Grace Day

Open Your Bible

2 Corinthians 3:17

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
—2 Corinthians 3:17

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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26 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Kris says:

    I really love this verse. I find that when I am in His presence, I am changed. I am made whole. I am healed. He changes me just by being near me. And sometimes He brings up something I need to repent of or be healed of. It can be uncomfortable for a minute, but as I repent and ask for healing and forgiveness, I am changed and the chains that bind me fall off and I am free. Yes, I am free and healed and made whole in His presence.

  2. Foster Mama says:

    @ KELLY (NEO) & @ DONNA WOLCOTT and all who are praying, thank you for your prayers. So far, goddaughter has heard the story of the wind & waves obeying Jesus and overheard a bunch of adults talking about how Fear can be such a challenge in life.

    @ DONNA WOLCOTT, I’ve never heard that song… looking forward to it when baby wakes.

    @ KIM MULLENS – that was beautiful. Praying alongside you.

    POSSIBLY silly prayer request: please pray a WhatsApp message I sent yesterday is understood CORRECTLY!!! Oh, my impulsivity and “caring too much” — I drive myself bananas!! But am trying to focus on more tangible things today.

  3. Julia C says:

    From the YouVersion app today:

    “You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be mine.”
    — Leviticus 20:26

    “God’s call to holiness, to live a life set apart, is not about seclusion or superiority. It’s an invitation to a life connected to God’s character and will. It’s about being marked by God’s purity for the purpose of showing others God’s glory and power.”

    Dear Father,

    Thank You for giving us Your Spirit of freedom.
    May this freedom shape our thoughts, actions, and desires.
    Help us to cultivate a heart posture that reflects Your holiness in our relationships.
    Teach us how to be holy, just as You are holy.


  4. Danielle B says:

    @kelly (neo) thank you for mentioning me and my dad. I know I’ve been more quiet the last couple of weeks. I’ve been thinking about how to share what God has been showing me.

    As you mentioned my dad. He had his MRI on Thursday this past week and is scheduled to see his surgeon on Tuesday. If all goes to plan his surgery will happen on 4/23. Please pray for all of us as there is a lot tension in my family right now mostly between my dad & my sister, whose house are supposed to stay at for a couple days. She is a prodigal and my dad feels responsible for her returning to faith. My grandma is making progress with her physical therapy and she seems more in touch with reality. The way she talks to us at times makes it challenging. God has shown me some blessings in this hard season. One was showing me that when He met me on the beach In February, He knew what was going to happen in the next two months and that He will be with me. I was not only to rest that weekend, but rest in Him being in control. I know this hard season isn’t over yet but I know who to trust in the midst of it.

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Kelly Neo – in case you missed my update, my sister Arian has not yet found a full time job. I have not had any more contact with my cousin Scott. I gave him the gospel & shared my testimony in a message via FB messenger. He read it and answered back but nothing was mentioned about what I shared. Continued prayers for more opportunities and that he will be open to the gospel.

    @Kim Mullens – praying for your foster daughter Destiny.

    @Allison Bentley – praying that God will open the door to share with your cousin, that He will prepare her heart to hear and that she will listen with an open heart and ultimately accept Christ.

  6. Karen Breaux says:

  7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Freedom. Freedom from sin, freedom from darkness, freedom from self, freedom from guilt, freedom from shame. Freedom from everything. All made possible by the precious blood of the Lamb. Thank you Jesus.

    “Freedom, You have given us freedom
    You have given us freedom, hallelujah
    Now I have resurrection power living on the inside
    Now, I’m no longer bound by sin and darkness
    Living in the light of Your goodness
    You have given us freedom!” (Resurrection Power by Chris Tomlin)

    Happy Saturday – Blessings to you all!

  8. Allison Bentley says:

    Good Morning She’s! Asking for prayer requests this morning. The long and short of it all is I have a cousin who has never believed and is very hard towards Christianity in general. I feel Gods presence is pulling me to witness to her and I know an opportunity is coming up soon so please pray her heart is softer so that the seed is at least planted deep within. I also ask that other “seeds” or “gentle rains” come too so that perhaps Gods presence will come onto her! It is just so hard to see someone reject God so completely and frustrating that she won’t give Him a chance!