Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience…
—Colossians 3:12
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click here to listen to this week’s episode.
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29 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Thanks for the help with the Facebook group! I found it and requested to join. Blessings to you all!!
@ Rhonda J
Preach it Sister In Christ !
Strong words that are good to heed.
I feel like I get easily frustrated. It’s something on my heart here lately that I know I need to work on! I pray that I can be better! Lord, please help me to be patient!
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – continued prayers for you and your precious Jack! Like MAR V said, we are here for you! ❤
CANDICE ALONZO – Praying with you!”Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 ❤
TRICIA C – Praying with you and I identify with you on that! ❤
RACHEL – Praises!!! ❤
UPDATE TO MORNING PRAYER REQUEST – Resolution reached! God moved in a MIGHTY way! Thank you to any and all who prayed! ❤
I loved this study and the podcasts were so good. I listen to Susie Larson often and the last two guests were very engaging and thoughtful as well. I’m a podcast junkie too Adrienne although I have my phone on soft Pandora music a lot! Taylor, I hope the Night to Shine was a huge success and a fun night for you. When my daughter was a young teen, we helped at a fashion show event for a children’s hospital for families with children who had downs syndrome as greeters. The children modeled the clothes and my daughter was a buddy to a little 4 year old girl and walked the catwalk with her and held her hand. Such a sweet memory. Cried then and crying now, the kids are so lovable. I’m praying for you Taylor and our singles here. Praying for you Lynne and your dear Jack. Peaceful blessings and prayers to all on this chilly rainy day here.
I am just now finishing up the last two days. A lot to take in.
Pray that the Lord would help me to step out of my comfort zone.
LYNNE from Alabama- praying. Stay strong! God’s got you!❤️
Have a blessed weekend Sisters! 
Good Morning. I am new to this thread. Thank you all for your words of wisdom. Please pray that God continues to guide me and my walk in Him.
Happy Saturday, friends! Spending the weekend in El Paso with my father-in-law, but wanted to pop in to let you know that my friend’s daughter was discharged from rehab yesterday and is HOME!!! Her parents said “God said ‘yes’!” She still has a long way to go, but praising God for His miraculous healing thus far! Praying for your requests!
The theme of this verse goes with my Bible study just really hit me! I don’t always show my frustration with others but it is in my thoughts. God doesn’t treat me that way. He loves me. I need to be better at taking captive thoughts that are not pleasing to God!
@BUTTONBERRY fb page SRT She’s
@Buttonberry I found it my searching SRT private groups. That’s exactly what I put in the search box. It popped right up. If you still can’t find it, let us know.
@Lynne from Alabama I’m sorry for what you are going through. Ya’ll are in my prayers.
I just searched that way and also found it was the first one to come up. Just submitted my request to join!
Good morning, sweet SRT sisters! I’m sorry that I haven’t contributed to this study. I have been here every day, reading the scripture and comments and praying for all your requests. My mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of all that I have to do here at home as I care for Jack and prepare for the end of life (heartbreaking to say). He is very stable now but the oncologist told me that would change suddenly. Please continue to pray for us as I know you have been doing for so long. I need strength physically, mentally, and emotionally to keep on keeping on.
Each of you are being prayed for daily!
Have a blessed weekend! ❤️
Praying for you right now at this mom nt for you sweet Lynne from Alabama. My good friend and former boss, who now lives in Texas, is facing the same thing, but with her daddy. WE your sisters here at SRT are with you. 
Good morning, She’s! I don’t comment often, but I’m here everyday reading and praying for you all and your concerns.
RHONDA, I have tried and tried to find the Facebook group to join, but I just can’t seem to locate it. There are many with the same name, but are older with no recent activity.
Could someone provide details of the title of the group? I have searched in private groups also, but haven’t located a recently created She Reads Truth with Rhonda as the Admin. I know I’m missing something…Lol!
Thanks in advance!! Much love to you all!
Ladies, I have the flu and I really can’t afford to call into work. Can y’all please pray that I’m at least well enough by tomorrow to go into work?
The Biblegateway ‘verse of the day’ – timely, right?!
1 Corinthians 1:1-3-
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” NKJV
MERCY – Love your comment last evening! ❤
CINDY HANNA – From one alto to another thanks so much for sharing the study book prompt! I am printing it out because, like a lot of you, I want to review this material!
TERESA DONLEY – Adding Karen to my prayer list by name, that the doctors caught the cirrhosis in time and that she can draw strength from God to beat these diseases! Praying each of you draws strenghth from the other, but especially from God.
As I popped over to Biblegateway to read Colossians 3, a link for Psalm 91 appeared ABOVE the Biblegateway link (I have never seen a Scripture reference listed above the main page link!) so I feel led to share it with you for Karen. For the sake of space, I am only sharing the last few verses here:
“14 Because he has his heart set on me,
I will deliver him;
I will protect him because he knows my name.
15 When he calls out to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble.
I will rescue him and give him honor.
16 I will satisfy him with a long life
and show him my salvation. CSB ❤
TAYLOR – hope all went well last night! ❤
Have a wonderful rest day, sister SHES, Love y’all, and request prayer for a situation. God knows the need. Thanks in advance! ❤
How do I show the world that I am one of “God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved”?
By exhibiting “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”
Tall order on my owm, BUT GOD doesn’t leave my to do it on my own. Thank You, Holy Spirit for moving in me to show thise around me God’s compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
ADRIENNE- Thanks for the reminder of the song.❤️
MERCY – praying for your parent’s, your friend “D”‘s and your marriage
LINDA KING – praying for quick healing for your eye
TERESA DONLEY – prayers for Karen’s health and addiction recovery journey
KIMBERLY Z – praying that you are having a wonderful weekend
TRACI GENDRON – praying that you and your step-daughter have a great weekend
@Taylor- if you have any pictures of you and last night, we would love for you to share with us on the FB page!
@Victoria E did you see we have a FB page? We would love to see our (godchild!) and you!
Good Morning sweet She’s! Humility, gentleness and patience – those are the three things I most need work on! Praying that the Holy Spirit “sands” me into shape as I daily exercise in the Word and prayer!
It is such a blessing to reads all the words of insight and encouragement in the comments. It really makes me feel like we know each other, even though we have never met! Each of you bless my life every day – thank you for showing up!
Please pray for our service tomorrow – there are 9 people being baptized!! Pray for visitors that are not saved – to be moved by the Word and the testimonies, and for believers who hesitate to be baptized.
@Teresa Donley – prayers for your sister Karen. May she find complete healing and may she find peace in Jesus Christ.
@Cee Gee – so happy to hear that you found someone to do the work- and so quickly!
@Cindy Hanna – thank you for sharing the categories from the study book!
@Tina – missed you yesterday!
Have a blessed and beautiful Saturday!
@Teresa D- praying for your sister. Praying she finds clarity and truth as she continues this new pursuit in regards to dropping alcohol. May she see the difference in her body and may she find healing in the Lord. ❤️
@Sharon, JG- thank you so much for your continued prayers for us ❤️ God bless you!
@Taylor- hope Night to Shine was a success! ❤️
Good Morning Sweet Ladies!
Happy Saturday and wkd!
A life that counts. It’s funny how people strive to rise up, get wealthy, become important, and have the titles, the cars, the big house in the right neighborhood. But I want a life that counts for Jesus! I have learned to live somewhat simply, knowing that stuff isn’t important. Connections are what matters. Lives touched, changed and brought to Jesus, that’s why we are here! Restored and made a new in Christ Jesus, to walk differently. Why have Christians become so normal, worrying and stressing, stiving like everyone else? They are complacent in their Sunday fix, and then look no different during the week! Not us She’s! No way!
We are empowered, women of God, making change in the world around!! I have been on fire for the last 2 years, and I LOVE it!! Praise God, let’s conquer our fears (with Jesus!), make a difference (with Jesus!), have urgency to save others with Jesus!), fight the evil (with Jesus!)!
Mercy and Compassion, but standing in truth firmly and not AFRAID to SPEAK it!! Yes, Lord, give us this power in YOU to make a difference in the here and now for the then!
Love this verse, and several that follow.
The next 2 verses- Col. 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
This has been a great study that calls for me to spend more time on topics covered on many of the days. Thank you, sisters, for sharing your thoughts, comments and challenges these last 6 weeks!❤️
AFUA TOBIGAH – your comment about helping people in need reminded me of what TAYLOR shared “see a need, meet a need.” May we all be guided in this area, as KELLY (NEO) ❤️ highlighted- “Do you see this woman?”
TERESA DONLEY – praying for Karen in her sobriety journey
CINDA HANNA – What you shared was so smart and timely! Love the engage examples ❤️
CEE GEE ❤️ I too love those verses in Acts 10. Verse 36 in NKJV reads: The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all—
Praying the repair work goes smoothly!
LANIE HEFFERLY – Amen, He is always working :)
So, the one advantage of insomnia… I can read SRT in total peace and quiet because I am the only one out of bed. Heeeheehee!
Seriously, though… I am a self-proclaimed podcast junkie. I usually listen to episodes in the car via Bluetooth. But I have been making an effort to listen to Christian music while in the car instead, and, oh, how I have missed it! Even though I am a bit of an optimist anyway, it totally makes a difference in my outlook.
But, again, I digress…
This morning “He Knows My Name” by Francesca Battistelli was the last song I heard before turning off the car to go into preschool. I listened to the end even though I was already parked and had things I needed to do before class because I love. Love. LOVE. that song. (I really like the first verse. It really speaks to me.) But anyhoo…. In one of the end verses she sings. “He calls me chosen.” Just like our verse today from Colossians. I love it!
We are chosen by Him, sweet She’s. Always remember that. Hopefully that song will be on a continuous loop in my head when I go back to bed and that I can rest in that!
Good night!