the least

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 56:7-8, Jeremiah 7:8-11, Matthew 21:10-17, Luke 19:45-48

Text: Isaiah 56:7-8, Jeremiah 7:8-11, Matthew 21:10-17, Luke 19:45-48

Who is this man riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, the one hailed by the crowd as the Son of David? The whole city, the scripture says, is abuzz with the question. You can imagine their surprise when Jesus heads straight for the temple, establishing His authority by driving the sellers out, overturning their tables and tossing money to the temple floor. Talk about causing a stir.

Jesus said to them, “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:13b, ESV) Each scriptural account of the story quotes Jesus as making this distinction. A house: a place of rest and restoration and communion. A den: a place of darkness and confinement. But only Matthew tells us what happens next. After Jesus tosses out those who would pervert the temple of God into a temple of wealth and greed and convenience, He does something revolutionary: He invites the Least inside.

The blind, the lame, the children all come in and Jesus welcomes them, heals them, confirms their place among Him. He cleared out those who profaned the temple and ushered in those who humbly sought after God.

When I picture the scene I can see myself in the wings, on the outside looking in. I am nervous, I am afraid, but I am drawn to this house of God and so I watch and wait. Those inside seem to have it together, bringing riches rather than sacrifice, doing religion like a business. All I have is this humble offering in my hands, carried the long journey from my home, over rocky roads and mistake-laden miles. Then I see Him. And right before my eyes I watch Him turn it on its side, all the pretension and injustice and darkness that kept me at bay. He sends out those who’ve come not for God but for gods. And then? He looks me in the eye. Me. Lame, frightened, filthy from days of travel, He looks at me and sees me. He motions for me to come in and then He tells me I belong.

Oh, Sisters, this is our Christ. He welcomes in the defenseless and He becomes their defense. He brings the weak to Himself and makes them strong. He desires not the shiny sacrifices our pride wishes to bring, but only a heart that is stayed on Him.

We cannot purchase Him, for He has purchased us.

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53 thoughts on "the least"

  1. Lori Thomas says:

    I always believed that making church a ritual was not what God intended. Today’s vivid imagery threw the most wonderful curve ball. I grew up going to church and was never given the chance to see Jesus in action this way. It makes perfect sense though. He who is priceless, makes us priceless by welcoming us into personal relationship with Him! I am sure we can all easily name the baggage we carry from the sins and illnesses in our lives. For me it’s not about that though. He looks at me in the eyes, the window to my soul, and welcomes me in! Powerful!

  2. LaurenC_ says:

    The word that came into my mind during prayer this morning was authenticity. There are big areas of my life in which I need to live with more authenticity. Being my true self, fully loved and accepted and FORGIVEN by our Lord – not what others think I should be/do/say or what I think others think I should be/do/say. Reading the account of Jesus in the temple, overturning the tables, is a perfect example of authenticity. All the posturing & competition between the people inside was not what The Lord had in mind and Jesus had had it! He called them out of their meaningless ways, their empty words & promises, their “acts of faith.” I picture myself overturning tables in my mind which represent the sin, fear, doubt, worry, and lack of trust I’ve held between The Lord and me. I want to live an authentic life with The Lord at my center, my heart of hearts. What am I so afraid of? The Lord is FOR ME. Consequently, after reaffirming my faith & turning it back over to The Lord, satan has done his best to torment me with his lies all afternoon, inflicting huge amounts of emotional pain on me, using his usual people & tricks to get to me. I won’t allow that to happen. I will rise above his lies & listen to the one voice of truth! I will come into the temple and stand firm with our Lord, the voice of truth and authenticity. I am worthy, I am loved, I am forgiven. All by His grace. Hosanna in the highest!

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      " I picture myself overturning tables in my mind which represent the sin, fear, doubt, worry, and lack of trust I've held between The Lord and me. I want to live an authentic life with The Lord at my center, my heart of hearts. What am I so afraid of? The Lord is FOR ME." LaurenC_, I hear what you are saying, Jesus cleaning out those who were defiling God's house was meant not to drive them away, but to drive them to true authentic faith and worship. All of us need the Lord's cleansing daily, so we seek him that He can fill up the spaces left once the tables are removed. Blessings on you this Holy Week!

  3. Carolynmimi says:

    If I have already posted the following. Please overlook it and forgive me. I tried to edit and something happened… here I go again. Hope it is not the 3rd time.

    Outside today it is cold and snowy, a strange way to move from Palm Sunday to Monday of Holy Week, but as I read the scripture, the beautiful devotional thoughts, with all the comments from SRT travelers, I am touched by the whiteness of the snow.  God's choice of landscapes may be unseasonable here in Kentucky, but it covers a multitude of imperfections and renews the soil beneath.  It is a reminder that I am made white as snow by the precious blood of Christ and renewed like the Spring to come.

    Sometimes I think I am way too hard on the Pharisees, probably because it scares me that I share some characteristics with them.  Who were these Pharisees?  Religious, law abiding, monotheistic, rigid, pious men.  On the surface and mainly even deeper, men trying to get right with God. Where did they get off track?  Why did Jesus challenge them so often?  Before the beginning of this week, already some of them were meeting with their theological adversaries the Sadducees to kill Jesus, but not all of them.  

    How am I like them?  How can I cleanse myself of the yeast of the Pharisees?  [JuneBug in her entry today examines Jesus cleansing of the temple with the Jewish preparation of the home for Passover.]. I had never looked at that before, but now see it clearly.  One reason I love this group.  

    Jesus longs to cleanse me of the yeast of the Pharisees–finger pointing,condemnation, unforgiveness, exclusivity, elitism.  It is so easy to identify with the lame, impoverished, sick, Jesus invited into the cleansed Temple, because I am all that. I do, however, act like a Pharisee, at times. Ouch! 

    The thing is Jesus would have welcomed the Pharisees who recognized their need for his healing.  The ultimate yeast of those Pharisees who would reject Jesus was their inability to admit their need for the Savior. 

    I pray for all of us that we may never think we have it all together as Christians.  The moment I think I need Him least is the instant I need Him most.  May this week's journey cleanse me inside and out so that I can worship from my need.

  4. Julia says:

    wow! you girls rock!! thanks for all of the prayers & well wishes. fyi.. my first bible is a beauty:):) it was a very difficult decision, to say the least!! 90 minutes later in the christian bookstore, and i am the proud owner of the NLT everyday matters bible for women. thanks again girls :)

    1. Cathy says:

      A brand new Bible – what a blessed way to start your day tomorrow! =)

  5. Brandi says:

    It's overwhelming when I think that His desire is for me. To imagine myself outside of that temple. . .always being left out, feeling unworthy, then to have the Christ, the One hailed moments earlier as King, with shouts of Hosanna, the One doing all the healing, all the miracles, the One with so much compassion . . . To have Him look at me, speak to me, invite me in to be with Him in a place I have never got to go before, least not without having to pay for something . . Just because He loves me and desires me to be with Him and He is paying the ultimate price for me. Wow.

  6. Stephanie says:

    I loved this, looking forward to reading along with the rest of the plan.

  7. LaShaunda says:

    As I read all of your comments I am mmensely overwhelmed with joy because we are able to come together as women of faith and love on one another in a variety of ways. This forum is yet another confirmation for me that God is real and His love penetrates through everything and anything.
    My prayer is that God will continue to bless each of us, that we will in turn bless God through obedience and love, and that He would allow us to grow leeps and bounds as a result of these daily devotionals and the relationships we’re building with one another.

    1. Sue :-) says:


  8. Ellen MR says:

    At a time I am most definitely feeling ” the least”, it is immensely reassuring that Jesus invites me in, welcomes me, confirms my place with Him. I don’t have a lot to offer but my heart IS humbly seeking Him. And He becomes my strength and my hope. He calms me and heals that which is broken- my spirit. My body may not be healed in this life, but if I cling to His word and His promises, He WILL heal my broken heart and spirit.
    Thank you Lord for your Son.
    Thank you Jesus for choosing us- The Least!
    Prayers for all my SRT Sisters, new and old alike! You WILL be blessed, those who are just joining. You won’t regret it! :)