graced + gifted for God’s body

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 4:1-16

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 4:1-16
Repetition is a proven way to help us learn and remember important points.  When you read through these 16 verses, you might notice some repetition.  The word “one” is used 10 times–give or take, depending on which translation you are reading.It is used to show unity: one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism.  It is used to speak directly to us individually: he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ. (v. 7, NLT).  It is again used to tell of Christ: He who descended is the very onewho ascended higher than all the heavens (v. 10, NIV).All three of these uses are important as we look at this section of scripture: we are called to use what He has given us for His glory.Each one of us have been given unique gifts.  Take time to ask the Lord to reveal these gifts in your life.  Let’s take a look at the gifts mentioned in this passage: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, shepherd and teacher.And now, what are we to do with these gifts?
It is easy for us to become silos: focusing on our own gifts and not the unity of the body of believers.  It is easy to become isolated, because community means being vulnerable and potential for hurt.  It is easy to assign these jobs to paid positions or volunteer roles or jobs.  I love verses 12 and 13:

…to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.  This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. (NLT, emphasis added)

We must be moving forward, maturing in our faith daily, so that we can be discerning and not easily swayed or knocked down.  As we mature, our heart becomes more like His, and we come unified as one.  And that unity is only possible when we are focused on the one who brings us together.  It is He who blessed us with these gifts, and it is for Him that we need to use them.

  • Ask God to reveal the gifts given to you: not for show or gain, but for His glory and ministry.
  • Verse 11 lists the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.  Jesus is the perfect example of each of these gifts, as he spent time as man here on earth with us.  What passages of scripture tell us more about Jesus as prophet.  Jesus as the Good Shepherd.  Jesus as evangelist.  Make a list of how he displays these gifts.
  • Maturity is difficult: it requires a daily discipline of vulnerability and humility and consistency.   Think of all the things that are good for us, but difficult to maintain: eating well, exercising, spending time daily with God.  Write out some goals for yourself, tangible goals, to help mature you in your faith.  That your heart may become like His.
  • We are a community, made up of incredible, gifted women.  Find someone-a friend, pastor, mentor, community member-to help you evaluate your gifts and how they can be used in the body of Christ.
(25) Comments

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25 thoughts on "graced + gifted for God’s body"

  1. Beverly says:

    Being new to my city, I have always wanted and prayed for community. I think this reading is a call for me to take action to really make this happen. But also be patient as community takes time to build. Dear Lord, please help me to build a local community with people who share in my faith.

  2. Rachel says:

    I think this section is just remarkable. At times I an not consistent with my reading and this definitely spoke out to me. In order to mature with God and His word, I have to be consistent and seek a relationship with him on a daily basis. The section that uses the repetition one, just reminds me that we all our unified through our precious Lord and His gift to us. Such a blessing.

  3. Ellis G. says:

    I love this online community.. The verse (15) that stands out is that we speak the truth.. do everything in truth..We can only accomplish this depending on Him.

  4. Perry says:

    As I was reading through the scriptures a pressing thought kept coming to my mind: I have allowed other people to distract me from my relationship with Christ several times in life I have found myself putting someone before my relationship with Christ. Today I want to make a pact in this community that this is something that I will keep working on and striving for. I will keep my eyes on God despite what may or may not be happening in my life.

    1. Robin says:

      Perry, as I have read all the comments, you’re comment rang true
      to and for me. First, thank you. I have also let things come before the Lord that seemed important. I believe that I need to take the time each morning and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me with all my daily work For that day and ck my heart when I start to lean on what “I” think is the important thing to do.

  5. Marisa says:

    As I sit here and think about what kind of gifts I’ve been given, I wonder what it is that I was made to do… What a wonderful mysterious thing it is, knowing that God made you for something great, you just need to let Him take control and let Him direct you to where He wants you to go. I need to learn to let God take the reigns and to trust that He’s working for mine and everyone else’s good. Amen.

  6. prettyangel51 says:

    ■Maturity is difficult: it requires a daily discipline of vulnerability and humility and consistency. Think of all the things that are good for us, but difficult to maintain: eating well, exercising, spending time daily with God.

    Yes it is, But God(those two words), as long as we depend on Him, Believe in Him, we will be conquerers and overcome difficulties. He will not let us down, discipline will help us a lot. :-) I pray that we all here receive that great gift of discipline to share our gifts with others in Jesus name. I love this site and joined the plan. Thank you Jesus!

  7. Nicole Reitz says:

    I think community is a huge part in growing in God. I'm not really a people person and haven't always liked being in a community with a bunch of people, but my husband and I started a new church in the summer and get connected with a community group through our church a couple months ago and I am so blessed to be in that group. I love seeing the people each week and being able to have them pray for me and to just talk. It is amazing how much it is needed.

  8. vicky says:

    Such a refreshing reminder in 7 -16, we each have different gifts to the one glory of Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit. Thank you God.