Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in…”
—Matthew 25:35
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click here to listen to this week’s episode.
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57 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Good morning and Happy Saturday on a very cold and foggy morning. Going to read through the comments and pray for all of you. Starting with Margret. I just prayed for you.
Another prayer request: I haven’t been to church since before my surgery, and I really want to be there tomorrow. Please pray that I would rest well tonight and be able to get up and moving in the morning. I’m at the point where I think that the longer I wait, the harder it will be. I truly want to be back among my family of fellow believers.
Oh…Margret as mentioned above, your comment was the first I saw when I opened up the comments and prayed for you. Is there any one who could pick you up? Praying for rest and strengh.
Praying you can go tomorrow!
Praying you have refreshing sleep and renewed strength- enough you have you up and out in the morning! ❤
Praying for you to make it to church!
Oh Tina how heartbreaking your comment was from a few days ago. It breaks my heart to think how different her story may have gone if someone just talked with this woman.
Please pray for me as my husband asked me if I would talk with his daughter. She isn’t responding to him very well. She has been depressed recently. Her mother went through depression. I want to have the right words that she may hear the message. I have been there so hopefully she will realize I can relate.
Praying the Holy Spirit gives you just the exact words your stepdaughter needs to hear and praying she has a receptive spirit. Thinking of Tanner’s tree again as I type and how far you’ve come in your hard walk. ❤❤
Good morning sweet Traci. Just prayed for you to have the right words. And in agreement with Cee Gee for the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Wow, who would have thought you would be the one to try to reach her (with your history with her). Just another example of how God will use you when you are a faithful servant! Just that you are going to try is beautiful!
Praying for your conversation Traci!
SEARCHING, I’m with you about an itchy sweater! When God wants me to step out in faith, it c makes me uncomfortable. But it should because it’s not natural for me. I just have to remember that it is not be doing something in my own strength but being obedient to God and letting Him worry about the outcome!
Praying for all. Have a blessed day!
Heavenly Father, without you we are lost, hungry, thirsty and alone, but with you, Jesus changes everything. I can not be so busy, distracted or unaware that I keep this to myself. My heart, mind and actions must always be diligent to being aware, looking, ready and tuned in to see the needs of others, to see the opportunity to point them to You. Help me Father, to be your hands and feet to the stranger and to unashamedly, whole heartily show them your love so that they too can know that Jesus changes everything. Amen
Prayer request…
We are meeting with extended family today for dinner to see our neice and her partner. She has been living as a transgender male for almost 10 yrs. It’s heartbreaking, most of all for my brother in law, sister in law and 2 nephews. They live out of Province and have very slowly inched towards connecting with family but it is minimal contact. This is the second, short visit with her parents this year but we have not seen her for a few years and have never met her partner. Please pray that as we meet today and as she has a few more days with her parents that the authentic, genuine love of Jesus would pour out. That every word and interaction would be one that makes the way for the blinders to come off so she she’s the lostness and brokeness of her choices, for her heart to soften, for the Word of God’s absolute Truth to deeply reach her heart and for Holy Spirit to move in a mighty powerful way that she can no longer deny who she truly is. Thank you
Agreeing in prayer for your family. ❤
Oh sweet Wendy, just prayed for your family. And in agreement with the others here. Praying for the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Oh Wendy–prayers for this.
Ezekiel 36:26-
26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.
Biblegateway verse of the day is in 2 Peter 3. So appropriate! Sharing a little extra:
v.3″…I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.
4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.
5 They deliberately forget that God made the heavens long ago by the word of his command, …
8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day.
9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment.
14 And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight. …
15 And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. …
17 You already know these things, dear friends. So be on guard; then you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing.
18 Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.”
Amen . What a powerful and convicting study- one I shall not soon forget! Ready for Advent study!!! Thanks so much SRT staff!!!
Oof! That’s good reminder!
Basically what you ‘preached’ today! ❤
Father God, please keep my eyes open and my heart tender – to see the hungry, the thirsty and the stranger – and to be the hands and feet of Jesus, that I would not simply see and hear the needs but that I would act and “do”. In Jesus name.
Happy Saturday Sisters! It’s been wonderful sharing this study with you all! Blessings. ❤️
❤ Back atcha, Sharon! Amen to your beautiful prayer, too!
Amen ❤️
Aw… Sharon we love you.
yes, amen!
GM my She’s!
I have never known the key words used in this this study such as stranger, immigrant, prisoner, hungry, isolated, sick, poor, ostracized..for I have been privileged to have plenty. But I have always been a giver, a sharer, a empathetic person- raised to be that way. For many years I prayed to be used by God, wanted to do more in bigger, more useful ways. At that point I was still a Sunday church goer but not a reader of the word. My mom passed and I remember her being in the Bible every morning, so thus, I decided to do so as well. I knew God was saying you need to know me, then you can be used by me in bigger ways! Whoa. Yes. After 8 or so years in the word—then God was able to use me, because how can we spread his love, and share his story if we don’t really know him? We must have a good, strong relationship with him to do more. He tests us in the little, before giving us more. He longs for us, completely, whole-heartedly, not a little, no half-way, not only on Sundays…but lay down our LIFE for him. It is not an easy road then, it is people not liking you, even other Christians. The wheat and the shaff grows together, but will be separated at harvest. Are willing to go all in, separation of our families and friends, because it may come to that, as some of our strong sisters like Laura has been through. The times are coming. But there is not fear, for he has made us strong and courageous. We are to BE A LIGHT!! Be hands and feet of Jesus. I can’t wait to hear “well done my good and faithful servant!” I want to be a servant for the Lord!! In the hard, in the uncomfortable, and in the wilderness. For I/we were made for such a time as this!! All of us She’s!! Thank you Jesus, for who you are, and who you have called us to be!
Rhonda, thank you for sharing from your heart and shining light on your experience! Your 8years ago point is exactly where I find myself currently… so deeply wanting to be used by God in big ways AND realizing He wants to trust me the in the little things first. One next step, one day at a time, … This is so encouraging- grateful!
Yes, and I see it in so many ways of how important it was to be rooted because the devil comes at you more fierce the more you do for the Lord!! We must have our armor on!!
Rhonda, your testimony is so uplifting! Thanks for being such a great example of ‘growing in the Word/Lord’!
Rhonda- you are so inspiring and encouraging and convicting! I am so thankful for how God is using you in your jail ministry, your church, your family and here with us!
That’s sweet Brandi. Who would have thunk it..me?! I love how God uses us in ways we would never think, or even know at the time! The SRT community is SO good!
Rhonda, I so appreciate your comments this morning. “We must have a good strong relationship with him to do more.” As we experience his love and relate with him, he will not only give us what we need, but he’ll also direct us. I’m praying through letting go of my striving, earning, perfectionism and experiencing the true gift of Christ, so this a great reminder that what he wants is my heart.
Yes Amen!
Thank you for the reminder that my example to my children may be best seen AFTER I am gone. I know we focused on that in our last study, but it is so hard to be patient when I want to see them following Jesus NOW!
Yes! So good Margaret! I need that reminder as well!!
Aw..sweet Rhonda…what a beautiful legacy that your mom left and you took on. Love you sweet lady!
yeah, I think of that a lot since I now do SRT on my laptop rather than having my Bible opened in front of me. When relatives are around they don’t know what I’m doing, they probably think I am scrolling social media like they are, haha. So I try to make a point to have my Bible out when we have sleep overs so they know. I’m such an OVER-THINKER, it probably sounds like a Pharisee, but really I want them to profit from example one day, is my true heart, like I did with my mom!
Hello Shes
Hugs & happiness!
As we end our study of Biblical hospitality,
And stand together on the cusp of Advent…
Let us prepare Him room, the coming of the Christ child.
And in doing so, like the Grinch discovering the joy & fellowship in Who-ville,
Find our hearts growing three sizes!
Making Room – as I mentioned early in this study, these topics have for the most part made me uncomfortable & it still feels like I have on that same itchy sweater. But – the shares, the praises, the prayers, the questions, all of the wisdom, insights and experiences my sisters brought here have given me a lot to think about and pray about, including that my spouse would be moved to make some changes as well. Thank you all. ❤️
TRACI GENDRON – your post about Tanner’s tree warmed my heart, thank you.
KELLY (NEO) – ❤️ thank you for letting us know Tina’s post was cleared!
CG -❤️ love that song, thank you. And yes, surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.
SARA & MIA FAITH – praying for your daughters
MICHELLE P – thank you for sharing about your eating disorder, praising the Lord that you were healed ❤️
LEXI B – good to see you!
Sisters – prayer request for the family member I mentioned a few months ago that had emergency surgery while out of town. It’s been a slow journey of recovery and she had a setback Wednesday and was hospitalized. I’ve been told she’s back home but very weak and tired.
Searching – continued prayers for your friend. ❤️
I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s setback! Prayers for strength to recover and for the proper care to facilitate that.
I missed Michelle’s sharing about eating disorder. Going to read back through now to see what else I may have missed. I thought I was thorough! ❤
I’m there with you Searching. I too have felt the discomfort of these topics and am this morning praying through some of the hard we learned in this study. I hate to admit my self-righteousness is easily overlooked often. May God direct our steps as we move forward in what He has shown us. Praying for you sweet sister and your husband. I’m also lifting up your family member and the recent set back she suffered.
Just prayed for your friend.
I think it’s disgraceful that in this country of abundance that people especially children go hungry.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in…”
—Matthew 25:35
This verse was my focus on my ‘Make room for a stranger’ comment, which went for edit earlier this week!!
#Be kind.
#Show grace, as you have been shown grace.
#Extend a hand, as He extends His hand to you.
#Share the love of Jesus. There is always always enough.
#Spend time with another, in Jesus’ name.
#Show Jesus, in your actions.
#Be Jesus’ hands and feet, wherever you go.
As the song says.. “It is no secret what God can do”, when we live out this verse.
Happy Saturday covered in Thanks-giving for you..
Blessings, dear hearts..❤
TINA ❤️❤️ love you and thank you for reminding us there is ALWAYS enough of Jesus’ love to share.
Thanks to KELLY (NEO) for letting us know your post was cleared from the other day. Sobering story, thank you for sharing.
Thank you Tina for sharing that sobering story! I too have
experienced the ” bomb
going off” and having to watch a thriving
ministry implode! But
God who is rich in mercy… I learned that LOVE must rule the day and that since
He forgives I must also!! Thankfully that
experience did not taint my view of the church and I can still
say with David I love the habitation of thy house! A major part of my ministry in the church I serve in now is to help reconcile those who have experienced this type of hurt and to support them as they heal.We are His hands and feet ,they need to see Him in us!
Thank you sweet Tina! I’m on a chrome book, but going to my phone to take a screenshot of the above.