
Open Your Bible

Psalm 41:9, Matthew 26:47-56

Text: Psalm 41:9, Matthew 26:47-56

The betrayal of a friend. Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. The days are going to get much darker before they get light again.

As I study the account of Christ’s betrayal today, I can’t help but be taken by the truth that Christ knew Judas would betray Him – he even knew the price – and yet, he called Judas “friend.”

He broke bread with him at dinner. He prayed with him. He talked to the Father about what he would soon do.

And when the soldiers came and Judas identified Jesus with a kiss, Christ’s response wasn’t anger. He didn’t spit unkind, vindictive words at Judas while being wrestled away. He went quietly. Even when His beloved disciple and friend gave Him over for 30 pieces of silver (about a month’s wages), He went in love.

I’ll be honest. I can’t even imagine.

And He went in obedience. Christ’s submission to the Father’s omnipotent hand was unwavering.

And I wonder today: what does it really mean to be Christ to someone who has done you wrong? When you are hurt – really wounded – by a friend or family member, can you say to the Lord,

“I am certain that I want to honor you more than I want to feel vindicated.” [source]

Christ’s response to Judas wasn’t a sign of weakness (though I know even His closest friends may have thought differently). It was love. Love for Judas. Love for The Father.

And in His love, He honored His Father, just as He had promised in Gethsemane.

And in His love – not just for Judas, and not only for the Father, but for us – He was led to His trial. And He was sentenced to death. And His blood covers my betrayals and yours. It covers the times we’ve chosen a month’s wages over honoring the One we call Lord. It covers the times we push Him aside to further ourselves.

Your betrayals and mine. His blood covers it all. And He calls us “friend.”

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57 thoughts on "betrayed"

  1. Hannah says:

    When I read these passages I am reminded of a verse from 'Immanuel' by Stuart Townend:

    'Through the kisses of a friend's betrayal,
    He was lifted on a cruel cross;
    He was punished for a world's transgressions,
    He was suffering to save the lost.
    He fights for breath, He fights for me,
    Loosing sinners from the claims of hell;
    And with a shout our souls are free –
    Death defeated by Immanuel.'

    Such an example of grace and love. Thank you Jesus.

  2. Laura says:

    Sue, that is indeed something to ponder. What if Judas chose not to kill himself? What if he chose to seek forgiveness for the crime he committed against Jesus? Would God have forgiven him and used him in a mighty way for Christ?

    I have betrayed Jesus so many time. I have been Judas, who betrayed Jesus for something so trivial and unimportant. Just recently, I chose to run from what I believed God wanted me to do. But I sought His forgiveness and now I am free to go and do the thing He asked of me. Just like Jonah :)

  3. adelineoh says:

    I'm just so glad I'm not the only one who feels like I have had a knife plunged into my heart from today's word. Ouch, ouch, ouch. So painful but so good and so true. All I can say is thank you Lord for your grace and mercy because I definitely am not worthy of what You did for me. And as I am confronted more with the mirror of your word, it shows the dirt and all the darkness in my heart. Let me come to the point to want to honour You more than needing to be vindicated to satisfy my own pride.

  4. Ingrid says:

    What a friend we have in Jesus.

    1. Carolynmimi says:


  5. Marangelie says:

    Jesus is so Good to us everyday in every situation, He is the one who should lead us in everything that we do and in every circumstance because even when he was betrayed by Judas He forgave Him and we shall do the same when we are betrayed/hurt by those that we care about. God Bless you my sisters!!!!

  6. jesusgirl71 says:

    Kandacejo, I love what you said here! Never thought of this! Whatever the enemy says, the opposite is true! Wow!

  7. Carolynmimi says:

    Oh SRT Sisters, Every post today sets off bells in my heart…how alike we all are, struggling with disappointment, betrayal, self condemnation, our own sins past and present…how alike we are struggling to trust in Him, struggling to obey, struggling to forgive others and ourselves…in every post today, I have felt His presence, His overwhelming love and grace…thank you all for sharing, because I know that it cost you to be so transparent, so raw, but you have all blessed me. I believe, I hear our Savior calling, "Come home, come home. Ye who are weary come home." Let's all run and jump into the welcoming lap of God, feel His arms around us, and say, "Abba, Daddy, I love You."

  8. jesusgirl71 says:

    This is what hit me today. Yes, it’s amazing enough that Jesus covered our betrayals. But do you know what else His blood covered? Others’ betrayals of us! So that being the case, what right do we have to react harshly to others? To not react in love? To hold grudges? Ouch!