Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 23:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

The LORD is my shepherd;
I have what I need.
—Psalm 23:1

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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30 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Adrienne says:

    KELLY (NEO)… I have no new info on Fred and Sharon. I often text their daughter/my friend, and she has nothing new to report. (They have been looking to send Sharon to a rehab facility for the last TWO WEEKS… I’m sure they are frustrated about that. I know I am!) Fred meets with the oncologist this week, so I guess that IS new, and we should pray about that. I just pray for their general healing. That’s all we can do at this time, I guess. Thank you for following up on them.

  2. Donna Wolcott says:


  3. Annie says:

    This psalm means so much to me. Thank You Lord!

  4. Cindy Hanna says:

    Praying for MIA FAITH & her family. Doing some Spring cleaning and gardening. Thankful to God for the grace and goodness he supplies that allows me to do these small tasks to his Glory.

  5. Caroline Bridges says:

    When I forget to read a day’s devotion it feels like I’m putting it off and that’s what happened on Thursday which I ended up reading today. I have also accidentally gotten ahead of everyone and then had to force myself to miss a day of scripture just to get caught up.

  6. Mari V says:

    I have what I need! Just last night I was thinking this very same thing!! AND here it is reminding me and assuring me! WOW! I love how God works in that way! Since coming here to live a my mom’s home after leaving an abusive marriage, My God, My Jesus, Jehovah Jireh has provided ALL my needs! Now, do I have wants? Of course I do and sometimes I get them and sometimes I don’t and I’m OK with that, MOST of time. And I’ve always said, I may not have everything, but I have what I need. My daughter and I are on Spring break. We always try to do one over-night trip to the beach. Last night my son offered to pay for our over night stay and I pay for food and best part? He’s driving. So he’ll be joining us this year. I’m so glad because every trip she and I have taken, we both MISS HIM! I’m grateful for the wonderful relationship we have. I’m rambling this morning… so sorry…I woke up with a massive headache… Its so gorgeous outside this morning, but don’t have the strength to go for a run. I need this headache to subside as this morning I will be attending my friend Michelle’s dad’s memorial service. I know its going to be a wonderful Celebration of his Life. Happy Saturday sweet she’s! Love you all!

  7. Karrie says:

    I have all that I need……I have to keep reminding myself this and to trust in the Lord that he will provide. I fell and broke my foot this week. It’s a bad break and I’m a hairstylist who stands all day. I don’t get sick time so without working, I don’t get paid. It’s hard to give up control. Control at home, work and over my clients. I have worked so hard to build up a clientele and it’s scary to hand them over to someone else. What if they don’t come back? This time makes me contemplate life and how much I work. I’m always wanting time off to relax but not in this way. I work too much and maybe this is Gods way of giving me a sign to slow down.

    1. Kim Mullins says:

      Karrie, praying your foot heals quickly but most of all you can find peace with being out of work and a better balance when you return! ❤️ It’s hard to let go of what we think is our control. When really God has had us all along! Praying for you sweet sister!

    2. Nancy Ludrick says:

      Praying that your foot heals quickly and you won’t be out of work too long. Hang in there!

  8. GramsieSue says:

    Good morning!
    Just read thru all the comments and prayed over all my she sisters.
    Thankful for this group of prayer warriors and Jesus seekers.
    Hugs to all ❤️