I used to really love the law (Exodus 20:1–17). I remember enthusiastically singing the Ten-Commandments song “The Perfect Ten” at school and church with the confidence of a child whose Christian walk was just beginning.
Number one, we’ve just begun: God should be first in your life!
Number two’s the idol rule: those graven images aren’t nice.
I’d assure myself as I sang…
Number three: God’s name should be never spoken in jest.
Number four: the Sabbath’s for our worship and for rest.
So far, so good. Our family was known for nothing if not for our Sunday naps.
Number five: we all should strive to honor father and mother.
Number six: don’t get your kicks from killing one another.
Number seven: life is heaven when you’re true to your mate.
Number eight: don’t steal and break this rule for goodness’ sake!
Number seven was easy—I didn’t even have a mate!
Number nine: don’t be the kind who goes around telling lies.
Number ten: don’t covet when you see your neighbor’s house or wife!
I was doing so well. It had never occurred to me to covet my neighbor’s wife. In my mind I would sing that song with a full band playing behind me—like a victory song. I was delighting in God’s law because it was just so keepable! But as I grew to understand the law, I began to understand how difficult it was to follow.
I thank God that He brought me out of the age of check, check, check into the maturity of, If this is the measuring stick, I will never measure up. And even more, I’m thankful He didn’t leave me there with my checklist. When God mercifully, gradually granted me eyes to see how readily I broke His law by commission, omission, and flat-out rejection of Him, the big band musicians in my head began to slowly lower their instruments and solemnly take their seats. I wasn’t delighting in God’s law at all. I had been delighting in my “keeping” of His law.
But my delight hasn’t gone away; it has instead shifted and matured. Now, my soul finds rest in knowing that the law has been fulfilled by Christ on my behalf. Because of Jesus, the law no longer justifies or condemns us—it frees us and becomes our guide for thankful obedience to the One by whom we are justified.
Do you get that? If the law is our measuring stick, every one of us will be found unrighteous. But Jesus kept God’s law perfectly, imparting His righteousness to us so that when we are measured, we, too, will be counted as righteous—as perfect law-keepers!
Now, when I catch myself humming that childhood ten commandments tune (or teaching it to my children), I hear it differently. Not as a reminder of what I have to do, or even as a condemnation of what I can’t do. I hear it now as an assurance of what He has done, and as the kindest, clearest roadmap to the heart of the Father. He makes me righteous, and I delight in pleasing Him. “Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping [His] statutes!” (Psalm 119:5, ESV).
Lord, I love your law. “With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth” (v.13, ESV).
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176 thoughts on "Happy Are Those Who Keep His Decrees"
this has changed my perspective!!
True words to live by! Following these commands can only enrich your life and the lives of those around you! ❤️
This is a great testimony ❤️❤️
loved it
I have a newborn baby and am adjusting to motherhood. Thank you for creating this study. I am excited to dove into 119. ❤️
True happiness comes from the obedience of following God’s commands. Even when I slip up, these laws are a reminder of God’s grace
Delight! Oh how I long to meditate and delight in His statues. In seeking Him. Not seeking to follow a set of rules.
I am blessed, blameless & beloved by the blood of Jesus!
So thankful for this reminder! I find myself wanting to please the Lord by trying to follow the commandments to a T and constantly failing. We don’t need to be perfect because he is for us!
True delight in God’s law comes from meditating on what it means that Jesus fulfilled it!
Without Him , I have nothing!
The joy of growing in the Lord and leading to love his word (and law) in each walk of life.
How amazing is it that when we fail – it’s okay – because Jesus is perfect and we can delight in in Him!❤️
I’m so glad that we’re not bound by the laws but that we do have freedom in Jesus whom we obey ❤️
Lord help me to DELIGHT in Your Word more than my grandkids, family, comfort, convenience, singing, sports…
Enjoyed it very much.
I feel so much peace in my heart after reading that. God is so good ❤️
God is so amazing ! His love for us is so amazing and unexplainable, I don’t deserve it and she still grants me the opportunity to be loved by Him no matter my mess ups, I’m so glad that I’ve been given a chance!
our God is so good❤️
Lots to chew on here ❤️
Even as we hope in you…
Jesus is so good to me ❤️
When I read the first line of how she loved the law my eyes bulged ! Lol but she was a child so I see that. As an adult / fully -mostly aware of my sin- inread the commandments and I’m almost brought to tears. Well, sometimes I am. I read those and am reminded that I reeallllly am in need of Jesus and I get overwhelmed with my sin. I get overwhelmed with my gratitude for Jesus. And I just can’t fathom how He could love me. ❤️
Love this picture of a staircase…taking it step by step, day by day…
Love this!
Thank you for the message definitely should stand firm in God because of all of the things he has done for me, He is the guide!
Thanks for this encouragement!
God is great and so are His commandments!
I’m so glad that post Jesus we are judged by relationship and not obedience. Not that we aren’t to obey, but, that when we mess up we have this awesome advocate that can help us!
I’m so overwhelmed! I just have a hard time believing or how to believe. Thanks for the thoughts on this! I will mediate on it.
“Not as a reminder of what I have to do, or even condemnation for what I can’t. I hear it now as assurance for what he has already done” ❤️❤️❤️ Yes! Thank you father that without you their would not even be this pursuit, but you call do me, drawing me in closer and closer. Help me to walk in your ways Father. Bless me with your steadfast love. You are so gracious. Mighty and gracious and worthy of never ending praise. ❤️
Mighty God …am in awe of your Love , it cannot be contained, I immerse my spirit in your Love right now ..for I know that I’d be in the right mind to do right …even when I fall I KNOW Your Grace will pick me up.
Thank you Lord for this reminder of your precepts. In the world we live in today we need your guidance and truth. I pray that we continue to walk in obedience and we do not waiver to the ways of the world. We will keep your laws and listen to your still small voice.
Lord teach me your ways. And I thank you and praise you because you are a MERCIFUL Father who is full of love and full of GRACE. Help me to be gracious as well. Help me to show love and mercy to my Husband, my children, and the world surrounding me. Send me your Holy Spirit who gives me both the will and the power to do all these things. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray. Thank you again my God, my King! Amen.
My heart is overwhelmed as I contemplate all that Jesus has done for me.
So so good. Thank you Jesus for doing it all for us. Praying my life would be a praise song to Him!!! Help me Lord!!
This is indeed the Goodness of God
A great message. I think this is truly a great daily reminder.
Favorite lines, “I wasn’t delighting in God’s law at all, I had been delighting in my ‘keeping’ of His law.”
Yes, that was mine as well! I look back and see many times where I fell into this cycle.
Dear Heavenly Father,
thank you for grace. Thank you for the ability to be able to delight in your ways. Please help me to revel in the fact that you have saved me because of your great love for me and not for what I have done. Forgive my rule following heart and help me to dig deeper into your mercy as I grow older day by day. I love you! In Jesus name, Amen.
This was one of those things God wanted me to see today ❤️
“A guide to thankful obedience.”
Beautifully said!
Love this so much. Thank you. ❤️
Great Message❤️
Powerful and timely
I almost cried reading this. This is so powerful!❤️
I felt so valuable to God while reading theses verses ❤️
I’m new to the whole Bible Study and find myself at times questioning my understanding and even lost in the message. I know that God is leading me on my journey and placing powerful tools to help me in my walk to learning God’s teachings and truth. In this day 1 study, it was nice to read the devotional by Raechel Myers, which helped me to relate to the measuring stick and the feeling of not measuring up, and now understanding that because “Jesus kept God’s law perfectly, imparting His righteousness to us…”
God’s love is unconditional
Natalie, I also find myself getting lost in the message every now and then. I’m glad this awesome message spoke to your heart. It’s pretty amazing ❤️
Wow how powerful this word of God is
Heather Wells—yes, you’re correct!
Hi! So I didn’t grow up in church like many gals I know, so it’s been super hard keeping up with the commandments and learning to walk in my faith. I’m writing them down, so I can keep them close to me and read them at all times
To seek the Lord with my whole heart…that is my prayer…to know His precepts❤️
this is a great reminder of his unconditional love for his children. i worry so much about my life and the future when i can release that to him because of what he did for me on the cross. amen!!
Stay encouraged! Jesus Loves you and he has a plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11
You can release the burden and he is there with you. Prayers for you Dania
Great message. I’m looking forward to seeing what God wants to say to me personally through the study and how to apply what he reveals.
This reading today really hit home for me. I used to love the Ten Commandments song, but have never but it into this frame of reference. It has certainly opened my eyes, so now when I sing it, I will not see what I can’t do, but what He has done for me.
Is anyone else having trouble with the App loading up day 2? I can only read day 1.
Yes -same
Yes! I’m going to try the website shortly.
Yes, I’m also having trouble….. decided that maybe I was being told I needed to read and reflect on day 1 a bit more!!
Yes, I thought it was just me…
Yes. Still having trouble uploading it.
Same here..there is no day 2.
Top of the morning everyone. I just wanted to say that this passage was right on time. I needed this validation towards my renewed walk with God. I pray that everyone took something out this passage towards your personal journey.. Peace and love ❤️
This study book is so beautiful! I am so looking forward to studying this Psalm in depth!
I know and sing that song too! From the children’s play Angels Aware, right? We have some pretty funny old family videos from our performance as a few of my siblings had to come in as stand ins and were not prepared for it. Ha! Thanks for your thoughts. I agree, Jesus is the reason why we can rejoice! We can try to live our lives in according to what the law states out of thankfulness to him.
Wow! I feel like I could reread today’s devotion over and over again. I struggle to stay tethered to the Word. A lot of times my time in the Word is a roller coaster that follows my emotions. I want to delight in the law just like today’s devotion said! I love Psalm 119, and I’m excited to dive into it over the next two weeks.
I have purchased bible studies before, but this is my first bible study where I feel a connection. I don’t fear being judged for not memorizing scriptures. I was raised in the church
Somehow hit send too soon. Anyway…I feel a lot of shame for not maintaining my upbringing and I am still searching for a church. I grew up Anglican/Episcopalian so I love the beauty of the ceremony (I was an acolyte) and the smaller congregation but I am enthralled by the music and emotions in a modern non denominational church but none have really felt like a home so I hope that these bible studies will help me find the church within.
Visit goingfarther.net and click on church locator. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association maintains that site to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, courses to help us grow as Christians, and a searchable database to help us find a local church to connect with other believers.
So glad you’re here! We’re all just trying to learn more and grow in our faith. So thankful He meets is right where we are!! That shame is from the enemy, friend. Keep seeking Him!
Hi Thessel! Thank you for sharing! I wanted to encourage you and let you know that I’ve been right where you’re at. You can trust that God is good above all, and loves you so much. Find a place that teaches the Bible, where you can serve the body and have deep community with others – that is Christ’s church ❤️
I completely understand what you’re saying. I too was raised in an episcopal church (also an acolyte!) and before I went to a nondenominational/evangelical church I had memorized only the Bible verses necessary for the annual Christmas pageant which I seemed to land the narrator role for each and every year even though I desperately wanted to play the Virgin Mary. Now, I read my bible (also had never done this!) and I find that same sense of emotion during services when the worship team is performing.
Hi thessel hyango, with covid lots of churches have gone online, so you might find one there if you’re searching. I attend a non denominational evangelical Christian church which I absolutely love… (I grew up Anglican too) .. here is the link if you want to check out our online services. https://www.barandudacommunitychurch.org/
I’m happy to be here on day 1 of this study. I look forward to seeing all that God has to show us as we look to His word.
(v. 1) Happy (Blessed) are those who walk according to the LORD’s instruction… decrees… precepts… statutes… commands… judgments… word… delight in all of it (v.16). (Today’s reading condensed)
The psalmist seems to find joy in all types of the words of God—His law, His promises, His just judgments, His revelation. God’s word reveals His character. Could it be that the many names used here to represent the words of God foreshadow His complete Word—the Word made flesh—the image of the invisible God and the exact imprint of His nature? Could the Holy Spirit be inspiring the psalmist to delight in the entirety of the word of God as the revelation of God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ? As we delight in His Word, we delight in His character and we are transformed increasingly into the image of Jesus Christ, which causes us to circle back to delighting in His Word and repeating the cycle in ever-growing faith and maturity. In light of the New Covenant, Psalm 119 points us to Jesus, not only as the fulfillment of the law, but as the personification of the entirety of God’s Word. Delighting in His law leads to dependence and desire for God Himself and His Son. And the irony is that the more we depend on Him, the more we look like Him without striving to keep the law.
I just found out that Abby’s sister, the girl I asked for prayer for above, had a cancerous brain tumor. She needs prayer too!
I’ve been struggling to spend time in the Word and in prayer. This last week I committed to spend the majority of my time focused on putting forth the effort to “return to my first love”. I’m grateful for SRT and this study. I’m new, so I’m not sure how it all works. I will admit, reading scripture on my phone, is not comfortable for me. I prefer my bible. It’s too tempting to slip over to social media, which I’m trying to give up. I feel it’s imperative to put as much time into gleaning from the Word as I can. Thank you.
I so understand the struggle with reading on a phone. That’s one reason I subscribed to the books, so I didn’t have to use the phone to look up the readings. Because it is soooo easy to open up that addicting game or scroll thru social media. I just wanted you to know you do not struggle alone sister!
I love getting the study books for that very reason! I write and mark all over them, and at the end of the study I transfer the most important things into my Bible. I use my phone for the essay reading.
Tara I too have trouble reading scripture on my phone. So I follow the plan and read it in my bible instead of on my phone.
Everyone I am asking for prayer for Abby Oliver. My friend sent information to me saying that at 4 AM, she had a horrific seizure. That led to a stroke. She was life flighted and is paralyzed on her right side and had a blood clot on her left ventricle of her brain. This is a very dangerous time! She is only 15! Please pray! I’m asking God for a miraculous healing and divine intervention. May He be glorified in this and may this draw many to salvation.
Praying for Abby!
Praying for Abby!
I never post and I am hesitant to do it now, but this thought came into my head when I read about Abby- don’t know if it is from God or not :). But, I recall reading that Dr Bryzenski clinic in Houston, Texas has had good results in testing certain types of brain cancer. Your friends family might want to check this out. And I am praying for her as well.
Prayers for Abby! ❤️
I just started. This is my first study. I’ve never been into reading the Bible but this was recommended to me by a friend. Looking forward to some growth.
Welcome!!! I suggest listening to the podcasts too! Every Monday they release a podcast based on that weeks community reading!!! Gets you fired up about the week ahead!!!
Welcome, Susan! Psalm 119 is a great study to get involved in. I am so excited about it. It’s beautiful, and I can’t wait to dive in. Glad you are here!
Love this invitation to be guided by Christ…. the freedom to delight in what He has done and the follow Him in His beautiful paths
Lord, may my hunger for you never be fully filled. May I always have a deeper desire to spend more time with you and deepening our relationship. Thank you for not leaving me when the things of this world pull my attention from you and my my eyes and heart always lead to you.
Oh, I love this. I’m going to take a screenshot so I can remind myself of this prayer often. Thank you for sharing!
wow, agreed! thanks for sharing your heart!
Where do I find podcast at
You know I had never really thought of it the way the devotional section described the Ten Commandments. God gives us a blueprint of how to live, BUT He doesn’t expect us to be perfect and He sent Jesus to make us “blameless”. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m constantly seeming to mess up in one way or another, so that makes me so excited and so thankful!!
This is my second study(the first one was Trust in the Lord)ok, it was a mini study that is really 5 days long.
As I was reading through the commandments , my mind went to how Jesus died so that I couldn’t mess up by trying to live out the commandments. He covered it all by going to the cross. How fortunate am I that he loved me so much before I even existed. Although we are no longer bound by the commandments they are wise words to apply to our lives the best we can. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me!
As I spent time meditating on the 10 commandments I came to the realization that these commands were pulling us from a place of receiving and onto a place of contentment.
I don’t know about you but I sometimes find myself in seasons of always wanting more.
Today I fix my eyes on Gods word and remind myself that Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Today I find contentment in my creator, my work, my husband, my family, my finances, my struggles, etc.
Lord, help me realize striving to always receive more will always leave me in a lonely place. You tell us this world can not satisfy.
You and you alone fill me up.
And with you “my cup overflows.”
Lord, I’m desperate for You!
This. Thank you for putting your thoughts out there, I was having a hard time finding the right words. After reading your comment though, it just felt right and fitting.
Turn my eyes upon Jesus
The law makes it easy to be a child of God. However, since we are broken children, we make it so tough. We rely on the worldly way of life, which is sin. But through prayer, we are able to talk with God and repent.
Lindsey C, I love how you put that!
Raechel wrote one sentence that really caught my my attention. “He makes me righteous, and I delight in pleasing Him.” I will be writing this on an index card and posting it up around my apartment along with several other cards. My associate minister said something last week and this week that stuck with me, “God is good, all the time. We’re not okay, and we don’t know that we will be. But by the grace of God we know we will be and that the only way we’ll get there is together.” He said this after his father had a stroke and after hearing it I have decided I need to write it down not just for me but for my sister too.
Have a bless Monday my SRT sisters.
I love how Psalm 119 reminds me that I will never be perfect, yet He gives me the tools to stop sinning against Him. Keep, seek, treasure, proclaim, rejoice, meditate, think, delight, and remember His word and He will bless, teach, and reveal Himself to you.
His perfect instruction = renewed life
His trustworthy testimony = wisdom
His right precepts = gladness
His radiant commands = light filled eyes
He always has been and always will be the answer.
If Jesus fulfilled the law and the Ten Commandments on our behalves, does that mean we don’t have to strive to keep them? Or do we keep them because we know if we do it will please Him?
We keep them because it is what is asked of us by our Father but the “shame” this Psalmist clung to has been taken, nailed to the cross and left there.
Psalm 119:8 really stuck out to me:
“I will keep your statutes; never abandon me.”
Because of Christ I can get rid of the “I will” and cling on to “I will try & if I fail, get back up and try again.”
But reguardless how many times I try and how many times I fail we must remember we never have to be in fear of being abandoned.
God knew we wouldn’t measure up.
So he gave up his one and only son for me. For you. For us.
Now that’s love ❤️
Beautifully and clearly stated, Moriah. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide me with clarification!
When I was reflecting on the scripture Exodus 20:6b “those who love me and keep my commands”
I felt moved to search through the scriptures and I found these verses that so brought happiness to my spirit and evoked what I was trying to say and think:
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
1 John 2:3 We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands.
MELISSA VIEYRA: Welcome to SRT and to a new walk with Jesus. May he bless your already changed heart with an increasing transformation each step of this new journey. We are sojourners on this path together!
I, too, have been out of the habit of daily meditation on God’s Word lately, and what a wonderful reminder of what I’ve been missing!
Father, please let my heart and mind be steadfast in your precepts, and help me to stay faithful in keeping your word in my heart, so that I will not stray far from you! ✨
As I read through today’s readings, I found myself being pulled toward the importance of connecting the gospel truths to these passages. I’m grateful the devotion brought in the beautiful and freeing truth that Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf. In our flesh we are utterly at a loss to “walk in the law of the Lord.” But in Christ…what a gift of righteousness we have been given!
And I also see the importance of the reminders through the epistles of the apostles that we should not have the mindset of cheap grace which might say, “Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?” I’m glad for Paul’s words here in Romans 6:1-4 where he answers that question: “By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”
Because we are new creations, we are no longer slaves to sin, though daily we still need to put it to death. But, what joy it is to know that we are now able to do so by the power of the Holy Spirit given to us! I pray for each of us sisters of SRT that we may delight in the word of God and walk humbly, gratefully and with faith that we do not “overthrow the law by this faith…on the contrary, we uphold the law” (Romans 3:31). We uphold the law, because Christ is upholding us!
I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve read the commandments. Im 40 years old. In October 2019 I found Jesus (again). I would feel ashamed, but instead I feel glad, I feel hope and love to have gotten here. Better late than never! This is my first study and I’m happy to be here with you all. ❤️
Welcome Melissa! We’re so glad you’re here, and praise God that he meets us and saves us when we’re lost ❤️
That is sooo awesome! Welcome!
Lord would you help me to delight in you and your commands know that my soul rests in your loving hands
I’ve missed the grounding of God’s Word in my life. It’s easy for me to get caught up on the brokenness of the world today and carry a burden on my back. When everything happened with George Floyd and the other events that lead up to Mr Floyd’s death, I couldn’t sleep well. I ordered this study about a week ago bc SRT was helpful to me when my family served overseas and I felt disconnected from the body. I received this plan, yesterday our sermon was from psalm 119 and about the life given in the laws and last night our family’s read aloud time in Little Pilgrims Progress was about Christian and Hopeful making it to the Celestial Gates and Ignorance being turned away bc he didn’t listen to the instructions on how to get the Roll that would allow him through the gates. It’s the Lord reminding me that I need to desperately seek his word to navigate these times and so I am able to walk with strength and truth
❤️ love this message today
I agree, so good!
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for Jesus, for without Him, we could not be with You. Help me to seek You with “with all my heart” so I can walk in Your ways.
Love that song Angie. He is so faithful. and so so good. Lord God may my words, my song be always about your goodness and praise Jesus for all you have done for this broken being and broken world. May it all be about You, your saving grace and redemptive love. Give me words that bless and a heart that obeys you Lord God. Get His song, His words stuck in your head Sisters, joy to this day!
Loved these truths ❤️
Lord give me a heart that hungers for your word.
What a beautiful prayer, LaShawn! Thank you!
So grateful for all His words that are hidden in my heart since childhood.
With my whole heart I seek you;let me not wander from your commandments! With all that is going on in the world this is my prayer! His light is a lamp to my feet! Excited to see what He will reveal to me..
How wonderful are Your ways!
How wonderful is Your Word and Your Law!
Help us to delight in You and delight in Your Word.
Forgive us for all the times we do not give You the glory You deserve.
When we fall short, cover us in Your mercy and grace.
Let us not fear Your discipline for it is out of Your fatherly love You discipline us. Walk with us today, in Jesus’s name, amen.
I too find it easy to focus on my own ability to keep His commands rather than focusing on the One who fulfilled it all. Reading these scriptures can make me feel super accomplished or really bad about myself if I’m just going on my own merit. But Jesus…..oh how thankful I am for His tender mercy and that He carries the load on His shoulder. If I get to know Him and trust Him, it all comes together.
Lord knows how much I needed this today.
I giggled a little while I was reading Gods law and saying “check” in my head and while she spoke about it in the devotional . I’m working on trusting .
What excellent reminders and reassurances!! The law is not a reminder of my short-comings, but a testament to all that Jesus did on my behalf!! Needed to hear this today!
I had an unpleasant dream and couldn’t go back to sleep so I’m up 1 whole hour early! But that’s OK as I was excited to start a new study! Happy Monday to you all my beautiful SRT sisters!
In light of all that’s going on today in the world, God’s word is the only thing that keeps my perspective from falling off the edge sometimes.
This was good ❤️
Meditating on today’s reading brought me a family image. Daddy God, head of the house puts forth rules. Rules to protect and keep his children safe from the entanglements of the world. Of course we all fall short. But we try, because we love our Daddy and want Him to be proud of us and say “Well done!” As we mature, we sit at the big table with the adults for dinner and we realize it is all about our precious time together as a family, His big family full of brothers and sister, cousins, aunts and uncles. We enjoy a splendid family feast whenever we are hungry! We delight in our family and all the love pouring over us. We are empowered to pour this love out on the hurting world. The feast is so abundant. We can invite anyone to join. Filled with joy, we sing and dance at the feast. In a quiet moment late in the evening, our Father reminds us that the price of the feasts is our brother’s blood. We must always remember the price of the celebration. But our Brother smiles at us and says “It’s ok, little sister. I would do it all again. For you. For all. So that we may celebrate together. Forever.” Thank you Father. Thank you Brother. For adopting me into Your holy family. I could sing of Your love forever.
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Beautiful hymn ❤️
When the laws of the Lord are disregarded, deception, disillusionment, discouragement, destruction and devastation result. Does history through the ages to the present time not reveal this? May we all return and recommit to viewing the Scriptures as the treasure they are and that we also would “rejoice in the way revealed by your decrees.” We must hold firm to the Truth. His way is best. His way is the only way.
Today’s reading reminded me of how alive and impactful the Word is in our lives (if we let it be). It blesses us, it helps our way to be blameless and pure, and it keeps us from shame.
Someone shared a new perspective with me this week… that Jesus didn’t die on the cross to protect us from God’s scary wrath, but to emphasize that HE IS our Savior. Why Christianity can be so fear driven and why we were taught in Sunday school to obey these laws rather than to emphasize that no matter how hard we try we will fall short… is beyond me! Remove the focus off of us, and put it back on Him. Time to set free that “secret” shame we have carried that we try and try but we will fail. I LOVE the emphasis on how God is FOR us, rather than on what we must do “to be good.”
I keep singing the words to the song, “I love you Lord, for your mercy never fails me. All my life, I’ve been held by your hand. I’ve known you as a Father. I’ve known you as a Friend. And I will sing of the goodness of God. All my life You have been faithful. All my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able. I will sing, of the goodness of God.”
Our good, good God. I long to live the days He gives me, with the breath He gives me, because of the love He has given me. Living loved and amazed every day.
I have also delighted in knowing that I was off the hook from the law, but now I can see that I was missing it. Our delight is Jesus. I should take delight in the fact that I have full access to intimate relationship with God & Jesus made it possible.
It’s so easy to try and “fix” or “correct” sin or negative behavior in myself through
*my to-do list rather than being in and meditating on the word, which is life. I am tempted toward perfectionism, but that’s not the standard I’m held to by God. That’s a standard I put on myself. No, I need to treasure God’s word!
I have gotten out of the habit of being in the word recently with a lot going on around me. There is such peace to be found in our soul when we are close to God and delighting in his commands. When we are seeking him with our whole heart. I know that Psalm 119. The study and the words are just what I need right now.
@kim YES! That’s good teaching right there!!
This was an exceptionally written reflection and made some concepts really stand out to me, even though I’ve been a Christian for 23 years now!
“I wasn’t delighting in God’s law at all. I had been delighting in my “keeping” of His law.” Oof, anyone else feel a knot of conviction in their stomachs at this quote?! So true! May I delight in God’s law and the righteousness he has bestowed upon me through His precious Son Jesus! Rather than break my back to follow His laws for the sake of perfection. May the Holy Spirit do the work in my soul to follow in the steps of Jesus and His path for me.
Yes! Totally!
Yes Blessed Beth, He has our backs, what a beautiful picture!
I can delight in His ways knowing that He already counts me as worthy. Psalm 119:12,14,16
He loves us now, and He is sanctifying us. We are invited and called to delight in Him and His perfect ways because we can share in fellowship with Him! John 17:1-4. John 10:4 and Nothing can separate us from His hand!
How intimidating are the first few verses of this Psalm?
As I read the first verse, I could feel myself shrinking, as I know, for sure, my life is not faultless.. by verse 3, just four lines later, I was beginning to feel a failure, a fraud. I was afraid to keep reading for fear of ALL my failures to be revealed.. Let me tell you, that would be ugly..ugh, real ugly..
But God..
Oh, But God..
He has taken my ugly, He has take my failures and replaced them, by the blood of Jesus, with a new, kinder, gentler, ‘me friendly’ covenant, that allows ME to come to Him with my mess, my ugly, my wrongs, my shame, my faults.
Understanding now, His Word, as I do, and am still learning, I get that though I may be faulty, though I may be messy, though I have done wrong, am not perfect, in Gods eyes and because of Jesus, I’ve just got to say that again, BECAUSE OF JESUS, my road and journey is easier to walk..the gentleness of His ways makes me want to be a better person, one who holds His statutes close, one who keeps her eyes on Him.
My favourite verses here are 11-12..I keep your law in my heart, that I might not sin against you..
I praise you O Lord; teach me your ways..
I love this!
I love because He first loved me..in that whilst I still sinned, He gave his life for my colossal sins, faults and messy life..
I change because He first changed me..by and in His Grace, Mercy, Love, Hope and Redemption…
All Praise to you Lord God. Thank you. Thank you..
Happy Monday sisters, wrapped in love and hope for a good and God blessed day..❤
I love this reminder of how imperfect I am, yet need not worry because God already knew that and loves me so much that sent a Savior. Oh it will be a wonderful day because He has my back and I can enter His presence 24/7. And these promises are for each of you also.
Amen, this is so well explained – His righteousness is a wonderful gift to us as we become ever more aware of our own unrighteousness!
SRT has been a blessing to me. My mindset changed as regards the ten commandments. Thank you for making my Bible study productive and different from what it used to be. Thank you for a wonderful community. God bless SRT,
I have only recently come to accept God. There are many days I have to concipusly remind myself to Thank Him and obey Him. I struggle with many if these rules everyday. But through Christ I am able to release my sins and be accepted as a Child of God in His new Covenant
I’ve been struggling. I beat myself up for a lot of my life. Of course, there are others that will let me know about myself too, Thank you for reminding me that Jesus changes everything! https://youtu.be/xU771D5AYWE
I loved this read. I was slowly getting away from my routine of reading every chance I had during my day. I needed to read this to remind me of how much I need to continue looking forward, walking in the Lords path. I should always be praising him for all he has blessed me with.
Thank you God for SRT and all you lovely ladies who make up the incredible community of SRT SHE’s !
Both have brought much insight and spiritual growth to me in the 3 1/2 years that I have been a part of it.
So much WISDOM from global She’s and SRT !
I thank all who post, and pray for those in need. It is a connection that I look forward to daily.