I am the Door of the Sheep

Open Your Bible

John 10:1-10, Acts 4:8-12, Romans 5:1-5

Text: John 10:1-10, Acts 4:8-12, Romans 5:1-5

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

I’ve always wanted to be on a game show. I know it’s silly, but it’s true. Growing up, I watched shows like The Price Is Right, Family Feud, or Wheel of Fortune. The shows’ potential prizes were typically hidden behind closed doors. And so there I’d sit, enthralled, wondering at what might be waiting for the contestants just behind Door Number One: a new stove, a new car… a free trip to the Bahamas?!

Life outside of a game show offers lots of doors, too, though the prospects of what might lie beyond them aren’t always a safe bet. There are countless doors before us, offering—even promising—something shiny, something new, something better than what we presently have.

If our hope is tethered to what this world can offer, we too easily fall for its lies promising “more.” Especially when life feels too difficult, it’s tempting to look for some version of that island escape. But what Jesus offers is something amazing, a better door. He offers Himself.

Jesus said:

“I assure you: I am the door of the sheep. . . I am the door.
If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture.”
-John 10:7,9

Jesus Christ is the door through which all who believe must enter. He is the Shepherd who offers abundant life to His sheep. “A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy,” Jesus said. “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10).

What is this abundant life found in Jesus? It is a life of peace with God (Romans 5:1). It is access to God by faith—a prize we don’t have to work for to get or make an educated guess to keep (Ephesians 2:8). When we enter through the Door who is Jesus Christ, we can stand confident, secure, and without shame (Ephesians 3:12, Hebrews 4:16). We are sheep, but we don’t have to be sheepish with our heavenly Father. We have access to eternal hope and joy in the presence of God, through Jesus the Son.  

Not only is Jesus the door through which we enter, He is the very cornerstone of our faith. Peter said to the high priests in Jerusalem, “This Jesus is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it” (Acts 4:11-12, emphasis mine). Even the high priests must enter God’s presence through the Door—through Christ!

This life will have trials, this we know. What’s hidden behind the doors we encounter will not always be what we hoped. But there is one Door we can always trust, one Door that leads to the abundant life we long for. In Jesus Christ alone “we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God.” In Him we have a hope that will not disappoint! Because of Jesus, “God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:1-5).

Unmerited forgiveness, eternal peace, and lavish love—that is the abundant life we have when we enter through the Door of the Sheep.

This is the door I want to go through. No other door compares.


Trillia Newbell is the author of Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves (2015) and United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity (2014). Her forthcoming book Enjoy will publish in Spring 2017. She writes on issues of faith, family, and diversity, and is Director of Community Outreach for the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. For fun, she enjoys group fitness, cycling, and listening to a variety of music. Trillia is married to her best friend, Thern, and they reside with their two children near Nashville, Tennessee.

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60 thoughts on "I am the Door of the Sheep"

  1. Tricia says:

    Oh Cathy. Praying for you.

  2. Cathy says:

    This devotion was uplifting to me this morning. I have just entered the I expected door of breast cancer. Thank you for reminding me that Jesus is the DOOR I can always trust and leads to the life I have yearned for. Bless you for reminding me of this Truth today.

    1. Sue says:

      My prayers are with you as you walk this path.

    2. Sonja says:

      So sorry Cathy. Praying for you this morning. God is in control through this. Praying for healing, peace and comfort.

    3. Patti says:

      One year ago this month I too entered the door of breast cancer. Through this door of uncertainty I so mightly felt the prayers of my family and friends. I have never experienced that before. I am now a survior, thanks be to the Lord. Praying for you too.

    4. Nancy says:

      Cathy, three years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer also. After weeks of agonizing, tears streaming down my face, I literally cried out to the Lord, “What do you want from me?” His answer, “Give it to me – all your fears and I will take care of of you.” I gave it to Him and had a peace through every door I entered on my journey. I am praying for you for peace and strength in your journey.

    5. ~ B ~ says:

      I was listening to a message this morning that talked about Mark 10:13-16 today. The man speaking spoke about how Jesus must have picked up each of the little children and placed them close to Him as He, one by one, laid His hands on them and blessed them. He spoke about how precious those children were to Jesus because the Kingdom belongs to those like them. I imagine the scene; one child sitting on Jesus’ lap with her head to Jesus’ chest, while Jesus’ arms are wrapped around her, His chin to her head and His eyes closed smiling because He loved her so. I believe that you and I are no different than that child. Jesus loves us and longs to cradle us as He did those small people.

      Prayerful over your season, that you will find yourself on the lap of Jesus daily, knowing full well that He takes great joy in you and will not leave you as you endure but instead will provide strength when you are lacking, faith when yours is diminished and grace upon great grace in your tears, worries or stresses. Praying this out for you today!

      1. Laura says:

        Amen, behold what manner of love the Father has given to us!

    6. Kristi says:

      Cathy, lifting you up to the One who knows every twist and turn we encounter behind our doors. May He comfort, heal, and guide you as you walk this path with Him. He is with you, wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

    7. Rochelle says:

      Praying for you, Cathy. My mom is a survivor, and we know many survivors. Much love to you!

    8. Jessica says:

      So sorry for this diagnosis, Cathy. I am praying for you, that you would continue to lean into Jesus and walk through HIS door.

    9. churchmouse says:

      Praying for you, Kathy, and for those who will be walking through this with you. May your faith deepen as you sense Jesus ‘ presence even there, especially there.

    10. Cathy, praying for healing, peace, and joy for you and your family!!

    11. Jenica says:

      There is an awesome prophecy on the Elijah List for this year and it talks about cancer:
      Some Things to Watch for in 2016
      The sky will be filled with the glory of the Lord this year as the Lord shows Himself in marvelous ways.
      Watch for a comet to come close to earth in mid-March or late March. I saw it burn so very bright, and it seemed to have a lime green haze around it. It is symbolic for the Eye of the Lord. As it comes close to the Earth, it will let us know that He is aware of all that is going on, and that His eye is upon us. There will be a decline in deaths from cancer this year, which will start a new era when people who have been diagnosed with cancer – and Alzheimer’s disease – will be living much longer than they would have in the past. Soon, we will see a cure of these diseases as medical breakthroughs occur.

      The entire prohecy is worth reading, (all of them are, they are so encouraging) and can be found here: http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=15747

      Praising God for your healing and that you will experience him like you never have before as you walk through this time with Him.

  3. Heather (MNmomma) says:

    Lord, you are the ONLY door. Jesus, thank you for being the Good Shepherd, fir standing at the door, welcoming me in. For so long I tried so hard, banging on doors of this world, seeking but never finding. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to the door You have flung wide open. Thank you for welcoming me in and lavishing Your love on me. I pray Jesus that I always follow Your voice, that my ears stay tuned to You – that I rest in You today and everyday. Be with me Jesus, flood me with Your Spirit….fill me with love, joy, peace and energy for the day ahead. Let Your light in me shine bright in all that I say and do. Lord I pray my life points to You….You beckoning us in at the door. Amen

    1. Tricia says:


    2. ~ B ~ says:

      “You are the ONLY door.” Amen Heather! So true. With you on the gratitude this morning. Love to you friend!

    3. Sandy says:

      Amen! What beautiful words of prayer!

  4. ~ B ~ says:

    There was a season my parents had obliged a longing for me. While most kids desire pet dogs, cats or bunnies, I wanted a lamb. I loved lambs. There was something so incredibly sweet about them, long gangly legs, the wool, their eyes, their oddballness. My lamb was only 3 days old when he was given to me, so young we still had to bottle feed him. His mother rejected him but oh did I love my little black lamb. He followed me everywhere and would only come to my voice unless food was involved. He and I, when home, were inseparable and he loved being in the house but, as he grew it was complicated. Trying to get a full grown, charging sheep out of a home was not an easy task so in age, he was no longer allowed in. One day, the majority of my family had to run out, my eldest sister stayed behind to prepare for a date. When we pulled up the driveway, we watched as my sweet boy, “Pepper” was at the back door, then he ran to the front door and back to the back door. We noticed my sister doing the same thing but from the inside the house. Pepper had gotten out of his fenced area and wanted in. At this age, he was growing horns and was rather large. He ongoingly tested his charging abilities and especially on folks he didn’t like, my sister being one of them, sheep are a picky kind. She was unable to leave the house because he desperately wanted in, all while not loving the only person that could’ve let him in. I hopped out of the car, grabbed him and sat with him long enough to calm the guy to which he took to grazing comfortably. My sister dismayed and angry was late for her date…to say she was mad, was an understatement. I wasn’t, I loved my odd boy and despite the fact that he was becoming more aggressive I wanted him around a long time. Nothing like a girl and her sheep lying in the green grass together. He was a comfy pillow while I enjoyed the passing clouds and the sounds of crickets. Not long after I had to agree to let him go. He was becoming so dangerous as a ram, that my Dad had to carry a lead pipe with him just while tending to the horses….the lead pipe would even stop Pep. I’ll never forget the day I said goodbye. It broke my heart. Pep had never charged me, never hurt me and was calm with me. I will never forget the unique bond.

    Pepper knew that on the other side of that back door was comfort, life and food. He never stopped longing for the days he had had in the home and would bah continuously on the days add even long nights that he desperately wanted in but he would never find respite in that place again. I would watch from my bedroom window missing him and there were the occasional evenings that I would grab a blanket and lay next to his sleeping pen until he went to sleep. My sheep was confused about who he was, he knew his sheep instinct enough to charge but he ran with our horses and dogs like he was one and naturally he thought his place of residence was a warm bed in a house. And I couldn’t train him to be anything else. He was who he was and it cost him his home. It was hard to see something I loved so greatly suffer.

    I think Jesus feels the same way. I think He watches as we cry for comfort and saving. He stands at the door waiting for us to come through all while we’re charging into it, banging our heads in confusion and desperation because we are so miserable we aren’t thinking. When all we have to do is step back and the door will open, the one who loves us most will be there; providing respite, and life. Jesus is the door! May we be the sheep who follow Him!

    1. Carie says:

      B, you are a beautiful writer! I could see this whole story like a movie playing out as I read. This so beautifully captured our reading for today! Thank you for sharing with us!

    2. Emily says:

      Thank you for sharing Pepper’s story, it really helped me see how I am banging my head at Jesus instead of asking Him to open His door to peace

    3. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      What a powerful illustration B!!! Thank you so much for sharing Pepper’s story with us. Praying you have a blessed day today my sweet friend!

    4. Tricia says:

      Love that story B. Thank you.

    5. Rochelle says:

      Speechless at how vivid this story was, how accurately it portrayed today’s devotional. Thanks for sharing! Love your voice. t

    6. candacejo says:

      Amazing. This was just so good. ♥

    7. Lynda says:

      Oh wow. Such a great story and perfect reminder.

    8. Eunice says:

      Wow. I get it now.

  5. Kristine L says:

    Jesus is standing there as the door, but this is no exclusive club we’re approaching. There is no bouncer ready to turn us away or dress code we have to live up to. Jesus is all but throwing the door open wide and waving his hands at us, come in! Over here! I’ve been waiting for you! With all the abundant riches and lavish love that lie beyond, you might expect that only a fancy few will be allowed entrance. That’s certainly what the Pharisees were banking on. But nope, there are no velvet ropes or secret passwords needed to get through this Door. We just have to… walk through.

    1. Heather (MNmomma) says:


    2. Kam says:

      What a great illustration!

    3. churchmouse says:

      Love this, Kristine! No ropes, no bouncers. Jesus says “Come in! I’ve been waiting for you!” No condemnation. Just “Come on in! This is your home.”

    4. Megan says:

      Love this!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Carly B says:

    Great image of Jesus as the door. If we try to get to God without him it’s like we come up against a brick wall that is too high to climb and impossible to get over, but Jesus provided a way through and it’s open. All we have to do is walk through and we get access to these “good pastures” and an abundant life of hope and joy in him.

    1. Eunice says:


  7. Sooz says:

    I love when God’s word to us in scripture contains analogies that convey big ideas in easy to understand ways. Today we read about doors as a way to access a place- Jesus is the door to eternal life in the presence of God. The ONLY door, not one of many or one of a couple. The ONLY door and if we do not walk through that door we are doomed to eternity outside the presence of God.

    This idea of doors is very real to me because today is a big day for us-we are closing on a new house. New spaces, new views, and lots and of new doors. Doors that lead to the bedrooms, doors that lead to the back yard and many other places within the house. But there is only ONE front door that gives access to the whole house. If we enter through that ONE front door we gain access to the whole house but if we do not enter we are doomed to be outside. (Okay so maybe not in this case as there is a back door but you get what I mean! Lol)

    I am with the author today-I want to enter through the door that is Christ Jesus so that I can live with my Father in the home He has prepared for me in heaven!

    1. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      Happy house closing day!!! May your new home be blessed!!!

    2. Creed says:

      I LOVE your analogy! We are doomed to be outside (of God’s presence) until we accept the invitation (salvation) and walk though the front door (Jesus Christ) gaining access to the whole house ((life to the full and eternity with Jesus)

      Congratulations on your new house. Blessings to your family.

  8. candacejo says:

    We spent a month with missionaries on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean last May, what an amazing place. I took so many pictures I still haven’t sorted them all on my laptop. Most all of the apartments, townhouses, condos, whatever you call them, are just lined up one after another, seemingly lost and all looking alike. If it were not for their DOORS. They decorate their doors! They are painted bright colors and it seems that is the recognizable aspect of the home, since everything else is the same. Their balconies are painted to match the doors, making a striking scene down any narrow street. I was enthralled and did an entire blog post on just doors, lol.

    Behind each door in Malta was likely a lost soul. Most didn’t even know that Jesus IS the door and we must go through HIM to find eternal life. No matter how bright they painted their front door, without the King of Kings dwelling there it was just another door, just another “house”. But if they had gone through THE door…His presence dwelt there and He was Lord of all.

    Can’t quite convey what was in my head this morning but so thankful for the Door which is Jesus Christ. Grateful for the abundant life He offers HERE and the promise of eternity THERE. ♥

    1. Kelly S says:

      Such a good illustration. If they never open that beautiful door, no one can enter. Jesus, however, opens to any and all who will come.

    2. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      What a great word picture! Thank you for sharing!

    3. Rochelle says:

      Awesome visual, and comparison!

    4. Cecelia says:

      I was in Malta around 15 years ago. I, too, was struck by the myriad of door colours in the midst of sameness.