Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 65:17

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“For I will create new heavens and a new earth;
the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.”
—Isaiah 65:17

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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55 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Jill DeBlasio says:


  2. Isaly Acevedo says:

    Funny how as God, the app knows what we need! Lol

  3. Katherine Herrington says:

    He makes everything new again!

  4. Dori Brown says:


  5. Leslie Killinger says:

    Thank you, Father God. I love you!

  6. Caitlin Freeman says:

    Thank you Jesus. This is such a beautiful thing. To know that that’s all gone. And the Lord holds my future

  7. Kelli Green says:

    Move from the old! Continue to walk forward in the light so that we can be the light.

  8. Laryssa Hiller says:


  9. Amy Ashcraft says:

    I can’t wait for the new Heaven

  10. Kelli Harrell says:

    Thanks to whoever recommended The Well Watered Woman. I am catching up here thanks to Grace day. I’m most grateful for God’s grace!!

  11. Luz Alvarez says:

    God gives us this day, let us be happy and rejoice!

  12. Tina says:

    Aren’t these the most beautiful words!

    “For I will create new heavens and a new earth;
    the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.”

    Dear Lord God, Thank you..

    BUT GOD.


    Blessings dear hearts..❤️

  13. Ana G. says:

    Your love and compassion for us is unfathomable Lord. You may always be enraged at our atrocities but always, in the end, Your compassion and love for us will always rise above Your just anger. Fortunate are we whom you have chosen to recognize your voice so that we may walk along your path of goodness. Kay buti po Ninyo Panginoon

  14. Ally Isaacson says:


  15. Karen Breaux says:

  16. Sophia Ajjarapu says:


  17. HL says:

    What a beautiful reminder on this Epiphany that He has already begun the process of restoration, making all things new. ❤️

  18. Sarah says:

    I commented on yesterday’s reading about the difficulties of caring for a newborn (even amidst the amazing blessing my baby daughter is!). Several girls commented on my post and it was so incredibly encouraging. Today I was further encouraged by this scripture as it reminded me how often people tell you that once you’re through the newborn stage you don’t remember a lot of the hard stuff. True or not, I love that this scripture promises that our future’s so bright, that everything dark behind us will seem so small. Reminds me of that promise that so many seasoned mamas have made me.

    1. Leslie Killinger says:

      Ah yes, it is very tiring caring for a newborn! You are so right.

  19. Terri Baldwin says:

    He takes the pieces of what has been broken or distorted and restores them to what is Good, Beautiful, and True. ~Isaiah 25

  20. Gayle Craik says:

    God makes all thing anew! Amen Driving to Reno for my alternative c treatment using the Greek test, immune therapy, low dose chemo & the Greek c vaccine. May God give me my 2nd miracle. God is always good! Yesterday I slipped on ice & fell down the steps, as I was falling I thought, thank you Jesus that I was closer to the bottom than the top. God has truly changed my ❤️.

  21. Alayna P. says:


  22. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Saturday! Praying for you all day. ❤️

  23. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you for prayers for healing from sickness. I am still sick, which is crazy. I usually am not sick for this long. Havent been able to work since Monday. But I think God wants me to slow down, for some reason. Thank you @Searching for continuing to pray for my family. That means a lot as I was thinking deeply about this last night. ❤️ bless each one of you ladies ❤️ God be near to you all.

  24. Tenyia Hunsaker says:

    Loved this grace!

  25. Maddie Hodgett says:

    This verse really spoke to me today, specifically the part that said “the former things shall not be remembered, nor come to mind.” It got me thinking about eternity. How much time we think and worry and plan for this earthly life we’re living, but once we’re in eternity we won’t even remember or be thinking about the former things. This has convicted me to ask myself, am I living for the present momentary life, or am I using this life to prepare for my eternal home?

  26. Maddie Hodgett says:

    This verse really spoke to me today, specifically “

  27. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    New heavens and a new earth – oh what a day of rejoicing that will be! It’s so very hard to imagine – life without sin, everything made new, all creation restored! But confident that it will happen because God always keeps His promises!

    @Sarah – so glad to hear that you were encouraged by this community. You are seen, you are loved and you are prayed for! I don’t know if you saw my comment from a few days back, but have you considered having a postpartum doula? They can be an amazing help!
    @Tami c – continuing to pray for your daughter and the difficult transition. Did she agree to counseling when she was home for Christmas break?
    @Mari V – prayers for you and your daughter as you both work through recovery.

    Thankful for all of you who regularly contribute comments and prayers, and for those who are here but silent. Love you all my dear sisters – have a blessed Saturday!

  28. Traci Gendron says:

    Our pasts can haunt us if we let it. God will take it all away and make everything new! What a great God we serve. He loves in a way we have a hard time comprehending. We tend to beat ourselves up over our past mistakes, while God forgives as far as the east is to the west. I want to be able to let things go like God does. Otherwise how do we serve Him as we should.

  29. Allison Bentley says:

    Praising God that I am being made new each and every single day- new through the experiences I encounter everyday. Thank you Lord for your mercy!!!

  30. Grace Haynes says:

    Beautiful! I can’t wait for that day!

  31. Mari V says:

    MY favorite part (the NIV version) …nor will they come to mind.” “Sigh” I love that not only we will not remember but also that the things of this earth will not even come to mind. Don’t we all wish that would happen now? I mentioned yesterday of the conversation my kids and I were having in the car about their dad. Its taken a lot for me to get to this point. Prayer, lots of prayer (mainly from others), lots of counseling, celebrate recovery, SUPPORT, love (lots of love) patience and my part to want to get healed to get to where I am today! And its ALL Jesus! I could not do or be where I am today without my Jesus! I can’t wait to get to that place where it won’t even come to mind. Though I may not be completely healed from those memories, I hold onto the hope that “someday” I won’t even remember them or come to mind. Please pray for my daughter as she’s still working through this. She may not have been directly abused but her experiencing that in what once was our home, effected her greatly. Its been over 6 years. AND I’m being transparent here when I say that I’m still working through this, but I’m not where I was 6 (almost 7) years ago. THANK YOU JESUS!

  32. Cheryl Blow says:

    This is just a great reminder that God makes all things new. Don’t keep looking back at the old things but look at what God is doing now!

  33. Donna Wolcott says:

    ❤️ Prayers please for my daughter-in-law’s father as he transitions home to be with the Lord. Thank you and God bless each of you.

  34. Donna Wolcott says:

    ❤️ Prayers please for my daughter-in-law’s father as he transitions home to be with the Lord. Thank you and God bless each of you ❣️.

  35. Cee Gee says:

    SHES, so many of you have mentioned having difficulty with leaving the past behind. I just read a book, Memories of the Heart by Valerie M. Bodden, that addresses this issue so beautifully. It is the 3rd novel in a series, but the message stands alone. A great example of how God makes things new. He will walk us through the restoration.


    RHONDA J – Love your comparison today! So true! ❤

    1. Teresa Serna says:

      Will check this out!

  36. Adrienne says:

    And, “Happy Epiphany”, by the way.

  37. Kristi M says:

    CAROLINE, although we will not have all the answers until we are with Jesus, I found a John Piper article about this verse that explained it quite well. Here is the concluding paragraph:

    “So I take Isaiah 65:17, “The former things shall not be remembered or come into mind,” to mean this: in the new heavens and the new earth, whatever God grants us to remember of this world will only serve to deepen our joy, the joy of worshiping Christ.
    Everything will be forgotten in the sense that everything that would hinder that worship will be excluded or transformed.”

    Hope that helps to bring some clarity. :)

    1. Donnica Bell says:

      Wow! I love this

  38. Adrienne says:

    My sweet She’s… All. Things. New.


    A wondering… There is snow out my window this morning, and it looks lovely. But, blek… I don’t like to drive in it or to be cold. Snow will be no more, right?!?!?! Heeheehee! (Oh what a small concern!)

  39. Humaira Dale says:

    January 6
    Isaiah 65:17

    17 “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

    You forgive
    You forget
    You make all things new

  40. Jackie Carroll says:

    Thank you lord for making all things new and letting go of the past:)

  41. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning!

    I love the word restoration! When I was in fitness my title was “Restorative Exercise Coach” because it was my job to restore people back to feeling well, moving and functioning properly! Especially when you have something broken, sprain, or out of alignment it can bring so many other symptoms and problems. Same as sin, unforgiveness, fear, they can cause destruction throughout and in different facets. THANK GOD, He can make beauty from ashes, take our messes and turn them into powerful messages and testimony, making all things new! Wherever you are in your life, you can start a new journey and follow the path God has for you! He puts a lamp at our feet, meaning just take the next step forward, you don’t have to figure it all out, and that is a great relief!

    I am reading a devotional book right now that my friend wrote called “Unstuck-Step into the New,” actually we are meeting this morning to discuss together in my small group, but it is about, obviously, getting unstuck and moving forward. Highly recommend it! (Author is Amy Joob) I am so grateful we have an Almighty Father that loves us enough to not only restore us once we are with Him, but working in us and through us in the here and now to make us more Christ-like!!

    Have a good wkd!!

  42. Tara B says:

    He makes all things new! Grateful. Amen!

  43. Hannah Brown says:

    Such a great truth to remember. He will make all things new. We won’t even remember the pain and suffering

  44. Ada McCloud says:


  45. Jolene Graper says:

    Thankful for all things new!

  46. Aimee D-R says:


  47. Searching says:

    What a day in the comments yesterday! It really hit home that we are all in need of restoration in some way. The verses of the day on Bible Gateway yesterday were Isaiah 1:16-17 which seem to fit as we seek to align our hearts with God’s and with His plan for our lives.
    16 “Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
    Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
    Cease to do evil,
    17 Learn to do good;
    Seek justice,
    Rebuke the oppressor;
    Defend the fatherless,
    Plead for the widow. NKJV

    Life here on this earth can be hard, painful, difficult and confusing, But our God (TINA ❤️) is the God of more than the restoration, transformation, rejuvenation and healing we are looking for. The online dictionary definition I found for restoration says “the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.” Sounds good, right? The Lord God Almighty can and will do even more in our lives – rather than just return us to where we were, He will do a new thing as CEE GEE ❤️ reminds us with Isaiah 43:19.

    Praying through requests:
    SARAH D – God is working as you serve Him and wait for His plan to unfold. I remember being in a similar situation and mindset, as relationships fizzled out or never started. In hindsight, I never could have thought up a plan like the one God had.
    TIFFANY – energy, enthusiasm, motivation to move through and past the lethargy you’re feeling
    DEIRDRE TWYMAN – the Perry Iowa community as they grieve, marriage and family relationships
    SONJAB – welcome! praying for understanding and clarity as we study together
    KENDRA NEELY – wisdom in business decisions, restoration in marriage and family relationships
    AIMEE D-R – job and marriage
    TRUTH SEEKER – may God bless you sister. Praying for a transformation in your marriage.
    MONICA SHEPPARD – physical and mental restoration
    EILEEN DOWD – praying for reconciliation between your brothers. I’ve seen the Lord restore family relationships that I prayed for, but didn’t hold out much hope due to the bitterness I saw. I’m still amazed when I remember what He has done.
    LYNNE FROM AL, LINDA IN NC, NANCY S, GRAMSIESUE and other caregivers ❤️
    MICHELLE PATIRE – healing, finances, family dynamics ❤️
    MERCY ❤️

    ERIN K – thank you for the reminder, that restoration starts in our own relationship with God

    SARAH – I am SO glad you saw the love and prayers for you! Lots of prayer and suggestions from those who have been where you are, exhausted and in desperate need of rest – may the Lord strengthen you and provide the endurance you need to care for your precious baby.

    KELLY (NEO) your comment about hope when weary, thank you. ❤️

  48. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Grateful that the things that plague my mind and memories now will not be with me in Eternity. Praise be to God.

    EILEEN DOWD – prayers for your meeting. May you be an instrument of reconciliation.

    MARYA – sorry for the passing of your daughter. Praying the Lord’s comfort is tangible

    MEAGAN WARLICK – how is your friend’s baby? Praying he is get stronger and is out of NICU.

    CHERRIE BREWER – are you with us in this study? ❤️

  49. Theresa says:

    As frightening as it can be to think of the final judgement for sin, and the destruction of the “old”, I find so much hope in the promise that God is making everything new. And not that He will be making things new someday in the future, but that the work is already started. When all I can see are my own shortcomings and the ways that I am lacking, I want to cling to this promise, because if God is making ALL things new, that means he’s making me new too. And not just someday in the future, but right now. He has started the transformation in me already and he promises to be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6)

  50. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Praise the Lord!