Grace Day

Open Your Bible

1 Timothy 6:12

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 
—1 Timothy 6:12

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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116 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Latoddra Mason says:


  2. Michaela Hawkins says:

    I fully surrendered my life to Jesus and got baptized yesterday, 11/17! I am redeemed and I will fight the good fight of the faith! Thanks be god!

  3. Nicole Powell says:

    Amen this was one of my Grandma favorite scriptures

  4. Sophie M says:


  5. Mercy says:

    Morning ladies. I come asking for your prayers regarding my workplace. Including a praise report. I have had so much grief and bullying at my work, in subtle and political ways. And after 18 months of long suffering, the Lord has removed 90 percent of the team. It’s just me and another coworker in another city left. I praise God for His kindness and mercy. But also some worries how I’m gonna do the job of 6 people starting in a few weeks time. But I trust God will put together a new team. Please pray that the Lord will bring godly and capable people to build up a new team. And that I have grace to hold up the fort during the hiring and training process which can take up to a few months long. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      wow…that’s crazy! Praying for you to get it done and to hold fast!! He will orchestrate the impossible, in a new a great way!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Joining in your prayers for godly licks and smooth transition through the lengthy process. Praying for peace and extra measure if patience with yourself and others as the holidays approach. ❤ ☺

      1. Cee Gee says:

        godly PICKS – ☺ – sorry I didn’t see that last night!!! ❤

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Just take one day at a time. Put a good plan together for training new folks to get them working on their own as soon as possible.
      Praying for the Lord to flood you with His wisdom and patience

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ Kelly, I was thinking of you when I wrote my comment to Mercy. You will be an inspiration for her! ❤

    4. Truth Seeker says:

      Prayers for a Godly team to be hired.
      Perhaps a few She’s may be looking for a new job opportunity.
      It would be inspiring if such a thing came about !

    5. Victoria E says:

      Praying for your work Mercy.

    6. Mercy says:

      Thank you for your prayers and advice dear sisters❤️❤️❤️

    7. Mari V says:

      Joining our She’s in prayer for you Mercy!

  6. Maria Baer says:

    Ok, today I think is the days when after all that’s been happening, I turned to God and asked “WHY?” then asked Him to forgive my human nature to question. But y’all— you won’t believe it. Not sure if I mentioned that during the house fire, we lost our cars. Well, I ended up getting a 2 yrs old car, wonderful brand and reviews three weeks ago. I love it. Today I was driving down a busy street and the car just died. Electronic system just started failing and I couldn’t break. Finally it all shut down and came to a complete stop in the middle of the busy street. The emergency lights wouldn’t come on either. Then the car would open because the system locked us in! Thankfully I was able to eventually do, and thank the Lord that I was able to flag a police officer that was driving by. Once I got home I was angry. But slowly settled down. I don’t know why my resilience is being tested, but I turned to God and told him that I welcome it and the growth that comes with it. But a part of me is also suddenly feeling tired. So please pray that my peace and resilience continues. It can just be hard at times.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I’m so sorry’re right, it can feel like things pile on when you’re already down. I just can’t imagine my house burning down, and continue to lift your family up! And what a crazy thing to happen with the car!!! Sorry you feel…..tired. We love you and glad you shared, rest under his wing and shelter for a bit. Sometimes a big cry is good too. Seems like you have been in superwoman mode until now. hugs.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Take a deep breath, Maria and forgive yourself for that moment of frustration. Many would feel that way over that situation even if the other tests had not preceded it. I can imagine how alarming it would be to be stranded in a busy street and be locked in with no warning flashers!!! I, too, thank you for sharing and will be praying for this car situation and for renewed strength as you face a new day tomorrow. Love and hugs! ❤

      1. Cee Gee says:

        I also meant to say that you did the right thing in confessing to God and He has already forgiven you. ❤ Your final action way trumps your initial reaction and is a great inspiration!

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:

      So glad you walked away from that without getting hurt!

    4. Dee Dee says:

      Praying for you Maria!

    5. Wendy B says:

      Oh no…I think it’s perfectly understandable that you would be asking why and feeling tired. May Jesus bring comfort, strength and encouragement ❤️

  7. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    By faith, we fight the urge to skip a day in the Word.
    By faith, we keep coming back to read & reflect on the daily truth.
    By faith, we speak our minds & share our stories in conversation candidly with sister Shes.
    By faith, we stand as one with & Raechel & Amanda & the whole She squad who make this study & space possible.
    By faith, we give everlasting glory & honor & praise to the Author & Finisher of All.

    1. Tina says:

      By faith I give a resounding AMEN, GWINETH52..

    2. Mercy says:

      Aww I love this.

  8. Mari V says:

    …when you made your good confession in the presence of many witness. I’m assuming this part of the verse can or refers to the time when we made Jesus the Lord of our lives. BEST decision ever! I will never forget! Thankful, SO thankful for this ministry of She Reads Truth and for Amanda and Rachel and all staff involved. Loved this study as it allowed us to dig deeper, confess, express, cry, pray, and ask for prayer. I love you all so much!!! Happy Saturday sweeties! Lanie…you came to mind this morning. Praying all is going well with your newborn baby.

    1. Tina says:


  9. Michelle Feneide says:


  10. Aimee Berardinis says:

    I can’t wait to sit with the Lord today. This study has been so powerful I feel like it will stay with me and continue to help me. Last night I was in a difficult conversation with someone who doesn’t believe in God and I felt greater courage to share my beliefs with certainty.

    1. Tina says:

      So good Aimee… Faith in God will do that.. He’s got you!❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Doesn’t that feel good when we finally are confident with the God that we praise, but that we KNOW?!! The more in the word, the more confident we are because it is a true relationship that brings knowledge!

  11. Brittanie Dix says:


  12. Cee Gee says:

    Like SEARCHING I fear I will just be repeating myself here today, but I am so THANKFUL for this study- it was especially impactful alongside the study I have been doing in Revelation. The study prompts were just right!
    Coincidentally, it wraps up this week!
    Prayers for any affected by the wildfires! ❤
    Have a great weekend, SHES, and keep ‘confessing’!
    Love, hugs, and prayers!
    WAIT! This hymn literally popped into my mind just as I went to hit ‘post’ so I had to share:
    SEND THE LIGHT by Charles H. Gabriel- 1890
    There’s a call comes ring­ing ov­er the rest­less wave,
    Send the light! Send the light!
    There are souls to res­cue, there are souls to save,
    Send the light! Send the light!


    Send the light, the bless­èd Gos­pel light;
    Let it shine from shore to shore!
    Send the light, the bless­èd Gos­pel light;
    Let it shine for­ev­er­more!

    We have heard the Ma­ce­do­ni­an call to­day,
    Send the light! Send the light!
    And a gold­en of­fer­ing at the cross we lay,
    Send the light! Send the light!


    Let us pray that grace may ev­ery­where abound,
    Send the light! Send the light!
    And a Christ­like spir­it ev­ery­where be found,
    Send the light! Send the light!


    Let us not grow wea­ry in the work of love,
    Send the light! Send the light!
    Let us ga­ther jew­els for a crown above,
    Send the light! Send the light!


    1. GramsieSue says:

      Oh, I love that old hymn! ❤️

    2. Tina says:

      Hugs Cee-Gee, hugs..

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤☺ back atcha, Tina!

  13. Wendy B says:

    This verse is one of action, one of intentionality. If we look just one verse back, there is also action that prepares us to fight – fleeing and pursuing: ‘But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. (vs 11) and then we go on to
    vs 12: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses’
    There is no place for complacency or being stagnant in our walk with Jesus. It’s always moving forward, pursuing, persevering, abiding, tilling the soil, watering the seeds, pressing on. We have to see this life of faith as having no choice but to continually seek Jesus.

    By faith, Wendy saw no other way to live her days but to keep her eyes on Jesus.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Wendy! You said that much better than my attempt yesterday! ❤

    2. Tami says:

      Mine too! I loved the “by faith…”

    3. Tina says:

      I love your ‘by Faith’ sentence.. beautiful..❤️

    4. Rhonda J. says:

      YES…SPOT ON!! I copied this, I love it! And knowing your journey makes it even more fantastic!

  14. Karen Swanson says:

    The Soirit has nudged me to spend some time today writing my own Hebrews 11. I’m going to start at the beginning (57 years ago) and take deliberate time to acknowledge my own “by faith” moments. I am trusting Jesus will use it for abundant good. Perhaps you’d like to do the same?

    1. Wendy B says:

      This has been my thought too. Wonderful idea

    2. Adrienne says:

      Great idea, Karen. I am 57 too… it may be a struggle to go through all those years. Heeheehee! Rhonda J. had a Hebrews version for her the other day.
      I will be pondering Hebrews 2024 for Adrienne all day today.

      1. Mari V says:

        haha….I’m 57 years-old as well.

    3. Jackie Tuckerman says:

      I love that❤️

    4. Cee Gee says:

      I came away with the same plan! I want it to be a legacy for my kids and grandkids so I am going to let God write it in my head before I write it down. ❤

    5. Marla says:

      This has been on my heart as well

    6. Tina says:

      That is such a great idea.. I wonder if I could adopt that idea..❤️

  15. Rhonda J. says:

    Hope you each of a good wkd, whatever that looks like in your life, hopefully able to gather at a house of God to worship and praise our Savior!! What a joy and privilege that we can do that! Being about our Father’s business, always living in the Spirit to move and say where he wills! Keeping our eyes on him to see and hear where he wants to move and respond and react accordingly, to him not our flesh. Oh this flesh of mine, it is strong, for I do as I don’t want to do, but repent and try again. But faith grows, it corrects and it gets better, sanctification. But it’s action, it’s work, it’s a dedication to build and strengthen. We are here each day for the work! We are She’s!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ And we are STRONGER TOGETHER! Amen?!

      1. Tina says:


    2. Mercy says:

      Amen ❤️❤️❤️

  16. Danielle B says:

    Rachel and Amanda as Tina said thank you for the way you arranged, created this study. As you see many of us Shes were touched by it. In fact one She and I commented last evening we are sad to see it go. This grace day verse is a perfect verse to end on to remind us to keep fighting and the battle is not over. This paired with a verse of the day I read elsewhere Deuteronomy 31:8 that God goes before us and with us gives me the motivation to continue through the hard places God is growing me on this faith journey!

    1. Tami says:

      Agreed Danielle. The questions were great and made it easier for me to comment and gave me something to ponder.

  17. Tami says:

    GM ladies! Fight and take hold. Strong action verbs. This tells me that I cannot sit back and expect faith to just fall into my lap. I need to do my part. I have been going to a CrossFit gym for years now and often liken the walk of faith to strength building. It’s not a one and done. It’s hard! You don’t see immediate results but have to trust they will come if you keep at it. Sometimes I feel like going and sometimes I don’t. But now I go even when I don’t feel like it because I know how good I will feel when I am done. And then there is progress, more strength and new muscle but it takes time. You can skip one day but not two. I see so many parallels to my faith walk. It’s only in the discipline of meeting daily with God, the commitment to keep on meeting with Him even if I don’t feel like it or I feel flat, or I feel like God is distant., the moving forward in obedience which sometimes feels like a burden, that my faith grows. I hold onto the fact that He sees my heart and that day by day I am building my faith muscles and getting stronger. Just like I can handle more weight at the gym, I can now “handle” more of life when circumstances are not ideal because my faith is stronger, my trust is deeper. Have a blessed Saturday ladies!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, amen, I always use this analogy too being in the fitness field for 30 years! Thanks for sharing! It certainly is an ongoing love in both cases!

    2. Danielle B says:

      Yes Tami we can’t read one verse, one devotional, or say one prayer and be rooted in the truth and growing in our faith.

    3. Adrienne says:

      Yes. This is the first time this month that I don’t need Grace Day to catch up.
      Every. Day. Friends… it makes a difference in everything.

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Tami! Just like we power through those hard lifts and repetitions, we can power through anything with our God. ❤

    5. Mari V says:

      Like running…Running towards the goal to the call of God. And when crossing the FINISH line (whenever I run in an event), I imaging crossing the FINISH line of life and JESUS waiting for me!

    6. Mercy says:

      I just started weight training Tami. Small dumbbells. Thank you for this and the inspiration to build muscles as we build faith muscles ❤️

  18. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From The Message

    “Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses.”
    By faith, I embrace this life with Jesus, trusting in His good plans and care for me.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ You persevered through all the challenges at work! Prayers for smoother sailing for awhile! ❤

      1. Kelly (NEO) says:

        Thanks Cee Gee.
        Third new hire starts next week. Hope that transition is smooth.

        1. Cee Gee says:

          ❤ prayers for that to be so!!! You’re an old hand at this now! ☺ Love you!

  19. Kimberly Reed says:

    Continue to fight the good fight of faith!
    Amen ❤️❤️

  20. Aimee D-R says:


  21. Searching says:

    I recalled that JIMMY LONDO posted here a couple of weeks ago, wondering if He Reads Truth was a dead community. He was searching for a study group and found He Reads Truth but wondering why no comments on that site. I looked back to the day he commented there – 10/29 – and he is the only one from there forward. Praying for the He Reads Truth site, men who may be looking as Jimmy was, and men that are not looking but who need the truth and time in God’s word – as we all do.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Amen, agreeing with you in this prayer. Ideally the the men would find in-person communities to wrestle through the Bible and life.

    2. Adrienne says:

      ❤️ When I’ve had to go there to read (and then posted), I was saddened that there weren’t any comments from the guys. However, I think my comment disappeared, so maybe they are posting. (But there is no conversation between believers.)

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        I have been trying to get my husband to read it for years…and I tell him he could get those men going in the T

  22. Grateful Believer says:

    Good morning, I just wanted to post an update about our situation. Our parents and church family have helped us incredibly. We have our expenses for this month covered. We’re still not sure how we’re going to be able to cover the repairs to our cars and roof and the taxes at the end of the year, but we’re taking it one day at a time. We are so thankful for the Lord’s provision! It has been great to be a team with my husband during this crisis. Thank you for your prayers. There is still a small chance that the money could be returned to us.

    1. Searching says:

      Thank you for this praise report!! Praying for continued financial provision and return of your funds.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Agreeing! ❤

      2. Tina says:

        Joining Searching and Cee-Gee in prayer for all to be well for and with you Grateful Believer..
        God be with you and yours..❤️

    2. Adrienne says:


  23. Searching says:

    I’m repeating myself this week – thank you, sisters!! For sharing your hearts and your testimonies – agreeing with those who said this study ranks at or near the top of the ‘best of’ list. I remember several of our sisters said they weren’t doing this study because of their disappointment in the format – wow, they missed a good one IMHO. I feel that SRT stepped up in the leading questions this time – that helped my thought process along and enhanced the study.

    Living by Faith – Hymn: by James Wells 1918, v 4 Robert Winsett 1918
    I care not today what the morrow may bring,
If shadow or sunshine or rain,
The Lord I know ruleth o’er everything,
And all of my worries are vain.
Living by faith in Jesus above,
Trusting, confiding in His great love;
From all harm safe in His sheltering arm,
I’m living by faith and feel no alarm.
    Though tempests may blow and the storm clouds arise,
Obscuring the brightness of life,
I’m never alarmed at the overcast skies—
The Master looks on at the strife.
    I know that He safely will carry me through,
No matter what evils betide;
Why should I then care though the tempest may blow,
If Jesus walks close to my side.
    Our Lord will return for His loved ones someday,
Our troubles will then all be o’er;
The Master so gently will lead us away,
Beyond that blest heavenly shore.
    ADRIENNE – praying with you as your son follows the law enforcement job path, for the Lord’s guidance, wisdom and safety.
    CEE GEE – great comment yesterday! I ain’t going back!! ❤️
    BARB D – praying for you and your daughterS
    ALLISON BENTLEY – praying for your dad as he goes through the treatment
    LANIE H – praying for you baby girl as y’all adjust to each other ❤️

    1. Adrienne says:

      Thank you, sweet sister. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ Beautiful lyrics! I don’t know that hymn so I will be looking it up! Thanks! Love you and all of your great ponders and shares through this study! ❤

    3. Tina says:

      Looking up thst hymn! The words are so lovely..
      Happy weekend dear Searching..❤️

  24. Melissa Richards says:


  25. Tina says:

    Fight the good fight of the faith.

    Fight the good fight of faith!!!
    It is a fight. Faith is a fight.. of conscience, of life struggles, of doing the right thing, trusting God.. even when..
    Reminded me of the long but poignant poem by Rudyard Kipling.. If..
    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too:
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;
    There is more, much more to this poem, but I guess the gist is here in the first few words.. If you can keep your head.
    Your heart. Your soul.. your mind focused on the Lord, on His goodness and grace, His mercy and the Hope we have in Him,
    If we can hold fast to His Word and not cut corners.
    If we can do life, knowing through the trials and tribulations He is near, closer than we can ever imagine.
    If we can trust the promise keeper to be true to His Word in times of strife and stress.
    If we can turn to Him, not away from Him when we are thrown lemons that leave a sour taste in life..
    If we can include Father God in our joys and recognise He is the author of our joys and jubilation..
    Oh, if..
    Then my dear sisters, that fight, is a good fight of faith..leading to eternal life.. Home for real!
    I have absolutely enjoyed this study. I have been immersed in the love and care of God through it. I have been loved, challenged and encouraged by you, dear sisters, I have grown in faith and have been reminded of the grace and hope I had when I first made Jesus my Saviour and Lord of my life..
    I salute you all dear hearts, covered most ardantly in love and hugs and wrapped in prayers that we get to do this again..(excited face)❤️
    THANK YOU, to those that encourage and push us daily, The SRT TEAM, Amanda, Rachel, absolutely all at headquarters,I am not sure where my journey would be today had I not found a home in your group online.. YOU ARE THE BEST…
    THANK YOU.. from the bottom of my heart.. thank you!
    Happy Saturday wrapped in warming love and cuddly hugs and prayers for a faith filled and God blessed weekend.., dear hearts..❤️

    1. Searching says:

      Ditto & Amen, sister! Love you ❤️❤️

    2. Tami says:

      Love how you broke down fighting the good faith. It was really helpful!

    3. Julia C says:

      Amen, dear Tina ♥️

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Agree with you, sister!
      I remember that “If” poem, but I love your version and will be printing it out with your permission! ❤
      Prayers for those near the wildfires! ❤

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Didn’t mean to put that last sentence here! ☺

      2. Tina says:

        Permission granted!❤️

    5. MARTHA HIX says:


    6. Mari V says:

      AGREE!!! LOVE you sweet Tina!! Thank you for encouraging me personally. Can’t wait to get a “real” hug from you someday.

    7. Carol J Mylin says:

      As our old Deacon used to say after each sermon…”I want to give a Hearty Amen to the message of our Brother”…Yes, Tina .and so many others… my “Hearty Amen” joins the rest!! Amen and Amen!’ ♥️

    8. Mercy says:

      And thank YOU Tina for watering our faith everyday, with your wisdom and beautiful heart reflections.

    9. Dee Dee says:

      Amen here too! Loved this study and all of you! Tina, your comments are always spot on!!❤️❤️❤️

  26. Vicki M says:

    ❤️❤️❤️ Praise the Lord.

    1. Vicki M says:

      That was meant in reply to Michelle.

  27. Michelle P says:

    Hi Shes! I’m writing to you and then headed to bed because I have work in the morning and it is past midnight here… but just wanted to say THANK YOU for praying for open mic – it was a huge success! We had over 14 performers sing, play, or read original poetry. The room was filled. People were so thankful because there aren’t any open mics in that particular area. We had people of all ages, races, young and old… it was incredible.
    My bosses (husband and wife) told me there were parts they cried… def the Holy Spirit touching them (they are Muslim, but I am totally believing they will come to know Jesus as God!!!)…

    I was blessed to share two of my original songs and talk about how Jesus is the truest love anyone could ever know… ❤️ I talked about that before I played a love song I wrote for my future husband & Jesus. Lol.. decided to go all in ❤️❤️❤️

    Anyways- there’s a lot more I could say.. but I just wanna say thank you. The night went exactly how I prayed it would… joyful and Jesus was there! Many other Christians were there to speak/share as well… the whole night was so uplifting!!! God is so good. Thank you Jesus and thank you Shes! You are all amazing and I’m so grateful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Julia C says:


    2. Tina says:

      Wonderful, Michelle..!❤️

    3. Searching says:

      Hallelujah! Praising the Lord for such a great response!

    4. Kelly (NEO) says:

      So exciting that many heatd and felt God’s presence

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      Yay, how spectacular!! And to know the owners are Muslim and really enjoyed it, that is huge!I’m truly happy for you for stepping up and out in faith! How wonderful that it could be a repeating event!?

    6. Tami says:

      Can you share a link to the event on our FB page? Congratulations!!!

    7. D W says:

      Praise God!

    8. Danielle B says:

      How wonderful Michelle! Truly a God ordained event. I’m glad you remained faithful even as your worry grew!

    9. Therese says:


    10. Wendy B says:

      That sounds amazing! May the Lord use the seeds planted as a means to see faith grow and flourish ❤️

    11. Adrienne says:

      How absolutely fabulous… God was there, and God is good! ❤️

    12. Cee Gee says:


    13. AZ Walker says:

      Praise God for your incredible event!

    14. MARTHA HIX says:

      I saw you performing on Instagram!!!! ❤️

      1. Carol J Mylin says:


    15. GramsieSue says:

      Praise Jesus!
      Hugs to you sweet Michelle ❤️

    16. Mercy says:

      ❤️ praise God dear Michelle. Hugs and love to you.

    17. Cee Gee says:

      Thrilled for you to have such success- joy in seeing God glorified! Love you! ❤