Hosea’s Marriage and Children

Open Your Bible

Hosea 1:1-11, Hosea 2:1-13, Titus 3:4-6, 1 Peter 2:10

I spent many years being a wanderer. In many ways, I still am.

My heart is easily distracted by false loves, things I imagine will bring me life when all they really do is pry my eyes from the truer life I’ve already been given.

When David and I got married, a family friend—a man his father’s age who’d known David since he was a boy—pulled him aside a day before the ceremony. The words he spoke were not merely advice; they were a mandate, an imperative. “Be faithful to your wife,” he said. “You aren’t immune to infidelity; don’t give yourself the opportunity.”

Not a year goes by where we do not remember his advice, admitting our brokenness to one another and praying God’s grace on the promise we made all those years ago.  

At heart, I am Gomer. I am a woman who sabotages love in spite of what I know to be true. I did it when I was younger, “looking for love in all the wrong places,” as the old country song puts it. And I do it now, looking for love in the praise of others, in social media likes. I hear the call of my false loves every day. And every day, I hear the faithful call of my one true love, the God who made me for love.

Here is what the Lord said to the prophet Hosea when Israel was going her adulterous way:

Go and marry a woman of promiscuity,
and have children of promiscuity,
for the land is committing blatant acts of promiscuity
by abandoning the LORD.
—Hosea 1:2

The word “promiscuity” here is a heavy word. Some versions translate it as “wife of whoredom,” “wife of harlotry,” or even “prostitute.”  The woman God was calling Hosea to pursue was not just double-minded; she was actively and consistently deceitful, disloyal, and devious. She was all of us, without God.

Israel was caught in a cycle of sin, and God was ready to get her attention. Hosea was to show Israel her sin, literally, by taking an unfaithful wife and being faithful to her.

God’s judgment on His unfaithful people was more than clear. They were not fit to be His people. They were not fit to be His, period. And yet…

Yet the number of the Israelites
will be like the sand of the sea,
which cannot be measured or counted.
And in the place where they were told:
You are not my people,
they will be called: Sons of the living God.
—Hosea 1:10

The Lord, the perfect and faithful One, would have mercy, grace, and compassion on Israel, the always-unfaithful ones. God said of Israel, “I will deliver them by the LORD their God. I will not deliver them by bow, sword, or war, or by horses and cavalry” (Hosea 1:7). This would be no worldly rescue. This would be the promised salvation of God’s people, a promise established from the first sin of the first man and woman in the first book of the Bible (Genesis 3:15).

The consequences of sin are real and painful, but the rescue would come—not by the merit of those being rescued, but because of the merciful grace of God.

And that, friends, is the theme of this book we begin reading today. The book of Hosea is a treatise on the unworthiness of sinners and the graciousness of God. We are wanderers, all of us. We run after false loves while the Father runs after us. But, praise the Lord, His faithfulness is greater than our sin (Titus 3:5).

(199) Comments

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199 thoughts on "Hosea’s Marriage and Children"

  1. Natalie says:

    Where people fail to be forgiving, God steps in and carries us. Still, we need to try to be better than what we were when we came back to him.

  2. Sarah Wilson says:

    God still loves me as I wander time and time again. Thank you for your unfathomable mercy and love for me, God.

  3. Jazmin Rose says:

    Day 1 done. So so good to show me how often I wander & act decifiul towards God. Not obeying him & thrashing my purpose…

  4. Laura Schaffer says:

    I too am Gomer, chasing anything and everything I think will fill me. God’s mercy is lavish.

    Draw my heart to you Lord.

  5. Lisa Warren says:

    “I will deliver them by the Lord their God. I will not deliver them by bow, sword, or war, or by horses and Calvary.”(Hosea 1:7). Loved this. I often look for God to save me from whatever crisis I’m in. I expect his deliverance to come in a certain way. I need to remember that he has already delivered me through his Son. The circumstance/pain may remain, but his rescue of me has already been accomplished through Jesus. Even more, he will never leave me nor forsake me as I walk through the fire.

  6. Lisa Warren says:

    “I will deliver them by the Lord their God.

  7. Angela Johnson says:

    This was something I needed today. I struggle with giving attention to things that draw my attention away from God. Truly an eye opener.

  8. Brianna Jones-Day says:

    Whew! She was all of us, without God! That got me! Excited to dig into this study!

  9. Mikayla Bowers says:

    Prone to wander, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it.

  10. Karen Pinheiro says:

    When I think of the word “unfaithful” it seems as if God is speaking of the most intimate betrayal. Betrayal of a commitment, a deep love spoken to one another. The love of a compassionate God towards his creation, you. That living in a world full of betrayal, he never forgets who you are and is always willing to embrace you when you return to him.

  11. megan widder says:

    We are saved purely by the love of Christ and through His mercy.

  12. Brittany Korver says:

    It’s always beautiful to see how faithful God is to me even when I am not always faithful to Him. I always want to be the Hosea of the story, but I’m for sure the Gomer.

  13. Izzy Sutton says:

    I love looking at Hosea in this. God called him to marry an unfaithful wife bc God wanted to show what His faithfulness looks like even when his people are being so unfaithful and following false gods. God wanted to show this through Hosea and Gomers example and Hosea said yes and did marry Gomer.

  14. Izzy Sutton says:

    I love looking at Hosea in this. God called

  15. Macheriki Hansen says:

    Although we wander He gives us merciful grace

  16. Meg Bowers says:

    I have never paid too much attention to this book before, but I am a wanderer who constantly runs from God. The first day of this devotional has already moved me.

  17. Heather Noble says:

    Thanks be to God. I want to get back to reading and understanding Your word deeper! He continues to welcome despite my wandering

  18. Sarah M says:

    Feel like God is trying to talk to me through this book

  19. Heather Schmudlach says:

    I love when she said we are all – .

  20. Heather Schmudlach says:

    I love how she said we are all Gomer’s without Christ. Hard to hear but it is truth

  21. Amanda Baldwin says:

    No matter how far we wander, whether it be a day, a week, a month, a year, or even 10 years, our God is faithful to remain by our side. It amazes me because when I am reminded that he is there, has always been there, and will always be there, my heart is at peace, is calmed, and is full.

  22. Hannah Burchard says:

    This was beautiful. I’m excited to begin learning more. I found this community after buying my She Reads Truth Bible – I liked the pretty gold and the soft feeling of the covers – and I am so happy to have found so much more beneath the surface here!

  23. Rachael Leatherman says:

    I just purchased the She Reads Truth Bible & have chosen to start my study in the book of Hosea after reading, “Redeeming Love,” the fictional book based off of the book of Hosea. It has touched my heart so deeply. I am looking forward to this study.

  24. Taylor McCormick says:

    So thankful that although I am just like Gomer, christs love is endlessn

  25. Kylee Guthrie says:

    I am amazed by the purpose for Hosea and the beautiful imagery God paints. God allows us to understand and have a little grasp of how much He loves us. Through the faithful love of a prophet to a prostitute, shows Gods love for us. Beautiful

  26. Alyssa Gomez says:

    Still trying to comprehend in my heart Gods love for me despite my past. I identify so much with Gomer

  27. Katyann Caldwell says:

    I am Gomer. But God will continually seek me out and I will always run away. Once I turn and see His face I will become His once more.

  28. Katyann Caldwell says:

    I am no better than Gomer. But God continually

  29. Lisa Handy says:

    Hosea’s love for Gomer is a perfect example of Gods love for us. We are to love no matter what others do against us. Love doesn’t mean there is no consequences to their actions to us but it’s our responsibility to love them through the circumstances and be there to assist in their consequences of their sin. We can not be their enabler.

  30. Meagan Garza says:

    I started reading Hosea after finishing Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, I’m so excited to see the word of God and the true story of Hosea and Gomer come alive to teach me how God continues to pursue me, the adulterous woman who continues to go after false loves.

  31. Allison Sherwood says:

    Praise the Lord, His faithfulness is greater than our sin!

  32. Lynda Pontious says:

    The comparison of a woman who does not honor her relationship with her husband to God’s children not honoring our relationship with him is quite possible vision.

  33. Amber Helms says:

    My husbands mentor spoke with us weeks before we were married and shred the same wisdom. He stated that we aren’t immune to divorce or temptation, but we should pray and practice preparedness when it does come. We have taken that advice and have tried to stay true to being God centered even when we feel the most broken. This really spoke to me.

  34. Jennifer Lumley says:

    Our hearts wander but our Father is always calling us back to Him. Thank you gracious and loving Father .

  35. Tricia Kovely says:

    I’m listening to Redeeming Love right now. This is perfect!

  36. Tricia Kovely says:

    I’m listening to Redeeming Love right now and I love

  37. Sylvia LeDoux says:

    Thank God for His Amazing Grace!❤️

  38. Sarah Dixon says:

    Restarting this study today and so thankful for God’s Grace when we fail time and time again. ♥️

  39. Ciera Moistner says:


  40. Elisabeth Britt says:


  41. Ciera Moistner says:


  42. Iyanna Wallace says:

    So good!!

  43. Iyanna Wallace says:


  44. Kaylea Hollingsworth says:


  45. Brittny Campos says:


  46. Holt Ferguson says:


  47. Taylor Rendon says:


  48. Sara H says:

    Jane Smith, I completely understand what you mean! When I first read it, I was pretty horrified by the language.
    One thing that I noticed at the beginning of the book of Hosea is that it takes place during the years where Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah. I recognized those names from 2 Kings (beginning in chapter 15) and 2 Chronicles (beginning in chapter 26). By reading these chapters, it helped me gain a bit more perspective on why God might be talking this way to Israel and Judah – the people that he devoted himself to and loves so deeply. There is even further background when looking into previous chapters, but I think these particular people in history give a good idea of what the people were like. For example, King Ahaz rejected the Lord and worshipped Baal, encouraged all the people to sin against God, and even participated in child sacrifice. 2 Chronicles 28 talks about how the army of Israel behaved so viciously that “all of heaven is disturbed.” Also note that this behavior and frequent rejection of the Lord had been going on for decades, especially in Israel.

    Knowing this background might not make the chapters easier to read, but it might help with perspective. God is so holy and just that he simply can’t allow this behavior to go on among his people. It must be punished, and things must be made right. And we should get a glimpse of that in the second half of Hosea chapter 2 :)

  49. chelsea hoogenboom says:

    Thanking God for His mercy this morning!

  50. Rachel Hickle says:


  51. Kaelee Swank says:


  52. Denessa Hensley says:

    I have most definitely been Gomer

  53. Carrissa Keeler says:

    A wonderful reminder if the undeserving love we receive from our Father!!

  54. Kayleigh Coccia says:

    Hi Jessica! I love CSB as I feel like it is written closest to how I speak myself and I can understand it best. When the Bible was written it was written in lamen language of the time and wasn’t intended to be hard to decipher!

  55. Michelle Avins says:

    Verse 7 is actually referring to Judah, after God says in verse 6 that He will no longer have compassion on Israel. But verse 10 does refer to all of Israel, so the promise of restoring Israel is accurate.

    What a beautiful picture Hosea presents of how God loves us. I really am excited to dive into this book and what God has to show me!

  56. Talita Piso says:

    Thank you

  57. Arlene Pimentel says:

    Dios es fiel en todo momento.

  58. Sandra Wall says:

    So awesome

  59. Lindsey Walker says:


  60. Yp says:

    This has me so grateful for God’s mercy and grace he’s so good to us ❤

  61. Sarah Waters says:


  62. Becky LaGrand says:


  63. Addison Minnich says:

    Thank you so much for this study!! I started today and already love it.❤❤

  64. Daniela Ramirez says:


  65. Breiahna says:

    Starting this lesson as the season change and I myself and ready for a change to deepen my love & faith in Jesus

  66. Olivia Scherzer says:

    ❤️❤️ trying this study out. So excited to continue reading!

  67. Calleen Howard says:

    Well this is my first study! I am excited to dive deep into Gods word here!

  68. Bailey Bowers says:

    This has got me all teary eyed and grateful.

  69. Sachi J says:

    Love this intro into the main themes in Hosea ❤️

  70. Kayla Dinger says:


  71. Miesha Willoughby says:

    Love SRT, I follow them on Instagram and post on my personal Instagram @flychurchgirl

  72. Reve Buckle says:


  73. Ilene Arroyo says:

    Thank you!

  74. Carley Warden says:


  75. Brittany Singletary says:


  76. Elizabeth White says:

    So good!

  77. Elizabeth White says:

    I totally feel this, Jane! It’s so hard to read passages like this because it seems so opposite of how we would ever talk to anyone. Just or not. I have to remind myself that reading the Bible helps uncover God’s character. And understanding the extent of the depravity here that has upset God, can give insight into how God is talking. It’s our free will at work, and his relinquishing of us to our choices. It’s sobering.

  78. Nolan Gleich says:

    This is my first SRT study and I’m very excited. Loved today’s reading.

  79. Jennifer Bell says:

    I just found this app yesterday when I ordered the monthly subscription box!

  80. Samantha Bozard says:

    This comment was for Amy Bishop by the way!

  81. Samantha Bozard says:

    The Daily Grace Co. has some great resources! I love the Bible Handbook that they sell on their site. It’s a great, sturdy book that will last forever and has an overview of every book of the Bible. Definitely a must have on every bookshelf!

  82. Kristen St. Aubin says:

    I LOVED listening to the podcast first! I was able to highlight, underline, take notes and all of that to have a better understanding of the first week’s reading.
    Hosea 2:6 I would have definitely read it as sounding harsh if I would not have listened to he podcast first. But I love the point that was made about those who know God and know his character also can know and understand that this verse was is one of protecting. I have had so many paths blocked in my life that I look back on and thank God that he shut those from my life!

  83. Maria Zahasky says:


  84. Leslie Thompson says:


  85. Jess Lutz says:

    Hi Jessica! I like to read in the NLT version as I find the wording is a little easier to understand. But sometimes I switch between that, ESV and NIV.

  86. Jane Smith says:

    To me God just seems to come off cruel in this story…..I’ll read the whole book of Hosea to gain a deeper understanding of the text. But this story alone is a hard one.

  87. Jessica Delaney says:

    Thus is my first day, i downloaded this app in hopes to learn the bible better as I am lost! Question is which version should I be reading this? I tried the pre set version in this app of the English standard but didn’t seem to understand it and got frustrated so I switched it to “the message” and seem to understand it better. Which version should I he reading ? Please and thank you in advance!

  88. Abigail Berger says:


  89. Heidi Medlock says:

    Wow wow wow. I needed this today

  90. Lauren Henderson says:

    Wow. Powerful.

  91. Cammy Miley says:

    Great first day!

  92. Elizabeth Cecconi says:

    Such a great plan. My women’s Bible study is also doing a study in Hosea and it’s been awesome to do them concurrently.

  93. Jane K says:

    Welcome, Karen!

  94. Karen Weido says:

    This is my first SheReads study. Looking forward to digging in.

  95. Beverly Watley says:


  96. Jenny Horsley says:

    V7 I will have compassion …. Gods posture towards us. ❤️

  97. Maressa Cape says:

    So excited for this!

  98. Nicole Klutinoty says:


  99. Melissa Coleman says:

    Agree! Loved the podcast with Francine. I have read all of her books. ‘Redeeming Love’, based on Hosea is my favorite. It is a must read.

  100. Melissa Coleman says:

    Agree! Loved the podcast with Francine. I have read a

  101. Traci Gendron says:

    In the editors letter at the beginning of the study book, Amanda Bible said, “Apart from God, we live defeated in our sin. We struggle under difficulties crafted by our own hands. We’re nameless, letting our pride and rebellion turn us away from the God who calls us is own. Yet, with great love and compassion, He pursues us still.” She also said to pray, asking God to reveal how you, too, lean toward lesser loves.

  102. MaryBeth Thomas says:

    Kendal, what a great step you have taken. You will find the balance! Welcome!

  103. Emma Juneau says:

    I don’t recall much about Hosea growing up in church, but I’m excited learn more. Today’s topic is fitting and relatable as I too am like gamer.

  104. Kendal Atkins says:

    This is my first SRT study and I’m so excited. I also subscribed for the monthly box and just received my SRT bible today! I’m a mom to a 3 year old and a 7 month old and work full time away from home so I’ve really been struggling to find a balance with all the schedules to find time for devotional. I started listening to the podcasts at the beginning of Deuteronomy and I’m so hooked! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the study unfolds!

  105. Katie Dryden says:

    I didn’t know much about Hosea, or remember much. But I am definitely excited to begin this study with all of you amazing ladies.

  106. Sarah Rose says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this study since it was announced! I think it’s going to be wonderful. I’m loving what is said in 2:13: “but me she forgot.” That always gets my heart and attention. And how can I forgot you Lord after all you’ve done for me?! Yet I do. Thank you for always welcoming me back with open arms.

  107. Nicole Munson says:

    Thank you!! Love this- “Let us all remember our One True Love each day!”

  108. Adrienne says:

    Welcome, new SRT sisters! Let us all remember our One True Love each day!

  109. Adrienne says:

    Stephanie… Looking at two different study Bibles, I see different words… “adulteress” and “wife of whoredom”. One Bible’s intro to Hosea does show that there is a problem regarding timing… one viewpoint is that she was unfaithful even before the marriage, and one viewpoint that she was faithful at first then became unfaithful later. Regardless, it is helping me see that I have some false loves, and that, despite differing timing, my One True Love needs to be Jesus. (I liked Amanda Bible Williams’ comment regarding what can be our false loves/idols.) Have a blessed & peaceful night!

  110. AG says:

    I missed out on the Deuteronomy study but am excited to start this one! I can’t elate you the wandering right now. I got caught up with moving and the start of my 3rd year teaching and slacked off on my devotionals. Thankful for a forgiving God who leads me back!

  111. Tamara How says:

    The best wedding I’ve ever been to had a message about Hosea and how God loved us when we were at our least lovely (unlike the bride that day who was obviously at her most beautiful), and were unfaithful to Him. Hosea’s marriage is such a helpful picture to understand more of the depths of God’s love and compassion for us and how very wayward we are at heart. Looking forward to praising God more for His amazing faithful love as we keep reading Hosea :)

  112. Summer says:

    Just coming out of a toxic and broken relationship that caused a lot of hurt for both me and him and friends that were involved with this relationship. During our relationship, I found it so easy to find love in broken and temporary things. And when I lost everything, it felt as if I was abandoned. I felt empty, guilty, shameful… but truly reminded how God continues to love the unfaithful. And through this season of brokenness, I see God’s love evermore

  113. Jillian Lee says:

    I too have been walking out a tough time I’m praying Gods work will bring peace and redemption

  114. Betsaida Cohen says:

    I can honestly say that I love the story of Hosea. Several years ago my husband and I were separated due to his affair. I remember so vividly the Lord leading me to read the book. And so of course I did. I never thought it even expected God to put such a mandate on me to continue to love my husband despite the infidelity and then trust God with the rest. It was the most difficult season I had ever gone through in my life. And today i am reminded of that same mandate. Love my husband and trust God with the rest.

  115. Jessi S says:

    Melody, so sorry to hear about your son and his family. I’ll include them in my prayers.

  116. Stephanie says:

    Hi! This is my first time doing a SRT study and my second time reading through Hosea. I read in a study Bible that some people think Gomer wasn’t a prostitute when Hosea married her and that Hosea 1:2 is almost a foreshadowing or foretelling of how Gomer will eventually go astray. I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but it got me thinking about Gods character. Hosea may have gone into this marriage knowing he would be rejected and betrayed. God also created humanity knowing we would reject and betray him. Jesus came into our humanity knowing we would reject and betray him. But He did it anyway and I n-so-doing, He created a way of rescue and redemption. All because of His love for us.

    1. Kristen St. Aubin says:

      I love this perspective!

  117. Tricia Tupman says:

    I’ve not studied Hosea, looking forward to this study!

  118. Melody Bates says:

    I completely understand chasing after false loves. For a long time, I wanted everyone to like me, and I would do almost anything to get them to like me. Let me say it caused me to be so depressed that I began to not like myself and I almost committed suicide. But thank God, I got help and, although I still want people to like me, I don’t stress over it. And most importantly, I don’t let myself forget whose opinion of me really matters: God’s.

    Please pray for my son and his family. They are going through a tough struggle right now. I can’t share details but God knows.

  119. Mari V says:

    Welcome Amy Bishop I’m so glad you’re here with us. There is the Bible app that has devotions and resources. Yes There’s also Our Daily Bread that that has devotionals which is also an app. Hope this helps. You may also want to check out that She Reads Truth website and Instagram.

    1. Amy Bishop says:

      Thank you

  120. Amy Bishop says:

    This is my first SRT study and I am really excited. Does anyone have a any ideas for really good study resources that don’t cost an arm, leg, and my eventual first born? Lol. I’m a baby Christian who really wants to learn all I can about God and what He’s really about.

  121. Gillian Carne says:

    I love the way God uses the portrait of unfaithfulness in a marriage to paint the picture in our minds of what is happening in our relationship with God. Visual images really drum home the message in a way that words alone can often fall flat for me.
    Love reading everyone’s comments, hope you are all keeping well today xo

  122. Gillian Carne says:

    I love the way God uses the portrait of unfaithfulness in a marriage to paint the picture in our minds of what is happening in our relationship with God. Visual images really drum home the message in a way that words alone can often fall flat for me.

  123. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am so excited for this study and am hopeful that the Lord will speak to me through it. I too have went after other loves; praise from others, perfection in myself, material things, and love from my husband or daughter . I always expect these things to fill me up and then I am disappointed when they don’t.

  124. Jeanette Cruz says:

    As a new member I was looking forward to this study and loving it already. I read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and Love in a Broken Vessel by Mesu Andrews and wanted to dive deeper into the book of Hosea. What better way than this

  125. Vanessa Abina says:

    It’s what I was thinking too. Such a beautiful gift of a his and to an undeserving woman. God’s message of grace is powerful and poetic. Thank you Lord for seeing my life and partnering me with someone whom I didn’t deserve!

  126. Traci Gendron says:

    I read the study and I don’t have time to comment. I have so much to say! I need to run my son to a PT appointment. I will hop on later.

  127. Mari V says:

    I had to chuckle when I read these lyrics: “ looking for love in all the wrong places”
    No I wasn’t sexually promiscuous but I remember wanting that “boyfriend“ wanting to be loved. I would say it was typical teenager stuff back then. Cinco de Mayo 1984 I met my true love. I was 17 years old, went to a youth retreat, made the altar call, and Jesus became my true love. I still get chocked up just thinking about it.

  128. Mari V says:

    I had to chuckle when I read these lyrics: “ looking for love in all the wrong places”

  129. Kasey Ammons says:

    The story go Hosea, helps me clearly see my salvation. I was a church kid all my life raised in a very Christian home and accepted Christ at young age even though my true salvation process didn’t occur until a few years later, when God called me and saved me from my current sinful life and all the time that could have been devoted to “whoredom” pursuit in the future. I’m not perfect by any means but, this passage today helped me have a deeper appreciation of the mercy God has given and realization of who I am in my “humanness”

    It’s hard to grasp that sometimes when God calls you at a young age. I used to envy those with dramatic testimonies bc they understand Gods grace so deeply. Through the story of Hosea it’s easier to comprehend how we all need the same grace no matter what we’ve done in our flesh , we all have come short of the glory of God and we all no matter how dramatic our testimony is fall prone to the same wandering heart and desires.

  130. Kasey Ammons says:

    The story go Hosea, helps me clearly see my salvation. I was a church kid all my life raised in a very Christian home and accepted Christ at young age even though my true salvation process didn’t occur until a few years later, when God called me and saved me from my current sinful life and all the time that could have been devoted to “whoredom” pursuit in the future.

  131. Michelle Patire says:

    Today, I noticed the evident favor/grace shown in Gomer. God is so kind to her, to pair her with Hosea. She didn’t deserve it, but God loved her. As He loved Israel. As He loves us. As He loves me. Thank you, Lord.

  132. Stephanie Guerrero says:

    I am so excited about this study! God is pursing us, and loving us through all our wrong turns. Also listening to the podcast with Francine Rivers is so good. LADIES: If you have not read Redeeming Love, go read it now!! It was so good, I had to switch to the audible so that I could listen to it while driving and walking. It’s just that good! Francine Rivers is an amazing author! Read her books! My favorite book of hers is “The Masterpiece”.

  133. Victoria E says:

    So excited to read Hosea with you all! I too have never read it before. I pray we will all be aware of God’s mercy to us and I pray that I will be watchful for the little idols that enter my heart and that I will not run after them but only my One True Love. Welcome to all who are new!

  134. Stephanie Guerrero says:

    I am so excited about this study! God is pursing us, and loving us through all our wrong turns.

  135. Bridgette A says:

    Funny, I was just thinking about the story of Hosea’s marriage to Gomer this weekend before I knew about the new reading plan. God told me to do something really hard and I didn’t want to do it. It didn’t make any sense to me. It was a real Hosea kind of moment for me. But after much debate and hesitation, I relented and am now following after what God told me to do. Thank You God for Your mercies that are new every day. Lesson learned: keep your eyes on Jesus and not on your situation. God is putting everything in place for a breakthrough. Trust in Him.

  136. Pamela Dowd says:

    God’s word in the OT calls Israel and all believers in Him (including resident aliens) His bride (even men are called this just as men and women are called sons of God in the NT), His spouse, His people, His beloved. In the NT Christ, God’s son—fully God/fully man—comes to rescue and redeem His people by dying on the cross and taking the full wrath of God for our sins, transforming those who repent and believe on Him, both Jewish and Gentile believers into one church, calling us again His bride. As believers we still are prone whore after false idols—even praise of man over the praise of our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus who calls us His bride deserve. Therefore, we repent daily, sometimes hourly as He shows us where our hearts are unfaithful to living him first and foremost and loving others as we love ourselves. Hope that helps.

  137. Haley McGinnis says:

    So I have been in a really rough patch in my spiritual walk figuring out where I’m supposed to be realizing things about what I’ve been taught in the past etc. So this is this first SRT devo I’ve done in a very long time. This is EXACTLY what I need to be reading right now, even if I know its gonna hurt and be very unpleasant. Because I know after the unpleasantness will be renewing of my spirit that i so desperately need. ♡

  138. Foster Mama says:

    Yes, PLEASE DO pray for the federal election in Canada as it affects all of North America…Lord, YOUR will be done!!

    LAUREN, I am feeling you and your beautiful words really spoke to me especially your insight into what contributes to your parents’ reactions/actions. Praying for you in all areas.

    LAURA, great quote from John Piper.

    Yes! BROOKE PARKER and everyone who highlighted it is HIS (not mine, not my idols) faithfulness!!

    Wow,CINDY REITER: “God is good and chasing after my heart not simply my actions.”

    JESSICA CHANTIGNY, Humour is a great gift and huge in my life and I too have had to ask myself how to use it for His glory rather than…not.

    I echo RHONDA J’s words to those who are newer to SRT…God bless!

    Praying for SKY HILTON, MELANIE, NADS, K SWENSON, CINDY HANNA, SISSY, CHANGED LIFE, ERB, VICTORIA E, MAURA, SEARCHING, GRAMSIESUE, MARTHA HIX, all who requested prayers and all those engraved on my heart from many months of praying together.

  139. Corrie Storer says:

    This is my first time doing a SRT study, I just joined the subscription box too. I’m so excited to dive deep with a community of strong Christian women ❤️ thank you!

  140. Dorothy says:

    I’m soooo thankful the Lord’s love is greater than my sin and that He sent His Son, Jesus to die for my sins. I’m able to have eternal life because of Christ’s death and The Holy Spirit. Amanda’s devotion was great and loved it.
    Have a great week sisters and be blessed.

  141. Rhonda J. says:

    I love seeing so many comments, old and new names joining the start of a new study! You will gain a fresh understanding and insights with SRT. So much wisdom from these ladies! And not only a study, but mighty prayer warriors! We are so blessed to have the freedom to worship and study God’s word. Let us burn it on our hearts, memorize, and share the gift it is.

  142. Jessie Chatigny says:

    The stand out of me this morning is 2:8, when God is saying that she (we) didn’t realize that the oil, flax, wool, wine–the things Gomer/Israel loves and gives to her false loves and uses herself–all comes from him. The time I spend on social media, that time comes from God. The money I buy more clothes with, that comes from God. The humor I use to poke fun at a situation or person, that comes from God. How can I honor him with my time, my money, my gifts? Praying for you and your loss of your dad last week Cindy.

  143. Shannon Darrow says:

    Sorry about the incomplete posts. Not sure what happened.

  144. Shannon Darrow says:

    I try and be aware daily, for myself and for my kiddo, of God’s grace on us. We try and do good, but we are also sinners. We’ve been big sinners and small sinners and that will never end. God’s unending grace and mercy astounds me and all I can do is be grateful and teach my child to be aware of it all. The beauty of God’s grace helps us move forward through anything. I am so thankful for my faith in God every day of my life.

  145. Shannon Darrow says:

    I am

  146. Chris Swan says:

    Our pastor ask how many of us had sinned before service yesterday. We all raised our hands. Then he ask if we could name our sins!! Most of us put our hands down. He challenged us to ask God to show us our sins. Then to confess and by naming sins they are easier to avoid!! Love this group. Learn so much from your comments.

  147. Allison Bentley says:

    Yes!! Redeeming Love is a great book!!

  148. Amanda Lynn says:

    Melanie .. I am the same way. I too sometimes find it hard to find meaning when I read some scripture. I think for me, I over think and get in my own head. You said it right .. there is color behind the words .. I love that. The comments are amazing and truly help me understand what this particular scripture is saying.

    So grateful for the word today

  149. Ruth Long says:

    It’s a big challenge when I read very shocking images of God laying waste to our idols but especially when he uses women in the example. It frightens me and seems like shaming, being cruel and violent against women. I struggle to separate the message from the painful stories of women nowadays. How do I deal with that? Does anyone have any tips?

  150. Kathy A says:

    Grateful for the paired devotionals and your thoughts and comments which really help me go deeper.
    Happy Monday everyone! ❤️

  151. Cindy Reiter says:

    Thankful for commentary as we read Gods word. It didn’t make sense to me but I’m that person. I’m “whoring” myself for the praise of man rather than seeing the blessings of God. God is good and chasing after my heart not simply my actions. May I see Gods goodness and stop looking for mans praise.

  152. Michelle Bailey says:

    Good morning everyone! What really got me I believe it was verse 8 when God said she didn’t realize it was me. It made me think of all the things that happen everyday that I take for granted or even worse I credit for not realizing or maybe just overlooking that it is God’s goodness and faithfulness in my life not my own accord or my own doing.

  153. Melissa Graves says:

    Praising God for His mercy, grace, kindness and love lavished on us in Christ!

  154. Melissa Graves says:

    Thanks be to God! His mercies are new every morning and nothing can separate us from His love! Thank You Jesus, for this love and mercy and kindness and grace…completely undeserved yet lavished on all who believe! All praise and glory to You, Lord Jesus!

  155. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    Beautifully said

  156. Avery S says:

    Good morning friends! What struck me is that Gomer/Israel thinks that everything she has gotten (grain, wine, oil, vineyards) is earned due to HER effort (sleeping with her lovers). But really, God says all those good things are gifts from HIM.

    It’s not my control, effort, or striving that gives me everything I have. It is God alone. My sin has not given me the good things I have. Only God does. The fact that everything is God’s gift is sometimes a tough pill to swallow, since I often base my self-worth on my productivity. At the same time, God’s consistent generosity throughout scripture is so wonderful.

    Praise God! Looking forward to this study with you all.

  157. Makenzie Benish says:

    Praise the lord, His faithfulness is greater than our sin!

  158. Sky Hilton says:

    Good morning sisters! Thank you for praying for me! I will be praying for you! Im glad to be reading Hosea with all of you ❤️

  159. Sissy M says:


  160. Heather O'Malley says:

    @Nancy Singleton, Francine Rivers is this week’s guest on the SRT podcast! I’m so looking forward to it!

  161. Kim Hill says:

    This is my first study with the community. I have done a number of studies on my own. I’m looking forward to learning what God has for me in this study. Fixing my eyes on Him!

    1. Brandy S says:


  162. Brooke Parker says:

    Beth ❤️

  163. Brooke Parker says:

    Oh this story. It makes my heart break and sing. Makes me so aware of my brokenness, my sinful nature, and how apart from God we are all without hope & without salvation. The Lord’s words in Hosea show me how many times I cling to worthless things or falsely claim that anything I have is from something other than GOD. If there is any good, it is from God, nothing is good apart from Him! “And she did not know
    that it was I who gave her
    the grain, the wine, and the oil,
    and who lavished on her silver and gold,
    which they used for Baal.” – Hosea 2:8
    Gomer is all of us without God. But PRAISE THE LORD his faithfulness is greater than our sin!!!

  164. Brooke Parker says:

    Oh this story. Makes my heart break and sing. Makes me so aware of my brokenness, my sinful nature, and how apart from God we are all without hope & without salvation. The Lord’s words in Hosea show me how many times I cling to things or falsely claim that anything I have is from something other than GOD. “And she did not know
    that it was I who gave her
    the grain, the wine, and the oil,
    and who lavished on her silver and gold,
    which they used for Baal.” – Hosea 2:8 Gomer is all of us without God. But PRAISE THE LORD his faithfulness is greater than our sin!!!

  165. Tobi Obatusin says:

    Looking forward to this study

  166. Lauren says:

    “He poured out his Spirit on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior”. This verse speaks so deeply to me. My parents are each 81 and are having many health and life problems right now. I’m struggling to help them, but I’m running into brick walls. I find myself frustrated and even resentful of their stubbornness and dismissal of my intentions. And then I read this verse and “boom” God says to me, “My girl, you do the same towards Me, and in return I pour out my Spirit on you.” Father, show me how to allow your abundant Spirit of love and mercy to extend through me to my parents. Help me to understand that they are frightened, worried, declining in health and need my compassion and patience. I’d appreciate prayers for my own ongoing health issue that still remains undiagnosed and painful most days.

  167. Rebekka Paul says:

    This is my first study where I follow along with the community reading. As of late I have seen how what lies at the core of my idols. And still, I bow to them and give in. This first reading has been eye opening and Hosea is a book I haven’t spend much time reading so far.

  168. Sydney S says:

    This is my first time studying the book of Hosea. So far I am already hooked in by the imagery and poetry of it. Let’s see what happens next..

  169. Danielle says:

    I know Hosea’s marriage and family was a message to Israel, but today the name of two of his children really struck me. His daughter Lo-Ruhamah, which according to the translation I read means not loved and his son, Lo-Ammi, means not my people. I appreciate that the Israelites needed a wake up call to repent and Hosea’s family life was the call. I am curious how those names impacted his children? Names and their meanings were important, so it really struck me today about how his daughter and one son may have felt.

  170. Lisa Hetrick says:

    What a beautiful beginning to the week. This is a story about LOVE and there is much to learn about God’s heart. I am grateful. ❤️

  171. Lisa Hetrick says:

    What a beautiful beginning to the week. This is a story about LOVE and I’m grateful to be with it. ❤️

  172. Elise Erlandson says:

    It’s easy to get swept away by the distractions and frustrations of the world.. thankful for Gods grace.

  173. Aimee DiCicco-Ruhl says:

    Oh grace and mercy of God. Praise our Lord Jesus . Amen

  174. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I love the book of Hosea. I’ve loved it from the first time we read it in this community some years ago. God is so faithful even when we are not. ❤️

  175. Phoebe says:

    Oh, and if I could please ask – will you ladies pray for Canada’s federal election today? May God’s will be done!

  176. Phoebe says:

    What a beautiful first day’s reading! After reading Deuteronomy it is so clear to me how even God’s judgement is kindness; even His discipline reveals love. The law is for our good! He is continually inviting His people back to Him!

  177. Taylor says:

    So thankful to be joining this community for the start of another study! What a good message showing us the truth of God’s faithfulness, grace, and mercy. Loved the quote “His faithfulness is greater than my sin.” Lord I pray you would expose the idols of my life, give me victory over the chains that feel impossible to break for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23)! I hope everyone has a blessed Monday <3

  178. Laura says:

    One more thing: I would recommend reading He Reads Truth commentary along with SRT. I always appreciate the added insight into the passages. Today’s HRT was exceptional. A portion that especially stuck with me: “Because of Jesus Christ, we have the right to know God and to live at peace with Him. But as long as we deny our offenses—our perpetual running after other lovers—we will never accept the means by which we find the peace our hearts long for. Unless we are apprehended and exposed for who we are, we will never understand the steadfast love and mercy of our groom—Jesus Christ, who takes us as His own and binds our wandering hearts to Him.” Amen

  179. Laura says:

    When I was walking through the dark valley of my husband’s adultery, I could only focus on his sin. But as I pursued God more and clung to him in that season, my own sin became more and more clear to me. It was life-changing. Many times I walk around unaware of my own sin – my own desire to love things other than God. I pray often to have my eyes opened to my own sin. Because without recognizing our sin, we forget our need for God. I have been ruminating on a quote I read from John Piper this weekend: “Until we believe that life is war, we will not know what prayer is for.” It challenged me to take my prayer life seriously, praying for the souls of those I love who are following the loves of their own hearts. This is serious. This is now. I do not want to be complacent or blind to what is happening in this world and in my own family.

  180. Jillian Lee says:

    I see two sides to this : reading the passage before relationship with God and it just doesn’t make sense and seems like such a horrible beginning / reading this passage having a relationship with God and knowing what is to come gives me hope in redemption of my own sin.

  181. Melanie says:

    Hosea I only vaguely remember this book. Sometimes I have a hard time with finding the meaning when I read scripture. I’m so black and white and behind these words is always color. So thankful for comments that help my understanding. Sometimes I think it’s not like me but it is. Rest and waiting our my enemies. I desire and pursue them only to never find what in need. Ugh ‍♀️. My father in law is still in the hospital with Covid and a new kidney. He is stable thank you Lord. Please pray that I sleep It seems like it has been weeks maybe months since I had good rest. I’m tired but holding on to hope that God is faithful and will hear my cry for true rest

  182. Alli Barlik says:

    I feel the same way! I’m a teacher and before school started, I was good! Then school. I e struggled to keep up. I didn’t get my book this time (weird!) but I said shoot, I’ve got the app! I’m glad you are here. And I am here. And He is good!

  183. Alli Barlik says:

    I feel the same way! I’m a teacher and before school started, I was good! Then school. I e struggled to keep up. I didn’t get my book this time ;

  184. SEARCHING says:

    HARLEY NUNEZ-HAMRICK – glad you are here! I try to stay current and use the weekends to catch up if I get behind. You can do it!

  185. SEARCHING says:

    ARINA – yes! It’s often difficult to recognize sin when it slips into our lives, seemingly insignificant or ‘just this once’ … That ‘small’ thing becomes a snowball before we can blink, doing its best to overtake us. Thank you Lord for Your mercy and grace, praying You will open our eyes and show us the temptations that we fail to recognize.

    KACI MATTHEWS – so glad you are joining us, welcome!

    KELLY – thank you for your prayers and for checking on me. The drama has shifted somewhat but continues to wreak havoc in our family. On one front things will appear to settle down, replaced by being blindsided by something and/or someone seemingly out of the blue. Much of this is coming from family that does not know or has turned their backs to the Lord, but not all. I appreciate you joining me in prayer for this ongoing situation and for the much needed salvation of those I love dearly.

    MELANIE – praying for you and your family

    TEACHERS – praying for a good week!

    CINDY HANNA – praying for you as you miss your father

    SISSY M – sorry to hear about your father in law – praying for you and husband/family

    MARI V – praying for a quick recovery and patience through the frustration!

    SKY HILTON – joining you in prayer for your mom and sister

    K SWENSON – praying for you and PTSD you are dealing with, wisdom in evaluating the new therapy, for the light of God’s love to block out the anxiety and depression.

    MARTHA HIX – continuing to pray for you

  186. Kristen says:

    Amen! This is beautiful@ Truth Seeker. I thought of the song, Worthy is the Lamb. Here are some of the lyrics:

    Thank you for the cross, Lord
    Thank you for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace
    Thank you for this love, Lord
    Thank you for the nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Thank you for the cross, Lord (thank you)
    Thank you for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace
    Thank you for this love, Lord
    Thank you for the nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Worthy is the Lamb
    Here is a link to the song: https://youtu.be/LAplJ0_jDFc
    Prayers for all the unsaved to know Him even today and be saved. Amen,

  187. Kelly says:

    Harley Nunez-Hamrick – you can do it! Stay with us and be amazed by God’s love and mercy!

  188. Kelly says:

    Kaci Mathews – Welcome ❤

    SKY HILTON – so with you. Praying the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to opportunities to speak God’s truth. Also that God would draw them to Himself. Praying that you will release them into God’s hands.

    As Amanda wrote above “The consequences of sin are real and painful, but the rescue would come—not by the merit of those being rescued, but because of the
    merciful grace of God.”

    Hold on SHEs this study will be humbling and amazing ❤

  189. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh this made me rethink myself and my way of thinking, thinking about how God deserves so much more than I have given Him over the 70 yeas He has blessed me with life. I realize He deserves and will receive more.

  190. Harley Nunez-Hamrick says:

    I’ve struggled to keep up with the community plan. I was ready to pick on and just go for it. Opening up the app and seeing Day 1 of Hosea, this just proves that things are coming together. God is so good and has and will always love me and take care of me. It’s up to me to show up for him and listen to him instead of running off like the prodigal daughter that I am.

  191. Arina says:

    Out little idols, they look so innocent. They so easily creep into our lives. Maybe we don’t even notice how they take up more and more of our life. But to God, it’s idolatry. As if we’re sleeping with another man, giving up the most intimate part of our relationship. God calls us to love Him, with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength. We cannot serve two masters. He wants full commit to Him, daily.

  192. Kaci Mathews says:

    This is my first study and I can’t wait to get started!

  193. Whitney Autumn says:

    So glad to begin this study.

  194. Truth Seeker says:

    Lord, I believe
    Help me with my unbelief !
    I am a sinner
    Saved only by the grace and mercy of God my Father Who sent His only Son, Christ Jesus, Who humbled Himself to come to earth, leaving the glories of heaven, as a baby who grew in wisdom and knowledge and grace and endured the suffering and pain of death on the cross. He was buried but ROSE FROM THE GRAVE! He overcame Death and Satan so that by the shedding of His blood He took MY sins and washed them white as snow so that I am forgiven and am blameless before GOD ! Not because of anything that I did but because of what Christ did ! Praise His Name! I am saved unto salvation by Him and His sacrifice for me and all who accept His gift of salvation. Thank You Lord Jesus!