I Will Be with You Always

Open Your Bible

Matthew 1:23, John 14:1-4, John 14:18-26, Matthew 28:16-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 22:20

“God with us” has been the plan from the beginning. In the garden, God was tangibly present, walking with His image bearers in the evening breeze (Genesis 3:8). But that perfect fellowship was revoked when sin entered the picture, carving a deep, uncrossable chasm between fallen humanity and the holy Creator. Even still, “God with us” echoes throughout Scripture. The Lord appeared to men like Abraham and Moses. His presence filled the tabernacle and, later, the temple. And, of course, we have the prophets, who proclaimed that a Messiah would come to save us, forever restoring our relationship with the Lord (Isaiah 7:14).

He came just as the prophets foretold. Jesus was born Immanuel, the name that means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). He is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, who walked among His people and brought the kingdom of heaven to earth. He is the Word made flesh—the living, breathing fulfillment of the promise who both restores and secures our fellowship with God for eternity (John 1:14).

Jesus’s disciples experienced the tangible presence of God with them, walking and talking in their midst. But the gift Jesus gave before ascending into heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand is the same gift He gives to us (John 14:26; 20:22). The Spirit of the living Christ dwells in all who have been saved by grace through faith in Him. He is with us—right here, right now, always (Matthew 28:20). Better still, we will one day experience that same joyful fellowship Adam and Eve knew in the garden; we, too, will live with God in a perfect, pain-free world of His creation. Jesus Himself is preparing a place for us, and He will call us there one glorious day. “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (John 14:3; Revelation 22:20).

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60 thoughts on "I Will Be with You Always"

  1. PAM G WILLIAMS says:

    As I was saying, Churchmouse, I may have to place the nativity scenes around my house all year!
    sorry, on my phone, I often can’t complete my posts and so I have to go on my computer. I wish they could figure that out and correct it. I often don’t post because of that glitch.

  2. Pam Williams says:

    Churchmouse, you brought a smile to my face and Joy to my heart. What great reminders around your home. I too have many nativity sets usually in the form of music boxes. I was so overwhelmed this morning as I contemplated God With Us

  3. Nicole Burgos says:

    God is always with us ❤️

  4. DOROTHY says:

    There have been so many times in my life I have felt God, Christ and the Holy Spirit with me. I have been brought up in a Christian home and pretty much went to church all my life. Even when I wasn’t going regularly I would read my Bible and devotionals regularly. When my son died my parents were in Chicago visiting one of my brothers. My father later told me my brother asked how I would handle it, my father responded, “Dorothy’s faith runs deep and so does her friends.” This deep faith has gotten me through many hard times in my life but it has also allowed me to rejoice in many good times in my life. I do believe the Lord is with me always through thick and thin, good and bad, sorrow and joy. Lord, Your the One I know I can turn to when ever I need to share anything. Have a blessed day sisters in Christ.

  5. Kim Conaway says:

    I love how his promises to be with us is from the beginning to the end. He created us, he sent his son to save us due to sin and separation, he sent his holy spirit and finally he prepares his house in heaven for us. He seeks us! He created us, saved us, he guides us and then wants to spend eternity with us. He is always pursuing us! I’m so humbled and loved. You are loved!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I love how you explained this!❤️

  6. Mari V says:

    YES, come Lord Jesus!

  7. Diana Fleenor says:

    I join you ladies in celebrating this promise of “God with us” today and every day. On the backdrop of the reminder of being separated from God due to sin that broke perfect union with our Creator, this glorious promise of being restored to him through the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus shines brightly!

    And as I feel the same kind of “daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches” (2 Corinthians 11:28) that Paul wrote of himself, I am exceedingly grateful that we have been given the Helper, the Holy Spirit to teach and lead and protect us in the spiritual battles that we face. Paul told the Corinthians of the many dangers he faced which included physical dangers (e.g. shipwreck, beatings, etc.) as well as spiritual dangers (e.g. false brothers). Today, we, too, face these kind of dangers, but like Paul we have our Lord to boast in whose grace is sufficient for us and whose power is made perfect in weakness.

    As I feel the harassment of a messenger from Satan, I can rest in this promise that the Lord will be with you and me until the end of the age. It is in his strength, we can find the equipping to make disciples of all the nations. May his name be praised as his kingdom grows!

  8. Allison Mattson says:

    I’d love to learn more about how we can interpret God’s promises. Does anyone know of any good resources? Books, websites, etc.?