I am the Bread of Life

Open Your Bible

John 6:35, 6:48, Luke 22:14-20, Exodus 16:1-36

Text: John 6:35, 6:48, Luke 22:14-20, Exodus 16:1-36

This is part of a 10-day series on the person of Christ in the 2016 Lent study.

Pssst. I have a secret. I love bread. You too? Let’s keep this under wraps from all our gluten-free besties, shall we? (Though I dare admit, they’ve cracked the code on gluten-free treats that rival the likes of Paula Dean’s confections.)

No matter your grain of choice, Jesus knew He would get the attention of women around the universe when He started talking all things bread. Since I’m a context junkie, let’s back up a bit and set the scene.

Jesus goes public at a wedding, with that turning-water-into-wine phenomenon—because His mama told Him to. This moment makes me love Him so much, and her too. (I think of her as a not-gonna-take-no-for-an-answer kind of woman.) The miracle was the first public sign of Jesus’ deity. A few folks caught on to Him that day, specifically His disciples (John 2:1-11).

Jesus goes on to cleanse the temple, for church was never intended to be a money-making machine. He sure wasn’t casual about that fact. He started teaching in secret, and then in public, to anyone who asked. Jesus told Nicodemus He didn’t come to condemn, but to save (John 3:16-18). He waited for the Samaritan woman at the well, telling her she had not one hubby, but five—not that it would keep her from the Kingdom. Hardly! She would become one of the first evangelists (John 4:28-29).

That’s His way. Jesus offers gifts freely, to the least “deserving” of society. He sought out the overlooked, the abandoned, the shunned, and the outcast. He came for them (Mark 2:17). In return, they lept to Him like a moth to a flame. Crowds swelled, pleading for His healing touch (Mark 2:1-4). Even when they didn’t ask, He’d ask them, “Do you want to get well?” And after lying on a mat for decades, that man at the pool stood right up and walked (John 5:5-15).

Crowds absorbed every word. They sat for hours in the hot sun to feast on His teaching. One day before Passover, five thousand assembled. Knowing their hunger, He asked for a boy’s lunch—five barley loaves and two fish. He broke the bread, blessed it, and multiplied it. In God-like fashion the thousands were given enough to eat their fill with twelve full baskets left over (Matthew 14:13-21). This was a foreshadowing of God’s lavish provision, offering exceedingly and abundantly above what we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

What I love about God is that He begins with the natural and He fulfills with the supernatural. Jesus fed them on a mountain, with literal bread in their bellies, because He knew He’d need to reveal a different kind of bread the next day. This spiritual bread, the bread of God, would also be broken on a mountain, blessed and multiplied, for all who believe. Finally Jesus broke the news as if He could not hold back any longer:

“I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believe in Me will ever be thirsty again…I assure you: ANYONE who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.”
-John 6:35 (emphasis mine)

I can only imagine the earnestness in His eyes, breath strained with the weight of these words. His physical body, our bread, would be beaten, stripped, whipped, speared, chained, and broken, so we could partake and never be hungry again.

The offering of Jesus would be blessed by the Father and multiplied for ALL who believe. I will never fathom this gift—not in my wildest dreams. But we don’t have to understand; we have only to receive.


(77) Comments

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77 thoughts on "I am the Bread of Life"

  1. Heather Clement says:

    Do you get “hangry”? My husband laughs at me, but that’s what I call it. The bottom line is I am not a nice person when I’m hungry. I’m short-tempered. I’m cranky. I’m impatient… but get some solid food into me and I’m a new woman (one people can actually stand to be around).

    After spending some time reading about Jesus feeding the crowd up on that mountain this morning, I realize that I can get spiritually “hangry” too. When I don’t spend enough time alone with the Lord in His Word, in prayer, in meditation… the results can be disastrous. Love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, joy, faithfulness, self-control, gentleness – these are the fruits of the Spirit. When I neglect to spend concentrated time with Jesus, it’s evident because these things are missing from my life.

    We are all hungry. We spend our lives trying to fill up that emptiness with all kinds of things when only one thing will truly satisfy.

    “I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in Me will ever be thirsty again…I assure you: anyone who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.” John 6:35

    Bon Appétit!

    1. Becky says:

      Heather, I love this! I definitely get hangry (both physically and spiritually). Thanks for helping make the connection between needing food to function and needing Jesus to survive. It’s a good reminder to try and fill my belly and my soul with things that satisfy.

      1. Corey says:

        Yes! Needing food to function and Jesus to survive! Love this!

    2. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      Oh man! You totally hit the nail on the head here!

    3. Bevin says:

      Spiritually HANGRY…love that term and I am definitely guilty of this one!

    4. Abby Andrews says:

      Love this!!

    5. churchmouse says:

      Keep me hangry, Lord!

    6. churchmouse says:

      As in, hangry for His sweet Word!

    7. Rochelle says:

      Ah, I loved this! Great comparison!

    8. Corey says:


    9. Nicole says:

      Thank you. That describes it perfectly.

      1. Lindsey says:

        Love this! I was just praying about that last night. I didn’t spend time in the word yesterday and it was evident. Thank you for reminding me that my soul needs to be feed!

  2. Sooz says:

    My heart goes out to Jenny who writes she does not understand the death of a friend. I lost my first husband to cancer after a six year battle and then my precious Dad seven months later to a stroke. I made a conscious decision to turn from God and my savior Jesus for two years for what I now know to be selfish reasons. But what I wanted to write here Jenny is that after sojourning in my own desert for those years I came to the realization that I cannot live in a world without the creator God and the savior Jesus and the spirit. I will never understand some things this side of heaven but I know that in spite of all the pain in this life the pain of living alone, truly alone, without my Father is more than I can bear. So here I stand today in my Father’s presence not without questions but with a grateful heart. My prayers go out to you and your friend.

    1. Shannon says:

      Well said, Sooz. God can still be found in the midst of pain. We cannot fully understand God’s ways. We have seen how he uses pain to point others to Himself. It is very difficult when you or a loved one are the one experiencing the pain though. So thankful of His promises to come where there will be no more death, crying, or pain. Revelation 21:4 May God comfort you today, Jenny.

    2. Joanna says:

      Praying for you this morning as well, Sooz. I’m so sorry for your losses.

    3. churchmouse says:

      Sooz , what honesty and strength in your post. Yesterday, a young husband and wife lost their baby. Mom was at 30 weeks. The placenta had pulled away early and within minutes, their long awaited child died. The grief, nearly unbearable. The understanding, swallowed in sorrow. Words, not enough. Tears, beyond measure. Prayers, please.

      1. Rochelle says:

        Praying right now for your friends, Churchmouse.

  3. Kristine L says:

    What struck me today was… When the people were gathering manna, they each gathered what they needed. For some that meant a little, others took a lot. I’m always telling the kids in my class that everyone in my room gets what they need, whether that be extra support or another teacher to help or a special seat in the room (I teach an inclusion class so we’re a mixed bag). But Jesus also gives us what we need. And that looks different to different people. I have a tendency to compare or complain when things don’t seem fair. But if I look at it as Jesus meeting me where I am, giving me what I need, it levels the playing field. And why would He ever hold anything back from me? And why would He put me in a position of having so much that I no longer depend on Him? He gives us exactly what we need and meets us exactly where we are.

    1. Kathy says:


    2. Janny N says:

      Love this point! I struggle with wanting things to be fair and equal, when what I need to be doing is looking to Jesus. Thanks for sharing Kristine!

    3. Sara says:

      Excellent application Kristine! Even looking further I see how when I try to store up what I think I’ll need it turns to sour, to rot simply because I am telling Him that I don’t trust Him enough to provide again tomorrow just as He has done the day before and in this day. I turn it in to how I might gain rather than rest in His providing for me.

    4. She Reads Truth says:

      So grateful for this encouraging reminder, Kristine! We love having you in our community!


      1. Lindsey says:

        Love those points Kristine and Sara!

    5. Megan says:


  4. Buttercup says:

    This was a foreshadowing of God’s lavish provision, offering exceedingly and abundantly above what we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). I’ve been asking for something for quite awhile now. This verse has made me realize that I am asking not too much but too little. If God is to be glorified by answering my prayer it cannot be some little thing that can be explained away. No it has to be something that is undeniably God ordained. Thank you for opening my eyes. May I boldy approach my Father and ask with confidence. Thank Jesus for already having the answer. You’re just waiting for me to ask.

    1. LizzieB85 says:

      I prayed for a baby for months after a miscarriage. This verse encouraged me to pray for twins. I had to wait a couple more years, but God blessed me with twins! I pray God surprises you with a lavish blessing to your bold prayers!!

      1. Buttercup says:

        Thank you. Waiting can be so hard but it most certainly has always drawn me closer to Him. Grateful for those babies He blessed you with ❤

  5. Rebecca says:

    So true. Every time I crave what I’m fasting, I’m reminded that there are times my soul doesn’t crave Christ as much as it should and it becomes a moment of prayer. The times when I do crave his word, he over abundantly fills me. Such a good father and generous King.

    1. Rochelle says:

      Oh, that is so good, Rebecca. Thanks for the reminder…

  6. Megan Gilley says:

    You know, I have never made the symbolic connection of Jesus acting as the bread on the mountain like the loaf that was previously multiplied (more and more grace is handed out, like the bread that was multiplied). We share the Lord’s supper at church and recall him saying, “This bread is my body, take this in remembrance of me.” But I guess the way you painted a picture for me, my mind was really able to grasp it all. (Perfect example of a southern baptist kid not fully grasping the deeper meaning of an action taken every Sunday!) Thank you for sharing your gift of writing Rebekah! I feel the next time I take the cup and bread I’ll have an even deeper connection and gratitude toward sweet Jesus. Not to mention, every time I take the bread, I’m vowing to go out and extend that same grace to others. Even to the hardest most hurtful people.

    1. Kelly S says:

      I am raising a “me, too” hand with you this morning. The connection between the loaves on the mountain and Jesus becoming that broken bread on Calvary–beautiful!

    2. Jackie says:

      That visual also gave me that connection that I never had before! Good stuff!

  7. Kathy says:

    I love the verses in Exodus that say, “Some gather a lot, some a little. When they measured it by quarts, the person who gathered a lot had no surplus, and the person who gathered a little had no shortage. Each gathered as much as he needed to eat.” (v. 17-18). Jesus is our manna and He is sufficient and always gives just what we need, just when we need it. But, here is the even bigger deal. I need to want Jesus as much as I want my daily bread. The people in John came to Jesus because He had fed them bread. But Jesus is saying to them and to us, “Now, I am the bread. This bread no longer matters. If that’s what you’re hungry for then you’re going to be starving for the rest of your life.” So many times I come to Jesus with my requests for “daily bread” and I should come to Him for those things. But, I settle for just the daily bread and He is so much more. He wants to give us so much more.
    Lord, help me to always come to you for my daily bread, trusting that You will always provide what I need when I need it. But Lord, help me to move past that – to want and desire You more than I do my daily bread. You are the bread of life. Fill me until I overflow.

    1. DAH says:

      You’ve hit the nail on the head. Thank you for sharing this. I stand with you in praying this prayer.

    2. churchmouse says:

      Yes! Praying this right along with you!

    3. Megan says:

      Wow Kathy, thank you for these words!

  8. Jenny says:

    I haven’t read today’s readings yet, but I’m in need of some serious prayers as well as the family and friends of a beautiful soul that passed away this last Saturday. I don’t understand why these things happen and I’m struggling with that right now. So if you could just say a quick prayer…i would be forever grateful.

    1. Dana lavina says:

      Yes! Praying with you!

    2. Michelle of Los Angeles says:

      Jenny , right now praying for you , family and your friends .

    3. Kieu says:

      Praying for you, family & friends.

    4. Nancy says:

      Praying for you and the family and friends for strength and God’s peace in this painful situation.

    5. Kathy says:

      Praying for you, your family and friends. Lord, I pray for your peace to surround them right now. Show up, Lord, and show your grace. Make all of this pain and anguish count. Don’t let it be in vain. Make it count for your kingdom.

    6. Megan Gilley says:

      Saying a prayer for you today.

    7. jenn says:

      Praying for you

    8. Joanna says:

      Praying for you and all those around you who are hurting, Jenny.

    9. Heather (MNmomma) says:

      prayers lifted…

    10. Joan says:

      Trusting in God’s sovereign will & believing HE will will work many wonders through this sorrow…His ways are beyond what we can imagine…but I have lived long enough and witnessed His beautiful comfort and peace in the midst of grief & sorrow to know He will come along side of you, your friends & family and carry you all through this valley…this is my prayer for you…Shalom dear Sister <

    11. Robin W. says:

      Standing with you.

    12. Briony says:

      Yes! Praying with you!

    13. churchmouse says:

      Yes, praying for all. Trust that God is near and that He cares. He knows we don’t always understand what He permits.

    14. Rochelle says:

      Saying a prayer right now, Jenny.

    15. Tina says:

      Praying Jenny. .may you all know God’s peace in this very sad time..xxx