
Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 1:1-28, 1 Samuel 2:1-11, Philippians 4:4-7

Have you ever sobbed so hard that your body shook? Hot tears welling up from places you didn’t even know existed? Did you wonder if the tears would ever stop? I’ve cried tears like that. I’ve felt that kind of desperation, and yet somehow and in some way it’s there that God has proven He is exactly who He says He is.

In today’s reading we see that Hannah has been there too. As so many women who have come after her, Hannah was greatly grieved by her circumstances. “Deeply hurt, Hannah prayed to the LORD and wept with many tears” (1 Samuel 1:10). Through her story, we are given an example of what it means to approach God honestly with our pain.

God cares about our pain. He knows how many tears you and I have cried (Psalm 56:8). Just as He cared about Hannah’s deep pain, He cares about yours and mine too. God wants us to know what to do with our hurt, and that He will meet us in our suffering. We can start by taking our pain to Him in bold and honest prayer, just as Hannah did:

“LORD of Armies, if you will take notice of your servant’s affliction,
remember and not forget me, and give your servant a son,
I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life” (v.11).

God hears the cries of our hearts. “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and rescues them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17). He is worthy of our trust, which is something Hannah truly believed. Scripture tells us that after praying, “Hannah went on her way; she ate and no longer looked despondent” (1 Samuel 1:18). Hannah did not yet know whether God was going to give her a child, but she went away confident that He had heard her plea. As should we!

God comforts us in our pain. I understand the relief that comes from honest prayer. After losing my son, I prayed to God repeatedly, sobbing, “I want him back right now!” In that deep, unimaginable pain, I found Him to be the tender God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3). I also found that His Word is true; He truly “is near the brokenhearted; he saves those crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

We don’t need to be ashamed of our pain. When Eli accuses Hannah of being drunk, she tells him like it is: “I am a woman with a broken heart” (v.15). No excuses, no shame, no embarrassment. Sadness is part of the human condition that points to our need for a saving God. It is okay to be sad. Hannah’s honest prayer points to God’s reliable power and goodness. And so she declares, “There is no one holy like the LORD. There is no one besides you!” (1 Samuel 2:2).

God did give Hannah a son, yes, but more than that, He gave her the peace of His presence. He is with us as well. In His presence, may we learn to rejoice in Him always—regardless of our circumstances. May we learn to bring Him the deepest longings of our hearts, “through prayer and petition with thanksgiving. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” will be ours (Philippians 4:4,6–7). He waits to comfort us.

Maria Furlough is a wife and a mother to one amazing 11-year-old daughter, three rambunctious boys, and one baby boy who lives in the arms of Jesus. Formerly a full-time youth pastor, Maria now teaches women’s Bible studies and works as the Missions Team leader at Lake Forest Church in Huntersville, North Carolina. Maria is the author of Breaking the Fear Cycle: How to Find Peace for You Anxious Heart and Confident Moms, Confident Daughters. You can find Maria on Instagram or Facebook @MariaFurlough or online at www.mariafurlough.com.

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25 thoughts on "Hannah"

  1. Susan Merritt says:

    I am impressed with Hanna’s husband. He loved Hannah more than his other wife which probably meant he also wanted to have children with her. He allows Hannah to give up his only son and tells her to do what she thinks is best. In the story it also mentions that he yearly he would make the trip to the temple to make sacrifices. What a great husband! This is what it’s all about Christian couples supporting each other and following Christ with faith. I can see that in this relationship God was at the top. I hope and pray that in my relationship my husband and I can always be servant disciples of God.

  2. Janet C says:

    Such a beautiful reading this morning. What I noticed before I read the commentary was verses 17-18. Eli answered, “Go in peace and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked”. Eli didn’t say God will give you a child he just said Go in peace and may he grant you. Then Hannah went away and ate something and her face was no longer downcast. What I love about this is that God used Eli to encourage Hannah. To come alongside her and listen to her pain and then he said Go In peace. It was his prayer for Hannah. just like Dorothy said earlier about her aunt and uncle coming at her greatest time of grief, I trust that God brings us those opportunities to minister, comfort and pray for those in desperate need. Hannah didn’t go looking for Eli she went crying out to God and God used Eli. The community of believers is a great comfort, a family may we each take those opportunities and show Gods comfort. “Jesus with skin on” so to speak.

  3. Rachel Anne says:

    This was such a timely devotional for me, as my husband and I are beginning the process of fertility testing this very morning. When I woke up and saw that’ today’s devotion was about Hannah, I felt like that was a gift to me from God. My heart is pounding as I await results and our dreams seem so fragile right now. But I know that God is so good to us, no matter what the results show and no matter if our prayers are answered with the “yes” we so desperately long for. Clinging to God and His promises, and this devotional is helping me to do so! Thank you, LORD, for the truth of Your Word today and every day! You are Good!

    1. Allison B says:

      Praying for you, Rachel Anne, as you begin this journey.

      1. Rachel Anne says:

        Thank you Allison!

    2. Laurie Micali says:

      Praying for you Rachel Anne. I have been on that journey and my heart aches for you. I hope your outcome turns out as happy as ours did.

  4. LT says:

    Cheyenne- you may consider reaching out to the United Way for assistance; they’re a great organization: https://www.unitedway.org/

  5. Churchmouse says:

    There are mean girls in the Bible. This is not the first time we read of one woman taunting another because she can’t conceive. No empathy for another person’s suffering. Hannah turns to the One Who understands and can help. She takes all of her pain to God. She pours out all her emotion. Even in this honest and raw moment, she is misunderstood as a drunkard (boys can be mean too). But Hannah is undeterred. She proclaims her innocence and the reason for her emotional plea before the Lord. She admits her “anguish and resentment” over her barreness and the taunting. She is also undeterred in her worship. Despite the depth of her suffering, she continues to worship. What an example for me to do the same. Before she receives the answer to her prayer, she bows in worship as she always has. Hannah is blessed with a son. She keeps her vow to the Lord, gives her beloved boy in service to Him, and she worships in yet another heartfelt prayer. May I bookend my prayers in worship also.

    1. Melissa Graves says:

      So true, Churchmouse. Hannah is such a wonderful example of perseverance in prayer and steadfastness in faith and focus. Hannah’s story is a wonderful reminder to me as I persevere in prayer for friends and family and trust the Lord for His answers.

  6. DOROTHY says:

    When Maria started out with “Have you ever sobbed so hard that your body shook? … Did you wonder if the tears would ever stop?” I knew I had to read on because I had been there and done that. I remember the exact day, September 1, 2003. It had rained that Labor Day weekend so much there was flooding. My two sons and my older son’s best friend had decided to go out on August 31, 2003 (the after my older son turned 18) and try to swim across a creek that was way out of it’s banks. (I later found out it was running at about 85 miles an hour.) Well apparently Tim, my older son’s friend, made it across so my older son decided to try. He didn’t make it. My younger son went for help. (I later found out that he was going to go after his brother but he told me “something” told him not to. I believe that something was God.) They didn’t find my older son, George’s, body until the next day – September 1. I remember them coming in and telling me. I cried so hard. I was a single mom and was living with my parents at the time. My parents were in Chicago visiting my oldest bother. The other thing I remember so well is that within five minutes of them telling my aunt and uncle who had lost a son at the same age walked in the door. They were Christians, and though I had many Christian family and friends around at the time they were the ones I went to because they knew what I was feeling. God does things for a reason. We may not always know why at the time but He does and we have to be patient and wait to find out.

    Bless you all my sisters in Christ.

    1. Christina Bennett says:

      Thank you for sharing such a difficult experience. How beautiful that God sent in your aunt and uncle to comfort you just when you needed it the most. ❤️

    2. Cristy Harris says:

      May God continue to bless and comfort you Dorothy. Thank you for sharing. And thank the Lord for his provision.

    3. Lucy Rinehart says:

      I can’t imagine a loss like yours. I’m so sorry for it. You are such a light to me today. Your strength is challenging me to be strong in my current circumstances. Thank you, thank God!

  7. Kristen says:

    Thank you for this great devotional. I also lost a baby girl. She was stillborn. I actually found out about salvation the Sunday after we buried her. Her life and every life has a purpose. She helped me to really learn about what Jesus did. I grew up Catholic and went to CCD classes, but didn’t actually get what Jesus’ death and resurrection were actually about. Of course, as the song says: I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that Cross. However, I imagine Him seeing and feeling every sin every committed. How horrifying. How amazing is our Savior? Let’s give Him praise and glory today! He is worthy! I also had a miscarriage. I have hope to see both children again thanks to Jesus and God’s Grace. https://youtu.be/O7YmD00iAzU


  8. Cheyenne Williams says:

    Please help me out. Anything helps :) gofundme.com/help-cheyenne-stay-in-her-apartment