Day 36

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

from the Lent 2016 reading plan

John 13:31-14:7, Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 1:1-6

BY Missy Fuller

Text: John 13:31-14:7, Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 1:1-6

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

I’m notorious for going the wrong way on one-way streets—usually when I’m trying to find free parking. It’s as if finding a close, free place to park trumps all other rules of the road. I do whatever I can to find that perfect spot, fully ignoring the large “One Way” and “Wrong Way” street signs meant to caution me. It seems that when free parking is at stake, the rules fly out my car window. I intend to get there my way, regardless of the consequences.

I hate to admit it, but far too often I have the same attitude in my spiritual life, believing my way is best. But Scripture tells us Jesus is the only way to the Father. Chasing after our salvation in any way apart from Christ, is the wrong way.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
-John 14:6

The Bible couldn’t say it any plainer, but I’m still prone to try and negotiate my own salvation.

I put my hope in all kinds of things to save me, believing they’ll somehow grant me abundant life. And when the Lord graciously steps in to remind me that He is the only way to salvation, I can become fearful. How can it really be so simple? Surely there’s something more.

Yes, I believe Christ is the only way, but then I turn around and start doing all these things to help ‘seal the deal’ of eternity for me. I want to fully surrender to Jesus, because deep down I know that only He can save. But far too often I live like I believe otherwise—as if I could add to His perfect sacrifice!

Like trying to find the ultimate parking spot, I try to find my own way to salvation. I’m afraid that if I follow Jesus with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind (Matthew 22:37)—instead of following myself—I might miss something.

I think Peter and Thomas had similar fears. At the Last Supper, both disciples had questions as Jesus explained He is the only way to the Father. Peter didn’t understand why he couldn’t go with Jesus right then and there (John 13:36). He thought he’d miss salvation if it didn’t happen on his timeline. Thomas didn’t have all the information he thought he needed to follow Jesus (John 14:5). He wanted to walk by sight instead of faith.

In Acts 17, we read about the “extremely religious” people of Athens, who worshiped no shortage of idols and false gods. They worshiped countless things, yet were ignorant of what they were actually worshiping. They even had an altar for an “unknown god”just in case they missed paying homage to something that could save (Acts 17:22-31).

I have more in common with the people of Athens than I’d like to believe. I’m ignorant of the of all the idols I worship.

My appearance.
My reputation.
My success.
My accomplishments.
My relationships…

The list goes on and on, but the result is still the same: none of these idols can save.

Only Jesus. What a sweet relief!

Jesus is the only way. He’s our only hope! When we try to navigate our own way to salvation, we become confused. Like Peter and Thomas, we worry we’ve missed something. Like the people of Athens, we become distracted by the countless gods we worship.

But the truth is this: when we have Jesus, we have all we’ll ever need.

Thanks be to God that Jesus is the only way to Him, to truth, and to life. May we learn to stand firm in this Truth, clinging only to Him for life (Psalm 1:1-6).


Post Comments (57)

57 thoughts on "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

  1. Olivia says:

    I’m a 20-year-old college student whose life isn’t turning out like I planned. Marriage is nowhere in my near future, I have no idea what I’ll do after I graduate, and this just isn’t the way I thought my life would be by now. I had it all planned out – a godly man who would be my husband, a job lined up somewhere, and strong faith in the God who saved me. But my plan is not playing out and my faith in God has been shaken this year. My prayer has been for God to make my heart believe that he is enough and that he is better. And over and over again he has proved that to me, through his word, through these devotions, through other people, etc. What struck me in today is “But the truth is this: when we have Jesus, we have all we’ll ever need”. My heart is so prone to wander to things other than my God and so prone to seek a love that I feel will complete my life and my heart. I needed to read that my satisfaction should be based in Christ and Christ alone; only he can complete me because he is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. His plans are always better than mine because he is all that I will ever need. So thankful for this study this morning.

    1. Emily says:

      As I read the beginning your post my heart ached for you, remembering so keenly the feeling of not being sure of what we once thought true. Being 15 years on the other side of that season I can tell you it may get harder before it gets easier. And even when you are doing exactly what we feel we’ve been called to do there will still be times you doubt yourself and your true calling. All I can tell you is don’t ever stop desperately seeking Christ. Even when you don’t “feel” like it, even when you your emotions get the best of you and you’re not sure God is listening. Stay desperate for Him, read his word, find a mentor, never stop growing. Everything else will work itself out, but not in our timing, only His. Praying for you my friend.

    2. ellie says:

      Olivia! thank you for so boldly expressing your fears and your confusion, I know that was not an easy thing to do. I had a friend once who asked me plainly to tell him all of the things that I felt were broken in me. Then he asked me, “do you believe that Jesus fed the 5,000?” and after I said yes, he asked me, “do you believe that the same God who fed the 5,000 can rescue you too?”. My immediate response was, “NO!” because I had previously considered my problems too big for God and was keeping them away from Him.
      It can be so easy, and even disheartening, to read about the Jesus who performed miracles and not know how those incredible stories apply to us at all. Just know that the God who fed those hungry people, who gave sight to the blind and allowed the sick and the weary to rest, also has your heart and has the ability to rescue you in whatever brokenness you are experiencing.

    3. Elizabeth says:

      Olivia, I’m right there with you girl. 23 and feeling a lot like you. My life sure doesn’t look like I had planned. I’m not married or even have any prospects and I’m still in school. The fact that God is everything we need resonates so deeply with me as well. He satisfies the longings of our hearts. I have been praying the verse Psalm 16:11, “in your presence there is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” I’ve had to honestly ask myself, Do I believe that? In Him, not any man or any job or living situation, in God there is FULL joy. It is incredible to know that there is life and opportunity and joy if we remember the source of that and abide in Him. Thank you for sharing your story and may God continue to affirm that He is all you need.

  2. Shannon says:

    It is not a popular message that there is only one way to God through Jesus Christ. Yet it is the truth. I don’t want to sugar coat that truth to people. I pray the Lord gives us boldness to proclaim this in daily conversations with those who think otherwise. His return is drawing nigh. It could be today!

  3. Julie says:

    Truly! Thanks be to God, that Jesus is the only way to truth and life. How thankful we can be that we are saved and after that nothing can seperate us from God’s steadfast love.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      So thankful for this truth, Julie! Happy to see you here today!


  4. Midge74 says:

    Facing some interesting things, God knows my heart and praying for his will. Trust him to show the right steps at the right time. How easy it would be to take things into my own hands. I trust him for salvation…help me to trust in all situations.

  5. jessiechatchat says:

    Ladies: I need some practical help. I want more Jesus in my life. I want his yolk not mine. But how? I need some tips. Reading the word, praying but I still feel my SELF and idols blooming up every day. Help.

    1. Melinda says:

      Jessie, you have a beautiful heart and God has put in it a desire for Him. I have felt much the same way. What i have found to help the most is to simply ask God to take those idols away, to change the habitual thought patterns in my mind, to change, cleanse and purify my heart. It is definitely a process i am walking in, but I find that He is so faithful to answer those prayers! I also make a priority of time with Him, praying, journalling and reading His word and just listening for His voice. Praying for you this morning!

    2. churchmouse says:

      My suggestion is to replace those idols with Godly habits. If TV or movies are a temptation, replace with movies with Christian themes and books from noted Christian authors. (Christian bookstores have many resources.) If certain relationships are idols, then decrease time spent with those individuals and cultivate time with those people inclined toward spiritual things. Older women in the church can be wonderful mentors. If food is an idol, perhaps try the Made to Crave study. Above all, pray. Ask for the Holy Spirit to empower you. Have an accountability partner as an encourager. And then.. Pray some more! Stay connected to Him Who wants you to have victory!

      1. jessiechatchat says:

        Thank you!

  6. Jen says:

    Thankful for her transparency and this message.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for joining us today, Jen!


  7. Audrey says:

    I think I need to read this day’s study every. single. day. I too often find myself with one foot in Jesus’s boat and the other half in mine. Praying for a heart to trust 100%, regardless of my appearance, successes, relationships, and financial status. Thankful for this study this morning :)

  8. Allanna says:

    Was that ending verse supposed to be psalm 4:1 instead of 1:4? Great post! Everyday is a battle to keep God at the steering wheel and not allow me to say “oh hey! look at that! lets stop here!” I also so easily forget all He has done or me. This time o Easter is a great time o reflection of how I try to slip back into old habits of “earning my salvation.” This is a tactic of the enemy! Recognize it as that. Anything to take our eyes off Christ, and act on our own will, is not from the Lord.

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