Grace Day

Open Your Bible

1 Peter 1:15-16

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

But as the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy.
—1 Peter 1:15–16

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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44 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Claire B says:


  2. Dee Dee says:

    I am so thankful for this study, I wasn’t sure how it was going to be at first, but it has been very relatable to me. All the comments from you dear sisters have also helped me see things and know we are each on a journey and He is with us, is faithful and won’t leave us ! This past week has been and is usually just a little harder than most weeks as it is the anniversary of my son’s death. It is hard to believe so much time had passed, ( 34 years). I know he is safe in heaven with Jesus, he isn’t suffering in any way and that we will see him again. My youngest granddaughter is almost the same age now as he would have been and reminds me of him a lot. I feel God has been faithful to me in my grief and I have healed , but this time of year is always a little tricky for me. I think of all of you who have lost children too and keep you in my prayers. I appreciate the stories, songs and prayers shared by so many of you! May God bless and keep each of you!❤️

    1. Martha Ellen Thurman says:

      Dee Dee I will be praying for through this time. The end of October beginning of November is hard for me because that was my dad’s birthday and the anniversary of his death 40+ years ago.

      1. Dee Dee says:

        Thanks, Martha, that means a lot. Praying for you too!❤️

  3. Mari V says:

    Good morning She’s and happy Saturday! thank you all who have been praying for me to look for a summer job. To be honest, I don’t even know where to start and the end of the school year is at the end of this month. Thankfully, I will have a paycheck, June 10 and I will work second week and fourth week in June for summer school. I sent text messages to all my friends to pray. I even thought of applying at Olive Garden or McDonald’s, (I have never been a server ), but you should’ve heard my kids reactions. Plus they want me to rest. I’m not sure if I mentioned this, and I feel this is a safe place to mention because he DID NOT want to make a big deal of it. My son is willing to help me cover half of July. I was so grateful! Please pray that the Lord will double his generosity. I’m going for my run walk now. Could you still continue to pray to guide me what direction to go. And honestly, I’m hoping something comes up at my school even if it means me cleaning bathrooms at our or cleaning classrooms, I’ll do anything!

    1. Martha Ellen Thurman says:

      Mari V God bless your son and will be praying that you find a summer job.

    2. Michelle P says:

      So happy to read this, Mari V- God bless your son ❤️

  4. Arlene says:

    This study in Numbers has really resonated with me as I have been in my own wilderness with my mental well being these past long months. 3 weeks ago the mental health counsellor that I was seeing through my doctors office went on an unexpected leave of absence and I felt like the rug was pulled out from underneath me. He has been such a great support to me. He is a Christian but counsels from mostly from a secular standpoint. The new meds I was put on didn’t seem to be helping yet and I hit a real low point. Through one of my pastors I was referred to a private Christian counseling service where the church would pick up most of the cost and I have been seeing a counsellor from there. We have been focused on the Spiritual mostly. God has shown me 3 things during this time:
    1. He will not share His glory with my medication. He may use it to help me but all the Glory for my healing goes to him alone. I was relying too heavily on it solving everything
    2. Although He will use people to help me, I was leaning too heavily on man, putting them in a place that only belongs to Him
    3. God is not in a hurry, His timing is perfect. When I try to rush Him and run ahead of Him on my own strength I run into trouble. I need to stay in step beside him and He will guide me at His pace. I need to wait for His restoration with Holy expectation.

    Be encouraged this weekend that God is as near as our next breath.

    1. Julia C says:

      Amen and amen, Arlene! Thank you for sharing this. Praying God will lead and heal you ❤️

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen. I love this.❤️

  5. Julia C says:

    CAT-TEE – Praying for good test results

    TAYLOR – Praising God for the good test results of your dad’s biopsy! Praying all is well with you.

    ERB – Praying for your physical health

    FOSTER MAMA – Praying you find grace today in the midst of the business of life.

    MIA FAITH – ❤️

    SARAH D – Praying for clarity, discernment, and patience.

    MICHELLE P – Glad you were able to solve things with your coworker! Praying for you to trust God with your finances and that He provides.

    MARI V – Continued prayers for God to provide you with a summer job.

    Grateful for all of you and your comments ❤️

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you, Julia ❤️

  6. Julia C says:

    After yesterday’s readings all I could think about was: How easy it is to overlook the Grace of God.

    Yes, there are consequences to our disobedience, but God’s grace remains and His redemptive plan will not be stopped. I read this in my SRT Bible, under the heading ‘Give thanks for the book of Numbers’.

    God’s grace remains!

    His redemptive plan will not be stopped!

    This Spurgeon quote says it all: “The feet want constant washing. The daily defilement of our daily walk through an ungodly world brings upon us the daily necessity of being cleansed from fresh sin, and that the master supplies to us.”


    Guess what: He supplies….

    1 Peter 1:3 | “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”

    Dear Father,

    How easy it is to overlook Your grace, Your provision, Your faithfulness.

    How easy it is to forget our sinful nature, hide behind our pride and blame others (including You!) for it.

    May we take the responsibility to wash our feet daily with the fresh, living water that Jesus provided for us.

    May we rest and rejoice in Your grace today.

    In Jesus’ name,


    1. Arlene says:

      Such a good analogy Julia, to daily wash our feet

    2. Dee Dee says:

      Thanks for sharing these comments, verse and prayer, Julia! They really spoke to me . Blessings to you ❤️

    3. Donna Wolcott says:

      Amen and thank you ❤️

  7. Cee Gee says:

    I may have already shared this song recently, but I just love it.

    HOLY FOREVER by Chris Tomlin
    A thousand generations falling down in worship
    To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
    And all who’ve gone before us and all who will believe
    Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb
    Your name is the highest
    Your name is the greatest
    Your name stands above them all
    All thrones and dominions
    All powers and positions
    Your name stands above them all
    And the angels cry holy
    All creation cries holy
    You are lifted high, holy
    Holy forever
    If you’ve been forgiven and if you’ve been redeemed
    Sing the song forever to the Lamb
    If you walk in freedom and if you bear His name
    Sing the song forever to the Lamb
    We’ll sing the song forever and amen

    And the angels cry holy
    All creation cries holy
    You are lifted high, holy
    Holy forever
    Hear your people sing holy
    To the King of kings, holy
    You will always be holy
    Holy forever
    Your name is the highest
    Your name is the greatest
    Your name stands above them all
    All thrones and dominions
    All powers and positions
    Your name stands above them all
    Your name is the highest
    Your name is the greatest
    Your name stands above them all (oh, stands above)
    All thrones and dominions
    All powers and positions
    Your name stands above them all

    And the angels cry holy
    All creation cries holy
    You are lifted high, holy
    Holy forever (we cry holy, holy, holy)
    Hear your people sing (we will sing) holy
    To the King of kings (holy), holy (holy is the Lord)
    You will always be holy
    Holy forever
    You will always be holy
    Holy forever

    Songwriters: Jason David Ingram, Brian Johnson, Chris Tomlin, Phil Wickham, Jenn Johnson.

  8. Cheryl Blow says:

    Wonderful insight today! Praying for all of the requests!

    Here is the verses before our verse today.

  9. Carol M says:

    Good Morning, Dear Sisters… I feel nudged to lift all of our Prodigals to Jesus today… as I was practicing “silently waiting on Jesus” this morning, I “heard Him say“… “Present your loved ones to Me, and allow Me to work in them”… I felt a sense of freedom wash over me… I don’t have to beg, tell Him what they need… what sweet Freedom and peace of mind and ♥️!! Be Blessd Today!

    I want you to that Silence is NOT something that comes easily to me… therefore “practicing” is true in every way! But God! He is calling me to this, so I’m still learning at 77…

    1. Cee Gee says:

      So true, Carol! I did Nicki Koziarz study, Flooded, a few years ago and practicing silence was one of the activities. So hard (and I just turned 70)! Joining you in praying for the prodigals. Thanks for sharing! ❤

    2. Heather O'Malley says:

      I join with you, Carol M, in lifting up our prodigals. Lord, help us to rest in the truth that You love our children even more than we do. Call them by name, Lord.

  10. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning, and Happy Wkd! I had a great yesterday, even though I had tremendous back pain, preparing for our baptism Sunday tomorrow with a couple of other gals from church and then I went to a friends house to give her a little of my testimony of living with chronic pain and how it has shaped me in the last 20 years! She is writing a book on people’s struggles of overcoming and sharing our stories with each other to help others. I have always loved hearing other’s stories. Although I feel like I don’t have much of a “dramatic” story compared to what other people have gone through and have conquered, I still love that I am courageous in her eyes, and more importantly God’s eyes! He care for each of us, and is trying to mold us into his GLORY!! It’s hard to live in a broken world, but knowing Jesus is the game changer. And each of our testimonies can be used to help others through their tough times! Let be Proverb’s women not only building our sisters up but those that don’t know the Lord. Serving serves us and makes us more holy. Thank you Lord for using me for your purposes.

    1. Carol M says:

      Rhonda, your words Bless my ♥️ this morning… What a beautiful picture of how God works through your pain, and brings His Joy into your life, and the Joy spills out and blesses others through your service… and He is glorified in your suffering!! I am humbled… Thanks for sharing… ♥️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Rhonda, your activities seem to be endless! What a blessing you are in service! We don’t all have a ‘dramatic’ testimony, but that’s okay because we all worship the same God who will use our story His way. Love your willingness to share. Praying rest today from the pain.❤

  11. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Michelle – continued prayers for you. I hope your talk with your co-worker went well. May God use this circumstance for His glory! Have a good day at work today.

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you!! I mentioned this morning that the conflict was resolved. I appreciate the prayers ❤️

  12. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Be holy because I am holy.” How can one attain this command? The answer is found in the previous verses – 1 Peter 1:13-14…Peter says, Prepare your mind for action. How? By being self-controlled, by setting our hope fully on the grace of God, and not conforming to evil desires that we had before salvation.

    We all have the ability not to sin. One can go days, weeks, months without sinning. It’s a matter of walking with Jesus everyday. Walking in the Spirit so we don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. It is a moment by moment, step by step walk with Christ.

    Father God, please help each of us to live a life that is pleasing to You. Help us to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Order our steps today and may we walk in the steps that You have laid out for us.

    Have a blessed Saturday my sweet sisters!

    1. Julia C says:


    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Thank you SJG for prompting this scripture…
      “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit”. Galatians 5:25 (CSB)

  13. Michelle P says:

    My prayer request disappeared from yesterday but thank you ladies for bringing it up again and praying for me!! I did resolve the conflict with my coworker yesterday and confronted him. He was receptive and apologized. I appreciate the continuing prayer for my finances as well. I do believe the Lord was speaking to me yesterday about it. I had the song “Wait on You” by Elevation playing and it was really ministering to me. Thank you so much ladies for your prayers. God bless you. ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Praying little sister! ❤

  14. Theresa says:

    Michelle P- praying for you this morning. Asking God to heal the relationship with your friend at work and provide peace in your dealing with your finances. He is our provider, and he is a good father who loves to care dlr his children. I am praying that you feel that today!

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you so much ❤️ I appreciate you!!! God bless you!

  15. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I am HOLEY, and my sinfulness leaks out at the worst times. Thankfully the Holy Spirit wholly fills in where I lack and when I surrender to His leading, I can be HOLY as God desires. :-)

    MICHELLE P – praying for your patience and endurance as you wait on direction from God.

    Continuing to pray for your other requests too and for the SRT tech team

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you, Kelly ❤️❤️ I appreciate you!

    2. Julia C says:

      Holey vs. Holy ❤️ By His grace!

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Beautiful play on words! Love it!
      And Agreed & Amen, abundant prayer & patience for the SRT tech team!

  16. Searching says:

    “you also are to be holy in all your conduct”

    Lord, please help and guide us as we strive toward this.

    LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, LINDA IN NC, GRAMSIESUE and other caregiving sisters – praying for strength, endurance, comfort, patience, compassion and understanding for you and your husbands

    Praying for requests mentioned and unmentioned- MARI V, MICHELLE P, MERCY, SARAH D and others

    Thank you, sisters, for sharing of insight, Scripture and lyrics ❤️ – thank you JULIA C, KELLY (NEO), CEE GEE, KRIS, SHARON JERSEY GIRL, ERB, TINA, RHONDA J and others

    1. Michelle P says:

      Thank you, Searching ❤️ God bless you!

      1. Carol M says:

        Good Morning, Dear Sisters… I feel nudged to lift all of our Prodigals to Jesus today… as I was practicing “silently waiting on Jesus” this morning, I “heard Him say“… “Present your loved ones to Me, and allow Me to work in them”… I felt a sense of freedom wash over me… I don’t have to beg, tell Him what they need… what sweet Freedom and peace of mind and ♥️!! Be Blessed Today!

        I want you to know that Silence is NOT something that comes easily to me… therefore “practicing” is true in every way! But God! He is calling me to this, so I’m still learning at 77…

    2. Donna Wolcott says:

      Most days I can’t see the majority of comments. Thank you for mentioning these sisters and I add an Amen. Prayers for peace and healing comfort.❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Praying with and for you, sister! Love you❤

    4. Julia C says:


    5. MARTHA HIX says:
