
Open Your Bible

Habakkuk 3:1-19, Isaiah 40:25-31, Hebrews 4:16

This is the last week of This Is the Old Testament! Next week, we’ll continue our thematic overview of the entire Bible with This Is The New Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Habakkuk? The book of Habakkuk is a small collection of conversations between the prophet Habakkuk and the Lord. Habakkuk addressed God on behalf of the people of Judah concerning both the Babylonian devastation of Judah and Babylon’s coming day of judgment.

How Habakkuk Fits Into the Story: The book of Habakkuk addresses the common struggle to understand God’s actions in the world, while calling us to faith in God’s good purposes. Habakkuk’s message that the righteous will live by faith prepared the way for the greater understanding of this truth in the New Testament’s emphasis on salvation through faith in Christ. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. Describe a time when you personally walked in the tension of seeking clarity from God, while trusting Him in faith.
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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56 thoughts on "Habakkuk"

  1. Lydia Christian says:

    I think a big part of it for me is knowing that when He mentions His people, He is mentioning us. God’s promise to Abraham to make him a father of many didn’t just men Israel, it meant the people made family through a descendant of David, which is Jesus. Also, I look for how the promises are fulfilled in Christ. I hope that helps, and know that it’s okay to struggle.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I clung to God during my long season of singleness. I trusted in his faithfulness and good plan for my life. He answered my many prayers by sending my amazing husband into my life. ❤️

    1. Cami K says:

      This is what I put as well but the answer has been a no so far. In my forties now and my whole life I have wanted to be a wife and mother. I trust that he has the best plan for my life. People often wonder why but I ultimately know He has the best plan for me and I trust Him.

  3. Bridget Vaschak says:

    Hi SRT Sisters…
    I have a question that I struggle to articulate the answer to:
    As we read through the OT and the warnings and promises God gives to his people Israel, how do you get from what He said to a “collective people” to a very personal application of His word?

  4. Claire B says:

    Good afternoon SRT friends. I hope your day has been fruitful and calm. I so appreciate having an extra group of prayer warriors. What would we do without our fellow believers. I ask for prayer for my rotator cuff surgery tomorrow at 7:30 Central and for my physical therapy which starts the next day. At 65 I feel like my body is against me, lol. I may not be able to type but I will be keeping up. Blessings

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying for you Claire! Praying for a smooth surgery procedure and a quick recovery.

  5. Victoria E says:

    @Hope Trent- here is a verse for you today in your TWW :) : “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” Is 30:

  6. Dorothy says:

    I will rejoice in all that the Lord has done for me and given me. The Lord has been good to me and never left me even in the hard and difficult times. Yes, I have questioned the Lord, and wondered why many times but He has always been there.
    Father, I know You will always be at my side through thick and thin. I know You are my One true friend I can count on. Amen.
    Have a blessed week sisters.

  7. Victoria E says:

    So many incredible testimonies here. It is simply humbling and awe inspiring to see how the Lord has worked in each of your lives while waiting in those difficult seasons. Hope Trent and Chelsea Keeton, we are also waiting for God to give us a baby, our first. It has been so hard for me, especially after our miscarriage, but already I can see how God is using that to draw me closer to Him. Sisters please, continued prayer for blessing on the IVF embryo transfer we had last week is much appreciated.

  8. Foster Mama says:

    Oh, my Sisters!!!…I have a million things to say to you but will try to limit…What a blessing EACH of you is in my life! What a gift it is to pray for one another and lift one another up in faith, in various stages of our journeys… together through the ebbs and flows!

    I have prayed with each of you and will come back tonight!

    I have ALWAYS loved and enthusiastically recited Hab 3:17-19… even had it on my fridge, handwritten!! But, this morning, I feel God grinning sweetly at me: “So, Baby Girl, do you mean it?! Are you ready to trust Me with this tree that you think that YOU planted, even if you don’t see all the fruits / flowers / leaves you think it should have? I
    working . I am always working, my Child.”

    I trust you Jesus. I do. Forgive me.
    Thank you for this peace. Have mercy on me. I believe…help my unbelief. Thank you for every word I have been honoured to pray from each comment below, feeling like I’m genuinely holding the hand of each sister. Lord, hear the rumblings in each of our hearts and disperse anything that isn’t from You! Amen

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen, Foster mama !