I Stood Against Social Injustice

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 5:1-19, Exodus 22:25, 2 Corinthians 8:9

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 5:1-19, Exodus 22:25, 2 Corinthians 8:9

I’m no bargain hunter when it comes to shopping and did not inherit whatever gene it is my grandmother and mother and at least three of my brothers seem to have. I want and weigh and debate and discuss until finally I buy at full price. There is one place, though, where I have no problem hunting for bargains: my standing before God.

It seems I’m always being measured and measuring myself up against the standards of others, and therefore, against the standard of God. Unconsciously, I list my good deeds against my less than good deeds and, finding myself short, try to make it up to God.

I’ll be more faithful here.
I’ll give more of myself there.
I’ll be a better friend here.
A better wife there.
I’ll be quick to say I’m sorry here.
And I’ll be slow to take offense there.
Surely the scales will be weighed and I’ll not be found wanting?
Surely my generosity must count for something?

What I love about Nehemiah chapter 5 is that while Nehemiah is a man who is known and loved by God and loves Him in return, somehow he still feels the need to present his list of good deeds before God. It’s as if he is a small child who’s come in from a long day of playing outside to then dump out the contents of his pockets and present them as treasures before his father.

I found this rock and this stick.
Look at this leaf and this frog.
I played with this boy and then we built this fort.
Come see it…

And instead of ignoring or rebuking the child for distracting him, the father delights in the boy’s account. This child is not earning the love of his father; he is simply overflowing with the gift of who and what he is—a child, about the work of being a child, doing the things a child does, and certain in the love of his father.

It is not a bargain Nehemiah is on the hunt for here. He’s not listing his deeds to God in order to gain His approval. He knows who he is and what he is called to do: rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and call the people to repentance. It is not scales on which Nehemiah lays the goodness of his deeds—it is for the delight of his Father.

We know that as children of God, our “good deeds” are like filthy rags before the goodness of Christ (Isaiah 64:6). We are fully covered in the sacrifice of Christ’s death; therefore, we can no more justify our good deeds or count our bad ones against us. Jesus’ work on the cross is complete, as is our justification through Him (Galatians 2:16).

So since we are children of God, as we go about our lives today, let’s not tally mark our good deeds or our  bad ones, but instead be about our Father’s business, being faithful with what He has called us to today. And at the end of the day, whether we’re tempted to feel self-sufficient and justified or ashamed and unworthy, based on what we did or did not accomplish—let us instead empty our hearts before the Father and show Him the treasures of a life lived in faithfulness for our joy and His glory.


Lore Ferguson Wilbert is a writer, thinker, and learner. She blogs at Sayable, and tweets and instagrams at @lorewilbert. She has a husband named Nate, a puppy named Harper Nelle, and too many books to read in one lifetime.

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107 thoughts on "I Stood Against Social Injustice"

  1. Heather says:

    I see today’s reading the same way. I don’t think Nehemiah is telling God about all the good things he’s done. I think he’s telling Jews that have forgotten God’s law that it is possible to live honorably and not oppress others in order to live well. The Jewish nobility had forgotten God’s law about how to lend to the poor. Nehemiah is showing them how to live as God’s chosen people.

  2. Catie Mickletz says:

    The story in this passage is incredible; that Nehemiah, under God’s authority, just gets all these wealthy Jews to stop taking advantage of the poor and cancel their debts (or at least their interest; I wasn’t totally sure from my reading)!? Can you imagine walking into a Wells Fargo or a car dealership today and getting a group of bankers or financiers to do that? It’s unthinkable. This makes me think hard about how I go through the world, and what things I might be doing thoughtlessly or for my own gain that are actually taking advantage of the poor and voiceless. This really matters to God. Food for thought…

  3. Kathy Valentine says:

    Love the analogy of a child telling a parent about the treasures of the day. Children never report all the failings from the day, just joyfully recount the good. Lord, help us come to You as little children. Thank you for this devotional today.

  4. Kari Shoultz says:

    My heart is heavy as me and my boyfriend of 2years are breaking up I am in my early 20s and it’s very heartbreaking for me.He is my first love and the guy I honestly thought was for me and who I wanted to Marry eventually . I am asking for prayers and that I can empty my heart to our Father so I can live in joy and his glory!

    1. Kristen H says:

      Praying for you ❤️

    2. Sarah Turner says:

      Praying for you Kari!

    3. Kathy Valentine says:

      Praying for you, Kari. I’m sorry you are hurting right now.

    4. Lori Best-White says:

      Kari- I’m praying that God sustain you through this heartbreak.

  5. April Hernandez says:

    LOVE this! I so often think God is waiting to correct me or direct me & give me my marching orders, but He is really just looking to “have me.” Have me in His presence & just love me. Like a parent takes joy in just holding, hugging, and loving their child, God takes pleasure in our coming to Him to just be with Him. ❤️

  6. Cori S. says:

    “Every day is fresh, with no mistakes in it.” -Anne of Green Gables :)

  7. Abbey Byrd says:

    Oh, how I struggle with bargaining. It is so hard for me to see another way to measure my worth aside from my accomplishments. What did I get done in my day? It’s mostly subconscious in that I do it without thinking of it, and yet I’m also keenly aware of it. Lord give me wisdom, give me new eyes to see. Help me to understand your word, show me how you measure worth, let me live in a way that glorifies you so that I can pour out my heart to you, not so that I can bargain but so I may share my fruits, my joys, and my burdens with my father. Help me Lord.

  8. Gracie Nuñez says:

    Loved this one. I am in the first trimester of my first pregnancy, and keep catching myself worrying and wondering about the future with a child. (I am excited but still find myself running through all the what if scenarios). Also I’ve been having really vivid dream/nightmares (thanks pregnancy hormones!!) that have made me tossing and turning thinking about past regrets. A reminder that all I can control is today and I will be faithful and about God’s business today. One step in front of the other!

    1. Terrie Fulk says:
