God;
    he’s everything we need.
    What’s more, our hearts brim with joy
    since we’ve taken for our own his holy name.
    Love us, God, with all you’ve got —
    that’s what we’re depending on.


  21. Traci Gendron says:

    I was awake most of the night. I was reliving my past way of life. I felt so undeserving in the night. Like a fraud. Yet I believe I’m forgiven. We have a forgiving father who is faithful in His word. I’m enjoying the study of God’s promises. It came at the perfect time. I’m standing firm on Joshua 1:5 – I will not leave you or abandon you.

    1. Danielle McCutcheon says:

      I do this often too. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone. ❤️

  22. Mari V says:


  23. Mari V says:

    I trust His Word! He’s got us!He does not change his mind.

  24. Martha says:


  25. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    Good Morning, Ladies,

    LAURA, I pray that yes indeed you will forgive yourself for your error. Indeed, we are prone to make them. I am glad you’ve already been able to give your apologies where needed. I know I carry my mistakes heavily and constantly have to remind myself to LAY IT DOWN. God’s got it, Praise Him! Our readings this week, while filled with the promises, also tell us who we are to be and I know I look at those lists and at my life and see where I and my family are falling short. It can be so discouraging. You are not in anyway alone; I fear I am not very Christ-like at all! And some of our sisters in life seem to exhibit Him so well! I pray for God’s voice in my life daily and that the Holy Spirit would guide my actions, my tongue, my manner always.

    I love Psalm 33:11. I had one of those days yesterday where each time I sat down to study, I was needed. So I finished last night at 9 PCT and found I did not have much to add to the conversation. But among all the excitement over Jer 29:11, I had actually written down Psalm 33:11 in my journal as the Big Reminder so to speak. My goodness, to have the counsel of God has been the greatest thing I have ever received. And assuming that indeed Jer 29:11 isn’t exactly “to” us, I think Psalm 33 verse does reveal that God’s guidance, wisdom, love, intention is ours, “all generations”, and because I know that going to send me to places that are good, not evil. Assuming I listen.

  26. Chris Swan says:

    I’m always a week behind on the podcast— but they are so good!!

  27. Laura says:

    I actually really needed this GRACE day today. I am thankful for this truth: giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ. I am sitting here very disappointed in myself today. I did not handle a situation at work in a very “Christ-like” manner this week, and I have a lot of regret. I am disappointed at myself for getting angry, for not showing self-control, for not showing grace to others, and the list goes on. I allowed my own frustration with the situation at hand to get the best of me, and I hurt some people along the way. I am so mad at myself. It’s not easy to show yourself grace. I’m finding it hard. But I need to ask for forgiveness (I did already to the person I offended) and the Lord (which I did also) and believe that I have been shown grace in Christ. And let it go. I keep this quote beside my chair where I do my Bible study “Be astonished today, not at the misdeeds of man – that’s not surprising – but at the greatness of God’s love and grace for us. ‘His name is great, and He is greatly to be praised.'” Luke 9:43. I need to remember that today.

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      Don’t be too hard on yourself. God’s not finished with any of us yet.

  28. Sheila Cobb says:

    Yes! Churchmouse! God is in control and he is ALL we need. Let us continue to trust in his everlasting word and faithfulness!

  29. Sue says:

    God’s promises are true.
    His counsel stands forever.
    His plans last from generation to generation.

  30. Doris says:

    Psalm 33 admonishes the righteous to , “rejoice in the LORD”, “praise the LORD”, and to “sing unto the LORD”. Going back and reading through all the promises this week gives us reason to rejoice , sing, and praise Him. The Word of God is right(pure), in a world full of uncertainty, His Word can be trusted.

    All of His promises are yes in Him and amen in Him
    I will never leave you or forsake you
    I will give you an everlasting kingdom
    I will give you a future and a hope

    How fitting it is now to reflect upon Who God is and what He is to us in the times we are in and with all that is going on now in this world .

    1. Traci Gendron says:


  31. Victoria Bouchard says:

    Great psalm from today!
    22Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,
    even as we hope in you.

  32. Churchmouse says:

    Psalm 33 is good stuff. 22 verses of praise and truth. It reminds us of the power of the Word of God in creation and the sovereignty of God over all the earth. It reminds us that His wisdom and counsel surpasses that of all rulers (yes, including presidents, Coronavirus task forces, governors and mayors, you and I. The only know-it-all is the Lord. We are not saved or delivered by any man. Our help, shield and deliverer is the Lord alone. His eyes are ever on those who fear Him. We trust in His name and so we can wait for Him to act. We can even rejoice in the waiting because of His faithfulness. We wait through our troubles because our trust is in Him who is true to Who He is. He is our Hope. And He is all we need.

    1. Jennifer Martin says:


    2. Mari V says:


    3. Leslie Warnick says:


  33. Searching says:

    As I’ve mentioned before, I like to read the whole chapter for the Grace Day verse. These verses really struck a chord with me this morning –

    Ps. 33:8 (NKJV)
    8 Let all the earth fear the Lord;
    Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

    That’s all of us, each and every one – From Tina, across the pond, to all the rest of us wherever we are – Lord, we stand (or kneel) in awe of you.

    Ps. 33:20-22 (NKJV)
    20 Our soul waits for the Lord;
    He is our help and our shield.
    For our heart shall rejoice in Him,
    Because we have trusted in His holy name.
    Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
    Just as we hope in You.

    In these uncertain times, these never before in our lifetimes times, the Lord is our help – we wait for the Lord, we rejoice in the Lord, we trust in the Lord, we hope in the Lord and are so thankful for His mercy.

  34. Tina says:

    The council… the guidance, the wisdom, the help, the direction, the teachings…of the Lord,..hold fast, stand firm and are true forever,
    the plans of His heart, His Goodness, His Grace, His Mercy, His Love, His Hope.. from generation to generation…

    Got it!

    Thank you Lord God..
    Thank you..


    Happy Saturday my dears.. a whole jeep of love coming across the pond to you all..❤

    1. Traci Gendron says:
