How Long, O Lord?

Open Your Bible

Revelation 6:1-17, Revelation 7:1-17, Psalm 13:1-6, Ephesians 1:11-14

Every year, wildfires break out on America’s west coast, decimating forests and grasslands, threatening homes, and turning the sunset skies into a haze of pink. The power of fire is terrifying and awesome, and we’ve all seen the danger it poses to homes and lives in its path. While fire holds a mighty power for destruction, the land on the west coast actually needs a certain amount of these fires; they clean forest floors, pare down the plants that consume the water, kill plant diseases, and release seeds from trees that require fire to start the next generation. Don’t let the power and terror of fire mask the severe good that it serves.

The coming of God’s judgment is a terror to the wicked, but it is a comfort to His children. God’s judgment is not blind punishment. It is the setting right of all things. God comes to judge sin and avenge injustice. And in Scripture we see that He holds back judgment for a time so that many more might come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). To those who trust in Him, His judgment is a refining fire that strips away sin and removes the sting of death. God’s judgment sets the world right again.

He comes to undo the curse and make all things new. God’s judgment carries this beautiful promise: “They will no longer hunger; they will no longer thirst; the sun will no longer strike them, nor will any scorching heat” (Revelation 7:16). What a joyful declaration! Our king will take away the curse of sin and death and bring us to a place of satiety and comfort. I love that the God of the universe cares whether or not I’m hungry or too hot. Our personal comfort seems so small on the universal scale of things. God’s concern for even our thirst is an indication of His tender, personal love.

God’s final judgment comes to reveal His reign. For all things are His. The whole book of Revelation (indeed the whole canon of Scripture) is about Christ, and this is what it says about Him: He’s seated on a throne (v.17); He is wise and powerful, never caught off guard (v.12 ); He shelters us, and we are safe in Him (v.15); and His gospel is true (v.10).

The burning fire of God’s judgment is unquestionably a terror to those who do not know Him. But to those who are called by His name—to His own children—the coming of His judgment heralds the setting right of all things. He comes to rescue His children and bring them home.

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43 thoughts on "How Long, O Lord?"

  1. Lizzieb85 says:

    Bunny, no. Someone posted an article about it earlier in the comments. Check it out!

  2. Angie says:

    Sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
    In this apathetic world Lord,
    help us live out You,
    You are the only hope,
    You are the only answer.
    Holy Spirit guide us.

  3. Bunny says:

    Is that all 144,000 that make it to heaven? I am confused.

  4. Courtney says:

    Sometimes I struggle and think “Why couldn’t this book be put into terms where it’s easily interpreted, why is it so difficult?” But then I remember Isaiah 55:8- “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways” declares the Lord. The imagery used can be taken into different interpretations depending on the reader. Perhaps that’s the way God intended it to be. Each individual may hear what he or she needs to hear depending on his or her spiritual journey. Not to say we should just make it what we want to make it because it’s convenient, but I believe God can use His word to speak to each person differently depending on our spiritual need.

  5. Naomie Celestin says:

    He comes to rescue his children. Love this

  6. Veronica Rice says:

    A comforting reminder for our believing hearts, but also a loud cry for our action and obedience in spreading His gospel love.

  7. Janice says:

    Revelation 7:9-12 creates such a wonderful visual, I can almost hear the music reaching a crescendo. What a wonderful future we have as the children of God. Amen

  8. Mari V says:

    He Comes to rescue HIS children and bring them home. I can’t begin to tell you how many times (selfishly) I have asked God to take us home. Yet I know, in the back of my mind I know, there are many more to be saved.