As the story of the Bible opens, we encounter human failure at every turn. Adam and Eve invite sin and death into our world. Cain kills Abel, even after God warns him about the evil lurking in his heart. And there’s nearly everyone else—“every inclination of the human mind was nothing but evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). Who could blame God if He had decided enough was enough? But in Genesis 12, God does something tremendously gracious: He chooses to befriend an elderly man from Mesopotamia and bless him beyond all imagination.
The promises God made to Abram, later renamed Abraham, seem too big for reality: descendants enough to replace the stars in the sky, with kings among their number; a name known far and wide; and a piece of real estate approximately the size of New Hampshire. These promises seem so removed from our everyday lives that we tend to leave them in the past, there among the tents and flocks of Abraham and Sarah. But the New Testament tells us that these promises are actually ours in Christ.
We are counted among the stars in the sky Abraham saw, heirs of the blessings bestowed upon the patriarch in response to his faith (Galatians 3:29). Abraham is our father by the way of the promise, just as he was Isaac’s (Romans 4:17). We are even “kings,” since we have been given a royal priesthood (Genesis 17:6; 1 Peter 2:9). And the land? That may be the best part. In Christ, that promise has been transformed, stretched out, and enlarged. It now encompasses the whole earth (Romans 4:13), including the city of New Jerusalem where we will one day live with God, just as Adam and Eve did so many years ago in Eden (Hebrews 11:16; Revelation 21:2–3). In God’s promises to Abraham, Christ has transformed our failures into blessings, not because we deserve it, but because He is just that good.
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158 thoughts on "I Will Bless You"
I am so grateful to God for extending the blessing not only to Abrahams family, but also to me! He is such a generous and faithful God.
Blessings from so long ago – real today
I am blessed to bless others around me.
I just want to say that this was a blessing. Today I went to my local coffee shop. I was there waiting for my coffee and two little girls came up to me with these white flowers. The same ones that goes with this study today (found on Pinterest). It made my day that those girls gave me those flowers! I got my coffee, took the flowers home with me and went onto Pinterest just to scroll. I came across this post from you guys with the same flowers I received from the little girls at the coffee shop. I read the caption and the title was “I Will Bless You”. I was completely speechless. I knew that I was meant to read this and it was a sign from God. I know the Lord will answer my prayers and he will bless me. Thank you for everything you guys do and bless your business :)
Thank you Lord for blessing me even when I feel unworthy of your love. May I always have a grateful heart and faithful spirit. Forgive me for when I fail and help me stay on fire for you and your kingdom. Amen.
Love “….because he is just that good”. Wow! What a great reminder.
I love how God says over and over again “I will” when He makes a promise. The new thing I gleaned from today is that He will so that we will be a blessing. God fulfills His promises not only because of who He is, but also so that as believers we can make His name great being a blessing to others.
God, thank you for your promises of blessings on me and your children. Thank you for your unending love and abundance of grace. I’ve fallen to sin many times, but truly believe the reason I am here, surviving, is because you call me “mine” and want to get closer to me. I pray this over 2022.
So good
He is just that goos
By faith and God’s grace an mercy we have these promised that never expire and that will always be met w/ Yes from Christ
Very good stuff
This is a really helpful way to see Gods promises as YES in Christ.
We truly are blessed.
I’m in a similar situation. Currently at the airport to Houston, TX from Michigan and I came to Michigan about a year ago and I got involved in church, made amazing friends, lead small groups and my heart hurts that it’s coming to an end for now. But he constantly reminds me of Isaiah 55:8-9, that his ways and thoughts are higher than mine. I’m trusting that although it’s uncomfortable and I don’t quite understand it, I know his will be done, that he will get the glory in the end. I also notice that I grow so much more when i’m uncomfortable! Praying for you girl! I pray that God does amazing things with you and your husband! Have that “even if” faith. “Even if I don’t understand, I trust you Lord” “Even if I’m uncomfortable, I will trust you Lord”
I’m from Michigan and live in Houston as well!! So cool!! God will stretch you, use you and grow you for his glory and his kingdom!!
By faith…♥️ Faith is a small, five letter word that holds so much impact in our lives.
I am so thankful for the promises God has given me. I have done nothing to deserve them, yet he bestows them upon me! I praise God for his love, mercy, and grace!
Bless the Lord God Almighty oh my soul praise God Almighty
The hardest part, the growth is in the waiting
God’s promises will never have expiration date!!
By faith we have promises of God to Abraham. It’s so joyful!
It blows my mind that I was a star that was counted by Abraham so long ago as a descendant by faith
Amen! I pray that your farm is doing well and that God blesses you and yours abundantly. ❤️
Amen! I pray tbat your farm is doing well and that God blesses you and yours abundantly.
He is good. So needed this. I often fear anything I have been blessed with will be taken away because I’ve also failed the Lord so many times. But that’s not the nature of our God.
I am reminded of God’s great mercy and so encouraged by this. ❤️
I am so encouraged by this as well
Hebrews 11:15 “if they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had the opportunity to return”
That scripture so hot my heart this morning. I often think back on a time that seems better than today. This was a good reminder for me to be thinking of the promises of God, moving forward towards what He has spoken. I do not want to repeat yesterday but press on because greater is what He has promised. I am reminded to fill my thoughts with His promises and never waiver. Thank you for posting! I am blessed.
Praise God for his grace! What we fail at, he turns to blessings. When we intend harm, he makes good. He sees our sin and gives us grace. He doesn’t let it define us but rather chooses to become our defining factor. I am broken but I am made whole by Him!
I love this – romans 4:20 No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God… Lord, let no unbelief make my faith waiver and allow me to rest in your promises!
I love that He blesses us not because we deserve it but because He loves us and He is just good. That’s so reassuring to me because I often feel so undeserving.
So good! We are heirs to God’s promise and not because we deserve it, but because he loves us and He is good! Thank you Jesus!
Glory to God!! And His Grace and Love to us!
So good. I’m thankful for a God who keeps promises and that they don’t rely on my works. He is so gracious ❤️
Lord thank you.
Thank you Lord for your promises
God’s timing is always so perfect and personal. The imagery Abraham’s offspring being like the stars in the heavens is so real to me right now. We are visiting our farm in the Karoo, South Africa, and the skies here are crystal clear. Last night I sat and gazed at the billions of stars in the sky, being able to see the Milky Way clearly, as well as Andromeda, our neighbouring galaxy. It was utterly indescribable. I just realize how big God is and endless His power. And if the God of the universe makes a promise, we can hold onto that for all we are worth
Amen! I pray that your farm is doing well and that God blesses you and yours abundantly. ❤️
Through faith in God, the impossible are possible. Loved today’s read and just feeling blessed by God’s promise.
I can’t finish the reading! It cuts out incomplete… How can I fix it?
God calls things that are not as though they were!
The Lord’s promises are obtained through faith and grace in his word!!
The connection between Abraham’s promise and Jesus is blowing my mind!
I miss reading personal stories interwoven in the writings… the commentary is still awesome, don’t get me wrong, I just miss those personal shares that connect us to the writer.
Thank you God for your promises and grace upon our lives. I pray we will live to declare the glory and promises of the lord over our lives ijn.
Thank you God for all the blessings and promises
I’m a bit behind in this study, but these words from Romans 4:20-21 struck me today: “He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do.” I find this immensely comforting for so many reasons. How amazing that we can trust not only in the word of God’s promise, but his power, might and faithfulness to carry it through. There are no empty words with God. And Abraham’s faith is such an example and encouragement. He did not waver in unbelief, Paul says. And yet as we read the narrative of Abraham’s life and journey in Genesis, it kind of looks like there are moments where he was unsure, where he made mistakes. I’m comforted by these because it shows that a strong, unwavering faith in the Lord is not about perfection. It’s not about never falling, but coming back to God in repentance, dependence and trust when we do. And all the while giving glory to God.
Amen. I am counted among stars. What a gracious Father!
Wow! Yes, we are counted among the stars…God’s mercy is indescribable. He is just so good!
I’m am a blessing and counted amongst the stars- God knows me and gives me promises to believe in
From my She Reads Truth Bible:
“No matter how much or how little we believe in God’s promises, they are still true.
When we project our own human weakness and unbelief onto God’s promises to us, we miss out on experiencing His peace-the peace that allows us to follow Him into unknown territory.” ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is exactly what I needed to read in this moment.
Jesus! Let me be more like Abraham. Not wavering in unbelief. Not letting my faith weaken when things don’t look they should in my eyes. Let me see Your Promises through Your Eyes.
I love knowing I’m counted among the stars. He transforms my failures to blessings even though I don’t deserve it. That’s how much He loves me!
What an inheritance we have. To be on this side of the promise is so amazing! I can’t even imagine how awesome it will be once we get to Christ’s return and all is restored. Wow. Super thankful this morning to belong to God.
Anyone read through a version that
“….. they agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth” heb 11:13
One major attitude of our father of faith, Abraham and so many others is here in this verse.. We can never see this earth and all its treasures as all there is in our lives. I think it’s important to always remember that we are just passing through. So even when we don’t visibly see the promises we do not loose hope.
I am the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. I am part of the blessing God promised him!
Oh! I love that!!!
Such an incredible account of how faith in the our loving God can produce incredible results. So cool!
God is so good and loving surpassing all understanding. His covenant is unbreakable.
This is amazing!
Love this, Angie!
Love this, Angie1
I have a question, if God is going to make a whole new earth, are we all going to live just in the city of new Jerusalem? “Random thoughts” lol. Can’t wait though!!!
Lord, thank you because you have blessed us and fulfilled your promise to Abraham. Amen ♡
I was randomly listening to some worship music before I read this devotion and the last song to play was Promises by Maverick City Music. If you haven’t heard it, give it a listen! So good! Anyways, these are some of the lyrics and I just thought how perfectly they coincide with what we are learning here.
“God of Abraham, God of covenant and of faithful promises
Time and time again You have proven You’ll do just what you said
Though the storms may come and the winds may blow I’ll remain steadfast
And let my heart learn when you speak a word it will come to pass
Great is your faithfulness to me
Great is your faithfulness to me
From the rising sun, to the setting same
I will praise your name
Great is your faithfulness to me”
I’m so thankful that our God is a God who keeps His promises not just back in the times of the Bible, but here today, to us. ♥️
That is my favorite song right now! So good!!
Thank you!! We’re listening now!
Beautiful ❤️
“In hope he believed against hope.” Rom 4:18
Having hope against hope!
It’s hard for me to put this into words that make sense, but I figured I would try. I find Abraham’s ability to leave his homeland without knowledge of where he would end up next to be a testament to his character—he is willing to do what he must for the Lord because he has faith and loves Him. I think what I found comforting is that while Abraham had such a great ability to follow the Lord blindly, because of his strong faith, he was also quite imperfect. Even when the Lord promised to make him a great nation Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham and he chose to sleep with her. While I wish Abraham had not succumbed to his inability to believe the Lord would truly grant him offspring at such a late age, it reminded me that there are many times I don’t truly believe the Lord will grant me His promises…and yet, God still made a way for Abraham even after his transgression—because He is just that good.
A little late to the table, but these words of Churchmouses’ tugged at my heart…reminding me of Who God is, and as the old hymn goes… it is no secret, what God can do..
Oops… Let His TRACK RECORD of faithfulness give us confidence and strength and perseverance and glorious hope…
What TRUTH.. What absolute truth!
Can I put my hand on my heart and say God has let me down … ever? No, I can’t. Things may not have happened as I thought they should,
But by God…
I am blessed beyond my measure..
Thank you God. Thank you..❤
Faith, blessings – I realize more and more how much more there is to these words. When God bless he does so greatly, more than we can imagine. Yet it is hard to let go of the earthly things, to let faith be leading me, to trust in his blessing and in his WAYS and HIS TIME. I pray for an open heart, to not run into whatever comes my way that might seem good, but to pray and listen and walk slowly. It’s hard, I want to have control – but I keep praying that He who knows and sees and loves beyond everyThing – will lead me through in a way that I / we will acknowledge. Not rushing things.
I agree. That’s challenging for sure, Lisa.
It is true, control, earthy control and physical control can be challenging. I am learning the process of greater faith and trust in Him. thanks for this!
Oh my I just had a big shout over today’s reading in Hebrews 11: 13-16. With all that I am going through right now after losing my mom a week ago this scripture reminds me that she is home even as Jesus promised, vs. 13 says all these people were still living by faith when they died. (She was a woman of great faith)They did not receive the things promise; they only saw them and welcome them from a distance, admitting that they were for honest and strangers on Earth.his was always the plan of God that we are just ambassadors of Jesus Christ here in the Earth.
❤️ so thankful your mom knows in fullness the promises of God. Praying for you as you work through her home going. ❤️
Something that struck me in today’s reading is this “in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist,” (Romans 4:17) because of the verb tense used. God GIVES life to the dead and CALLS into existence things that do not exist!! Still! Today!! In the present tense.❤️
So good Karissa!!!
I am right there with you Jessie! Reading those words, I had the most beautiful picture painted in my mind. I could feel God’s love cover me knowing He was thinking of me (us) in Abraham’s days! What an amazing God we serve!
Talk about walking in faith! Abraham leaves his home, mom,dad to walk into the unknown. In these times of uncertainty we need to have faith and courage just like Abraham, in order to walk to the unknown and know we are not alone.
Praying that my faith will grow unwavering like Abraham and Sarah. We have so much more information about God today than they did, yet I struggle with my walk so much that I come and go. I hope to grow my relationship to a strong bond like theirs with God.
I can’t wait to get my study book
I love the prayer prompts in the study book <3
The line that struck me was in relation to Abrahams’s faith… “Fully convinced God was able to do what He promised”…God does not promise an easy life, but He does promise presence, peace, comfort, healing, and HEAVEN. My fears reveal that I do not believe in these promises – that all that is sick will be made well.
I was struck by the sentence “you were counted among the stars in the sky that Abraham saw”. It just left me a bit breathless. We were seen and thought of THEN. Back in the days of Abraham!! Abraham looked up into the sky, unable to comprehend the promise of the Lord, all the while our names were etched among the stars he saw. I can’t describe how beautiful that is to me. What a loving God we have. He saw us then, He sees us now. And He promises to bless us if we choose to be obedient and trust in Him. I have never made a post on this site but I don’t want to just be someone who reads and moves on. I want to engage with what I’m reading, with the community here. What blessing this study is already.
Hi Jessie! I agree, it’s amazing to think we were thought of thousands of years ago! What an awesome God we serve!!
Beautiful truth! Thanks for sharing, Jessie ❤️
I SO agree Jessie❤️
I was struck today reading about Abraham’s unwavering belief in God’s promise since he didnt really have much to go on. I keep thinking that the promise is based on Gods character and that confirms it will be done as he says it will be. Abraham believed this though he didnt have a rich history to go on. How fortunate are we to have the entire Bible to reveal and show us Gods character and the stories of witnesses of God’s children throughout the history of the church. We have so much more to look back on and know that God is who he says he is.
I love that you said this! I completely agree and I was also like you, just awestruck by Abraham’s faith. I pray that each one of us women here would have faith in God’s promises like Abraham did but even greater. That our lives would solely be based upon His Word and nothing else, no matter what may be going on around us! : )
I love that we have a heavenly future to look forward to. I was reminded today that this isn’t our home and one day we will live in a place with no sin, sickness or grief. How I look forward to that blessing!
R B, I understand this all too well. I am on this journey now as well. In March, God told me to leave my job that I had been in for 12 years. I trust Him so I obeyed. I am closer to God than I have ever been! I am full of peace and so much joy even though He has not yet revealed what is next. Instead He tells me He loves me, to trust Him, to wait for Him and in time of He will show me the way to go. I am excited and grateful for what He is doing in my life. I trust Him and all I can say is Yes Lord, please order my steps!
Yesterday i journaled about how I want to live longing for heaven. How sweet it was to read the words in Hebrews 11 today! “Instead they were longing for a better country-a heavenly one.”
R B, God is rewarding you even when you are still hurting from your move because you trusted Him and remained faithful to His promises. You are blessed. As said in Genesis 12:2 “I will bless you.” ✝️
I found todays study a little more challenging to follow. I will definitely read through it again
I did as well when I first started reading today’s devotional so I opened my Bible app and read the ERV alongside the version provided. Hope this helps you!
So in Galatians 3 Paul talks about how it is through our faith in Jesus Christ we are children of God. I rejoice I am a child of God. I stray yes put through God’s promises and Christ’s death and resurrection I know I will have everlasting life. I also know I will be with my loved ones who have gone before me. Heaven awaits me and I look forward to that. Father God I praise You for all You have given me and for sending Your Son to die for my sins. Amen.
Wow. What an AMAZING study today! I am very much looking forward to sharing this one with my family later!
WoW…. I’m going to have to read this a few times
Romans 4:20 He did not waver on unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith & gave glory to God. 20 Be sure he was fully convinced that what God promises, he was also able to do. God help me to have that kind of faith. To believe so fully in your promises.
It’s exciting that the blessing to Abraham is extended to all who believe through Christ and that our inheritance is extended to the whole world, even the new heaven and earth at the end of time!
Thank you Linda! That makes sense and it helps! :)
The Law was made after God’s promise to Abraham. It came with Moses on Mt Sinai. The law was the old covenant made with God and his people that God would keep his promises based on our actions. Jesus broke that law on the cross and gave us the new covenant. The new covenant is complete in what Jesus did, has nothing to do with us, or our actions. Only Jesus, his mercy and grace. Which means if we believe in Jesus and follow him then we are also given the promise in Genesis. This was mind blowing for these early christians. By faith alone we are all saved. Even hard for me today to fully understand this grace and I didn’t grow up with the law. I have a very hard time wrapping my heart around the truth that I am truly forgiven, sin wiped away, and accepted. Nothing I do or don’t do separates me from Jesus. He meets me in my sinfulness and He does all the work. My faith is a gift from him because he loves me. Makes me want to never look away from him and his unconditional love.
I really enjoyed this. I found myself asking what made Abraham so certain of God’s promises? FAITH in our God, our promise maker, our promise keeper. I pray for faith like this, faith that when God says to go and follow Him, that I do fully.
Kelcy , good morning! The Law refers to the laws given in the Old Testament. The laws were given to govern behavior and also to give God’s people a way to atone for their sin through sacrifices. So the law was out in place so sinful humans could have relationship with a holy God until Christ came and stoned for our sin once and for all. Praise Jesus for coming to rescue us and provide a new way to have relationship with the Father!!
I am taking advantage of the quarantine to convert more and read the word of God. Thank you for encouraging me every day!
Hi ladies I have a question I was hopping you can help me figure out. What does it mean when they talk about the law in today’s reading?
Kelcy, the law refers to the laws God delivered to Moses on Mt. Sinai which later were interpreted in minute detail in the Talmud. I used to tell my kids we read Leviticus because it shows how complicated the law became and how burdensome. When Christ came, God created a new covenant thanks to Jesus’ sacrificial death. Does that help a little? :)
Just as others have said I, too, want to treasure the promises of God as true and faithful, something we can count on without doubt. I think for myself the greater struggle is not as much in believing God will do as he promises, but discerning what it is he truly has promised. I’ve had to have my mind and heart reprogrammed from the voices of “prosperity gospel” which seemed to run rampant in the Christian circles I ran with in the beginning of coming to faith in Christ. I didn’t ever fully embraced them because what I read in Scripture didn’t seem to line up with the beliefs so many were presenting me. However, I found even just listening to them caused a kind of doubt that disoriented me. Because I know beliefs such as “God doesn’t want anyone to suffer; suffering is a result of a lack of faith,” continue in some places today, I aim to be prepared to be able to address these false beliefs with the whole counsel of the word of God for my own soul as well as the souls of others. It is good to be reminded of today’s passage in Hebrews 11 that no one receives all the promises of God in this earthly place but we will in the future heavenly home that Christ is preparing for us. To him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
I really enjoyed the day song and scripture passage at the conclusion of day two. So many common sayings that are used daily that mean something so much more than what is heard. It was really nice taking a step back and understanding the context of these phrases.
Sayings and scripture *
I am so blessed! Thank you God for always showing me mercy and love, even when I don’t deserve it!!
I really enjoyed the verses from Romans chapter 4. Abraham had so much faith in God that he never once questioned his promises despite his current circumstances (old age, wife with a dead womb, etc). Romans 4:18 is such an amazing verse..the HE BELIEVED part is really speaking to me. I’m such a Type A control freak and have really been using this quarantine season as a time to let go of wanting to be in control and do exactly what Abraham had done. Believe.
Good Morning Sisters,
As a new believer I get a little bogged down in the old testament so I struggled a bit today. I was encouraged reading your comments and in particular loved your remarks on pinky promises with the grandkids, Churchmouse! Such a cool illustration of our fallibility (even as Mimi!) as oppose to God’s perfection.
Hebrews 3:28 spoke to me: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Gender roles are a difficult realm sometimes for me as I was raised by a feminist and yet now I do acknowledge God’s purpose for men and women, respectively. I know there is scripture defining these roles (Ephesians 5) and other places (please share!) but here we read God sees us all as one. Since the bible does not contradict itself, I have written this verse down for further study but for now I am grateful to know I am His.
Angie and Heidi, I had a beautiful day yesterday, Praise God. I pray yours were good ones too.
This stood out to me most today: “Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though, he did not know where he was going.” I want, need faith like this when God is calling me into the unknown.
Thankful for Jesus setting us free from the imprisonment of scripture and justification cane through faith. Galations3:15-29 so good God’s plan to redeem us. Love you words Churchmouse, His track record of faithfulness is all we need to focus on when we are struggling, He never fails and He never will. His arms are holding us in unfailing love, light, peace and joy. Praise to the King if Kings. Hugs Sisters and rejoice He loves you so!!
Praying that for you Elizabeth, and for myself too! Remembering God’s truth with screaming and toys flying us a special challenge, and all the more crucial for us and our babes.
Love this AM reminder, Jesus’ Resurrection is the promise we can rest assured. ❤ Feeling so thankful.
So true, Churchmouse. As I shared with my unbelieving friend, there are so many voices giving opposing views regarding the current world crisis. It serves to highlight the fact that only God is 100% reliable and worthy of our complete trust and allegiance. He never leaves, forsakes, lies, or fails. Always loves, always forgives the repentant heart. What a Savior!
Abraham was….
Am I fully convinced that what God has promised He is fully able to do?
Awesome way to put it! Your words have helped me to better understand today
Angie, such a beautifully articulated summary/thank you note. Thank you❤️
“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. 22 That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.” 23 But the words “it was counted to him” were not written for his sake alone, 24 but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord, 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” Romans 4:20-25. God has been teaching me this, to look forward to Him, putting my hope in Him, waiting on and being satisfied in Him, keeping my eyes on Him. Isaiah 26:3-4. And Hebrews 11:10 “For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” God’s grace did the unimaginable and it came and carried us, you and me. When God says He will, trust Him, Genesis 12:7. This morning I read Psalm 84:10-12, these verses repeated what I have been learning about that God wants me to treasure Him and keep my eyes on Jesus who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. Trials will come, but God is good and will use them in the lives of His children to give them endurance, character, and hope. And hope does not put us to shame. Romans 5:3-5.
God’s promise of blessing is more than enough as we look forward to eternity with Him.
Galatians 3:26-29, “for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith…”
This quote from the devotional was really encouraging, “In God’s promises to Abraham, Christ has transformed our failures into blessings, not because we deserve it, but because He is just that good.”
So good this morning! Sometimes I can get in my head that God doesn’t guarantee blessings for me so I don’t get my hopes up. But He’s asking me to look at what blessing really is: forgiveness, eternal life, food, shelter, relationships. God is always wanting to bless us.
I love this, Kimberly!
Feeling convicted this morning that I often read these promises, or Scripture in general, and then in the course of the day with my 2 little ones, I completely forget it all. I’m praying that as I read these promises throughout this study, that I am able to take them to heart. To apply them to my life, to instill them in my daughters, because they are still true as ever! It is hard for me to focus on God’s word and His promises throughout these long days, but it is my prayer that as I seek to, He will meet me and help me to be mindful of Him.
So many times I waver in unbelief that God can and will do what He has promised – mostly because it doesn’t look like what I expected it to look like. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when Abraham came in and told Sarah that God had told him that they were to pick up everything they had and move. He didn’t say where to move, He just told them to move. And they went! I want to be like them. I want to be fully convinced that what God has promised He is also able to do. Lord, strengthen my faith, keep me from wavering in unbelief. You can and will do what You have promised.
Love today’s reading. It really spoke to me. I was reading in proverbs and Proverbs 11:7 says….
Hopes placed in mortals die with them; all the promise of their power comes to nothing.”
And it just made me think- how good is God? He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. And if I have a faith and obedience like Abraham did when he did not know where he was going (Heb. 11:8) Gods promises are for me, with me and will eventually come to pass whether I get to see it or not. So thankful for Jesus coming so that we can have access to the Holy Spirits leading and guiding to those promises!
It was a great reminder to know that God is always there no matter how messy our lives can get .
Agree Nicole *
I love this mornings reading. It reminds me that He is with me always, even when I mess up, and the more I faithfully follow him, the more present He is with me. I find such comfort in that thought.
What struck me today was Hebrews 11:8
“By faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; AND HE WENT OUT, NOT KNOWING WHERE HE WAS GOING.” (NASB, emphasis mine)
How many mornings do I spend trying to figure out His plan for me so I can outline it and check my progress off a list?! I pray for faith like Abraham’s, that even though I don’t know where my life is going, where my day is going, I will move forward with Him in faith.
Rich Mullins wrote a beautiful song, Sometimes by Step, about the journey of Abraham: It lifts my heart in praise whenever I listen.
Hallelujah! My heart is stirred by the scripture and essay this morning. We are so blessed.
I am the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham! As a non-Jewish person, I wouldn’t have been able to be a child of God if it was based on the Law or being a blood descendant of Abraham. As churchmouse said – “Let His TRACK RECORD of faithfulness give us confidence and strength and perseverance and glorious hope…”
Plus I love how Sarah did have doubts – she laughed when she was told she was going to have a child and sent Hagar to Abraham – yet she is still considered faithful. I can have doubts along the journey but God doesn’t cast me away.
In my commentary in my bible this morning it remarked on Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham obeyed. Faith and obedience are inseparable, just as unbelief and disobedience are inseparable. I pray that I can have a faith and obedience like Abraham. ❤️
I love that Abraham and Sarah did not know where they were going. And that the promises seem to bloom through faith…
Oops… Let His TRACK RECORD of faithfulness give us confidence and strength and perseverance and glorious hope…
“Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was absolutely convinced that God was able to do anything he promised. And because of Abraham’s faith, God declared him to be righteous.” Romans 4:20-21
Am I absolutely convinced that God is able to do anything He promised? My obedience to whatever He calls on me to do will be the evidence of that. May I not listen to my own fears, my own insecurities, but listen to the Author of the promise! It’s not by my own strength, but Christ in me that I can do all things. God, I want to live a life of faith like Abraham!
I am thankful to God for His promises and His love for us.
I am struck by this part of Hebrews 11:11, regarding Sarah – “she considered that the one who had promised was faithful.” Isn’t this what all the promises come down to – how reliable is the one making the promises? We’ve all experienced promises made and promises broken. Our granddaughters believe in the magic of “pinky promises.” We link our smallest fingers and they believe their Mimi will deliver on whatever I have said. Even I know that as much as I might want to deliver on every promise, it will not always happen. I am fallible. Praise God, He is not. Every promise He makes, He will fulfill. Every word He speaks is absolute Truth. He is 100% reliable. 100% of the time. When we read His promises, let us consider His faithfulness. Let His heck recurs of faithfulness give us confidence and strength and perseverance and glorious hope. We can stand firm on His promises because it is He who makes them. And He is so much more reliable than a pinky promise.
I am so thankful that God’s promises are not dependent on my following of the “Law”. His grace is immeasurable and so needed. I love that he wants me to be an active participant in His plan and has promised to be with me along the way, even if I have no idea where I am going or what He has in store for me.
In our scripture today,
God said, Go…and I will
show you…
make you into…
bless you, and those who bless you…
make your name…
fight your battles (curse those who curse you)…
(after a passage of time)
TO YOUR OFFSPRING, I will give…(the blessing results)
Abraham’s validated ‘human-will’ rocked it by faith
the Law was added for the sake of transgressions
Scripture imprisoned everything under sin’s power-during the “passage of time” until Jesus came
so that the promise might be given on the basis of righteousness by faith.
The Law set boundaries for our guidance,
Christ justified us by faith, with grace as the guarantee.
Glorifying God
Fully convinced.
Obedience to “set out,”
to “stay,”
“to trust the one who has promised is faithful.”
Temporarily foreigners,
Until the “passage of time”
When we are Home.
Thank you? Two words, two inadequate words. Laid before You, in awe.
For, I am blessed.
So blessed…
Oh how blessed, cared for and loved I feel after our reading this morning.
Yesterday I received info on 40 areas to think about as we prepare to eventually return to church. I am so blessed to serve on a church board that is as faith based and loving. At first I was heart- sick as I read them. But this AM the scriptures have prepared me for a new adventure in Christ. As Heb. 11:8 says ” Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though, he did not know where he was going.”
Rom. 4:20 “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.
And as Phil. 4:13 “I can do all ( not some but ALL) things through Him who gives me strength “.
Today all you maybe able to do is just put one foot in front of the other and as we should rely 100 percent on Him to do the rest.
Praying for all of you as we think of what His plans are for our new norm.