he is risen!

Open Your Bible

Matthew 28; John 20:11-31; Luke 24:50-53; 1 Corinthians 15:1-22; Isaiah 25:8-9

Text: Matthew 28; John 20:11-31; Luke 24:50-53; 1 Corinthians 15:1-22; Isaiah 25:8-9

Today is The Day. We’ve come to the the glorious climax of Christ’s earthly journey: the resurrection, The Miracle, God’s ultimate glory on display for all to see. Paul said it himself to the Corinthians: this is the crux of our faith. It all hinges on this. I stare at this blinking cursor and can’t help but think, Who am I to write about the most sacred of days? After all, is there a Bible story we’ve heard more than this one? Even the emptiest church pews are filled on Easter Sunday.

I’d venture a guess that you, like me, come to this day broken and in desperate need of our Savior. We need His completed work on the cross, His victory over the grave, the indelible hope of His ascension to the Father. And I wonder, can this familiar story be made new for us today?

I come to these scriptures today to hear from the living Christ. Won’t you come along with me?

If you have not yet read the passages for today, please stop and do so now.

*    *   *    *

What revelation is God stirring in your heart today through this resurrection story? What truth is He speaking anew? For me, it is this: He has called us each by name.

Sisters in Christ, History may dispute our role in its Church. The Church may dispute our role in its walls. But, Women of God, you are all over the story of our Christ’s resurrection. Do you see it?

It was women who rose early that third day and made their way to the tomb at dawn. It was women who first saw the stone rolled away, first stood in the presence of the Angel of Good News. It was women who first heard those sweet words: “He is not here, for he has risen as he said.” (Matthew 28:6a, ESV)

On this Resurrection Day, I hear Him speak “Greetings!” of hope to me. I see myself in Mary Magdalene, taking hold of His feet in believing disbelief and worshiping Him. I hear His voice calling to me by name, just as He did to Mary that day.

Sister, the risen Christ is calling you by name.

Kneel with me before our Savior. He longs to see us there. Feel Him wipe the tears from your face. Receive the peace He leaves with us as His disciples. Rejoice as He ascends to the Father, the living Lord who intercedes for His children.

“Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.
This is the Lord; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”
(Isaiah 25:9, ESV)

(38) Comments

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38 thoughts on "he is risen!"

  1. Tiffany says:

    Thank you for pointing out the women who served in this story. So easily I can forget how wonderfully different we are than men. Different perspective. Different worship. Different service. Different demonstration of love.

    Today’s passages led me to repent for my desire to control everything in my life. The Lord gently reminded me that He wants to save me from myself every day – and to trust in Him and accept this daily salvation. So thankful for what He has done and will continue to do! Rejoicing!!

  2. MamaRose says:

    Oh, I forgot, I want to thank all of you for all the comments that you have made during this Holy Week.. They have been very helpful as I forge on with my walk with God. I thank Raechel for this blog. It has given me an opportunity to give words to my feelings during this holiest of times May all of you have a blessed week!

  3. MamaRose says:

    This has been an unusual weekend for me. In 2011, my mother went "home." I would not be truthful if I expressed some of the joyous feelings that many of you have expressed in your comments today. I am not really unhappy, I am caught somewhere between my feelings – an empty spot – but not a dark one. March, April , and May are not easy months for me. I am the oldest child, but my brother ( Mama and Daddy's second child, died during the month of March. Mama died the first day of April, and Daddy died during the month of May. Depending on how the days fall, this is also the time of the year that my Savior made a way for my parents and my brother to find peace with God. I am caught in the breath between thoughts. somewhere between the loss of my love ones and the celebration of knowing that Jesus did not die for nothing. He made a way. He fought the good fight and was victorious. He has shown me that no matter how bad I may feel or how depressed I may be, I must keep pushing forward and He will see me through. When He most needed people to support him, not one of His followers were there, but He forgave them and helped them after His resurrection. I have abandoned Him through the course of my life, and came crawling back when I had no other viable choice. He did not hesitate to come and minister to me. Because He loves me and gives me courage, because He has allowed me to walk with Him, I can soldier through these moment. If He can do it, and His pain was way worse than mine, I can do it.

    During Mass today the choir sang a song with this refrain:
    "Why do you look for the living among the dead, He arose, He is not here, He is alive! Alleluia! Alleluiaaaa!

    He is alive and because He is, being caught between and betwixt these moments are easier to bear. He knows His child; He knows my name. I have no words to express my gratitude for His sacrifice and His resurrection. I am not alone; I am not alone, thank God, I am not alone.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Oh,MamaRose, this must be a bittersweet celebration for you. My mother went home to Jesus in December 2011, so near Christmas, so I know how holidays can lose luster because of loss. During worship this morning, my pastor who is also my husband spoke of being in the darkness, desolate and alone, crying out to God, but failing to see His plan in the darkness. Then comes the dawn, light, and no matter what, He meets us, calls us by name and goes ahead of us. Everyday here is a mini resurrection until that day when we will all be raised. You are right you, me, all of us are not alone. We are alive and can proclaim, "He is Risen, He is risen indeed!" Praying for you and wishing you a blessed Easter.

  4. JuneBug says:

    Thank You Jesus! You call me by name! Mine means "God is gracious." And He has been just that!

  5. Kathy says:

    What struck me most was the role of the women. In today’s sermon, our Pastor focused on this theme. Women were of such low status that they weren’t allowed to testify in a court. They were considered unreliable witnesses. But God chose women to go tell (witness to) the disciples, to spread the word that Jesus is alive! Never doubt your worth! God can use us to do great things for his kingdom.

  6. LaurenC_ says:

    Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, o death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia! Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!

    "He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces… In that day they will say, SURELY this is our God; we TRUSTED in him, and he SAVED us." Isaiah 25:8,9. I pray that we all receive a personal resurrection, rising above whatever – WHATEVER – chains us down. Whatever lies the enemy has told & we have believed for far too long. Whatever tombs we have built for ourselves, whatever hurt we have felt. I pray that we all now live as if every day is Easter Sunday, living a new life each day in Christ. Leaning into Him. I am so grateful for this experience through SRT, this Lenten season, and the sisterhood with you all. Amen!

  7. LeahTvt says:

    He is risen, indeed!!! What a wonderful journey this has been walking through Holy Week with all of you, my sisters! Thank you SRT and all you lovely ladies for sharing your hearts! Looking forward to the next devo with y’all. Have a blessed Easter Sunday!

  8. Sue says:

    ALIVE….DEATH HAS LOST AND LOVE HAS WON! What an amazing week this has been studying with SRT. Thank you all and Happy Resurrection Day! Thought you might enjoy this song.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1GzOUnUN20

    1. LaurenC_ says:

      How powerful! What a blessing to reflect while listening to that song. Thank you!

    2. Emily P says:

      Love it love it….I wept as I thought if what The Lord did for us. And couldn’t help but think of seeing my son again. He’s alive, death has lost it’s sting when you know Jesus has overcome.

      1. Sue says:

        Amen Emily…I too wept! And am so thankful that we have Jesus to overcome our sadness!