a holy endurance

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 12:3-13

Text: Hebrews 12:3-13

“Yet whatever else it may be, Lent should never be morose – an annual ordeal during which we begrudgingly forgo a handful of pleasures. Instead, we ought to approach Lent as an opportunity, not a requirement. After all, it is meant to be the church’s springtime, a time when, out of the darkness of sin’s winter, a repentant, empowered people emerges.”
– the editors of Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter

When we are called into a time of fasting – whether physical or spiritual – we are called into a time of nearness to the Lord. Yet, as romantic as it sounds, this drawing near can be difficult, even excruciating. Yes, the surpassing joy of the Lord is there, indeed. But pain is often there, too. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

Reading this passage from Hebrews 12 in the context of Lent, I imagine the spiritual discipline of fasting as a literal loosening of our grip on sin. Long and slow, it is the painful opening of our heart and our hands so tightly wrapped  around our sin and self-sufficiency.

If Lent means “springtime” and “renewal,” it must be in part because we come to it as barren trees at the end of winter, stripped down and empty, desperate hands reaching to the sky, searching for sun, searching for life.

In this moment of purest need we are exposed and utterly vulnerable, broken so that Christ may enter into the deepest heart of our hearts.

The enduring is hard work and yet holy. It hurts, but we carry on because we know God’s love is sure. We know His faithfulness is real. We know our most intense sufferings can’t compare with His. And we know that He endured those sufferings for the love of us.

He endured for the countless times we would come home, empty and broken.
He endured to turn the harsh winter into a promise.
He endured to bring springtime to our cold, dead hearts.

He endured so that we can endure, by His boundless grace.

Praise be to God.

(56) Comments

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56 thoughts on "a holy endurance"

  1. AnnaLee says:

    SRT and everyone else's blogs have been SO huge in helping me in my walk with Christ this season. Today, I sat alone with God and asked that He'd change my heart– that instead of being tired and antsy about getting my bible study "done" so that I could get on with my day (it's so sad that it becomes that in my heart at times!), He'd give me a heart that lept for joy at the sound of His name. Boy, was He faithful! The Lord blessed me abundantly with so much truth. As I started to get antsy to stop bible studying so that I could have a hold on my life, He firmly told me, "AnnaLee, why won't you just let God be faithful?! You keep exchanging his truth and goodness for things so much less! Let him prove Himself faithful!" After that, I layed back and truly enjoyed time with Him.

    "The enduring is hard work and yet holy. It hurts, but we carry on because we know God’s love is sure. We know His faithfulness is real. We know our most intense sufferings can’t compare with His. And we know that He endured those sufferings for the love of us."

    Girls, please pray for me! My lent includes fasting from a meal of the day and from eating when I'm bored– I'm trying to focus more on eating only beneficial things, eating with my family, and eating unto God instead. I get hangry at times when I'm not focused in Christ… pray that I'd step back from moments of being hangry and would only rely upon Him. This is a new thing for me… and while it's hard, I've never felt so reliant upon Christ.

    1. Jenny says:

      I will pray for you…… Most interesting blog……. There are times in my life when I too would rather watch tv. Then read my Bible, but ever since I have been reading SRT-I can't wait to read the Bible……

    2. Brendasan01 says:

      I too, will pray for you AnnaLee. Your posts always encourage me and it will be a privilege for me to lift you up in prayer. May The Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you.

      1. AnnaLee says:

        Thank you, girls. It's so appreciated.

  2. I am so curious about this "peaceful" fruit of righteousness. I presume it is referring to the fact that it can bring peace to those who obey. That while discipline is painful, and therefore seemingly unwanted, it comes with an amazing reward. I have to think this sense of peace relates somewhat to being (as a southerner) taught to say "yes, sir" and "no, ma'am", etc. As a kid, these words seemed humiliating — that we had to submit to our parents and other adults in this way. And so, you naturally resist complying (or at least I did, and I've seen this courtesy drilled into a number of kids since). But somewhere along the way, saying these words became natural. In fact, I realized one day in college when someone pointed it out, that I was saying these phrases without even knowing it. And now, I'm glad that, although I live in Indiana where nobody talks that way, those terms of respect are part of my natural vocabulary. They're just part of who I am. And that does give me a sense of peace because this discipline reminds me and tells others who I am.
    I pray that my spiritual disciplines – followed somewhat out of knowing I should do them – will just become more and more a part of who I am. And that one day I'll fully understand the peace that comes with the fruit of righteousness.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      "They're just part of who I am. And that does give me a sense of peace because this discipline reminds me and tells others who I am." Amen, Jessica. I pray that through this lent season, as we sometimes struggle with what we've given up (or struggle with focusing on what we've added on), we'd be encouraged that this is God preparing us for Himself and for the good works He has planned for us ahead. It will all become a part of who we are. Hallelujah.

    2. Christina says:

      That peaceful fruit of righteousness intrigued me, as well, Jessica! I began praying, "Lord, how much "later" (according to the ESV) does this peaceful fruit show up? I don't think I have it. I may need you to send me some pain!" OK, well, maybe I'd really rather not pray for pain, but I want to live my life within that peaceful fruit. I realized yesterday, after reading and praying through this passage and then applying it to my day with my kids that adhering to the discipline that He has already enacted upon us takes our reliance upon His Spirit and our willingness to fight… fight to remember what He has shown us is true in His Word, fight to withstand temptation by the Spirit's power, fight to speak His truth to ourselves in the midst of the trying moments. In that fight, armed with God's full armor (Eph. 6) and the power of the Spirit, is peace and discipline. :)

  3. Hebrews 12:12 is such a rich, encouraging exhortation…"Therefore! Lift your drooping hands, strengthen your weak knees! Make straight paths for your feet! Let what is lame be healed!" (paraphrased). The writer is pushing us towards an active faith, and I love it.

    With spring starting to whisper itself into the corners of Kansas, I found myself getting really, really excited about verse 11. Reminding myself that God disciplines through the barren winter in order to bring a beautiful springtime and a bountiful harvest.

    Lent is about pruning away our dead growth, allowing God to cut away the things that hinder our relationship with Him. Pruning is painful, but new growth can't happen without it!

    1. shelly says:

      Your comments remind me of a CS Lewis quote.

      Anything that isn't dead in your life can't be resurrected!

  4. Shannonwe says:

    verse 4 really stuck out to me: 'In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood." What a reminder that we are not perfect like Jesus and very deserving of the Lord's disciplines!

  5. lauren says:

    Thank you for sharing this! Just the confirmation I needed. The start of this lenten season has been so hard for me. Glad to know its apart of the process!

  6. Johanna says:

    Beautiful imagery and stunning truth! Thank you. My winter weary soul needed this today.

  7. heathermkneisler says:

    "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but it later yields the peaceful truth of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." We must be broken, so He can enter in. Love this reminder not to grow weary. Thank you!

  8. DeeJG says:

    Wow! I am so blessed by reading each and everyone of these comments. They are an additional devotion to me. I receive so much love and encouragement through your words. I am a new reader to SRT and I can't begin each day without having my prayer/devotional time with SRT.

    1. tina says:

      Welcome DeeJG, welcome….x x