Text: Revelation 5:11-13 , Isaiah 61:1-4
I’ve always envied people who know their “spiritual birthday”—the day that marks the moment in time they received Jesus as Savior. My faith journey was not so black and white, and I never knew what to say when the topic came up in youth group or college Bible studies.
Charles Wesley did not have this problem. The famous Methodist minister was captured by the beauty of the Gospel on May 21, 1738—at 8:45pm, to be exact. He describes that his heart was “strangely warmed” and that the Holy Spirit “chased away the darkness of [his] unbelief.” Exactly a year later, in 1739, Wesley penned nineteen stanzas (!!) of the hymn we now call “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing.” He wrote it to commemorate the first anniversary of his conversion, inspired by missionary Peter Boehler’s statement: “Had I a thousand tongues, I would praise Christ Jesus with all of them.”
It’s a great story, right? Here’s the craziest part: Charles Wesley had been an active, ordained, teaching and preaching member of the church for nearly two decades by the time he wrote this hymn. He and his brother John even led a missionary excursion to America in 1735, three years before their heart-warming gospel transformation. The Wesleys had an abundance of knowledge and a host of good deeds, but they discovered they didn’t have faith. They needed to believe.
Some 250 years later, in 1999, a naive and well-meaning college girl named Amanda went on her own overseas adventure, to carry the Gospel to the youth on the streets of Wales. Her heart had been warmed and she did know Jesus, but she mistook salvation as a commodity to be sold rather than Good News to be shared. I have a journal from the time I spent in Wales, and I read through it just the other day. I read the names of young people I met—kids not much younger than I was at the time—and how desperately I wanted them to know Jesus. I look back on that experience with fondness and regret. Rather than handing those teenagers a sales pitch and a tract, I wish so badly I would have shared my heart.
The worship of a changed heart is the best evidence of the Gospel. No other case for Christ comes close, no matter how well-rehearsed. This is not to diminish the importance of teaching and preaching—it was during a sermon that Charles Wesley first believed! But following Jesus is not a decision of logic; it is a determination of the heart—a determination that only comes by grace through faith when the Holy Spirit softens that heart to see and receive the beauty of Christ and opens our lips to sing His praise.
We hear the words of a grace-changed heart in this beloved hymn. Wesley practically gushes about his Lord!
Jesus! The Name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease,
Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
Tis life, and health, and peace.
“The glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace”—that’s what I wish I would have shared with those scared, seeking kids on the streets of Wales all those years ago. Rather than sell the transactional Jesus I’d created, I wish I would have simply sung the praises of my Savior: He brings me peace. He gives me life. He trumps all my fears and sorrows.
I wish I had looked Nikola and Scott and Chris and all the others straight in the eye and said,
I was a prisoner in a cell of my own making, and Jesus set me free.
We want so badly to convince the world of the beauty and hope of our Lord, but only God can warm the heart. The Creator of heaven and earth does not need our defense—He deserves our praise. The Rescuer of hearts is not made more beautiful by my salesmanship—He is regarded as beautiful in my worship.
Sisters, may the God whose grace has triumphed over us “assist us to proclaim” His praise to the poor and the brokenhearted, to the captives and those who mourn, to sing with all the hosts of heaven:
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”
(Revelation 5:13b, ESV)

by Charles Wesley, 1749
O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of His grace!
My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of Thy Name.
Jesus! The Name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
Tis life, and health, and peace.
He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.
He speaks, and, listening to His voice,
New life the dead receive,
The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,
The humble poor believe.
Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy!
Find an exclusive hand-lettered print with lyrics from “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing” in the She Reads Truth shop!
Click below to hear the hymn on the She Reads Truth |Hymns II Spotify playlist.
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114 thoughts on "O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing"
Dear God, you are so good! You are mighty and perfect. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for covering me in your stillness and light. You are so good and I am so thankful for you. Dear God, I love you! Amen
As a hearing impaired 30-something, I adore the last verse– “hear him, ye deaf!” Etc– I read Joni Erickson Tada’s words once abt how her first steps will be in Jesus’ presence, and that stuck with me– the first time I get to hear clearly will be praising Him!
I remember the day that God told me to “move my feet” during an altar call on Easter Sunday. I need to glorify God by sharing his good news instead of holding it back so much.
Oh for the day when we sing with all the millions s of other voices in heaven!
I’ve always loved the bouncy melody of this hymn!
And if I had a thousand tongues I could never sing enough
I love this it’s important to share our hearts not just a tract, but how God really has changed us❤️
We always manage to convince ourselves that we are helping God when we share the Gospel. How silly and prideful of us, and how great and patient and loving is Our God.
Beautiful ❤️
His blood can make the foulest clean! I needed this reminder to praise Him to others!
Agreeable amen!
To be clear, it wasn’t Charles Wesley but John Wesley who felt his heart strangely warm. It was when he was at Aldersgate. Charles was his brother. It does change the story
I was thinking the exact same thing!
Beautiful hymn and beautiful words shared. It is so hard to find the middle ground in anything as humans, we always run to one end or the other. This was a good reminder that a true relationship with Christ lived out speaks volumes to the world. BUT, there are many stories of people who had to see the logic of Christianity laid out before they could respond with their hearts, CS Lewis is one example. That’s the most beautiful thing about our faith, it captures our minds and hearts! We’re told to worship in spirit and in truth. It’s not logic OR heart, it’s both!
Loved this devotional.
My conversion came with much weeping after years of worshipping and ministering. Faith is so much different from religion! I am a salesperson by trade and I am so comforted that I don’t have to sell The Gospel, I need only to tell my story and pray for the Spirit to move. Such wonderful encouragement!
I remember the day I asked Jesus into my heart and I cannot describe the feeling, but it was the greatest moment of my life. I have always wanted to be the person who shows others my changed heart and be an example for Gods work and what he has done in my life, but I never feel like I have the right information to tell someone. I want to be so content with my walk with Christ that I can bring others on that walk so they can get to know our savior too. He doesn’t need us to defend him, he will be out almighty beautiful God no matter what we say or do, he is everlasting and unchanging, always present if we allow him to be in our lives. I’m so thankful for that.
I’ve been on a missions trip for the past week and today is my last day. How fitting a reminder that God’s Good News is not something to be sold but shared. God doesn’t need our defense and He works no matter what we do. His word does not return void.
This is a beautiful devotion but the content is inaccurate. It was John Wesley, Charles’ brother who felt his “heart strangely warmed” at Aldersgate. Blessings.
I love the part about God not needing my defense. He is regarded as beautiful in my praise. My husband and I have been married for 8 years and he recently has decided there is no God. We have a little girl and it has definitely been a concern of mine about how I will defend God to her when her own dad doesn’t believe. But the best thing I can do is let her see my praise, love, and worship for our God and let Him warm her heart. And by God’s grace, He’ll warm my husband’s heart again.
Wow… Hang in there. Try to be that wife in 1 Peter 3:1-2 who keeps on serving even when her husband does not. Your daughter is blessed to have you!
I really enjoyed reading about Charles Wesley today and how he came to know The Lord.
This is one of my favorite hymns because of the words and the tune and it’s so great to be able to understand it more and look on it in a different light as well. Thank you!
I remember well the day I went forward at the age of 13. My faithful dad went with me as I surrendered my life to Christ. 50 years later I was back at the same church for dad’s memorial service. My siblings and I each spoke briefly about our sweet daddy. As I was speaking I realized I was standing on the spot where the alter had been before the remodeling of the church. What a blessing for me that day.
Beautiful! This was just what I needed to hear today. I love this devo app, the community that surrounds it, and the truth is speaks. I hope to share with others!
I never know how to speak and share the gospel, but this makes me realize I’ve been doing it with the wrong heart. Hearing that I should just talk about how I’ve been set free is freeing in itself. Thank you for this lovely devotional!
Like Ana, I too needed to hear that our job isn’t to provide a “sales pitch” for Christ. Rather, it is so much more impactful to share what He’s done in our lives and hearts! This devotion brought tears to my eyes this morning. Blessings to you, Amanda, for opening your heart and mind to write it.
I loved how you reminded us that our testimonies shouldn’t be like a sales pitch. I’ve been praying on speaking to a close friend about my faith and would like to encourage her to look into our Savior. Our words only have so much impact. But our actions—oh our actions! Jesus has changed my heart. And He still changes it, for that I am blessed. I cannot wait to worship Him for eternity. Exalting His beautiful name! Yahweh Yahweh <3
Thank you, Amanda, for your heartfelt and passionate post. It really spoke to me and was exactly what I needed to be convicted of–worship and our testimonies will always be more powerful than the most well-rehearsed sales pitch. God bless!
Same here!!
I’ve always said I was a Christian because I grew up in the church and everything but I realized that I never spent quite times with God. So recently that is what I have been doing and I love it. These devotions allow me too see life differently, God inspires me to be better and growing closer to him makes me a more confident and joyful person!!!
This devotion today was great because I learned that having faith in Him means he will charm my fears!! That’s amazing!! Because I know I don’t need to fear or I don’t need to worry! I really just need to focus on him!! Also this verse makes me want to pray to make me a better person every morning and that YOU ARE CONSTANTLY AT THE FRONT OF MY MIND IN EVERY DECISION I MAKE
I may be young and not understand all of this but I understand that God loves me and wants me to share my hart with the unreached of the world
Amen, Annelies! Pray for Him to lead you and prompt you to share The Good News with those whose paths you cross!
What wonderful hymns to accompany this study. This is an enriching devotional time and I feel increased hunger to read His word and praise Him. Even though I can’t sing well at all, I have new favorite hymns to add to my list and to use for praising Him. Thank you.
I am absolutely loving this study through the hymns. lately my walk has been so dry and unintentional but this app is giving me God’s word in such a real way and put it in front of me for my heart to focus on Him if just for this time. He is faithful even when we are so faithless
I really needed to read this today. I have so much head knowledge having been in church all my life and on a church staff for 4 years. But what I lack sometimes is FAITH in Jesus and fully TRUSTING him. Praying that he can warm my heart to fully give him my faith and trust!
This is incredible!!! Loved reading this. :)
Amanda, I appreciate your thoughts but thought you would like to know that Lamb was misprinted as Lame in the verse you ended with, Revelation 5:13.
Oh Amanda, is it not a wonderful thing to look back and see where Christ has lead you ? He used you when you were a fresh , zealous , warm hearted young college gal and he is using you now. His plan is perfect and because of your heart for Him, it is being executed !
Thank you for your commitment to this community .
Today I have taken from your post the stanza out of Isaiah 61– "Oh Lord, give me fresh anew every morning a garment of praise instead of a faint spirit"
This is crazy. I am a Christian and we are quite a religious and dedicated family. But the thing is that I don't and can't ever remember the time when I have officially accepted Christ as my personal Savior. :(
I urge you to act on the realization that you have never accepted Christ & call on Him to save you today, fully trusting that His death & resurrection satisfied God’s wrath for your sin.
Xelin, it’s not about being “religious” at all. That word implies simply following rules. Rather, it’s about “relationship” with Jesus Himself. For some, who have grown up knowing (head-knowledge) that Jesus is the Son of God, died on the cross, and rose again, they might think that’s all there is to being a “Christian”. But, there’s more! So much more! Being a Christ-follower means daily (hourly, even) surrendering your whole life to Christ and asking Him to direct your paths (instead of us just following our own human will). It’s trusting Him as the Savior of our soul and the Giver of eternal life! Truly a gift worth accepting!
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I love this. I especially was struck by the line “The name that charms our fears”. WOW. I’ve always asked God to calm my fears, take them away, or make them disappear. But I have never heard anyone talk about CHARMING our fears away.
I love that imagery – the vision of my God gently and lovingly drawing me away from those lies while allowing me to desire and be romanced by freedom.
Lord Jesus, charm my fears away and draw me into a life of truth and praise.
I’m right there with you. I wish I could remember the exact day and time of my salvation but I can’t. And as someone who grew up in church I think there are a lot of people who can relate to that. You grow up with what my mom always referred to as “head knowledge” of Jesus and you believe but it’s in a more logical way. Then there comes a time as you “work out your salvation with faith and trembling” when you really decide for yourself what you believe and if you’re really going to trust Jesus . That’s when the heart becomes involved. Some can remember this moment to the day and hour. Some of us have to settle for simply remembering the situation around it. I can’t remember my spiritual birthday but that doesn’t make my salvation and my actual heart change any less of value than the person who can.
All that is left is to share with others the wonderful heart change that came and to sing the praises of our great redeemer!!
Amelia, I also do not know my “spiritual birthday”, but you are right in saying that it certainly doesn’t impact the value or sincerity of our salvation. We may not know our adoption date, but we were adopted by God nonetheless! :)
As a worship leader, few devotionals have more captured my passion for teaching others to worship and connect with the Lord through song as this study. I wish all of my congregation could read this to know why Christian proclamations of Christ should be diverse and well done.
I agree! I love hymns.
I really agree and connected with what Amanda wrote about how she wished she had talked less about a “transactional Jesus” during her mission trip. I went on two mission trips during high school and think I probably had a similar approach. But I was blessed to go on a trip to Costa Rica, as an adult, this last summer (and am going again this summer) and saw with my own eyes the difference when I shared my simple story, how God’s grace has changed my life. Because Jesus changed everything! And I’m so happy that I was able to see new Costa Rican brothers and sisters in Christ experience that for themselves and praise Him with their tongues in their language as I praised Him with mine.
I gave my heart to The Lord when I was 14. It was a Sunday evening in February. I cannot tell u the exact date but it was 45 years ago. It doesn’t matter though because my Father wrote it down.
I wish I could tell you that I was always faithful over these years but I am ashamed to say I was not. But He always was. But even still I continue to grow in Him. I talk with him constantly through my days.
I often worry about how to present my testimony to people but this study has given a new insight. A new approach so to speak. I will simply tell people how wonderful my best friend is….
I believe that a prisoner knows the exact moment of freedom, a blind person knows the exact moment that he received sight, a person going from darkness to light knows the exact moment that the light was turned on. Salvation is not a gradual experience! As the hymn says “I was blind but now I see”
I often feel the same way Antimony. But since my husband’s death in August, God has made Himself truly known to me. I have no doubts now if who He is to me. I may not be able to name an exact date, I think my path has been more like a growing toward the Lord over time. I can walk the walk and talk the talk but I can see when my faith has ebbed and flowed over the years. I was like the seed that was sowed in shallow ground. It took a while for me to take “root”. But I can also see where the Lord has been preparing me for this moment all my life. I still fail lots of times but my faith is unshakeable because He has carried me through too much for me not to have faith in Him.
It’s that “believe” part that gets me. Do I really believe it? Or have I just been willing to live according to the rules that have always been presented to me? Interesting.
I don’t really know when either. Honestly sometimes I don’t even know if! I read the Bible. I can talk the talk. I can even act out what’s expected. But sometimes I wonder if it’s even real, you know? And does it matter?
My focus for the past couple of days have been focused on things of this earth. The words of the song and devotion refocused my perspective. He is so lovely and so wonderful! The Lord our God and King deserves all the praise and glory. Praise to you Lord! You have saved us from the worst fate, us who do not deserve it. Thank you for Your love completely undeserved. You are beautiful and glorious!
Jesus! The Name that charms our fears…
O how I love that! And O, how I need this reminder in the midst of the chaos I live in presently. Today I purpose to claim the name of Jesus!
“Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy”
This speaks of the wonders that can happen when we lift our hearts in praises. One of my favourite hymns.
the verse says “lame” instead of “lamb” … not sure if anyone pointed that out!
August the 23rd 2006, as a 13 year old girl, my searching and fears came to an end at the foot of the cross. What a precious day that is to me! I’ve been longing to share more of Jesus but didn’t know how to go about it. This is perfect!
Yet if you, Amanda, had rightly shared the gospel back then, what would you tell us today? Would you then have to point out how good you are? That wouldn’t help anybody. Your story, exactly as it is, shows us today that it is Jesus who saves, at wherever moment He determines, fully because of Himself.
There are definitely loved ones in my life who claim the name of Jesus, and have heard the gospel, but I am not sure if the full weight of it has ever hit them. It is only for God to know, but I'm praying today for them to experience this "strangely warmed" heart. May we all fall in love with our Savior today.
I love the Zach Sprowls version of the hymn! I had not heard of their music and found the story behind their album inspiring… Thank you for providing this selection.
“The songs on this album were written during a season when my wife and I were unable to have children. While always having a heart for adoption and praying about what the Lord wanted us to do with the songs, we believed the Lord wanted us to make an album and devote all the proceeds to raising money for our (and hopefully others’) adoption.
When we decided to do this, the Lord began blessing immensely. People began volunteering to help make the album. Others from our church and family began giving money to cover the travel and food expenses while recording as well as the first steps of the adoption process. Some of this support came from people we hadn’t even met before. By the end of the process, the only expense incurred in the making of this album was the mastering!
Our desire is that this album will not only allow us to raise the money we need to adopt but to also provide a platform for gospel ministry both in the church and the world. “
Yes! As a missionary, I've spent a fair share of time sharing Jesus with others. Before I made this my job, I tried to share as a student. It came from a good heart, but I too often reduced it to a sales pitch instead of sharing my heart. I so badly wanted people to believe that I thought if I just gave mre FACTS, just tugged at their emotions a little bit more, or just pushed a little bit harder…. Now, I more often think of it as introducing others to the greatest man I've ever known, or telling the most wonderful news I've ever heard. And that's really what I'm doing – telling a great story and introducing them to the main character, and then inviting them to decide for themselves what to do about it.
No matter what decision they make, I feel like I always walk away from those conversations praising God. It is an awesome privilege to be a part of making this song a reality – adding more and more tongues to the song of praise!
"After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues…" – Rev 7:9
I love the richness of hymns and the stories behind them. They bring not just a warmth to my heart but they stir my soul. These words have such truth behind them
He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.
No more power of sin, no prison cell for our souls! His love, his blood, his life, his death, his resurrection is all for you and for me and us all! I can't help but me overwhelmed by that love this morning.
"Rather than handing those teenagers a sales pitch and a tract, I wish so badly I would have shared my heart."
Well said. That truth makes sharing Christ much more natural and much less formed. And it gives me relief because I often feel like I need to be that witnessing Christian who's always talking about Jesus and giving that sales pitch. It's a lot less about that and a lot more about just sharing what Christ has done for me personally.
He doesn't need to be sold he just needs to be shared. :) Amen!
Growing up Methodist, and always knowing John Wesley, I didn’t know this story! Let’s make it our prayer that those needing the hope of The Lord will feel it through the love of God as he uses us to warm their hearts!❤️
I grew up Christian all my life without real, solid faith in God as my true Savior. A few months ago my heart changed and this piece spoke to me perfectly, putting in words my “conversion” in ways that I couldn’t before.
Thank you! I don't have an exact date either.
I grew up hearing it was John Wesley whose heart was strangle warmed. This according to his journal entry.
“We want so badly to convince the world of the beauty and hope of our Lord, but only God can warm the heart. The Creator of heaven and earth does not need our defense—He deserves our praise.” Amen!
Ahhh! As a pastors daughter raised at the same time as you Amanda, that’s exactly what I thought when I shared Jesus- that I must defend Him, sell the story-not that my church leaders were trying to teach me wrong tactics…. But you are so right today- sharing my own heart and what Jesus had done for me- that’s where the power of the gospel is! Thank you for this precious reminder!!
“The worship of a changed heart is the best evidence of the Gospel. ” This is what jumped out to me the most this morning. And reminded me to live in Jesus, not just talk about Him. Thank you.
“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”
I love this – and the preceding part of verse 3, as well! Because he does change our hearts. He turns our despair to praise. And as we walk in our faith we have the opportunity to be a glorious reflection of that heart change. He calls us to live it out as we continue to draw ever closer to His heart and listen to Him speak. And this. This is where I am. Drawing near to Him to listen. Everyday. Allowing his beautiful grace to wash over me and strengthen me like a mighty oak nourished by His love.
And if I’m honest with myself, my faith has nothing to do with a specific date and everything to do with a continual, daily surrender of myself to Him. But what a great reminder to pray for the hearts of people along my path.
I am with you on not knowing the exact date when I cam to know Christ. I grew up in church. I always believed in God. I remember "rededicating" my life to Him at a summer camp in fifth grade, and again in college, and again early in my marriage when chaperoning a youth retreat. But it really doesn't matter if I know the exact date or not, what matters is that I am saved, and that I praise Him for it.
Thank you for the reminder too that God doesn't need us to be in the sales business for Him. Instead we just need to be in the sharing business– sharing the great many good things God has done in our lives and the ways He has brought blessing and comfort and peace in the storms.
I thank God for these past few days of getting to know my Father more deeply in the context of the passages and hymns we’ve been reading. Thank you SRT community for sharing your life, lessons, and love!
“But following Jesus is not a decision of logic; it is a determination of the heart” I believed this as well for most of my Christian walk. Truly, it’s not debates over my sinful nature and God’s saving grace that led me to believe in Jesus as my Saviour. God reached out and touched my heart to let Him be Lord and Saviour. Recently, however, I came across a new understanding by reading a book by J.P. Moreland called “Love the Lord Your God With All Your Mind.” God’s command for us in Deuteronomy and in the Gospel is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.” Without recognizing by God’s grace, in my heart AND mind, my damnable sinful nature, I wouldn’t then see my need for a Saviour. God, in His grace and mercy, opened my mind to see past the lies of Satan. He opened my mind to be able to understand that it is “not by works of righteousness” but by “grace through faith” that I am saved. God opening my mind has enabled me then to have and trust in God’s wisdom, which appears foolish to the rest of the world. And so I believe that following Jesus is a result of God calling to my heart and opening my mind to both understand and believe in Him. And surely for a thousand tongues could I sing of such grace that saved me and continues to sanctify me through this life, and will sustain me till He calls me to life eternal with Him!
Thank you ladies for sharing your hearts and testimonies. I, like some, also find it a challenge to boast so openly of my God who alone saves and yet how needful this world is for a Saviour and Light!
Please pray specifically for my family and I today. My grandma has been ill recently and this morning the medical team will speak with us regarding palliative care. My family and 1 cousin are the only Christians in the extended family and so please pray with me that God would use our lives to bear witness of His comfort, peace, joy, and salvation to our whole family as we walk through this dark valley. Also please pray for Grandma, who has had dementia for a long time now. but I believe God can reach out to her heart and mind even in its state to see His saving grace and so run into His loving arms when the time comes.
Thank you so much sisters!
Covering your family in prayer today. May you feel His peace and comfort!
Thank you dear sister!
I love the power and sincerity that these penned words carry!
As a young girl growing up in a Methodist church, we often sang this hymn. And as a fanciful young girl, I would often get the giggles. "O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise." I was picturing a giant mouth with a thousand tongues wagging all at once. Then one day I was part of a very large combined children's choir- a "thousand" tongues singing. I was struck, quite forcibly, with the idea that we were praising God and sharing about his Son in a very powerful way. I wanted to sing about Jesus that powerfully, even when it was just me. "O for a thousand tongues to sing."
Amy, I love this! It's hilarious to think about a thousand tongues in one mouth! It's amazing to hear how God has used this hymn to speak powerfully into your life!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
Amanda, where in Wales did you serve? I was in Swansea. I came home with similar feelings. We don't share our heart here enough in America, but then send people off to share God's love. Thanks for this encouraging and honest writing.
Thank you for this, Amanda. And Happy Friday! I really needed to hear this. I have been praying for the Holy Spirit, knowing that while I believe in Jesus Christ, there are still some black and deeply wounded parts of my heart that resist. O for a thousand tongues to sing indeed!
October 5th 2009
A day I hope to always remember and treasure in my heart until I see Jesus face to face
I needed this reminder. NOT logic – the heart. Thank you, Amanda!
I am right there with you Amanda. My husband has one of those profound stories. He knows the exact day, location and time he met Jesus. It was a physical interaction, like Jacob wrestling God, it turned my husband inside out and left a mark. I, however, know the year Jesus tenderly opened my heart, the circumstances that led to that and the progression in me that followed over the years, but nothing like Wesley's or my husband's. I've wondered if I missed my moment, but God has cooled my frustrations in me there. He has reminded me that sometimes He overturns tables and is heard very plainly and other times He sneaks in and observes and slowly begins dialogue. Both are equally important, just different.
When I was in middle school I once flipped through an old Hymnal in church. The first song that caught my eye, that I read and immediately memorized was "In the Garden". I believe God brought it to my attention and placed it in my heart because this would be my life with Him, my experience, my introduction to Christ. My awakening to Him was a slow, intimate, hand held walk through a garden designed with me in mind, where Jesus talked *with* me, pointed things out to me, taught me and at the absolute right times, Jesus was quiet *with* me. I may not have the life altering testimony of an exact and precious moment, but I have a hermeneutic bouquet of amazing flowers that my Savior Himself has picked for me along our way. Ones chosen just for me as we've walked and I would not change the experience for anything.
This life with Him remains a beautiful terrace walk. One filled with every color, every bountiful plant, every perfect flower and beautiful towering trees and "He walks with me, He talks with me and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known"! ~ B
Jesus! The Name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
Tis life, and health, and peace.
Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, beautiful! xo
“Designed with me in mind”
I read this and immediately thought of
“looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2 NKJV)
I’ve always thought of this verse as meaning Jesus starts and finishes. But it says he is the AUTHOR! He writes the story of our faith for each of us. He knows exactly what each of us needs and provides it so that we may come to Him! Hallelujah!!!! (Can you tell I’m just a little bit excited over this??!!)
I love how you were able to think to Hebrews. That verse didn't come to mind for me, but you are spot on. He IS the author of and finisher of our faith. Perfectly likened to a walk through this world, with our God, the very creator of our journey! He not only creates it, but walks us through it. LOVE IT! ~ B
I can well remember the night (sorry, Amanda, lol) that I took my first step of faith which was just 40 years ago this month. BUT…even though I was introduced to Him, I didn't get to know Him. I didn't build relationship, communication and most of all, I didn't fall in love with Jesus. That actually came about 12 years later. I did all the right things, read my Bible, even prayed some, went to church, sang in the choir, participated in youth activities, etc., etc. but I didn't know Him.
Having a well-rounded knowledge of the Bible is a good thing. Having a relationship with its Author will change your life.
Praying for a continued relationship all of these years later…I desire to KNOW Him, the Author and Finisher of my faith. In the power of His resurrection, in the fellowship of His sufferings. Love this hymn and especially this refrain:
He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.
Have a blessed Friday!! ♥
Great version of the hymn!!!
As I sit here pondering what to tell my kiddos at the orphanage this afternoon… this was a reminder. These kids know the characteristics of a worshipful heart. They know what it is to be in awe of their favorite soccer player. They know what it is to admire someone beautiful or strong. My hearts desire is that they would learn to whole heartedly admire, praise and stand in awe of Jesus Christ as their Savior! And the best way I can teach them is to display my own worshipful heart.
Amanda, we have a saying here in England….""I could talk on 'This' 'til the cows come home" …meaning I could speak of 'This' for a long time… I believe you have to love the subject of this speech….for instance, I would no more begin a conversation about car maintenance, or darts, or how aeroplanes wings are made.., but mention Denzel Washington, scrabble, my children , or grandchildren, cooking…and I will talk for hours….I AM passionate about these), and as for scrabble, …don't get me started…
I am currently, this week, on a Food hygiene course…3 days of BIG Latin words, definitions, and really, common sense exaggerated…getting the picture….I will not be going back to work exited to tell all!! I am with a great small group of 7 and am getting to know them as we are sharing space for 7/8 hours…yesterday, one of the guys got a call from his pregnant wife to say she was at the doctors because she was convinced she c could not feel the baby kicking….He left …and later returned to say there had been as appointment made for later in the day for a midwife visit…A few hours later, she called again saying she was at the hospital, and that the ultra sound was not picking up a heart beat….As he prepared to leave, we all wished him well, and hope things would turn out okay…We the group were left…sad, deflated, hurting for them, quiet for what seemed like ages..I in that moment, i so wanted to say, could we pray…but didn't…In stead, I went into a quiet corner of the room and prayed….Here's the thing, and someone , correct or at least steer me true in this, if I'm off course…, Apart from being fearful of what might have been said or thought, which is a BIGGIE, I think had I been passionate about being an OPEN prayer warrior, in that moment, no matter what, I would have said those words on my heart, and knowing.those beautiful words in the Bible well.."..where two or more are gathered, I am in your midst.." this would have been a good opportunity….but I froze, I didn't…please, don't hear, that I don't like to pray for others, far from it….my friends have a phrase they use for me, they say…she has a direct line to God…, I love to pray…in a group of people, my prayer group, I am at ease, in a group of people I don't know….I lose my voice…fear…sure is a thief ….
….But, my point though is this, passion and love, these will make you do things, even you would would never have thought or imagined you'd do..I am passionate about Jesus, I love Jesus..this is truth, but I think the 'memo' , hasn't reached the part of me that OPENLY, FREELY AND WITHOUT HESITATION… makes me ' talk ' til the cows come home'
With the TRUTH I know, the Love I know, the Grace I receive, the Freedom inside, walking in Faith, 1 John 4:18, comes to mind as I write…"..Perfect love casts out ALL fear….for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears, has not been perfected in love…" well there in lies my problem…I so am a work in progress, I know this, on God's work bench….being perfected by the hands of the Almighty…Looking forward to that happy day, when having been perfected by God, and all ALL fear is gone…that my one tongue will sing as though it were a thousand tongues….
Sending hugs and love, this winter's day…xxx
"On God's work bench"….love that….aren't we all. I can understand precisely the place you were in. I love to pray for others as well, but at times find I too, am intimidated by the looming possibilities. I never thought I'd fall to that, but I have a close friendship that is unique, but treasured. One in which my friend lives a vastly different lifestyle and although she's mentioned my faith on occasion it's been rare and I see and feel the hesitancies and tension in her at times, so I limit my words. I want her to see Jesus, more than hear *me*. This relationship is the first time my eyes were opened that I may not always open up in the way you described as I should. Still a work in progress myself, "being perfected by the hands of the Almighty". Love you T! Hoping your friend and his wife are well this morning and their babe; healthy and in utero. ~ B
Sadly, B, the news is not good…my heart hurts for my new friend and his wife….holding them up in prayer….
Thank you for asking….God Bless, love, …xxx
That is heartbreaking Tina! So incredibly sad. I will be lifting them up through the day. Prayerful that God provides peace in their tears! ~ B
I can relate. To hear the Spirit call me to action and answer with "but…" Then the sudden regret of a missed opportunity. I am hit with guilt as I recall Jesus words, "if you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you in glory" (Mark 8:38). With the echo of the rooster's crow in my head, I feel shame. Thank God for grace! Three times He whispers, "do you love me?" I answer, "yes. yes. YES!" Then feed My sheep.
Today is a new day. Let us leave this campfire on the beach with Jesus and these other disciples with this song on our lips…
My gracious Master and my God,
assist me to proclaim,
to spread through all the earth abroad,
the honors of Thy Name.
i read your words and understand completely your words…your heart…your spirit…. totally on the other side of the world from you…. US Mississippian here….. but how neat it is of God to bring into words another sister who has the same connection "direct line to God" has been said by my sweet friends and family and co-workers (when I was working)….. i believe so fully in the power of prayer….. believing and claiming victory…. alone or with my family or prayer group…. it flows like there's no one around but me at the foot of Jesus…. i am so in love with our Lord ….. and even if (like you said above and only now does it make sense in my mind…i've always thought lesser of me for not just standing and praying in public)….. I AM A WORK IN PROGRESS….. and I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT HAPPY DAY….when ALL FEAR IS GONE!!!! what beautiful, heartfelt and spirit filled words….. thank you for sharing!!
"… following Jesus is not a decision of logic; it is a determination of the heart" – this is so true! Your Wales story is very similar to what I experienced in my youth. Oh, how many lessons of evangelism I attended and how incapable I felt to put those "steps" into practice … Some decades later I must admit, that you simply can´t talk someone into a relationship with Jesus – it really is a heart thing. Praying for grace rather than start a discussion. Thx for your encouraging thoughts!
Yes! You can only present them with the greatest news this earth has ever heard, and let them make their own decision. You have to tell the story. What they choose to do with it is their own decision.
Having been in a Christian school my whole life I know what you mean, Bible facts and sermons just don’t do anything unless you are emotionally connected to God in a relationship with hime :)
I love it when God times things so perfectly….just quoting Isaiah 61 last night. Encouragement indeed – from a girl who is currently church planting in Wales! X
I lived in Swansea, Wales for a year. I loved it there!!
“But following Jesus is not a decision of logic; it is a determination of the heart—a determination that only comes by grace through faith when the Holy Spirit softens that heart to see and receive the beauty of Christ and opens our lips to sing His praise.”
Just what I needed to hear before my Baptism next week. He has changed my heart and for that I am eternally blessed. Saved by His grace. ///
Yeah!! :-)
Ash, what joy! Praising Him for your sweet story, friend! Thanks for sharing it with us!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth
So cool to see how much God can change a heart! Praying that your baptism brings you even closer to God :)
I am truly amazed at how perfectly intertwined things can be when the Lord is involved. Earlier tonight I was speaking with a freshman girl in college about our testimonies. She was worried because she could not remember the exact time she became a Christian and therefore thought her testimony (or story) insignificant when it came to sharing the Gospel. It was awesome to walk away from a fruitful conversation about that and then read this. I immediately sent it to her! So encouraged by this community of believers and faithful servants!
Karly, what a wonderful story! I love how The Lord is always working in the smallest details! We love having you in our community!
xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth