
Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:1-11, Revelation 7:9-10

Text: Matthew 21:1-11, Revelation 7:9-10


In this week of Jesus’ triumphal entry, betrayal, trial, crucifixion, burial and resurrection, we will find that the Holy Scriptures are rich and ample to narrate history and rend our hearts for the love of our Savior.

So often in our studies together, we seek to allow the scriptures to enter our hearts and ask, “What does this mean for me?” This is one important way to read scripture. But for this Holy Week, let’s allow our hearts to enter into the text – to live and breathe these real and historical events – and ask the Holy Spirit to teach us through it.

This is the story of Jesus. Let us be wrecked, be changed, and find ourselves in humble worship of our Savior.

Day 1: Hosanna!

We see moments, memories, and our days in these tiny singular scopes – as they are happening, how we are feeling, and what we are seeing. We go about both our day-to-day lives and our spiritual lives encompassed in the here and now, because our Father made us that way – human.

In the flesh. In the moment.

Paul, in 1 Corinthians 13 describes this as seeing someone in a mirror dimly lit, but eventually we will see the whole thing – like looking at one another face to face.

I try to picture Jesus, fully man and fully God, looking at that crowd crying, “Hosanna!” He had the ability to be all in that moment and to receive their feeble worship, but He also had the scope of eternity through which to view this moment. He knew the pure worship of the angels from His heavenly Kingdom and He could have (even then) perfectly described the day when He will eventually receive our pure worship at His return.

When they cried “Hosanna” (which means, “Save us!”), as they threw their cloaks down and as the donkey’s feet trod across the palm branches, only He knew the full weight of what they were asking.

Only He knows the full weight of what we need when we cry out to Him today.

We can only imagine the beautiful and loving way He considered His children even then, even as He knew what was ahead – even as He knew that their cries of “Hosanna” would turn to cries of “Crucify Him!” in a matter of days.

I wonder: from His seat on the donkey, did His mind go to that blessed day to come when we will stand before Him in white robes, His bride – all nations and tribes and colors and generations, proclaiming and declaring that our salvation did indeed come from Him?

For now, to know Him better, the best we can muster is to look behind and look ahead based on what His Word tells us – like we are looking at His face in a dimly lit memory-filled mirror. And yet, we can be assured – just like He did thousands of years ago as He walked to Jerusalem to take part in the events that would utterly change the course of history – when we cry “Hosanna! Save us!”, He will.

When our hearts betray us like the crowds eventually betrayed our Lord – He still saves.

Hosanna in the highest! Salvation belongs to our God.

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42 thoughts on "hosanna!"

  1. Tina says:

    When our hearts betray us like the crowds eventually betrayed our Lord – He still saves.

    ~this reminder warmed my tired heart. Thank you❤

  2. MamaRose says:

    Today I looked at the Bible on television and, of course, today's scripture reading is the self same story that appeared on television. Every time I read about the passion of Christ, I often wonder where I would have been in the crowd. I think I would have been one of those who came to see Jesus when I heard word that he was coming my way. I think that I would have fervently listened to what he had to say. After hearing him, I think I would have returned home and mulled over in my mind all I had heard. I think that every time, he came close to where I was living, I would have gone to hear him again and again. I think, at some point, I would have started to believe in his words. If who I am now is who I might have been during Christ time on earth, I know that I would have kept my thoughts to myself for the most part, only speaking with people who were of like mind, Would I have gone to see the terrible suffering he endured on the day he died? I don't think so, but I do know this. As I weep silently whenever I read or see a film rendition of those horrible events, I cry. Then I remind myself that what he did, he did for me and then I cry some more. I cry because he suffered so much, and I cry because he loved me so much. Within my tears are the salt of sorrow and joy.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      "The salt of sorrow and joy." Beautiful thought, MamaRose. Jesus spoke of us as salt in the world and as such our tears for the things that break the heart of God in the world or the things that bring choruses of celebration in heaven work to connect us to each other. This week brings both as we journey together. Blessings on you!

  3. PattyWard13 says:

    I imagine our Savior entering the city on the back of the donkey, His face filled with such Love & compassion for these people crying out to Him! How amazing is that Love!! Knowing that what is to come will unite Him with His Bride-to-Be! Lord, may I long for You as You long for me (or at least as much as my frail human flesh is able to). Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord!

  4. Natalie says:

    “When our hearts betray us like the crowds eventually betrayed our Lord – he still saves.”

    That excerpt made me think of 2 Timothy 2:13 – “If we are faithless he remains faithful because he can not deny who he is.”

    How reassuring it is to know that our faith is not in our faith, but in the faithfulness of God! Hosanna in the highest!

  5. Hayley says:

    Carolynmimi, your description was so thought provoking! I do think He saw each one of our faces that day as only an Omnipotent God could do! I think He saw our sinful souls and then a picture of our redeemed souls. Then Love poured out of Him in His blood on the cross for us! I’m overwhelmed by My Savior’s love!!

  6. Bethany G says:

    Just started this study. So blessed by it already!

    I have a big problem sticking with anything when it comes to Bible reading. WIll you ladies pray for me? That I will stick with this study each and every day. I want God to work in my heart! And I know the only way for that to happen is to be in His word and talking to Him daily.

    1. Carolynmimi says:

      Welcome Bethany. Hang in there with this group and you will be blessed. I certainly have been.

    2. MamaRose says:

      Bethany, you are in prayer that you meet your goal this wee.

  7. Blanca says:

    Thank you so much for this study. I’m glad I’m doing it with wonderful women. God bless you all.

  8. LaurenC_ says:

    Something I learned a few days ago during Songs of Ascent continues to resonate with me: Jesus endured this week and the cross not only because He loves us so much, but because He obeyed God. I believe He did see you and me, and millions of other lost sheep, during that parade into Jerusalem. God's will sacrificed Jesus, in the most painful way under Roman law, FOR US. As Madeleine said above "We can never meet Him and stay the same" – and this is the reason why. He knew what was coming but at the same time, He saw His Lord – our Lord – and obeyed. He saw US, and all of our sin, and CHOSE LOVE.

    Lord, thank You. Lead my heart into these scriptures this week and allow me to meet You where You want me. Hosanna in the highest!