Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
My lips will glorify you
because your faithful love is better than life.
So I will bless you as long as I live;
at your name, I will lift up my hands.
—Psalm 63:3–4
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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96 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Cee Gee, I’m on it! Raising my raise and hands.
Thank for the introduction to this song!
Blessings and love coming you way for across the pond. ❤️
Sisters, for you Zach Williams fans, I just hopped on YouTube to review our SS lesson for tomorrow and saw/listened to a video just posted yesterday (according to the channel info). Jesus Loves is the name of the song. The line most fitting for this study: “You don’t have to be enough to be someone Jesus loves.”
I, too had a more conservative upbringing and only occasionally do I ever remember maybe seeing one person sort of raise their hands. But, I’m now converted and a hand raiser. Ha, ha.
So refreshing after our week of heavy reading to come to Psalm 63, one of my favorites. David was no stranger to hard situations, attacks of the enemy(ies), bad decisions, sinful choices, and yet, seeing the mighty faithful hand of God at work and David brings forth praise. I have much of Psalm 63 underlined,verses circled, notes in the margin. In the most difficult days of my life as my health spiraled, I read these verses and today as I read them I am reminded of answered prayer, that God is faithful and I praise Him. I was in the depths of the words of Psalm 63 clinging to the Lord while my health was being destroyed. The date I have noted is Sept 2021 and praise the Lord, it is Feb 2024 and I am here to praise our great Lord with hands lifted high. It is a miracle i am here. Right now, I am stable and we pray and trust in faith that God is healing, that cancer will be gone from my body but in the waiting, I will praise Him, testify of the work He has done, and pray that the Lord will be honored and glorified in my life✝️
❤❤❤❤ You are an inspiration to us, Wendy!
All praise to the Lord✝️
Amen!! To all of the above! We will continue to pray for you! I always look forward to your comments!
Thank you❤️
He is ALL we have, at the end of the day.. it is He who gives us the victory..
Praising God with you for your journey thus far, Wendy, He is good , He is faithful.. He is with you..
Much love dear sister..❤️
Amen. ❤️
Praise God Wendy! Thank you for sharing your journey here. Praying you will give others hope. God bless you! Our church contemporary service just does the little sway to the music but my daughter attended a Christian HS and chapel was a celebration with all hands held high! So fun and the kids were so talented with the singing and the musicians. Beautiful experience!
Sisters, this song by Brandon Lake, Hard Fought Hallelujah – I’ve liked it since I first heard it. It just came on and I felt prompted to share if there were some that had not heard it yet. It speaks to my heart especially for the tough days & seasons, but also in times of peace around me. Thinking of some of my sisters here and elsewhere who are in a tough season now, praying for y’all. Sharing the 1st verse & chorus. –
Yeah, I don’t always feel it
But that’s when I need it the most
So I’ma keep on singing
‘Til my soul catches up with my song
There’s times when my hands go up freely
And times that it costs
There’s days when a praise comes out easy
And days when it takes all the strength I’ve got
I’ll bring my hard-fought heartfelt
Been-through-hell hallelujah
I’ll bring my storm-tossed, torn-sail
Story to tell hallelujah
God, You’ve been patient
God, You’ve been gracious
Faithful whatever I’m feeling or facing
So I’ll bring my hard-fought, heartfelt
It is well hallelujah
Wow what a great song! Thanks so much SEARCHING for sharing that. I keep the car radio turned to K-Love or His Radio, but I have never heard that. I love songs with a Southern bluesy vibe! ☺ ❤
Amen. I have a hard fought Hallelujah and a story to tell❤️
These words are real. From the heart and belly and soul of one in the storm..
The bit thst got me was ’til my soul catches up with my song..’
Thank you Searching ❤️
Thanks for this! A reminder of what the older saints used to say! Hallelujah anyhow,never ever
let your troubles get you down
when hard trials come your way
raise your hands up high and say
Hallelujah anyhow!!!!!
Psalm 63 is one of my favorites that I have forgotten about. How sweet it is when it is brought again to remembrance. This Psalm just really described the hardships of the faith journey. Starring up at the ceiling at night thinking of the goodness of the Lord among the attacks surrounding, “when I remember there upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches”. Praise the Lord for seeing us in these moments. I feel so seen reading this. I was talking to my mom during the Lunar New year celebration. I was very nervous but it went well. And my dad told me she went to church on the first day of the new year. Wow. I didn’t know what to say but was just overwhelmed by how God works. Praise the Lord for He is good and worthy of all praises. Joining you dear she’s in prayers, and also in praises for the God is that faithful in little and also faithful in much. We can count on Him, and rest and trust. The storms will pass. His goodness will remain. Be blessed dear sisters. I love you all so much and you are so special to me. What a gift from Heaven you have been.
Thank you for sharing. Your words are encouraging ❤️
(heart) You are dear to us as well!
I love that we can choose to praise no matter the circumstance. The devil would like nothing more than to deter us anyway he can. The more we are willing to live for the Lord and influence those around us, the more we get attacked! Let that be a cry to put our WARRIOR Boots ON…and be strong in the Lord!
Mercy, sending much, much healing love and hugs.. and joining you in raising my hands in praise of what Father God is doing in you family life.
Love you so much, dear sister. ❤️
Good morning sisters! I too live to raise my hands in praise to my Savior! I was raised in an Assembly of God church where raising your hands and clapping was what everyone did! I loved it! Like several of you I raise my hands in the car when a good praise song comes on! People think I’m waving at them! That’s okay!! Praying for you all today. Have a wonderful weekend! ❤️❤️
Love it!!
Ah Catherine, raising my hands in praise with and for you..
The car thing made me chuckle!
Love and hugs covered in prayers. ❤️
WOW!! Good morning and HAPPY Saturday sweet She’s! I SLEPT 9.5 hours!!! I’m still recovering but was able to go back to work on Wednesday. I loved reading all your comments and went quickly as I have to catch up on yesterday’s reading. I got up (5am) only to fall back asleep. WOW I loved reading through the comments about lifting hands. Two things. I grew up Catholic and during “normal” mass NO ONE ever lifted their hands, BUT when I became part of youth group and the charismatic movement, and prayer group, EVERYONE lifted hands! It was beautiful! Then years later I became part of another church where this was normal, then after that yet another church where I still belong today, and first few years not many lifted their hands, BUT that has changed!!! I especially love to see it in our youth group! Love you all SO much! Today on Grace day, I’m taking advantage, on this VERY cold morning when I’m not heading out on a run, to catch up on yesterday’s reading.
Yes! Our youth love to praise, jump and shout to the Lord.
Something so special too watching other people praise the Lord all together!!
Glad you got some good sleep and feeling better! I always say we take for granted GOOD HEALTH!
Raising my hands in worship and Thanksgiving for you Mari V! You are a ray of sunshine here..
Thank you, my dear. Thank you. ❤️
Aw….Tina!! your so sweet!!!!
Good morning She’s! Happy Saturday! I love having worship music on in the house and the car and singing to the Lord! My daughter loves “The Listener Kids” for any young kids or grandkids! I think it’s a great way for the kids to learn early on about worship and praising the Lord! The physical act of lifting up our hands to Jesus definitely can be so often overlooked! It always changes my mood and posture (physically and spiritually) toward God!
Yes Amen!! I always have it on!!
I’ve never heard of what you mentioned for kids! But my grandkids used to get in my car and call my music- Jesus music!
We love Listeners kids too ❤️
Loved all of your comments! And sharing the song!
How beautiful when believers lift their hands in praise to God! Sometimes, we feel like it but when we lift our hands we are offering up a sacrifice of praise!
“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.”
Hebrews 13:15 NIV
Rhonda, the church I grew up in would have fallen in if someone had raised a hand. I’m thankful that the Lord has freed me up and the Spirit has made me unable to NOT raise my hands now. Yes, in church, in the car, and in my home. When I do, it feels like I’m that much closer to God.
Doesn’t it!!? I believe God LOVES when we are singing of his Glory and love and praising Him! It changes our mood and focus for sure!!
Funny thought came to mind when I read the first bit of your comment Mia, I think a raised hand or two may have actually ‘saved’ the church from falling!
Sending you, my dear, hugs covered in prayers for a raising an Hallelujah to Father God for all He has and continues to do in our lives. He is worthy of our praise.❤️
I had to laugh at the comments about raising your hands in church. I too grew up in a quiet Baptist church where the pastor didn’t even want people to say amen because he thought it was too distracting. There was definitely no clapping or hand raising. When clapping started years later the lady who sat next to me in choir would grab my hands to make me stop clapping (she was what you would call a fuddy duddy). You younger girls won’t know what that is but the more mature ones will. LOL
I still go to a Baptist church but it’s completely different. Everyone worships the way they want—a non-judgement zone.
Clap, raise your hands, whatever! I miss being there in person but raise my hands and sing loudly at home watching online!
Have a blessed day, sisters! I’m praying for each of your needs! ❤️
Oh, yes – I know a fuddy duddy when I see one! :)
And our current church is Baptist, though it took a while to find one where there was freedom to worship with as you say, no judgement :) love you, sister! ❤️
Fuddy Duddy lynne, thanks for the chuckle! I haven’t heard that phrase in a while. ☺ Our Baptist church is like yours. Some say amen, most clap, and a good number raise their hands.
I typed punctuation and a capital L, Lynne! Sitting in the sun so I guess I saw the keys wrong! :( Apologies!
Ha, ha…fuddy duddy :)
Lynne I was at a conference yesterday with over 500 women.. the worship was awesome and the raised hands… oh my heart rejoices at the memory..
Raising my hands in thankful praise for you, dear friend..
He sees you. He hears you. And He loves you.
I love you.
Advantage day!! That’s what my grace days have been lately but I’m extremely thankful today for this one. It’s more of a forced grace day we are hanging out in the hospital with one of my kiddos (nothing serious) but I’m forced to take a true grace day and it’s kinda nice. Sometimes when I open my devotion I’m like ohh short and sweet today and don’t really take the time to go deeper into his word and think about it.
Hope all is well Heather..❤️
Psalm 63 is such a beautiful Psalm! David shares his heart as he spends time in the desert running from his enemies. And yet, through it all – his friend (Saul) turning on him, and even his own son (Absalom), he still sought God – longing and thirsting for him.
In spite of all his agonies, he still chooses to glorify and praise God. He chose well. He realized that God’s love – enduring, unending love, was better than life itself.
May this testimony motivate me and inspire me to glorify God, and praise Him no matter what trials may come. May I too be able to say, “You God, are my God…I will praise You as long as I live.”
Rhonda I had to laugh when I read your comment – it was if it was ME writing it! I too was raised in a very “baptist” church, where you didn’t raise hands! Then we were at a very conservative Bible college, where again – no one raised hands, and contemporary praise music was “of the devil” – if you can believe that!! This was the early 80’s. Years later, (many, many) I so felt that urge to raise my hands in praise but it felt awkward and foreign and no one else was doing it. But some how, like you – I got the courage, yup -palms open, waist high, which has now evolved to hands held high in praise to our God! Why, because the Spirit won’t let me keep them down! It is so beautiful to praise with hands held high…I too praise Him in the car with lifted hands (or hand – one on the wheel haha) and in my kitchen – dancing and praising. I’ve thought at times, “I wonder what the neighbors would think if they saw me” haha!
One day we will all praise Him together, standing before the throne – what an amazing “concert” that will be!!
Have a blessed Saturday sisters!
Praying for all your requests. ❤️
I love your last comment about us all one day praising him together. Indeed what an awesome day that will be.
Sending love with raised hands covered in prayers.❤️
What happened?! My ‘comment’ posted as a ‘reply’ to Lucille Prosser! Hi, Lucille! ❤
Good morning! A beautiful verse!
Good morning beautiful Traci..
Hugs covered in love and raising hands in gratitude for you ❤️
GM, Happy Saturday!
Do you remember the first time you lifted your hands at church? Singing the praise songs, and how awkward it seemed to raise your hands up high to the Lord? It literally felt like—Am I gonna be one of those “crazy, look at me” Christians on the first two rows?!! lol. When you grow up in a conservative church no one lifts their hands! When I went to a non-denominational church later on, I loved the singing! But..It felt weird to raise my hands. Then I made the step to open my palms and have them waist high. The funny thing is we raise them high when we are at a concert or a sports event yet we don’t feel like it is appropriate sometimes at church!! NOW—I raise my hands ALL the time—I love MY JESUS so much my hands can’t help but be raised up HIGH to him!! Praising and Worshipping His LORDSHIP! I am glad to read verses of raising our hands high. Dancing and clapping and playing our instruments for the LORD! We praise! Sometimes I my mood is more is reserved (reverent) in my song, or bowed down. It’s funny because I always have praise music on, so you might see my hands raised in the car, at the dock, or on my bike ride as well!!
I love the Lord, and I will never be embarrassed to show He is WHO I praise and love, and Worship in love and devotion!
Beautiful encouragement, Rhonda! I raise my hands in the car and around the house, too, but still hold back at church, but there are quite a few who raise their hands unabashedly. ❤
I can tell y’all weren’t raised in a Pentecostal church :) :) :) ❤️
Ha, ha!:)
I have a conservative back ground as well so this is relatable. I have converted to a handraiser:)
I also “get” the view that sometimes the darkness, light effects and steam (which happens in some churches) can be problematic for losing worship and just caught up in feeling and emotions!! My point is…we should praise God HOW the Spirit leads us..not what other people think. My husband after a strict “silent” growing up has raised his hands in the last few years…it is beautiful to see! (heart!)
Totally weird at first for me too when I joined a large Pentecostal church in Toronto. They not only raised hands, but danced and waved flags with such enthusiasm, joy that radiated from within, and spoke in tongues loud and often. It was a very different church culture to a more conservative one I am now in. I miss that so much though.
Yeah, I have to sit on the end seat to the aisle because I don’t want to smack anyone next to me…except my hubby sometimes on the other side…hahahah!
I was with 500 women yesterday at a conference on courageous faith..
Need I say more.
The raised hands were holding the roof up..
All praise to our Father God..
Much love Rhonda..❤️
Praying for your requests and rejoicing in the praises from yesterday and the past week.
Amen ✝️
Good morning, SHE sisters! It feels like Easter morning outside! Crisp and sunny after rain yesterday. Yes, what a beautiful verse to hook our thoughts on after all the selfishness we have read about this week. A song we sang last Sunday (and fairly often) stayed with me this week. I think it fits today’s focus:
Open Up the Heavens by Vertical Worship-
We’ve waited for this day, we’re gathered in Your name
Calling out to You
Your glory like a fire, awakening desire
Will burn our hearts with truth
You’re the reason we’re here
You’re the reason we’re singing
Open up the heavens, we wanna see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, filling every part of our praise
Your presence in this place, your glory on our face
We’re looking to the skies
Descending like a cloud, you’re standing with us now
Lord, unveil our eyes
You’re the reason we’re here
You’re the reason we’re singing
Open up the heavens, we wanna see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, filling every part of our praise
Open up the heavens, we wanna see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, filling every part of our praise
Show us, show us Your glory
Show us, show us Your power
Show us, show us Your glory, Lord
(God come to us, come like a river, like a living God)
Show us, show us Your glory (show us Your glory, Lord)
Show us, show us Your power (show us Your power here)
Show us, show us Your glory, Lord, yeah
Open up the heavens, we wanna see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, filling every part of our praise
Open up the heavens, we want to see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, filling every part of our praise
Songwriters: Stuart Garrard, Jason Ingram, Meredith Andrews, James Mcdonald, Andi Rozier. For non-commercial use only.
Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤
I don’t think I have heard this song! I will have to look it up, love the words!
Get ready to dance and raise those hands, sister!!! ❤ ☺
One of my favorites! ❤️
Oh CeeGee, I so love that song!!❤️
❤ Elaine, good to see you!
Thanks! I’ve had Covid followed by a secondary infection that was wiped me out for over two weeks. I am very weak, but slowly gaining strength.
Praying for renewed strength, ELAINE; I KNOW how slow that is coming back! ❤
Indiana, praying your strength comes back in leaps and bounds and that you are very much on the mend.❤️
Cee Gee, I’m on it! Raising my raise and hands.
Thank for the introduction to this song!
Blessings and love coming you way for across the pond. ❤️
Good Morning ♡ What a beautiful verse for today. I’m heading to Altoona PA for a women’s conference. It’s my first one ever!! Please cover us all in prayer. Kim Walker-Smith is leading worship, and there will be 3 incredible speakers, including one of my greatest sisters in Christ, Jessie Campbell. Have a beautiful day, shes!! Blessings ♡
May all who attended come away changed
Oh that’s wonderful! Praying over you ❤️
You are going to love it Star! Prayers for your time away. Have a wonderful time – be blessed! ❤️
Starr, praying for safe travel this weekend and a renewing experience with your sisters in Christ! ❤
Starr , praying your day was as blessed as mine was..
Why wouldn’t it have been? GOD was so very present and and like it says in Isaiah 6:1 … and the train of His robe filled the room..’
With raised hands this morning, I praise. I praise . I praise!
Hugs. ❤️
Praying for my sisters here, for the mentioned and unmentioned needs this past week.
Thanking the Lord for each of you ❤️
Yes!! Searching… Joining with you in lifting our precious Caregivers to Jesus today… those mentioned +all of our individual dear friends, and actually Caregivers everywhere!! Thankfully we know and serve the Source of ALL Caregiving, Love, and Grace!!♥️
Adding my amen to your prayers also!
Another glitch in posting this morning!
Adding my amen to your prayers also!
❤ I thank the Lord for you, Searching, and each dear sister here. ❤
Joining you dearest Searching in your prayers for our sisters here. Seen or unseen. Mentioned or unmentioned.
Praying Gods peace and grace cover you all as you face your day ..
God bless you..Searching, our resident prayer warrior.. giving thanks with raised hands for you.. Yes you!!❤️❤️