Day 36

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life

from the Lent 2016 reading plan

John 13:31-14:7, Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 1:1-6

BY Missy Fuller

Text: John 13:31-14:7, Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 1:1-6

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

I’m notorious for going the wrong way on one-way streets—usually when I’m trying to find free parking. It’s as if finding a close, free place to park trumps all other rules of the road. I do whatever I can to find that perfect spot, fully ignoring the large “One Way” and “Wrong Way” street signs meant to caution me. It seems that when free parking is at stake, the rules fly out my car window. I intend to get there my way, regardless of the consequences.

I hate to admit it, but far too often I have the same attitude in my spiritual life, believing my way is best. But Scripture tells us Jesus is the only way to the Father. Chasing after our salvation in any way apart from Christ, is the wrong way.

“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
-John 14:6

The Bible couldn’t say it any plainer, but I’m still prone to try and negotiate my own salvation.

I put my hope in all kinds of things to save me, believing they’ll somehow grant me abundant life. And when the Lord graciously steps in to remind me that He is the only way to salvation, I can become fearful. How can it really be so simple? Surely there’s something more.

Yes, I believe Christ is the only way, but then I turn around and start doing all these things to help ‘seal the deal’ of eternity for me. I want to fully surrender to Jesus, because deep down I know that only He can save. But far too often I live like I believe otherwise—as if I could add to His perfect sacrifice!

Like trying to find the ultimate parking spot, I try to find my own way to salvation. I’m afraid that if I follow Jesus with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind (Matthew 22:37)—instead of following myself—I might miss something.

I think Peter and Thomas had similar fears. At the Last Supper, both disciples had questions as Jesus explained He is the only way to the Father. Peter didn’t understand why he couldn’t go with Jesus right then and there (John 13:36). He thought he’d miss salvation if it didn’t happen on his timeline. Thomas didn’t have all the information he thought he needed to follow Jesus (John 14:5). He wanted to walk by sight instead of faith.

In Acts 17, we read about the “extremely religious” people of Athens, who worshiped no shortage of idols and false gods. They worshiped countless things, yet were ignorant of what they were actually worshiping. They even had an altar for an “unknown god”just in case they missed paying homage to something that could save (Acts 17:22-31).

I have more in common with the people of Athens than I’d like to believe. I’m ignorant of the of all the idols I worship.

My appearance.
My reputation.
My success.
My accomplishments.
My relationships…

The list goes on and on, but the result is still the same: none of these idols can save.

Only Jesus. What a sweet relief!

Jesus is the only way. He’s our only hope! When we try to navigate our own way to salvation, we become confused. Like Peter and Thomas, we worry we’ve missed something. Like the people of Athens, we become distracted by the countless gods we worship.

But the truth is this: when we have Jesus, we have all we’ll ever need.

Thanks be to God that Jesus is the only way to Him, to truth, and to life. May we learn to stand firm in this Truth, clinging only to Him for life (Psalm 1:1-6).


Post Comments (57)

57 thoughts on "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

  1. Tina says:

    Guilty as charged….

    I have more in common with the people of Athens than I’d like to believe. I’m ignorant of the of all the idols I worship.

    My appearance.
    My reputation.
    My success.
    My accomplishments.
    My relationships…

    The list goes on and on, but the result is still the same: none of these idols can save….

    Only Jesus….
    Only Jesus….
    What a great reminder of who we are and what we are called to be…So very thankful that Jesus is the ONLY way, the TRUTH and the LIFE, and that it is through HIM that we have a relationship with Our Heavenly Father, through Him that we have life Eternal, and it is in and through Him that we truly know who we are..
    When that penny drops, when we grasp that Truth, there are many an idol that will fall..
    Praising God for the idol chains that are being broken…removed, discarded..
    Jesus is the ONLY way…we need to follow
    Jesus is the ONLY TRUTH…we need to hear
    Jesus is the ONLY LIFE… we need …


    Thanking God this morning, for you my Sisters and praying His peace and Grace over you..have a good and God blessed day…xxx

    1. Callie Blackwell says:


  2. Elizabeth says:

    This makes me think how it easy to ignore grace that we’ve been given. How easy to live as though we are still under the law, as if we needed to save ourselves. Striving to be better to be perfect. I would like to think that I not like the Athenians or Thomas but maybe too often I am just like them. Jesus is the only way that I can attain freedom. Am I living like one who is has been set free?

  3. Katie says:

    after many courses and home group discussions i still find it difficult to imagine God and Jesus as separate and to pray to them separately. After all what’s Trinity about. Am i not doing the right thing by praying to God instead of Jesus?

    1. Lizzy Neiger says:

      I don’t think you’re missing something. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God the father. In other places he said “ask in my name.” I think scripturally, if we follow Jesus’ example, we are to pay to the father and ask things in the name of Jesus.

      1. CJ says:

        Yes lizzy I agree. That is a great way to put it!

      2. Katie says:

        You’re right. thanks!

  4. Robin J. says:

    Today’s reading really spoke to me. I have never thought of having other idols in my life, but Missy’s words of thinking we potentially miss something when we follow Jesus with all of our hearts, souls, and minds spoke directly to me. Without even meaning to, I have put idols in my life in a vain attempt to be filled. Culture is always telling us what we need to do to be fulfilled or content or happy, but ultimately none of the things it suggests will really bring us the incredible peace and contentment that comes from God. Thank you for your honesty today, Missy. It opened up my heart to see what idols I need to get rid of so that Jesus becomes my only way.

  5. Kristina says:

    Wow. This hit home for me, on a dark day within my postpartum depression. Much of my anxiety is from what I feel I’m “missing” in life. I miss my showering daily, my calm self, baby food free clothing, sleep. Which leads to the woman who can look ragged, tired, and unkept. To the world I am missing my time, better looks, better clothes, and a thinner body. Many, err much, times I feel if I just had that all that, I’d be a successful person. A super mom. Or even a super woman. I feel many times that if I had those things then I wouldn’t get anxious. I wouldn’t worry what people thought of me.

    However, this article points to the idea that it’s not the ideologies of what the world says is super or successful or what will save us from an emotional hell. It is Christ Jesus. Not only the Savior of my soul but the Savior of my well-being.

    1. Katie says:

      congratulations on the arrival of your baby! i know those blue days all too well ( gave birth in November). I tried thinking about what a wonderful gift God had given me- my baby- and the price to be paid with lack of sleep, body image etc is tiny compared to who i was given. in addition my price is dwarfed by the price Jesus paid for our salvation. ☺

    2. Veronica says:

      As a new mother also struggling with ppd, your thoughts were so encouraging! So, so good.

      1. Nicole says:

        Veronica , keep reaching out . I had it too .
        Medicine and faith coupled with opening up got me through .

  6. Tiari says:

    The more I read and learn about who God is through His Son Jesus, the more I am able to rest in simply being His. The more I find rest in Him the more He shows me what’s most important in life, and all that striving is able to cease as I know that with Him I’m able to thrive and that’s so much better. May you turn to Jesus today and rest in knowing that He is the only way and you can stop striving and start thriving in your position of being a Child of God. Thanks be to God, indeed!

    1. Kristin says:

      What an encouragment to a heart like mine! Thank you!

    2. Terri says:

      Thank you, beautifully said.

  7. Alicia E. says:

    So thankful as I read through all of your posts to remember that we are all struggling. None of us has it “together” and we are all trying to wend our way through this world, keeping as best as we can to the path that God lays out for us, seeking Him to be our compass when we are unsure, and trusting He will not lead us astray. Thank you all for your honesty and your willingness to share your stories, sisters!
    “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

    1. Megan says:

      Yes I agree! So encouraged by everyones stories and sharing their hearts with us.

  8. Beverly says:

    “Love one another” (John 13:34). This is the command that Jesus calls us to – to follow Him is to love one another. It is all too easy to over-complicate this “simple” command. Because loving people can be hard. People can be challenging to love. But without fail and without coincidence, any time I have sought in my heart to love others that is when God is most near and at work in my life.
    If I do not abide in Him – in that place of love – then I all too easily steer myself into seeking my own ways. Because my own ways are focused on my self, I am led astray distracted by my own expectations. Until I turn back to Him. Seeking Him. Finding Him. Receiving His love. Desiring in my heart to share His love. He meets me there… again and again. Grateful His love is abundant and relentless over me.
    The way to His love is Jesus. We are His – following Him – when we share His love. Jesus says, “By [love] all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). This is the way, the truth, the life – the way of God’s love, the way of Jesus.

    1. Rosemary says:

      Yes, I was thinking very similarly — “this is the way — walk ye in it” is so easy to say and so hard to accomplish. Thank you.

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