Honesty and Justice

Open Your Bible

Exodus 22:1-31, Exodus 23:1-19, Proverbs 31:8-9, 1 Corinthians 10:24

There is a sense in all of us that society can be better than it is. We were designed for a perfect world—relationships that would flourish in the safety of God’s protection—so it’s no surprise that our fall from Eden has left us wondering: Where is your mercy, God? What are you doing to bring justice to the evils we see? And what can I do to help?

In Exodus 22–23, God’s people have been saved out of slavery in Egypt and given a prescription for what life looks like together. Where there is abuse and people being taken advantage of, God expects His people to deliver kindness and protection. When someone costs others something, God calls them to make restitution. Where people benefit from falsehood, God demands the truth to be upheld. God says, “Be my holy people” (Exodus 22:31) because He is initiating a plan for a pattern of restoration for all of life. 

Where God’s laws began, Christ fulfills them (Matthew 5:17). Thus, through Jesus’s saving power, He calls us to continue our participation in restoring the lives and structures around us. In Matthew 22, the Pharisees approach Jesus and ask Him “which command in the law is the greatest?” And Jesus tells them to love the Lord and to love their neighbor. “All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands” (v.40). And I think that is what God is asking us to do today, to love Him and to love others. 

When we are near God’s heart, we can see the value of people who are made in the image of God and uphold human dignity. We can walk in wisdom as Proverbs 31:9 tells us to “speak up, judge righteously, and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” God is using you and me, as believers, to reorder the injustices of today in a variety of ways. 

Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.” May we all do our best to do what is good—defend justice and uphold honesty in every situation. This obedience is how we can participate in God’s holiness and it can take on so many forms as God calls us to protect the diminished voices in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, court systems, churches, and areas of influence. 

God is engaged in the brokenness of our world, and may we feel encouraged that He calls and equips us to walk with Him in His plan to redeem it. 

(36) Comments

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36 thoughts on "Honesty and Justice"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    Your ways are just and right, Lord. Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts in my heart be pleasing to you.

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are great and greatly to be praised!

  3. belle ingersoll says:

    “ God is in the brokenness of our world , && may we feel encouraged that He calls && equips us to walk with Him in His plan to redeem it . “

  4. Anita J says:


  5. Portia Strange says:

    Exodus 22-23 reminds me of God’s heart for the ‘least of these’ (orphans, the poor, & widows). God makes it very clear that the people of Israel were to intentionally care for, provide for, & love marginalized people. Even though this text was written specifically to the people of Israel, we can see echoes of this command throughout the NT. So, this still applies to us today. God give us a heart for the ‘least of these.’ How might you be leading us to seek their good for Your glory?

    I’m curious as to what decade(s) did the government step in to aid those in need (financial assistance, food stamps, & section 8 housing). I’d love to research what role the Church played during those times.

    Lastly, 1 Corinthians 10:24 opposes everything our American society tells us to value. We can be so self-centered & self-obsessed (Christians included), only being concerned w/ our own good. God help us to be women who can look outside of ourselves & our needs to seek the good of our neighbors for Your glory!

  6. Angie Mills says:

    @HEIDI — I know the pain of rejection & loneliness that your daughter is going through. I went through the same thing with my 5th grade classmates that she went through last year. Every single child in my class my 5th grade year rejected me, wouldn’t play with me, or constantly teased me. Even children who would be friends with me outside of school would not be seen with me at school. It got so bad that my parents thought about pulling me out of that school and sending me somewhere else. They left the final decision up to me. The Lord gave me the wisdom to see that their actions weren’t just necessarily toward me, but a reaction to the Lord who lives in me. I was one of the few children in that class who made the life-changing commitment to follow Christ at a young age. He allowed me to realize that no matter what school I attended, I would face the same treatment. I thank God that I had a strong support system: my godly family, my godly & caring teachers who did what they could, and the faith that God gave me to cling to Him. It was a difficult time. My heart hurts for the pain children who face this kind of rejection face. I also rejoice that they are facing it now. Going through this kind of rejection now will help your child to grow into a stronger young lady. We grow best in difficulties. Like gold & silver that is refined with fire, we have to face trials in order to shine the light of Jesus. It was hard for me to face this rejection as a child, but having faced several different kinds of rejections as an adult, I thank God for that experience as a child. If I hadn’t faced rejection then, it would have made facing rejections as an adult so much harder.

    Thank you for being a godly parent and having the self-control to teach your child wisdom & godliness through this.

    I pray the following for you & your family:
    1. That the Lord would continue to give you & your husband wisdom & discernment during this trial.
    2. That the Lord would teach your daughter to guard her heart by tenaciously leaning on & clinging to Christ because of this trial.
    3. That your daughter would respond with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, & self-control with those who seek to hurt her, that she would shine the light of Jesus in the dark world of her classroom.
    4. That the Lord would bring in at least one other child that can be a friend to your daughter.
    5. That through this trial, your family can learn to speak up for those who face rejections in other areas of life.
    6. That the teachers & administration at your child’s school would be a support to your daughter, that they realize the injustice that is being committed and would make fair decisions concerning all involved.
    7. That the girls who are being unkind and aggressive would have a change of heart and a transformation of their mind, that God would draw them to Him and that they would commit their lives to following Him.
    8. That as you & your family face the fear & uncertainty of the new school year and how these two girls may treat your daughter that you would remember who God is, what His character is, and the plans He has for you and your daughter. God is good. He is in control of everything. Everything He does for your daughter is for your daughter’s good and His glory. God loves your daughter with an everlasting love and has plans for her. These plans are not to harm her, but are for her welfare, to give her a future and a hope.
    9. That you & your husband would help your daughter continue to seek God & His righteousness with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength.
    10. That your daughter would have the wisdom to know when to be still and let the Lord fight for her and when to stand firm.
    11. That she would gird herself with the Lord’s armor every day: that she would rely on the Truth that God has been speaking to her, that God’s righteousness would flood her heart and help her as she reacts to these girls, that she would always be ready to spread the gospel of peace to everyone, that she would realize her faith in Christ will protect her from every lie and taunt that the evil one will throw her way through the words and actions of the girls who are being cruel to her, that she would remember Whose she is because of the salvation she has in Christ, that she would respond to these girls Biblically, and that she would continue to pray at all times.
    12. That you and your family would remember that her enemies are not these girls who are treating her so cruelly, but that her enemies are the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers over this present darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

    Praying for you and your family, and especially your daughter, as she starts this new school year.

  7. Sandi Stanley says:


  8. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Praying your for daughter Heidi. Just know you’re a great mom and showing her how to be kind goes further than anything mean girl

  9. Mercy says:

    Thank you Bailey for the wise words, I am loving every detail of this devotional (and CONGRATS on your new book). Like many others’ comments, I was struck by the verses in Proverbs 31 like never before, “Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy” NKJV. We are called to speak up justice, and God calls us with His precious calling, “Be my holy people”, set apart and representing Him, the just judge, the lion of Judah. Thank you Lord for choosing us, calling us, molding us in the smallest details of our thinking, understanding, speech and all other ways in our daily living to reflect You. Thank you Lord for our dear Savior Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our precious faith. Honesty and justice truly starts with you and me. I read somewhere that if 1 person meets and impacts 10 other persons throughout their lifetime (core impact not just acquaintance level), and that 10 will impact another 10, within like 10 years the whole world is impacted. Say if we impact 10 in our family and close friends/bff circle, give or take, throughout our lifetime, I think it is doable. The math can add up. Sometimes the most subtle and unintentional interactions we give can bring positive influence on others. It’s truly simple. Be a ripple effect maker. I am praying for you dear sisters Gwineth52, Heidi and your daughter, Lexi B, Dorothy’s sister’s back pain, Cee Gee and family. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge. Selah (Psalm 62:8). Be blessed dear sisters.

  10. Carol Crossman says:

    Romans 12:21 “do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.” A verse for memory to make the right choices.

  11. Carol Crossman says:

    Praying for your family and all involved in this situation.

  12. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes. Yesterday a She asked about my relationship with my step-daughter, one I find challenging & contentious. Today’s scripture lesson & devotional brought me to tears. The Law prescribed clear & concise & undeniable consequences for overt, outright, physical & visible results & wrong doings. Like theft & property destruction. But was silent on motivation & feelings & unseen matters of the heart. The ancient Israelites had judges to observe & administer righteousness as prescribe. Clear, concise & free of ambiguity. The ancient Israelites did not have mental health therapists, counselors, advisors or mentors to listen without judgement, and help them work through the underlying emotions. That emptiness why I’m crying this morning. I experience my step-daughter taking & not giving. She thrusts her young
    children, our grandchildren; their needs, wants, activities, expectations; in our faces continuously, and my husband submits. Reacting & responding more to her requests than my own. My therapist tells me some people are a “black hole”, consuming & insatiable. They can’t give what they don’t have within them. This morning I’m striving to pull myself back from the emotional deep by reading & praying over comments from several Shes; particularly the wise woman who wrote, “Trust the Holy Spirit to guide my heart. If I let my emotions take control of my thinking I can get into trouble”. “Speak to my heart in this area so I can hear You more clearly”. God, the Father, help me dry the tears; soothe my soul; and send me into the new day, trusting You; leaning on You; letting Your voice be the loudest. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Selah

  13. Lexi B says:

    Rhonda J, Michelle, anyone else I missed; thank you for your prayers. They are so appreciated. Michelle P- Joshua 1:9 is my go to fear combating verse, so fun you quoted that to me!

    Heidi- Praying for you, your little girl and the girls who are not being kind. Strength for you and your daughter and soften hearts for the girls.

    Dorothy- Praying for Kaylee!

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m so thankful for Bailey’s devotion. It brought it all together for me. In the last couple of years it seems harder to speak up for what we believe. People have become so harsh and combative. I pray that God gives me the strength to follow His commands.

    HEIDI – Prayers for your girl. I know what the mama bear wants to do and you are showing a beautiful response. Your daughter will learn much through this act of seeing what’s behind their behavior instead of fighting back. To turn the other cheek. I pray for strength and protection for her.

  15. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I can’t tell you how much I loved this Kathy. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man.

  16. Dorothy says:

    So yesterday as I was reading through the comments my sister called. She was in such severe back pain that she couldn’t move out of bed. I went over to help her. After getting pain patches on her back and using a handheld massager, I was able to get her so she could move. I then talked with one of my brothers about the situation, in part because her massager has a short in it and she needs a new one but also to keep him aware since he doesn’t live close by, he stated he would buy he a new massager all I needed to do is to find one on Amazon or somewhere and email him the info. This is how my parents raised us to help each other and to help those around us.

    All too often in my nursing career I saw many who had just the opposite happen, no one who cared, no one to look after them. Every time I get together with my family I tell them how blessed I/we am/are to have each other and care about each other. When my parents were alive I would thank them for instilling this value in us.

    Be blessed and help someone today sisters.

  17. Peggy Pappas says:

    As I read God’s plan for honesty and justice, I am struck by how it makes so much sense. Our country is so far from this. People who harm others and do things illegally are not punished and those who are harmed and taken advantage of are not given justice or restitution. Things are upside down from the way God designed it and we see the results all around us. Praying for ways to show God’s kindness in my little piece of the world. I have been called to help at a pregnancy center which I am now pursuing, realizing these are some of the most vulnerable and taken advantage of in our society, but there are many that fall in this area. Thinking of the ways I deal with people around me and seeking ways to show kindness and share the love of God.

  18. Lara says:

    It is such a blessing to have this community. As I read through the comments I pray for each request, but I do want Heidi to know I’ll be praying for her daughter. I taught 4th & 5th graders for 30 years, so I get it. Also Traci G- sending love, comfort and prayers for you.

  19. Brandi says:

    So blessed to meet here each morning with my sisters in Christ. Knowing that with each comment of “I’m praying for you” there are are hundreds of sisters praying in agreement that aren’t necessarily leaving a comment. That we are all praising and worshiping together each day before the Father – a sweet image of what is to come when Jesus returns!

  20. Heidi says:

    Idk if I mentioned as school was ending for summer break, my 10yr old was having to deal with some true to the core “mean girls” who used to be her close friends. Suddenly one decided she should be in charge of the group and basically just told everyone “stop talking to —-, she’s not in the group and if you hang out w her you’re not in the group either”. That’s it- and my girl was isolated to sitting on a bench during recess because she had nobody to play/hangout with. We talked with the teacher and school counselor about the issue and then the year was over. We just found out two of the meanest ones are back in her class again. We were shocked. Our school is usually so good about this kind of thing… We are praying through it and (at least to start) are going the route of helping our girl learn to show kindness in difficulty and rest in God’s love for her, believing in her immense worth and value despite what a couple of sad-hearted girls think. We’re going to be encouraging her to pray for compassion for their insecurity and self-doubt that is fueling their behavior. We are hoping it will be a witness to them, to her, and a life-anchoring character builder as well. (Note- OBVIOUSLY if it gets damaging, dangerous, etc- we will clearly step in..). That verse- “Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed. Speak up, judge righteously, and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” – I think will be our first week’s memory verse that we recite on the way to school. Praying for her to be able to keep her perspective on the situation and have new vision to see OTHERS hurting as well… Would love prayers of encouragement and wisdom with how my man and I deal with all of this in a way that reflects Christ… Let me just say the MOM in me wants to handle it VERY DIFFERENTLY… ;)

  21. Molly R says:

    As someone who has been a part of church all my life, sometimes it is too easy to see the story of the Bible for its bullet points:
    -The Cyclical History of God’s People (redemption, turning away, exile, redemption)
    -The Messiah

    It’s nice to dig into the details of all the orchestrating God does in the bigger picture, and all the way down to my own life, with such illuminating guidance and commentary. I am appreciating this study more than I anticipated, and I am humbled at the patience, mercy, and grace God pours out on someone so undeserving as me. He is in the details. They matter to Him, because WE matter to Him. What an amazing place to be, and what a gift to start each day being reminded of being one of His People, His Family. I am so humbly grateful to be set apart for His glorious purpose!

  22. Allison Bentley says:

    God is engaged in the brokenness of our world, and may we feel encouraged that He calls and equips is to walk with Him in His plan to redeem it!!!! AMEN to that!!! Truth of the matter the world has been broken for so long- it’s not just now in 2022. We all have to do our part and love God and love people!!!

  23. Kathy says:

    Something my dad always said, “we are to take care of the last, the least, and the lost.”
    “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
    Have a blessed day.

  24. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Again I feel this call from God to come close – to listen to His commands and to fulfill what He wants me to in the moment, not necessarily what I think I need to do. Praying to feel that closeness and lean into it.

  25. Michelle Patire says:

    Lexi B- replying to your comment about anxiety. May prayers to you. May God help you see what is triggering this anxiety. May You see He gives you His Spirit and His Word to combat all fear. I pray for a peace in your heart to know every battle belongs to God and He fights for you. Lord, please give her wisdom and healing and strength to do what You call her to in this season. Let her see You are shielding her and keeping her, so there is no reason to fear. That is easy to say but hard to live out. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go.” Lord, light the path to her feet and help her faith in Your hand over her life – let it be her source of strength and peace. Speak to her heart in this area so she can clearly hear You. Thank you, Jesus.

  26. Jackie says:

    Thank you Bailey! Wise words for the church today.

  27. Angie Mills says:

    When reading these laws, it is good to remember God’s character. He is holy and compassionate and gracious. He is slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth. His heart is so tender toward those whom the world tends to oppress and push aside. We must speak up on behalf of those who have no voice, on behalf of those who have no wealth, on behalf of the oppressed and the needy. According to a Bible dictionary, “oppressed” means those who are poor and weak and overpowered & overburdened with unreasonable impositions by those who are rich and powerful. We are not to seek our own good, or own rights. We are to seek the good, the rights, for the other person.

    It is no coincidence that I am reading several books right now about those who stood up for justice on behalf of the oppressed (Eric Metaxas’ biography on William Wilberforce — AMAZING GRACE — & Mildred D. Taylor’s Logan family series — ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY & the other books in that series.

    Lord, open my eyes to see those who are oppressed in today’s world, those who are truly needy and have no voice, those who are silenced and pushed aside. You are heartbroken for these people. Break my heart for them also. Teach me to speak up for those who have no voice. Help me to stand with those who are oppressed. Help me to pick up those who are pushed aside. Continue to teach me to lay down my life and to seek the good of the next person with whom I come into contact.

  28. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Prayers and praises lifted. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  29. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Jesus gave me a new heart. I already knew right from wrong, but the battle in my mind raged on. To do or not to do was the question. I could change my mind, but I needed Jesus to change my heart. And this is what He came to do. This is how He came to fulfil the law. He transformed my struggle to obey from outward works to an inner desire to love Him. This Spirit-led nature causes me to respond with love rather than willfully trying to do the right thing. Yeah, I still sin on the outside sometimes, but my inner spirit rejects and repents quickly. Sin causes separation from God, and I want to be close to Him. Jesus makes it easy to turn and return through Himself. His sacrifice covered me, and by His blood I am constantly recovered. My heart is made pure by Him and for Him. And I truly want to love God because of Him. My inner thoughts and motives are governed by the law written on my heart. Walking in humility with Jesus helps me to love others because of the way He loves me. Total transformation didn’t make me perfect, but it perfected the way I live. I take the peace Jesus gave me and keep it as my greatest treasure. The river of His life flows in me, and my thirst is quenched when I drink of His grace. The law of sin and death, crushed. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  30. Cee Gee says:

    I am not feeling well this morning and was struggling with these passages. Thank you, BAILEY, for such clarification.
    My family could use your prayers today. God knows each need. Thank you all. I am so blessed to join you each day even though I don’t often comment.

  31. Aimee D-R says:

    God we need You in every detail. You are…let us remember always. Amen

  32. Elaine Morgan says:

    Thank you Bailey! I loved the way you explained the text. I want to be obedient and honor God. Knowing the right thing to do and actually doing it can seem to be difficult sometimes. That’s why I have to trust the Holy Spirit to guide my heart. If I let emotions take control of my thinking I can get into trouble. It’s not easy to always do the right thing. Thank Jesus for his grace and forgiveness!

  33. Pam Seipp says:

    Yes, we are to be His holy people! Amen.

  34. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Israel’s call to be holy is ours today as well. How we treat our neighbor, the poor, the alien, the widow, the orphan, and the oppressed is to be a reflection of our holy God. Yet In His love and wisdom, God provides for ways to restore relationship between neighbors when we fall short whether on purpose or by accident.

    DOROTHY – praying for Kaylee and her family. Also wisdom for the doctors

  35. Jo says:

    In today’s culture it can be hard to overcome evil with good: people try to overcome it with opinion or feelings. We as believers are called to act righteously, that is according to God’s ways and shine His light of justice in the darkness. Man’s vain ambition can often be a motive for doing good and I need to check my motive to make sure that His righteousness is my only focus. I want to be ‘near God’s heart’ so that I see people as He sees them and in my small opportunities make His justice known.

  36. Arina says:

    This call to bring justice and defend the oppressed is a theme throughout the whole Bible. Why is this so important to God. One reason I was thinking of is that when by oppressing someone you take the place of God. You pretend that you have the power and rights to decide what happens with the other person. You see yourself as more important than the other, so the needs and the wishes of the other don’t count anymore. Aren’t these thoughts that creep in so easily, although maybe on a smaller scale? Selfishness, pride, we shouldn’t let them take root, because it could lead to horrible things. “The one who oppresses the poor person insults his Maker, but one who is kind to the needy honors him.” Proverbs 14:31