I am the Good Shepherd

Open Your Bible

John 10:11-18, Jeremiah 10:20-21, Psalm 23:1-6

Text: John 10:11-18, Jeremiah 10:20-21, Psalm 23:1-6

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

After ten long years of infertility, I learned I was pregnant with our son.

The day I found out, I began praying for him, talking to him, and reading to him while he was in my womb. He was born on a beautiful May morning, and I was over-the-moon excited to see him. What I did not expect was the undeniable awe I would experience that first time when the sound of my voice turned his head and our eyes locked. He knew my voice.

As we got to know each other, I learned his voice too—his cries for hunger and pain, discomfort and contentment. I could then interact with him intentionally, attending to each cry and coo. My heart was flooded with love, and I knew without a doubt that I would lay down my life for this precious bundle of joy if I had to.

God knew this parental love firsthand with Jesus (Matthew 3:17). He also gave us a tangible picture of what love, care, guidance, and protection look like in the image of a Shepherd taking care of His flock.

“I am the good shepherd, I know My own sheep, and they know Me, as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father.”
-John 10:14-15

This verse paints a beautiful image of the relational significance between the Father and the Son, and between the Shepherd and His flock. It is a relationship of complete dependence, one begun by relying upon the sound of the Shepherd’s voice. A sheep need only follow His voice and stay in His presence to be in a place that’s safe where it can thrive.

It is the same with us and Jesus.

Unfortunately, the voices of everyday life compete for our attention and can easily drown out the sound of the Good Shepherd’s voice. The voices of false shepherds speak in smooth, deceitful tones for self-gain and self-promotion. They care little about the safety and wellbeing of their sheep. When danger comes, these heartless shepherds will flee, protecting and preserving themselves over their sheep. And should one of their flock become sick or somehow undesirable, it will be cast out or altogether forgotten (John 10:12-13). Their flock will lose their way (Jeremiah 10:21).

When we trust and follow any other voice but the Good Shepherd’s, we’re easily led astray to be left utterly alone, rejected and dejected. But do not be discouraged: even if you’ve been taken advantage of in the past by deceitful shepherds, there is good news because of Jesus.

Jesus is the long-awaited, true Good Shepherd, who does not lose sight of His sheep (Ezekiel 34). He knows the heart and condition of each one in His flock. He searches for them and inspects them, just to make sure there is no disease within them (Psalm 139:23-24).

He heals the sick, injured, and brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). He protects them against danger, goes after those who wander away, and pursues those who are lost (Matthew 18:12-14). Above all, the Good Shepherd laid down His life for His flock, once and forever, to rescue them from the jaws of deceit and captivity, so that not even one would perish (John 10:11, 3:16). He did that for me, for you.

This is our Jesus, the Good Shepherd of our souls. He hears each beat and cry of our hearts, and He knows exactly what we need.

Do you know His voice?

I don’t know what you’re facing right now, but the Good Shepherd knows. His voice is gentle, and soothing, leading each of one us to quiet waters where He waits to revive us. He protects, comforts us, and guides us along the right path—even when we go through the darkest of valleys. His goodness and faithful love pursue us each and every day of our lives (Psalm 23).

“My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.”
-John 10:27

(65) Comments

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65 thoughts on "I am the Good Shepherd"

  1. Becky says:

    I needed to hear these words today: to be reminded that the Shepherd is leading, that He knows where He is going, that He is guiding us along that path, that He holds us close to Him as we go through the deep dark valleys. He is ever present and always in control, and calls us to follow Him. He does not give up on us, even when we’ve given up on ourselves; and He loves us unconditionally, all the time, without question. He is so good.

    1. Patti says:

      Becky – thank you. Yesterday driving home from church I was alone in the car crying out to God out loud. “Do you see me?” I struggle with feeling invisible and something that happened in Bible Study group had brought that up to the surface. “I just just need to you that YOU SEE ME.” And then this morning I opened up my SRT book and saw the scripture was Psalm 23 – very familiar to all us. Still, it’s been a while since I’ve read through it. And then I read your comment. And I felt God whispering in my ear, “Yes, I see you. I am ever present. I am making your path straight. ” Thank you, Becky. And thank you SRT.

      1. Allison says:

        Patti, scrolling thru these comments I happen to see your bold letters and was immediately taken back to something at church yesterday. During the welcome our youth minister felt led to share the story of Abraham and Hagar. He described the story but what he really wanted to point out was Genesis 16:13 “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me, ” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” He reminded us that no matter what we are going thru that He is the God who sees. I couldn’t not comment and share this with you! Hope you have a blessed day and feel His presence.

  2. JennyBC says:

    I’m so thankful for His care over me. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He knows and is ready for what lies ahead. I want to rest in the fact that He knows and trust that He is walking with me or leading me to still waters.

  3. Sooz says:

    Did you know sheep are really stupid? They are so easily led astray that a Shepherd has to work pretty hard to keep them going in the right direction and safe from harm. Sometimes in this crazy life of mine I feel like a stupid sheep-pulled and pushed, always running after the next shiny thing but never finding fulfillment here. But thankfully I have a faithful and good Shepherd who knows my stupidity, loves me anyway, and not only walks beside me but His spirit actually lives in me! Now that is good news for a Monday morning!

    1. leah says:

      ditto to the stupid sheep feeling! grateful for a faithful father x

  4. Kathy says:

    I love Psalm 23! I love that He promises us that because He is our Shepherd we lack nothing. When I’m tired and weary, He finds me a place to rest. When things get chaotic and crazy (I teach high school which is like chaos on crack) He quiets my soul with peace. He renews me when I’m discouraged and I can trust Him to always lead me along the right path. It may lead through the darkest valley, but I don’t have to be afraid because He is right there with me. He sits me at a table and feeds me in front of my enemies. They have to watch as God anoints me before I go to battle with them. That just leaves me speechless. My cup overflows says it all. As His child I know that His goodness and faithful love pursues me. It doesn’t just come along with me for the ride – His goodness and faithful love pursues me. And ultimately I will dwell in His house forever. I am overwhelmed with the depth of God’s love for His children.
    Have a blessed Monday, fellow sheep!

    1. Amanda says:

      I loved your comment about God quieting your soul during chaos. I work as a drug and alcohol counselor and I am sure that without setting time aside in the morning to read these posts and pray, I would end the day in tears, every day! Thanks be to God for his peace that surpasses all understanding!

    2. churchmouse says:


  5. candacejo says:

    Love how Carly said He doesn’t abandon us when the wolf comes! And He doesn’t abandon us or shrug us off when we stray on our own. A sheep is completely lost without its shepherd. I have read A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller so many times. You should grab that little paperback! So many good takeaways on the habits of a sheep and its dependency on the shepherd. Even better than that is the walk through the 23rd Psalm from a real shepherd’s view. What an amazing God. ♥

  6. Gail S says:

    Couldn’t live without Him !

    1. candacejo says:

      Amen! ♥

    2. ~ B ~ says:

      Absolutely couldn’t! :)

  7. Carly B says:

    It’s such a comfort to remember that Jesus is our good shepherd- that he calls us by name, that he doesn’t abandon us when a wolf comes but he stays to protect us and save us, that he gives us strength and guides us and leads us to places of rest, that his love and goodness pursue us.
    Praying for focus on his voice today instead of the many other voices that would draw my attention away from him.

  8. Nicola says:

    How restoring to my soul these passages are this morning!.. “His voice is gentle, and soothing, leading each of one us to quiet waters where He waits to revive us” . Jesus has been reviving me lately, we’ve been struggling to conceive, however , I know my shepherds voice and this brings me so much comfort to know that he is with me always. Thank you Jesus that you chose to lay your life down so that we may be brought into your flock.

    1. candacejo says:

      Nicola, my son and precious daughter-in-law have a story similar to Debbie’s. They did an interview on their infertility struggle that might be a blessing to you. https://vimeo.com/album/2989095/video/101128729 And then part two can be found here http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2015/08/30/for-this-child-we-prayed-rachel-and-kyles-miracle/ Blessings to you ♥