Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-7, Galatians 3:15-29, Romans 4:13-25, Hebrews 11:8-16
After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!
In Genesis 12, amid the chaos and brokenness in the opening narratives of Scripture, we find a command with a promise. God established a covenant with Abraham, promising to make him into a great nation. From Abraham, the blessing of that promise would extend to all the peoples of the earth. The Lord was establishing a covenant family, the people of God.
Galatians 3:16 says, “The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed,” and that seed is Christ. Abraham had faith in the promise, and today we get to have faith in the One who fulfilled the promise. Through the New Testament authors, we see that the blessings of Abraham “will be credited to us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead” (Rm 4:24). Therefore, those who are in
Christ have been grafted into this blessing that God first promised Abraham.
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157 thoughts on "I Will Bless You"
Today’s reading sent me on a hunt for a definition of what “bless/blessing” means in the book of Genesis. Found this fascinating article on the Gospel Coalition website: “A Biblical Theology of Blessing in Genesis.” A quote from it: “In relation to humanity, to be blessed is to be one of God’s own people with all the benefits that brings: in other words the, the blessing of God is his relational presence in one’s life…the essence of divine blessing is, ‘I will be with you.’” This made me think of Ephesians 1:3-14: “[He] has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ.”
Also, I had never realized this before, but as John describes the new heavens and new earth in Revelation, he says, “…and there will no longer be any curse.” Trying to wrap my mind around Jesus becoming the curse for us and also being the one through whom we receive the blessing of Abraham! Praise be to God!
Thanks for sharing this, Ashley! I was thinking about the meaning of “bless/blessing” too, I appreciate your insight and connection to Ephesians, this gives me more to think about!
It’s incredible to see how God’s promise to Abraham wasn’t just about one nation but was always meant to extend to all people through Christ. I love how Galatians 3:16 points us to Jesus as the fulfillment of that promise, reminding us that our faith connects us to this covenant. It makes me reflect on how God’s plans are so much bigger than what we can see in the moment. Just like Abraham trusted in what was unseen, we’re called to do the same. I need to be better at that!
Im praying for healing over my sinuses. (Fasting social media and replacing it with prayer and the Word has allowed God to already heal another ailment!!) I have never really thought about the difference between believing God and believing in God. We can believe in Him without believing Him. I’m honestly saying I’ve fallen victim to that so many times in my 35 years on Earth. Thank GOD He can handle when I doubt and loves me the same. Here’s to believing His promises are for ME, not just everyone else.
Grammar and semantics regarding believing. You make a very good point. We often read about Satan believing IN Jesus. Do I believe IN Him or do I BELIEVE Him? Big difference there! Thank you.
Today was a mix between confusing and reassurance.
It never fails to stun me how awesome God really is. Such a loving Father that He would send His only Son to die for us and make us clean. Thank you God for your promises and for inviting us into Your family❤️
Today’s reading lifted my heart more than I’ve felt in a long time. I just feel so happy to be part of the family of God, due only to faith in Jesus who died for me. And I look forward to not going back to a place I left, but to a much better and forever home with Him. I feel peace in my heart today. ❤️
Holding you and yours close dear sister.
Praying for more peace-filled days❤️
Hello shes, “that is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed…” (Romans 4:16 ESV). This is a memorize worthy verse for me. So powerful of a statement, the word “guaranteed” is the assurance having the things we hope for, the evidence of things not yet seen.
@RHONDA: for your friend Shaina and safe delivery, may mommy and baby be safe by God’s grace with speedy recovery.
@LINDA IN NC: upcoming surgeries for Gene to go well, and time/ focus for you to do your bible homework. Loveee it that you make time to study!
@ALEIDA: thinking of your family, may Victor and his dad and everyone else get along to have peace, may tension be eased by God’s mercies and grace in the family.
@MIA FAITH: strength for you and loved ones approaching March and April. May the Lord heal the grief, ptsd, mental and emotional state of everyone from these events.
Be blessed dear sisters. Give thanks to the Lord for He is worthy of all praises. All of His promises for us are yes and amen through Jesus Christ.
❤ Echoing those prayers.
With you in the prayers for our sisters, Mercy.
Hopeful life is being kind to you and yours. Much love.❤️
Prayer prompt in book for today’s scripture is: “Thank you for your promise that began with Abraham and the blessing that has been extended to me in Christ.”
❤ thanks, Donna!
I responded with I don’t believe I was blessed with the ability to reproduce safely. A doctor once told me it could potentially be deadly. So I’m not taking the risk.
Much love, Donna, and thank you for this.❤️
oh my word… there is so much in here. It would take paragraphs to comment. The main thing is this: We get all the promises in the bible because we are part of Abraham’s family. We get’em all because we believe in the God of Abraham!!
Morning, She’s! Something I have been working on the past few years is surrendering and fully trusting in Gods promise. When my daughter was born and required her open heart surgery, I was so afraid of what was to come. Hindsight is always 20/20. But I wish I would’ve settled and found peace in that season knowing that God was with me. When things get hard I try my best know to give it up to Him. I know He has me. He has you as well sisters. I hope you have a beautiful day full of happy surprises
And that 20/20 hindsight can become our foresight. I pray God gives us prophetic foresight to lead us forth in the path…and may we have the strength to trust, obey and believe.
Sophie, it is good to look back and see His goodness and grace, from time to time, as we move forward.
Prayerful your today is also filled with happy surprises ❤️
It is always wonderful to look back and realize that where we lacked, the Holy Spirit of God filled. He is our Comforter afterall. When we see our frailty, we must turn right away and actually see God’s strength manifested so that we and others may only
acknowledge Him and His ways in our plight. Thank you for sharing your story of faith and trust in the Lord.
What a joy to know that by faith I recieve the blessings of
Abraham! Though the evil one tries to tell me different,I will claim my inheritance the righteousness that has been
imputed to me through Christ Jesus!
Good morning, She’s, from the Bay Area. Woke up this morning with such an unspeakable joy in heart. I don’t take it for granted. Only God. I know that there are so many people who wake up and do not have joy, but we do because of our steadfast relational God who fulfilled His promises in His Son Jesus. Glory to God.
Glory to God indeed.
Sending you hugs, His Sparrow. ❤️
Thank you so much, Tina! ❤️
A human father…Abraham
A holy Father…God
A Saviour…the Son
An inheritance…irrevocable
A family…by faith
Promises made…promises kept
What a blessing to behold
I love this!
Every time we read about God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah, I’m reminded of the song “The Blessing by Kari Job”.
“May His favor be upon you,
And a thousand generations,
And your family and your children,
And their children, and their children”
What a beautiful reminder of God’s power faithfulness from one generation to the next. As others have shared in the comments, I am so thankful for the generations that came before me & prayed for future generations of believers to come!
Wow! This reading was so wonderful. It brought a new light for me on the promise. “I will bless you.” David wrote in Psalm 32:1-2 “blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin. I am blessed! You are blessed! We are cleansed through the imputation of what God places upon us, the righteousness of Jesus, the free gift of salvation to those who believe God. There’s nothing better than this. Now, just like Abraham, we are on a journey to the promised land, our homeland, a better place a Heavenly one, and then we are even told that God is not ashamed to be called our God, for he has prepared a city for us. I am so grateful and thankful. What a good God we have!
The idea of grafting into the resilient root makes me so grateful for my parents and grandparents. Now as I realize it is my turn to be the one who passes down the richness of faith in Jesus. I pray that one day our grandchildren will tell their children and grandchildren of the ways their Pop and I shared God’s love and
How lovely & loving, dear Carol. May it be so.
Thankful that as believers we are sisters- heirs of the “spiritual blessing that accompanied the Abrahamic Covenant—justification by faith (Gen. 15:6; cf. Rom. 4:3–11).” MacArthur.
Love, hugs, and prayers, SISTERS!
So thankful for everyone’s comments! We get to be a part of the Abraham’s covenant with God through Christ! I am so grateful to God for making a way for all to be grafted into this family of His.
Praying for all!
Yesterday’s reading made me thankful for my father’s father’s father. I don’t know who prayed for me before I was born, but I am thankful for them, and that I will one day meet them.
Today’s reading, places people on my heart to pray for. There are so many needs. My best friends husband has a mass on his lungs. He was supposed to go to Stanford today, but insurance put a stop to that. I know so many women whose husbands are either dying or recently passed. It breaks my heart. Life interrupted.
But there is always hope. Hope in Jesus. He did not waiver in unbelief at Gods promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. (Rom 4:20)
Praying for your friends husband.
Praying with you Lori, for your friend. And praying for you as you hold ‘your people’ in prayer.❤️
Good morning, sweet sisters!
Tina, I loved the explanation of grafting you shared. Too often we easily slip pass principles as well as promises which have a much deeper meaning.
My infusion went well yesterday and I got a much needed break as Gene stayed in the waiting with our son. It was nice just to sit rest fully knowing Patrick was watching after him. Thank you for your prayers.
Lynne, continued prayers for you and difficult decisions that are facing you.
Gene will have Lots surgery on the top of his head Fri am to remove the skin cancer. This is his 2nd dermatology surgery in a 1 1/2 months. Praying for no bleeding afterwards. That afternoon he has a regular neurologist appointment. It will be a very tiring day for him.
I have committed to a 6 week Kay Arthur study on Revelation because my DLI & grandDLI wanted to attend. I’m overwhelmed by how to get the homework done on top of all that goes on in our daily lives. Sometimes I just want to sit and chill instead of trying to concentrate on anything. I know NOT good, lol. Please remember me in this area.
At the end of the month we, as a family, will meet for a palliative care consult to see if there are ways to combine some areas of Gene’s care that might reduce stress on both of us.
Always great to hear from you, Linda! Continued prayers for you and Gene, and that the Bible study will be a tremendous blessing. I recently did Revelations- Jen Wilkin. It was worth the work, but I didn’t face the daily demands that you do. Even jf you can’t get all the work done, the fellowship and discussion will bless you! ❤
Prayers of gratitude that your infusion went well and prayers for Gene this week. Maybe sitting and listening to Revelation and not worrying about how to complete work would be a blessing. Take some time for you. ❤️
Prayers always Linda, thank you for the updates and snippets of what you go through as a caretaker. I think it’s important to share. I think the time in the study with your family will be edifying. Don’t worry too much on homework…just go.
Thankfulninfusion went well and that through it you were able to take time to breathe.
Will continue to hold you, Gene and the family up to the Father in prayers. I will be praying for renewed strength each day to do this commitment of 6 weeks to the Revelation study..❤️
“Therefore, those who are in Christ have been grafted into this blessing that God first promised Abraham.”
This is where my eyes landed today and I wanted to look a little deeper into to process of grafting and how this analogy fits in our faith, this is what I found…
3 Factors for Successful Spiritual Grafting
1. Compatibility. You cannot take a palm tree and graft it into a grapevine. You cannot connect a lost soul to the Living God. We are fit to graft into Jesus, the True Vine, because at the moment of salvation, God makes us like Him – new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17).
2. Pressure and Alignment. In the grafting process, the rootstock (Jesus) is cut and split so the scion (the believer) can be lined up, joined, and bound tightly together. You are the scion. The word “scion” means “a young shoot or twig of a plant,” or – get this – “a descendant of a notable family, offspring, successor.”
3. Care of the graft site. The plant must be kept free of disease, well-hydrated, and nourished to maintain the viability of the coupling. Prayer and fasting, studying the Word of God, being in fellowship with other believers, worship – these are the key and continual practices in our lives to keep us connected and bearing fruit. God, the Vinedresser, expects results.
Wow! I thought that was so good, and helpful!
I noticed that there is pain on both parts – the “root stock” – Jesus is split so that we can be grafted in. This reminds me of Christ death on the cross, the pain he endured for my sin. Next just as the plant that’s being grafted in is, we are bound to the “root stock – Jesus, bound tight and then wrapped, reminding me that we must be one with Christ, tightly knit in order to have Him a part of our life. Just like the grafted in plant – we need to be kept free of disease, nurished and hydrated and the only way for that to happen is for us to maintain a daily walk with Christ.
We have been grafted into this blessing – praise God, thank you Jesus!
@Mia, praying for you and your family as you reach each anniversary milestone. Much love and prayers.❤️
Happy Tuesday sweet She’s!
So rich!
Thank you, Sharon! That is sooo good! Thinking of His pierced side as I read! ❤ Thank You, Jesus!
So good. Thank you Sharon.
So good!
This is pretty amazing thanks for sharing !
Thanks so much for this Sharon!!!
Wow, so good- powerful! Thank you for sharing Sharon!
Thank you for the research and explanation. It’s beautiful
Great insights and info. Thank you❤️
Sharon, how awesome is this. I love that there is truly a spiritual connection and not just the analogy I had..
Praise God.
Hoping life is being kind to you and yours.
Hugs, ❤️
Thank you God that through Christ we can live a daily life in freedom! You already have the victory. ✌️
Good morning sweeties! I didn’t sleep well. Had an important appointment late afternoon that had my mind going in circles. You know the kind where the guy is “talking” and your trying to catch up what he is saying or at least understand. Anyway….thank you for letting vent a bit. I loved Tina’s comment/explanation of this as it helped to make more sense for me this morning and I also looked up the biblical definition grafting. The Greek word is translated as “united (or planted) together” and also it said: “to be closely united to” THANK YOU JESUS that WE are closely “united” to our JESUS! Needed that this morning as I mentioned the appointment late afternoon was overwhelming. I am OK. It wasn’t medical.
Mari, I do understand! We had a couple of appointments just like that last week (home repair related). Head spinning – what did he say? What should we do?! Thankful for discernment/clarity this morning and praying that for you! Love you! ❤
Our Lord promised to make Abraham into a great nation. We can definitely see how from Abraham to Jesus, and from Jesus to all of us today who have been gifted the greatest gift of His saving grace and a place in His arms once we pass.
It almost feels like a firework. Abraham was shot into the sky and when Jesus saved us on the cross, out burst millions and millions of various colored sparkles (The people then, us today, and those of us to come) that covered the sky.
Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, although they had not received the things that were promised.
16 But they now desire a better place – a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.
I think about how I get when someone doesn’t fulfill their promise to me. Do I forgive and still have faith in them, or am I mad and write them off. It is the same with unanswered prayers. Do I still trust God?? In my more immature years, I did not. I’m learning that unanswered prayers may keep me from trouble. Sometimes we don’t understand why things happen as they do, but we have to keep the faith. Our belief. Our longing for our heavenly home with our wonderfully faithful Father.
yes, good thoughts!
Its both quite humbling and beautiful to rest on the fact that God’s blessing and promises to Abraham extend to us as well and we can fully trust this to be true. Thank you Lord that from the beginning you wanted us to be grafted into you family and you made a way for this to happen and to be a part of your family❤️
If I could ask for you to pray for me please. My regular routine eye exam yesterday detected an issue and I need a referral to a retina specialist for an emergency appt ASAP. Please pray that I can get in quickly ideally, today or in the next couple days and that no further issues or complications arise. Thank you.
Praying you will have favour and that the specialist will have wisdom and skill in treating you. And for a complete recovery.
Praying for you, Wendy B ❤️
Wendy B, praying for you
Prayed for you, Wendy.
Praying Wendy that all goes well, that God’s diagnosis holds true: by His stripe you are healed and cleared of any eye issues ❤️
Praying that you get good news from the retina specialist, Wendy, and that any issue can be easily rectified.
Oh, Wendy, I am sorry I missed that prayer need earlier. Praying as requested now!
Yes Wendy, prayers!
Praying for you Wendy, ❤️
What a wonderful promise! That we are grafted in to his family. And our children and their children and so on.
Yes, Rebecca,
Not alone, or left out His promise.
Thank you for sharing that Tina. What a wonderful description of being grafted to the family of God. Thankful God isn’t giving up on me and has the patience to continue with a YES in my life.
Thank you, God, for bringing us into your family by the blood of Jesus!
“I will BLESS you.”
We get many thoughts on this concept… we have all heard the negativity on “prosperity preaching.” And we all have heard that there will be much suffering in this world. Rain will fall on the just and unjust alike. But yet—we will be blessed. The greatest blessing is yet to come…just like Abrahams greatest blessing was yet to come…the numerous offspring he himself would never see and experience, the promiseland that he would not get to be apart of. (At least he got to see it!) I always thought how unfair that was, poor Moses had to go through so much strife to not even get a piece of the pie! But just like when people I love and pray for to survive and they don’t, and die…I should not feel sorry for them- if they are a Christian, they are living in the Kingdom! Experiencing Heaven!
So here we are- in the in-between. On earth, awaiting heaven. Getting blessings and hardships and trials. Together. But with God, with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit- we have an edge, more than an edge! We have what we need to be strong and courageous, to be fruitful. We are being sanctified continually. I will be blessed! You will be blessed.
♥️ Amen!!
Thank you for this, “Rain will fall on the just and unjust alike”. Afflictions of life come on everyone. Thankful we have the Living Savior. Amen.
Thank you LORD for your blessing!
Something that struck me today was Romans 4:22-24– “Therefore, it was credited to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was credited to him was not written for Abraham alone,24 but also for us.”
And I had to do a bit of additional reading because it is the first time I have noticed these verses. This commentary I came across, beautifully explains it: “Abraham was considered to have righteousness because of his belief in God. In Romans, it appears that he didn’t just believe “in God”, but he “believed God”. The fact that God exists is something that James tells us even demons believe (see James 2:19). However, Abraham believed God; that is, here it sounds like Abraham believed that what God said was true, and that God would keep His promises.”
I think this is such a key distinction– believing IN God but also believing God. To me, it is the acknowledgment of His existence while believing in Him speaks of our trust on what He says and live by it. It’s the difference between just knowing about God and fully trusting Him in your life.
Yes amen! So true. And I believe so many do believe there is something bigger than we in a Almighty..power. But when you start throwing in the name Jesus, people get awkward! They don’t want to put a belief in to it. Like you said, there is a belief of God, but they don’t want to go that next step,and believe IN God. As Christians, we must believe in Him, and the entirety of the scriptures.
Thank you Maria. This perspective is very helpful.
Well said!❤
Wow. That’s deep. Really great insight that I am glad that you shared.
Wow. What a difference. Believing in God and believing God. Thank you for sharing that!
Amen! ❤️
Amen, Maria. I love this perspective ❤️
Thank you Lord Jesus! Father God reward my faith, forgive my doubt. Holy Spirit help me keep my eyes lifted towards Heaven my eternal home. Amen
What a great start on Day 1 yesterday!
I always start reading NKJV, today I also read the Scriptures in NLT for firmer grasp. Dependability kept coming to mind…God is faithful, He never changes, He is always with us and available, His promises can be relied upon, without a doubt. I can’t find these traits in myself or anyone else, no matter how hard I or others may try. Thinking of some people I love dearly, yet I would never depend on them for anything as doing that would lead to disappointment. We CAN depend on God, always.
Hebrews 11:15-16 15 If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back. 16 But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland.
As I was reading this, I thought of where I came from before Christ. Thankfully I am not longing for that lifestyle anymore. Lord, help me to keep my eyes on you, toward my eternal home.
Song coming to mind, Some Call It Heaven. One of the lines – when heaven comes into view, just 1 glimpse and you’re gonna know, the best is yet to come.
Some call it heaven, I call it home.
“… His promises can be relied upon, without a doubt. I can’t find these traits in myself or anyone else, no matter how hard I or others may try.”
Such truth, Searching! Thanks for that reminder! Love you! ❤
His promises never change.. Amen, Searching. Hugs to you.❤️
I have been accepted into Jesus family. I am His sister in Christ. God loves us so much to accept our failures. He has forgiven my sin and made me his forever.
Grafted! Grafted into His promise…..we are blessed indeed. I also liked Romans 4:20-21. “Abraham did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.”
It’s the wavering where we (I) so easily get caught up. May we all remain steadfast and keep our eyes focused on Him.
Thankful that God called me to be a part of Abraham’s covenant. And that means I am a part of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham.
Praying for your requests ❤️
I haven’t thought of it that way before!
And that means I am a part of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham.
Amen, Kelly..❤️
What a wonderful and exciting promise we have!
Broken, wounded, unfaithful, ‘dont know how to keep promises’ sick/diseased sinner that I am, I still get to be grafted into this blessing that God first promised Abraham..
Get your head around that, Tina!
I am no gardener, but I do know a bit about grafting..
A description of grafting that I found on the world wide web..
Grafting is a technique used to combine desirable qualities of one plant such as fruiting or flowering, with the strong and resilient roots of another plant.
Oh boy, am I thankful that God sees me differently to how I see myself. I mean, who would actually want to combine my undesirable qualities.. I am likely to spread my ‘undesirable’ ways, character, self.. causing harm..
Seriously, it was a light bulb moment, just now, as I realised, through the explanation of grafting, what Father God has been doing since the time of Abraham.. He has been ‘combining’ us to the strong resilient root that is JESUS!
Through our co-joining, we get to receive the blessing of that promise of looooooong ago, even in our weaknesses of sin and shame, we get to be credited as a member of the covenant family, as we believe, the people of God.
The last bit of the description says… Although grafting requires skill (patience and a willing heart) and practice, (keep going, don’t give up, persevere,) it can be a rewarding process..
Mike drop moment right there!
When we Believe.
When we have Faith.
When we Trust.
When we have Hope.If
Well it’s only Tuesday, and I’m in! Totally and wholeheartedly in!
Graft away..
Happy today, my dears.
Praying the LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD turn His face to shine upon you and yours, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift His countenance upon you and give you peace.. ❤
Yes Tina! Wow! Thank you for this!! ❤️
Amen, Tina! ♥️♥️♥️
Beautiful, Tina! Thank you for sharing!
Yes, Lord Jesus, my Jesus…turn Your face towards me and be gracious to Your unworthy daughter full of undesirable qualities (some of which are why I’m up ruminating in the middle of the night about an impulsive, silly thing I did today that can come bite me hard later)….
Tina, I love this definition of grafting! I think I’ve always understood the process of grafting a bit differently and there is certainly a BEAUTIFUL a-ha in what you have shared.
Please pray for this silly, impulsive, lightyears away from perfection,…woman! (I can truly drive myself bananas!!)
Praying for you Foster Mama. Praying you are not too hard on yourself and that you know for real, the promises of God are truly so! He is with you, no matter how silly, impulsive or lightyears away from perfection.. REMEMBER, He is not looking for perfection, just your heart..
MUCH love dear heart.. breathe!❤️
I’m so glad you shared this today because I totally missed that beautiful point…makes the trials and failures worth it…everything has a purpose.
Thank you for sharing this❣️
Thank you for this viewpoint. I went right over the word “grafting”… not even giving it a second thought. I replaced it with “attaching”. Not the beautiful explanation and thought behind what you pointed out. WOW!
Love this, TINA! Grafted in, we are so blessed! ❤️
Love this and you! Thank you! ❤️
Wow, thank you Tina! ❤️❤️
Thank you for this, Tina. Not something I had ever thought about to this extent but so insightful.
Thank you for this! Wow, that definition of grafting-so powerful and humbling to think that we, unworthy that we are, are grafted in to our holy God through Jesus. What a gift! Thanks, Tina for your words and encouragement you so often provide to all of us.
“On Point”, as usual! Thanks for this beautiful interpretation of “grafting”… we have a weeping cherry tree which had been grafted onto a much sturdier trunk… I think of what Jesus has done for me whenever I see that tree! ♥️
Tina our minds and thoughts went to the same place today! I did a little deeper digging on the process of grafting – it has quite a spiritual analagy!
Thank you Tina for explaining this! Didn’t sleep well so I slept a little longer as I need the energy for those little munchkins! Love you sweet Tina!
What an epiphany, Tina! Thank you for taking us even deeper with today’s study. ❤️
Great illustration! Thanks for sharing! Always enjoy your thoughts!
Wow, I loved this! Such a beautiful explanation. Thank you for sharing your mic drop moments.
Love the grafting idea Tina!
Yes, Tina!
From your heart, hearing you say.
It’s a process, people!
Beautifully said!
Your reflection makes me think of rose grafting. Many roses are not by their own roots.. yet can thrive. How fascinating the grafting is! I love you dear Tina ❤️ Hugs and love from across the frozen pond up north.
Thank you sisters for your encouraging comments.❤️