Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.
—Galatians 3:29
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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58 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Thanks! That’s a good idea!
My younger son (not the one I’ve spoken of so much) just got fired from his first “real” job yesterday. He didn’t see it coming, and he is so discouraged. He only started in November, and he thought he was doing what was expected of him. But he is autistic, he doesn’t understand social expectations, and his father (who he refuses to admit was abusive) did a terrible job of preparing him for the working world. In fact, he quit working altogether when M was in middle school, claiming he couldn’t get a job. I do believe this son is trying, but he can’t seem to figure out how to get the help he needs. (Of course, his father fooled me for decades, but I really don’t think that’s what my son is doing.) But wherever the problem lies, I can’t fix it, and my heart is breaking for this son who has a genius-level IQ and a college degree but in many ways is just as disabled as his brother. Only no one recognizes invisible disabilities.
Margaret, my heart goes out to you and your son! Does your church have any connections that could help? I will be praying for favor and especially for victory over that discouragement! Please keep us posted! ❤ Hugs, sister!
He lives far from home. There is one fellow at our church who has mentored him in the past, but I don’t know how involved he is in a local church where he is.
Maybe try to find a “life coach” that specializes in helping those with autistic struggles?
❤ Kelly, great idea. I just thought of the YMCA, too, and wonder if they might offer some help.
I just love the phrasing in the NLT!:
And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you.
Also in Galatians
3:9- So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. …
14 Through Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to Abraham, so that we who are believers might receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith.
Reading that again, I thought, “Oh what a Savior!” That reminded me of an older song. I am familiar with The Cathedrals’ version:
Oh What a Savior
He gave His life’s blood for even me
Once, I was straying in sin’s dark valley
No hope within could I see
They searched through Heaven and found a Savior
To save a poor, lost soul like me
Oh, what a Savior, oh, hallelujah
His heart was broken on Calvary
His hands were nail-scarred, His side was riven
He gave His life’s blood for even me
Death’s chilling waters I’ll soon be crossing
His hand will lead me safe o’er
Then I’ll join that chorus in that wide city
And I’ll sing up there forevermore
Oh, what a Savior, oh, hallelujah
His heart was broken on Calvary
His hands were nail-scarred, His side was riven
He gave His life’s blood for even me
He gave His life’s blood for even me
Oh, what a Savior
Songwriters: Marvin Dalton. For non-commercial use only.
Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters! ❤
I rarely buy the book, but I would do what Donna suggested. Our county library collects donated books and sells them, too. ❤
Sorry, ladies, that was supposed to be a reply to Michelle. Why didn’t I get the ‘duplicate comment detected’ prompt?!
I have a group question! What do you all do with your completed studies? I’m running out of room and the organizer in me is saying “toss them out”. But the sentimental side is like no way!
I keep asking myself the same question. I don’t write in my books, so I can give them away. Thinking of the church and let women know they’re available.
I rarely buy the book, but I would do what Donna suggested. Our county library collects donated books and sells them, too. ❤
Hi Michelle
Yes the books can add up quickly
I don’t write in them as I know I will be passing them on to someone
They are beautiful books and very nice to have but one can’t keep everything and all the women that I have passed the books onto are amazed and tend to join SRT
It’s a great way to open your Bible !
As another SHE suggested the Librarys accept donated books-What a great way to get GOD back into the public libraries that have drifted so far away . . . .
If you have written in them, you could scan them and keep them digitally then recycle them.
I love Kelly’s scanning idea and perhaps hanging on to a few favorites (like the Advent ones! ). I love the books and writing in them especially during the weekly podcasts. I think my town would recycle them like magazines. Praying for many requests this morning.
Heads up. Eyes open. Arms wide.
Welcome all the good in God
this week’s end, SRT sisters.
Daughters of the King.
I’m HERE! And actually have service! Didn’t sleep very much, so please pray for that because I don’t function well on very little sleep. Got up at 6:30 AM in hopes that I can head to the dining hall for some quiet time, that only lasted a few minutes because the kitchen are prepping for breakfast. LOVE the girls God chose to be in my cabin! A little chatty, but very respectful. As we read this morning join me in praying for the students that they would know (or reminded) that they can be heirs of this amazing promise that we read this morning.
PLEASE also pray for this student that’s already up and I can tell she is very troubled. Late last night as we were heading to bed she wanted to talk to one of the girls in my cabin and I told her no because it’s already late. We were already trying to get to bed. She is already up and talking to one of the youth pastors. I know that she has some issues. I just don’t know what and I don’t even know her name, but she is in our youth group and I can see she is needy and seeking and right now I can hear the other Pastor speaking TRUTH to her this very moment.
Mari, I just prayed for you a few minutes ago, but will definitely pray for your energy level and for this youth. Praying for the pastors too! ❤
Thank You, CeeGee!!!
So thankful for God’s promises! Praying for all.
Also, an update in case you are not on the FB page…
Thank you all for your prayers as I navigated through some “troubled waters” recently concerning our church ministry. God is working, He is healing and I’m in a much better place than I was 2 weeks ago. I so want Jesus, ALONE – to be the source of my joy. Everything and everyone else has the ability to fail me, but Jesus NEVER fails! Praise God!!
“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.” John 16:22
Thanks Sharon, I have wanted to ask! Glad you are in a better mindset. I need to check the FB back often, but alas, I don’t. ❤
Glad to read this ❤️
Amen. What a great promise. Thank you Lord, that because of this we have both the freedom and assurance that we belong to you. The song from the days of my childhood just popped in my head “I’m so Glad that I’m part of the Family of God.”
What a challenging, deepening, and beneficial week of studying together. Thank you SRT for creating this study and ladies for the insights, comments and questions that help us all to grow, understand and align our hearts with the Lord.
Have prayed for encouragement for your hearts and strength in the Lord for all of you today.✝️
Lanie H – are you with us? Thinking of you❤️
Thank you, Wendy! Great song to claim with this verse! I have been missing Lanie H, too! ❤
I belong to Christ. Period. Nothing and no one can take me out of His hand.
Joint-heirs. A child of the King.
Thank you Father God for this most undeserved honor.
Happy Saturday sisters!…we’re preparing for the 6-8″ of snow that’s predicted for tomorrow!
Wow on the snow. Stay safe and warm! ❤
You’ll get through all that snow. Stay indoors and drink tea and curl up on the couch! We got about a foot last week. It is still melting, but is so much better than it was. However, we are gonna have a really cold coupla days, and some of it will glaze over again. My thoughts are that snow is so stupid. I grew up in Southern California. My bestie always says, “You can take the girl out of California, but you can’t take the CA out of the girl!”
I am also California born and raised and have lived in 6 states that have snow and ice. UGH!
Yes, you can take the girl out of CA but you can’t take CA out of the girl even after decades of no longer living in CA !
Listening to christian music. The song Lay It All Done is playing. Lord help me to lay it all done at your feet. Help me through my days. Remind how just how much you love me.
Amen. ❤️
Amen. ❤
Happy Saturday Dear She’s!
Genesis has been quite the read thus far! Challenging comes to mind- although it is all familiar, your comments and wisdom help so much to continue to break it down and apply it! Through SRT, they help our journey to stay immersed in scripture, and your shares are so valuable! And of course, praying for each other is also powerful and instructed in James 5:16. This is a good place to be indeed! Thank you Jesus!
Praying for all of you, that God sees you and cares for you right where you are today. That his face shines upon you and you are blessed! :)
Thank you for saying all of that, Rhonda! I was just thinking (and actually voiced thanks in a prayer) yesterday how SRT has structured our studies in such a way that we may view the same passage a few times in close time, but how each time it settles in the heart and mind in a different way and with more depth allowing us to ABSORB the Word, not just read it! Credit to all SHES as you said, too, for wisdom and insight shared!!! ❤ I hope they see your post! ❤
I belong to Christ…what an amazing, overwhelming thought.
Thanks be to God for His lovingkindness and mercy toward this sinful heart.
Ladies, plz continue to pray for the young mama, she was terminated from her job for missing too many shifts (she was sick then baby was sick). She and baby are currently living in a spare room in my house. I could not let them live in her car as cold as it is. But it is not a sustainable solition. Wisdom and discernment greatly needed. Thanks.
Oh wow Kelly, how kind of you, you are her angel! Prayers for this mom and child, that God will make a way.
So sorry to hear! God bless you for taking them! Praying for a permanent solution. ❤️
Oh Kelly ….. BLESS your SWEET heart!!! Praying for this mama and for permanent solution!
Kelly, what a blessing you are! I join in continued prayers for this young mama’s journey, for wisdom and discernment in this situation! Love you, sis! ❤
It’s so hard sometimes to believe that God could love me that much, but He does. I can see his love in the children’s eyes. I can see now how much I could’ve broke His heart when I was younger. That’s because of how my children break my heart. I just pray that I don’t break His heart anymore. I love my Heavenly Father.
@ MERCY, I don’t know if you usually check comments on Saturdays but I’m praying for you!!
I know a lot about ADHD and its challenging impacts (and its great gifts — which are hard to harness if the ADHDer doesn’t know where to begin…because so many things often feel too overwhelming so “why bother trying?”)
I am praying alongside our sisters for your job opportunity (and for your peace regardless, since it’s so easy for the stress in all environments to spill over)!!
In a slightly less stressful moment, if it’s possible to lovingly sit down with hubby and say you are trying your best to be compassionate towards the challenges he faces with ADHD (and trying not get overwhelmed by the overt evidence {missed chores and ToDos} of these challenges) but that it’s hurtful when it looks like he’s not trying to do what he can (i.e. research strategies that work for his brain and organizational style)
I’m all over the map this morning but here goes….
ADHDers often do most when they are motivated or fearful (juices pumping!) sooo…. strategies that harness that can be great e.g. for some people, setting a timer works…maybe he sets it for 15 minutes and rushes around the house to see how much he can accomplish!! OR blasting favourite music while doing things OR popping an audiobook/ sermon on wireless headphones to “mindlessly”/distractedly get things done…
With ADHD, there’s also often hyper focus (which CAN be a “superpower”) and “time blindness” — unfortunately sometimes shame from a day that slipped away can sometimes look like apathy.
I love “Clutterbug” (Cassandra Aarsen) — she has a quiz online for different organizational styles and how best to manage within that — she also has ADHD!
I also agree about the list idea (not as a “nag” but as a touchstone/ reference). And KELLY (NEO)’s advice … figure out what is necessary and what is ideal household management — for your own sanity!
I’m rambling (and have more to say) but I guess my summary is…for your own mental health and benefit of each family member… I am praying for a loving talk where everyone can be open and feel heard and motivated to move the needle together!
Oddly, It makes me think of “God loves you just the way you are, and too much to let you stay that way!” …I am praying your husband will discover things that empower him to learn all the ways he can use his beautiful brain to do his part, in his own way, to move your household forward in amazing ways. And that he can reciprocate compassion to you, knowing it’s often so hard for the non-ADHD people in a home / relationship!!
@ MERCY, you are so wonderful and such a precious gift, so so so often being a light in this group…. thank you for sharing this and allowing us to carry it with you!! Love you Sister ♥️
Such a caring post for Mercy! Thank you for sharing! Always good to see you here!
Sending my prayers, too!❤
Love this ❤️
I belong to You, thank you, Lord.
What a week of reading! Thank you, sisters, for the comments and research – so helpful for gaining understanding and perspective.
Prayer request for elderly family friend that had a fall yesterday that resulted in a broken arm.
CEE GEE – yes, keeping first things first ❤️
TINA – missing you ❤️
SHARON JERSEY GIRL -loved this, “don’t linger near temptation, don’t plant myself so deep into the world that I begin looking like and acting like the world.”
… Let’s plant ourselves deep into the Word instead. And you may be right about sin being as bad as it’s always been and is only more exposed in today’s world – the widespread acceptance of it and lack of shame just crush me though.
DANIELLE B – thank you for the update yesterday. Thankful for a plan going forward ❤️
LYNNE FROM AL – praying for you and Jack, sister ❤️
And praying for our other caregiving sisters, LINDA IN NC, NANCY S and others.
MERCY – praying, sweet sister ❤️
ABBY HOPE LANCASTER reminded that it’s easier for us to be pulled down than it is to pull someone up. The one pulling down doesn’t need to completely pull you down, they only need to get you off balance (think of the questions to Eve – are you sure? Did God really say? How can such a “good” thing be wrong? – a slippery slope for sure.
Good morning SEARCHING! Thanks for this ♥️
Searching – always look forward to your comments and good insights!
Praying for your elderly friends recovery. ❤️
Great perspective as always! Thanks for sharing! Praying for that injured family member and for no other issues during healing! ❤