Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 1:1-2

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

 Long ago God spoke to our ancestors by the prophets at different times and in different ways. In these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all things and made the universe through him.
—Hebrews 1:1–2

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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34 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you, @Mercy for your encouragement. You are right. It is truly what I am learning in this season… and always… the learning to die to self, over and over again…

    I pray for all you have sacrificed unto God, there is the Kingdom advancing for His namesake in your honor, for His glory. ❤️✝️

  2. Mercy says:

    @MICHELLE PATIRE: prayers for strength and resilience, and also relief for you by God’s grace. I went through that stage with my mom, for 7 years, neck to neck, and it felt exhausting. She was out to get me at every word, every turn, and the grandma in law too, to fault me and trap me. Then I grew some thick skin, but I was very defensive. To realize that the Lord wanted me to die to those things, and lay myself down for Him to defend. To simply not care, and just still go out there, passionately worship Him, hug and bless my enemies with true joy and innocence of heart (and not bitterness and the defeat look). And then.. He brought me to another level… to experience the same reactions in Pharisee Pastors, who went after me to fault and trap me. Same as what my families did. I was like, wait a minute, the same mountain again? Why…? The Lord wanted me to see something else. Die to self, defend not myself. And God took care of the rest (as I died of course lol…and then there was the RESURRECTION, the quiet one). God is not simple in His ways. I begged for relief and peace, but it was not granted to me at that time. Truly seasoned sailors are built in storms, resurrected out of fire and ashes. You are the diamond God is after. Make no mistake. The dying process has not ended to be honest (living sacrifice He has called us to be), but by His grace, it is possible. Again and again I needed to adopt the mindset of being merely a pilgrim on earth, that what I think is mine is not, just an illusion, even my mother, another soul that was wrestled fiercely against, between the jaws of satan, and God used me then because of my proximity, it’s God’s, she is God’s, everything on earth is God and its fullness thereof. I was like a stench to her as the Word says. BUT GOD, with Him, there is no limits to what supernatural outcomes can be, through our obedience, even as we wrestle to obey. Love you sis. You got this!

  3. Alayna P. says:


  4. Teresa Donley says:

    I have a question about replies — if I’m reading on yesterday’s or another days posting, and reply directly to someone who has commented, is there a way for them to know they’ve had a response? Or should I just always put my replies on the current day and capitalize their name?

  5. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you ladies for continued prayers, in response to posts past two days. It’s been a whirlwind.

    Please continue praying for my family and honestly, mostly my ability to stand firm. Every single day I see the enemy targeting me with a family member. Every. Single. Day. It’s really weighing on my spirit. I truly do need every prayer to get through this emotionally difficult season. I know this is the Lord’s place for me but I am asking for some reinforcement to help me fight the war He is going to win.

    Thank you ❤️

  6. Chelsea Wolven says:

    Taking this day to be ready for the new year and follow in Gods path for me. ❤️

  7. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Kelly and all for the prayers. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use me in the coming year. As I age (76), I realize all the ways I have been blessed to serve will look different and I need to accept that. Lord, please be with each sister today commenting or just reading. Please hear their prayers and their thanks. Blessed day to each.

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    I find it hard to believe another year has gone by. I’m getting closer to having done about 35 of SRT studies. They and all you women are a blessing to me. I can’t express how thankful I am for all of you. For all of your prayers of pulling me through the hardest time of my life. I am forever grateful. Love to you all in the new year.